To my fellow Trump voters...

Well, the fact that the question is being asked gives oxygen to the fact that Trump has let a lot of his supporters down. Whether those here on the board are too dense to know it, too proud to admit it, or too ashamed to say it means little.
Let's see if the executive power over immigration is restored by SCOTUS and if we wind up getting reciprocity on conceal/carry

With Gorbachev seated, I now have everything I wanted out if this election

Everything else is just gravy

And y'all can keep saying whatever you want, the fact is that we have never seen a president work so hard to keep campaign promises, never

If he can't get it all done, my ire will lay with Congress
And y'all can keep saying whatever you want, the fact is that we have never seen a president work so hard to keep campaign promises, never

Really? Trump works hard every weekend. And the part you left out is even if Trump is the hardest working president ever, which he is far from, he's also the least successful in carrying out his campaign promises.

Trump promised to 'unsign' Obamacare
Trump promised a 90 day complete muslim ban
Build a wall and make mexico pay for it
Impose tariffs on goods made abroad
Have China declared a currency manipulator
Cancel payments to the united nations
Eliminate gun free zones
And dozens more.
If he can't get it all done, my ire will lay with Congress

That's just an excuse. Trump the 'deal maker' said he could work with the republican congress. And if he can't,it's not the fault of congress. Akin to the cowboy who says he can ride the bucking bronco, and when he gets thrown, blames the horse.
And y'all can keep saying whatever you want, the fact is that we have never seen a president work so hard to keep campaign promises, never

Really? Trump works hard every weekend. And the part you left out is even if Trump is the hardest working president ever, which he is far from, he's also the least successful in carrying out his campaign promises.

Trump promised to 'unsign' Obamacare
Trump promised a 90 day complete muslim ban
Build a wall and make mexico pay for it
Impose tariffs on goods made abroad
Have China declared a currency manipulator
Cancel payments to the united nations
Eliminate gun free zones
And dozens more.
Why do you feel compelled to lie?

Trump never promised a Muslim ban

He promised to restrict travel from certain countries, that promise was kept baw

And when did he promise to eliminate gun free zones?

He promised to allow members of the public to bring guns into courtrooms, schools and other government buildings?


Making Mexico pay for the wall, was always a reference to tightening the trade gap, he said as much

The tariff comments were a negotiating point

He needs help from Congress on ACA

We aren't even 4 months in

I am super pleased with him at this point
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If he can't get it all done, my ire will lay with Congress

That's just an excuse. Trump the 'deal maker' said he could work with the republican congress. And if he can't,it's not the fault of congress. Akin to the cowboy who says he can ride the bucking bronco, and when he gets thrown, blames the horse.
You're not very good at this baw

Time for a new hobby?
Why do you feel compelled to lie?

Trump never promised a Muslim ban

He promised to restrict travel from certain countries, that promise was kept baw

And when did he promise to eliminate gun free zones?

He promised to allow members of the public to bring guns into courtrooms, schools and other government buildings?


Making Mexico pay for the wall, was always a reference to tightening the trade gap, he said as much

The tariff comments were a negotiating point

He needs help from Congress on ACA

We aren't even 4 months in

I am super pleased with him at this point

Do you want the Trump campaign quotes posted one by one, or all at once? Each promise you claim Trump didn't make, are from direct quotes Trump made throughout the campaign.

If you weren't paying attention, it's only your own fault you supported a carnival barker who promised everything to everybody.

Want to start going through the list of things you claim Trump didn't say? It won't end well for you, and for each one I expect a formal apology for calling me a liar. O.K.?
I'm pretty upset with this Syria bombing thing. Other than that, as long as ww3 doesn't kick off, I'm good.

Are you good with North Korean thing? That would be the WW3 thing. Glad to see Trump is sending Pence to Seoul. Seoul will be wiped off the map with him in it if the kid with the funny haircut in Pyongyang pushes a button. Not that I would miss the pious, phony POS.
Why do you feel compelled to lie?

Trump never promised a Muslim ban

He promised to restrict travel from certain countries, that promise was kept baw

And when did he promise to eliminate gun free zones?

He promised to allow members of the public to bring guns into courtrooms, schools and other government buildings?


Making Mexico pay for the wall, was always a reference to tightening the trade gap, he said as much

The tariff comments were a negotiating point

He needs help from Congress on ACA

We aren't even 4 months in

I am super pleased with him at this point

Do you want the Trump campaign quotes posted one by one, or all at once? Each promise you claim Trump didn't make, are from direct quotes Trump made throughout the campaign.

