To my fellow Trump voters...

I didn't vote for Trump, I still can't believe he is president when I see him on television (I always feel like I woke up in a alternative reality)

But Trump is a man of his word and is delivering for the little working men and women in this country as much as possible and as much as he can

Sure he is doing not exactly what he said but it was all campaign rhetoric.

He is making mistakes but it's a learning curve with him never being a politician it will be a long challenge for him

He has accomplished in just a few short months everything I expected he would do..

Barry S. pioneered OJT for POTUS, don't forget that.
repeal and replace healthcare
deport 15 million illegal mexicans
dump nato
defeat isis

bla bla bla

He isnt 6 months into his term and you think he wont keep any of those promises?

I am impressed he has kept any, which is 100% better than the political pros who are basically all lying whores.
It is too early for conclusions , but as of right now things look rather grim.

why? how?

we have saved SCOTUS - this was priority 1

we do not have a POTUS that is pushing a SJW agenda

we have federal agency heads that are working to diminish the power and influence of said agencies - BIG WIN

we have a POTUS that is hostile towards new prohibitive regulations AND that is working to slash existing regs

illegal immigration is DOWN and jobs are coming back U{

the business community is more optimistic

the failure to repeal and replace ACA is ALL on the republicans in congress - they should have had a plan ready, they have been promising to fix this for the better part of 7 years. YES - the bill that died in the House was bad (Trump's plan to get it passed and fix it in the Senate was a bad one - granted)

BUT - we are in a position to improve healthcare - would not have been an option with Hillary

and excited as I am about SCOTUS (and for me, getting Trump in was all about the courts); the bigger impact is lower court appointments - we have stopped the bleeding on pernicious court appointments across the board

we are not even half a year into Trump's 1st term (and it is very likely he will win a 2nd term)

I am super pleased - have not been this happy about a president since Reagan

Saved SCOTUS? Just like putting in Justice Roberts who protected Obamacare? Yea, conservative judges stab conservatives in the back while the monolithic Dims don't. But we shall see.

Right now, I don't see any progress on the wall, no health care reform and wars brewing around the world.

Not good.
yaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... ' he's a man of his word'.......

The failure on the immigration ban had more to do with activist judges in my opinion

Maybe you should have read the judges opinion. It was based on believing what Trump said as he ran for president.
Judges are supposed to base their rulings on if what is put before them is constitutional and legal not what Trump said as a candidate.

What Trump said, was put before them. It was part of the plaintiffs arguments to prove the intent of the Executive Order.
Saved SCOTUS? Just like putting in Justice Roberts who protected Obamacare? Yea, conservative judges stab conservatives in the back while the monolithic Dims don't. But we shall see.

we got someone in that we have a chance with, you are obviously correct that we have seen our fair share of disappointments insofar as rulings made by conservative appointees

it's kind of the same argument I made for supporting Trump (call it the "Rummy argument" - known knowns, known unknowns)

we KNEW that Hillary would be a bad deal

we really did not know what to expect with Trump - so voting for a "known unknown" gave us a chance; whereas voting for Hillary was a guaranteed disaster

Right now, I don't see any progress on the wall, no health care reform and wars brewing around the world.

3 months baw, it's been 3 months

I said it before, the failure on ACA is not on Trump - blame the spineless republicans in Congress (yeah, those same tools that were content to let Hillary slide in and further wreck us)

Immigration is down & enforcement is a top priority of this administration. We are not done with healthcare; nor are we done with the wall

And Trump HAS been pushing to honor those promises. He still needs help from Congress - let's put the blame where it belongs - can't fault Trump on those issues, not at this time anyway...

Not good.

Again we are not through 4 full full months yet
I said it before, the failure on ACA is not on Trump - blame the spineless republicans in Congress (yeah, those same tools that were content to let Hillary slide in and further wreck us)

Trump promised to 'unsign' Obamacare. He said his first acts would be to repeal obamacare. So Trump flip-flopped on healthcare, switching to repeal and replace, and then he failed to even bring the measure up for a vote.
It is too early for conclusions , but as of right now things look rather grim.

What looks grim? We have had an excellent SCOTUS appointment, we got out of bad trade deals, we got some excellent cabinet selections....yeah, we didn't get Obamacare repealed and that sucks, we didn't get the ban on immigrants and we will pay an awful price for that later but for the most part, he's done a lot of good.

What specifically are you upset with?

Then you have to consider all the bad shit we didn't get if Hillary had won. Just avoiding that makes Trump a huge win.
....why are some of you upset?

Did you really think that YOU would get everything you wanted and nothing you didn't want?

Do you really think that the POTUS can just do whatever he wants to?

Do you understand that negotiations ALWAYS have to be made?

I am a Trump supporter, just to clarify.

So in that vein are you willing to state for the record that Obama should not be held accountable for 'broken promises' if in fact a president can't get everything he wants?
It is too early for conclusions , but as of right now things look rather grim.

What looks grim? We have had an excellent SCOTUS appointment, we got out of bad trade deals, we got some excellent cabinet selections....yeah, we didn't get Obamacare repealed and that sucks, we didn't get the ban on immigrants and we will pay an awful price for that later but for the most part, he's done a lot of good.

What specifically are you upset with?

Then you have to consider all the bad shit we didn't get if Hillary had won. Just avoiding that makes Trump a huge win.

This is where the Trumptards ultimately end up, well, he's not Hillary. Fair enough. You should ALL admit you did little better than to elect your lesser of two evils.
It is too early for conclusions , but as of right now things look rather grim.

What looks grim? We have had an excellent SCOTUS appointment, we got out of bad trade deals, we got some excellent cabinet selections....yeah, we didn't get Obamacare repealed and that sucks, we didn't get the ban on immigrants and we will pay an awful price for that later but for the most part, he's done a lot of good.

What specifically are you upset with?

Then you have to consider all the bad shit we didn't get if Hillary had won. Just avoiding that makes Trump a huge win.

uh-huh -something tells me that russian collusion in our election, nor an assad/putin & north korean piglet face off... with nukes being involved.... would be a scenario having to be dealt with rght now, little dude.
It is too early for conclusions , but as of right now things look rather grim.

What looks grim? We have had an excellent SCOTUS appointment, we got out of bad trade deals, we got some excellent cabinet selections....yeah, we didn't get Obamacare repealed and that sucks, we didn't get the ban on immigrants and we will pay an awful price for that later but for the most part, he's done a lot of good.

What specifically are you upset with?

Then you have to consider all the bad shit we didn't get if Hillary had won. Just avoiding that makes Trump a huge win.

uh-huh -something tells me that russian collusion in our election, nor an assad/putin & north korean piglet face off... with nukes being involved.... would be a scenario having to be dealt with rght now, little dude.

There was no "Russian collusion," moron. What makes you think HIllary wouldn't have had to deal with "assad/putin" of the "north Korean piglet?" We all know how she would deal with these situations, by appeasement and running away. Hillary made a mess of the Middle East.
....why are some of you upset?

Did you really think that YOU would get everything you wanted and nothing you didn't want?

Do you really think that the POTUS can just do whatever he wants to?

Do you understand that negotiations ALWAYS have to be made?

I am a Trump supporter, just to clarify.
no wall no healthcare no tax reform no infrastructure ,,aren't those the big 4 he ran on ?? Oh yes jobs The 98000 in March thrill you?,,Seems to me outside of a couple of reconciliations he squeezed in he's been all mouth all trouble ,,,,all flip flop

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