To my fellow Trump voters...

My memory may not be that great, but it seems to me he ran on repealing Obamacare, building the wall, $1T in infrastructure spending, putting China in its place, tax reform.

Was that someone else?

Gorsuch is a clear win for him. Other than that....

A "win", maybe. There's always going to be an asterisk by Gorsuch* in the history books.

*Merrick Garland's seat stolen from the first black president because black Presidents only get 3/5ths of a Presidency.
It is too early for conclusions , but as of right now things look rather grim.

What looks grim? We have had an excellent SCOTUS appointment, we got out of bad trade deals, we got some excellent cabinet selections....yeah, we didn't get Obamacare repealed and that sucks, we didn't get the ban on immigrants and we will pay an awful price for that later but for the most part, he's done a lot of good.

What specifically are you upset with?

Then you have to consider all the bad shit we didn't get if Hillary had won. Just avoiding that makes Trump a huge win.

uh-huh -something tells me that russian collusion in our election, nor an assad/putin & north korean piglet face off... with nukes being involved.... would be a scenario having to be dealt with rght now, little dude.

There was no "Russian collusion," moron. What makes you think HIllary wouldn't have had to deal with "assad/putin" of the "north Korean piglet?" We all know how she would deal with these situations, by appeasement and running away. Hillary made a mess of the Middle East.

Please don't reply to the lefties in this thread. I'm trying to discuss with Trump supporters and they are polluting it with their stupid nonsense.

What a fucking snowflake you are.

"Waaaahhhhhhhhhh the mean libruls keep replying in this thread!!! This thread isn't for the big mean librul poopie heads!!!! Stop replying to them!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!"
My memory may not be that great, but it seems to me he ran on repealing Obamacare, building the wall, $1T in infrastructure spending, putting China in its place, tax reform.

Was that someone else?

Gorsuch is a clear win for him. Other than that....

So you think it's over? You think he is never going to build the wall and never going to repeal/replace Obamacare? You should try thinking.

You still think Mexico is paying for York wall don't you? You think he's going to drain the swamp stI'll don't you? What a gullible fool.
It is too early for conclusions , but as of right now things look rather grim.

What looks grim? We have had an excellent SCOTUS appointment, we got out of bad trade deals, we got some excellent cabinet selections....yeah, we didn't get Obamacare repealed and that sucks, we didn't get the ban on immigrants and we will pay an awful price for that later but for the most part, he's done a lot of good.

What specifically are you upset with?

Then you have to consider all the bad shit we didn't get if Hillary had won. Just avoiding that makes Trump a huge win.

uh-huh -something tells me that russian collusion in our election, nor an assad/putin & north korean piglet face off... with nukes being involved.... would be a scenario having to be dealt with rght now, little dude.

There was no "Russian collusion," moron. What makes you think HIllary wouldn't have had to deal with "assad/putin" of the "north Korean piglet?" We all know how she would deal with these situations, by appeasement and running away. Hillary made a mess of the Middle East.

Please don't reply to the lefties in this thread. I'm trying to discuss with Trump supporters and they are polluting it with their stupid nonsense.

Go find the keys to your panic room.
....why are some of you upset?

Did you really think that YOU would get everything you wanted and nothing you didn't want?

Do you really think that the POTUS can just do whatever he wants to?

Do you understand that negotiations ALWAYS have to be made?

I am a Trump supporter, just to clarify.

Screen Shot 2017-04-14 at 10.46.34 AM.png

Just out of curiosity…did you expect the total capitulation to China to be so quick and so vivid?
One of his campaign promises was that he was going to get us out of NATO because they were an "obsolete" organization.

Now? He says that we need NATO.

Interesting that you Trump supporters cheered when he said he would get out of NATO, but haven't said a thing since he's said that we need NATO.

Another was to treat China (our largest trading superior) as a currency manipulator….Now he says they are not a currency manipulator.
My memory may not be that great, but it seems to me he ran on repealing Obamacare, building the wall, $1T in infrastructure spending, putting China in its place, tax reform.

Was that someone else?

Gorsuch is a clear win for him. Other than that....

Reagan appointed Kennedy
Bush appointed Roberts

Do you think they conservatives still call both of those “clear wins”? The Roberts court ratified gay marriage and Obamacare…. He was in the majority on both decisions as I recall.
One of his campaign promises was that he was going to get us out of NATO because they were an "obsolete" organization.

Now? He says that we need NATO.

Interesting that you Trump supporters cheered when he said he would get out of NATO, but haven't said a thing since he's said that we need NATO.

