To my fellow Trump voters...

I'm pretty upset with this Syria bombing thing. Other than that, as long as ww3 doesn't kick off, I'm good.

Understandable. My personal opinion is that they are all animals over there and we should let them kill each other. But hey, I didn't expect to get everything I wanted from Trump even when I pulled the lever.

I'm actually way more pleased with him so far than I thought I would be.

And you've got nothing & you're going to get NOTHING--LOL

Obamacare (repeal & replace) KABOOM
Executive order to ban Muslins KABOOM
Wall up in SMOKE--KABOOM
Remove all illegal immigrants (off the table)--KABOOM
A U.S. Supreme court nominee that stated Roe V Wade is set in stone, and one that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer and Diane Fienstein all voted FOR in the past--KABOOM
China renegotiation of trade deal off the table----KABOOM. (Trump met with the Prime Minster and used that to get China to put pressure on N. Korea.) The prime minister called Kim Jun Un and said if he didn't knock it off--no more oil would be shipped to N. Korea.

But he has accomplished 3 Russian ongoing investigations over his connections with the Russians over the last 100 days--and have put us on the verge of 2 new wars, and has spent 21 million taxpayers dollars going back and forth to his Mar a Lago resort--(if you want to consider those accomplishments.)
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Trump was mistaken about Obama needing approval

Not sure how I feel about his actions there, first reaction is not pleased

But we have Gorsuch & common sense has returned to government

I never expected to be happy about everything he did

He's mistaken about a lot more than that, bub.
I'm pretty upset with this Syria bombing thing. Other than that, as long as ww3 doesn't kick off, I'm good.

Understandable. My personal opinion is that they are all animals over there and we should let them kill each other. But hey, I didn't expect to get everything I wanted from Trump even when I pulled the lever.

I'm actually way more pleased with him so far than I thought I would be.

And you've got nothing & you're going to get NOTHING--LOL

Obamacare (repeal & replace) KABOOM
Executive order to ban Muslins KABOOM
Wall up in SMOKE--KABOOM
Remove all illegals immigrants (off the table)--KABOOM
A U.S. Supreme court nominee that stated Roe V Wade is set in stone, and one that Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer and Diane Fienstein voted FOR in the past--KABOOM
China renogiation of trade deal off the table. (Trump met with the Prime Minster and used that to get China to put pressure on N. Korea.) The prime minister called Kim Jun Un and said if he didn't knock it off--no more oil would be shipped to N. Korea.--KABOOM.

But he has accomplished 3 Russian ongoing investigations & his connections with the Russians over the last 100 days--and have put us on the verge of 2 new wars (if you want to consider those accomplishments.)

What's Hillary accomplished the last 90 days? :dev3:


We get it, butthurt tard is butthurt.
Trump was mistaken about Obama needing approval

As you were mistaken about Trump promising to repeal gun-free zones.

"I will get rid of gun-free zones in schools and you have to, and on military bases. My first day it gets signed. My first day it gets signed. My first day. There’s no more gun-free zones. Think of it." [Burlington, VT, 1/7/16]

Yep, he did say that, I was unaware, he also backed off that pledge

Reading into this, looks like he was advocating to allow trained teachers to have firearms as they do in Israel

Disagree with him on this one

So congrats on that point baw
But we have Gorsuch & common sense has returned to government
Gorsuch was the Judge that wanted the Truck driver to die because of the stupidity of his company...perfect common sense...
Donald Trump has been so very moved by the footage of children in Syria. Not enough to grant them refuge but you know... enough to want to blow stuff up.
Yeah, he followed the law instead of making a decision based on "feelings"

That's what a judge is supposed to do

Wasn't it a bad law?

Probably, but it is not the place of the judiciary to change it, needs to be the legislature
Trump voters

Did you really believe Trump meant any of that shit he was shoveling?
Trump voters

Did you really believe Trump meant any of that shit he was shoveling?

In October 2014, he [Trump] tweeted: ‘Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the US, President Obama spent the day playing golf. Worse than Carter.’

He said: ‘You know what – and I love golf – but if I were in the White House, I don’t think I’d ever see Turnberry again, I don’t think I’d ever see Doral again, I own Doral in Miami, I don’t think I’d ever see many of the places that I have.

‘I don’t ever think that I’d see anything, I just wanna stay in the White House and work my ass off, make great deals, right? Who’s gonna leave? I mean, who’s gonna leave?’

He also told supporters in Virginia: ‘I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to play golf.’
....why are some of you upset?

Did you really think that YOU would get everything you wanted and nothing you didn't want?

Do you really think that the POTUS can just do whatever he wants to?

Do you understand that negotiations ALWAYS have to be made?

I am a Trump supporter, just to clarify.

I'm happy with President Trump and my decision to vote for him so far. I think he's done a great considering he's dealing with a bunch of idiots on both sides of the aisle in DC. Democrats are a waste of space and some Republicans are no better either.
Trump voters

Did you really believe Trump meant any of that shit he was shoveling?
We know he meant it, and so do the folks on the left and in the media, or at least they know now

That's why y'all are so upset

It's ok to admit it baw, it can be our little secret...

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