If you weren't paying attention, it's only your own fault you supported a carnival barker to promised everything to everybody.

Want to start going through the list of things you claim Trump didn't say? It won't end well for you, and for each one I expect a formal apology for calling me a liar. O.K.?
You do what you want, Trump never claimed to ban all Muslims

It was also always clear that "Mexico paying for the wall" had to do with narrowing the trade gap

And he never promised to allow guns in courtrooms

I understand that many people lack common sense and perspective, congrats on being part of that group I guess...
You do what you want, Trump never claimed to ban all Muslims

It was also always clear that "Mexico paying for the wall" had to do with narrowing the trade gap

And he never promised to allow guns in courtrooms

I understand that many people lack common sense and perspective, congrats on being part of that group I guess...

You're already walking back on your claims, You went from gun free zones, to courtrooms. From mexico paying for the wall, to narrowing the trade gap.

Why don't you just stick to your original claim, that you called me a liar over. Because you know you already lost?
Trump was mistaken about Obama needing approval

Not sure how I feel about his actions there, first reaction is not pleased

But we have Gorsuch & common sense has returned to government

I never expected to be happy about everything he did
We can all agree that Trump will always act with Americas best interest at the forefront. We could never say that about Barry. The Syrian bombing was exactly what the world needed to witness and MOAB drop was also. Obama placed big cushion boxing gloves on America and the world were using bare knuckles. All Trump did was to take the gloves off and slip on a pair of brass knuckles. The world was left in a mess by Obama and it will take Trump doing things he would rather not do to correct the Obama mistakes.

That reminds me of the Number one and Number two reasons I did vote for him:

#1. The SCOTUS pick
#2. He loves this country.

I understand that his decisions are based in that affection for the USA and all it stands for. That's an epic Improvement over the last 8 years of that America-hating asshole we had to put up with.

Get out your wallet, the welfare rolls will be bulging with unwanted children to care for once Gorsuch seals the deal to reverse Roe v. Wade. I don't know why right wingers always vote against their own interests.
My memory may not be that great, but it seems to me he ran on repealing Obamacare, building the wall, $1T in infrastructure spending, putting China in its place, tax reform.

Was that someone else?

Gorsuch is a clear win for him. Other than that....

A "win", maybe. There's always going to be an asterisk by Gorsuch* in the history books.

*Merrick Garland's seat stolen from the first black president because black Presidents only get 3/5ths of a Presidency.

Limbaugh said that is exactly what snowflakes like you were thinking. You're all a bunch of brainwashed drones. You're so easy to figure out.
But we have Gorsuch & common sense has returned to government
Gorsuch was the Judge that wanted the Truck driver to die because of the stupidity of his company...perfect common sense...
Donald Trump has been so very moved by the footage of children in Syria. Not enough to grant them refuge but you know... enough to want to blow stuff up.
I'm pretty upset with this Syria bombing thing. Other than that, as long as ww3 doesn't kick off, I'm good.

Are you good with North Korean thing? That would be the WW3 thing. Glad to see Trump is sending Pence to Seoul. Seoul will be wiped off the map with him in it if the kid with the funny haircut in Pyongyang pushes a button. Not that I would miss the pious, phony POS.

Well aren't you just ever so patriotic.
Trump was mistaken about Obama needing approval

As you were mistaken about Trump promising to repeal gun-free zones.

"I will get rid of gun-free zones in schools and you have to, and on military bases. My first day it gets signed. My first day it gets signed. My first day. There’s no more gun-free zones. Think of it." [Burlington, VT, 1/7/16]
You do what you want, Trump never claimed to ban all Muslims

It was also always clear that "Mexico paying for the wall" had to do with narrowing the trade gap

And he never promised to allow guns in courtrooms

I understand that many people lack common sense and perspective, congrats on being part of that group I guess...

You're already walking back on your claims, You went from gun free zones, to courtrooms. From mexico paying for the wall, to narrowing the trade gap.

Why don't you just stick to your original claim, that you called me a liar over. Because you know you already lost?
No, you lied

You said that he promised a Muslim ban - did not happen

And perhaps you want to reread my 1st response to you

I mentioned courtrooms, because they are a gun free zone, along with schools and other government buildings, when did Trump promise to allow guns everywhere?

I also asked for a link on this site, which you have failed to provide

Less than 4 months in & Trump has worked to fulfill more campaign promises than any president in my lifetime

His EO's have been fantastic, the requirement to buy insurance or face a penalty is gone, he has done as much as he can do on ACA without Congress

And this rodeo ain't over yet baw

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