Another was to treat China (our largest trading superior) as a currency manipulator….Now he says they are not a currency manipulator.

It's easy really. What ever direction the Trump wins blow they say it's smart and good. It's how they treat their god. When someone dies unexpectedly they say god works in mysterious ways...when good happens they praise god. Trump, to them is always a deity.
Trump is looking just like Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and Paul Ryan. Conservatives thought they were getting one thing and instead all these derps turned out to be Washington insiders that betrayed all the people that voted for them.

Conservatives you really need to face reality, the Republican party uses you for votes and then ignores you. Welcome to conservative reality.
....why are some of you upset?

Did you really think that YOU would get everything you wanted and nothing you didn't want?

Do you really think that the POTUS can just do whatever he wants to?

Do you understand that negotiations ALWAYS have to be made?

I am a Trump supporter, just to clarify.

I didn't even vote for him and I am more than satisfied. Growing tired of the idealist absolutist people who think they are going to have a cake and get to eat it too.
Ok well, it appears at least here, that only one Trump supporter is upset and even he admits it's way too early to be too critical. I would bet that this forum is a microcosm for the country and that a whole hell of a lot less Trump voters are upset with him than the left wing liars club is trying to make us believe.
....why are some of you upset?

Did you really think that YOU would get everything you wanted and nothing you didn't want?

Do you really think that the POTUS can just do whatever he wants to?

Do you understand that negotiations ALWAYS have to be made?

I am a Trump supporter, just to clarify.

I didn't even vote for him and I am more than satisfied. Growing tired of the idealist absolutist people who think they are going to have a cake and get to eat it too.

I think that there aren't as many of those as the media would have us believe. I personally know a lot of Trump voters and none that aren't happy.
One of his campaign promises was that he was going to get us out of NATO because they were an "obsolete" organization.

Now? He says that we need NATO.

Interesting that you Trump supporters cheered when he said he would get out of NATO, but haven't said a thing since he's said that we need NATO.

Another was to treat China (our largest trading superior) as a currency manipulator….Now he says they are not a currency manipulator.

It's easy really. What ever direction the Trump wins blow they say it's smart and good. It's how they treat their god. When someone dies unexpectedly they say god works in mysterious ways...when good happens they praise god. Trump, to them is always a deity.

That the typical response to any criticism always involves “Obama or Clinton” and no defense of Trump sums up the “happiness”.
One of his campaign promises was that he was going to get us out of NATO because they were an "obsolete" organization.

Now? He says that we need NATO.

Interesting that you Trump supporters cheered when he said he would get out of NATO, but haven't said a thing since he's said that we need NATO.

Another was to treat China (our largest trading superior) as a currency manipulator….Now he says they are not a currency manipulator.

It's easy really. What ever direction the Trump wins blow they say it's smart and good. It's how they treat their god. When someone dies unexpectedly they say god works in mysterious ways...when good happens they praise god. Trump, to them is always a deity.

That the typical response to any criticism always involves “Obama or Clinton” and no defense of Trump sums up the “happiness”.
Repubs are very happy Happy that he's had russian agents working on his campaign ,,happy he's under investigation for russian connections ,happy that the thief is afraid to show his taxes Republicans don't give a damn for country It's all party for them
That the typical response to any criticism always involves “Obama or Clinton” and no defense of Trump sums up the “happiness”.
Are you still crying?
That the typical response to any criticism always involves “Obama or Clinton” and no defense of Trump sums up the “happiness”.
Are you still crying?
Yes I weep for my country The lowest of the low the scum of the earth have taken over Will there be wars recessions that republicans are famous for??
Well, the fact that the question is being asked gives oxygen to the fact that Trump has let a lot of his supporters down. Whether those here on the board are too dense to know it, too proud to admit it, or too ashamed to say it means little.
Yes I weep for my country The lowest of the low the scum of the earth have taken over Will there be wars recessions that republicans are famous for??
You do know that the Clintons and the Dems lost, right?

So quit crying, or weeping if you prefer.
I stopped Now just cashing in on all the trump BS that' he's going to do to make america great again Notice how we now have the greatest military in the world when a few short months ago it was horrible Remember the election is fixed?? That was until he won I could go on forever but refuse to bang my head against thick repub cement
Well, the fact that the question is being asked gives oxygen to the fact that Trump has let a lot of his supporters down. Whether those here on the board are too dense to know it, too proud to admit it, or too ashamed to say it means little.
Trump has a majority of all parts of Gov't and can't do sheet except some reconciliation bs
no wall no HC no tax reform no infrastructure Lets hope he doesn't last 4 years

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