To my fellow Trump voters...

You said that he promised a Muslim ban - did not happen

I know it didn't happen, because of constitutional issues, But Trump promised to enact a muslim ban.

Donald Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order: Court

Court: Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order

Judge Richard R. Clifton wasnā€™t satisfied with that dodge, saying that if Mr. Trump and his advisers did in fact say they were trying to impose a Muslim ban,

ā€œI understand the argument they shouldnā€™t be given much weight, but when you say we shouldnā€™t be looking at newspaper articles ā€” weā€™re all on the fast track here,ā€ Judge Clifton said. ā€œEither those kinds of statements were made, or theyā€™re not. Now if they were made not to be a serious policy principle, I can understand that. But if they were made, it is potential evidence, it is the basis for an argument.ā€

Mr. Trump spent months during the campaign parsing what, exactly, he meant when he announced in December 2015 that he wanted ā€œa total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United Statesā€ until the government could get a handle on things.

Trump campaigned on a Muslim ban--it's on video. Rudi Guiliani got on Fox News after he helped Trump write the executive order and called it a Muslim ban--so the cough cough "travel ban"--went up in smoke immediately. This 2nd revised executive order flopped also because the judge feels it is just the 2.0 version of the original Muslim ban.
Trumpā€™s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.
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Your best argument at this point is, Trump said Muslim Ban, but he didn't really mean it.
The snowflakes have made it clear they don't care what the law actually says. They think a judge is supposed to make new law based on whatever the mob is shouting for at the moment.
Oh really ...Gorsuch was the only one of seven judges to rule against the Trucker... I guess the mob of Judges was wrong on the Law
this case was heard by seven judges. Only one ruled against him, and that judge was the current Supreme Court Judge Gorsuch
Gorsuch had 99% of his decisions upheld, so your whine is pointless.
You said that he promised a Muslim ban - did not happen

I know it didn't happen, because of constitutional issues, But Trump promised to enact a muslim ban.

Donald Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order: Court

Court: Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order

Judge Richard R. Clifton wasnā€™t satisfied with that dodge, saying that if Mr. Trump and his advisers did in fact say they were trying to impose a Muslim ban,

ā€œI understand the argument they shouldnā€™t be given much weight, but when you say we shouldnā€™t be looking at newspaper articles ā€” weā€™re all on the fast track here,ā€ Judge Clifton said. ā€œEither those kinds of statements were made, or theyā€™re not. Now if they were made not to be a serious policy principle, I can understand that. But if they were made, it is potential evidence, it is the basis for an argument.ā€

Mr. Trump spent months during the campaign parsing what, exactly, he meant when he announced in December 2015 that he wanted ā€œa total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United Statesā€ until the government could get a handle on things.

Trump campaigned on a Muslim ban--it's on video. Rudi Guiliani got on Fox News after he helped Trump write the executive order and called it a Muslim ban--so the cough cough "travel ban"--went up in smoke immediately.

Even if he did, that has no relevance to the Constitutionality of his EO. That's a basic legal principle, but I know morons like you don't care about the law.
Even if he did, that has no relevance to the Constitutionality of his EO. That's a basic legal principle, but I know morons like you don't care about the law.

Classic Antonin Scalia is to interpret the law based on the "original intent" of those that wrote it.
Even if he did, that has no relevance to the Constitutionality of his EO. That's a basic legal principle, but I know morons like you don't care about the law.

Classic Antonin Scalia is to interpret the law based on the "original intent" of those that wrote it.
It's not a law. It's an EO. The intent is whatever Trump says his intent is when he issued it, not what he said about something that didn't exist when he was on the campaign trail. Intent only comes into play when there is some ambiguity in the text of the law. There is no ambiguity in Trump's EO.
It's not a law. It's an EO. The intent is whatever Trump says his intent is when he issued it, not what he said about something that didn't exist when he was on the campaign trail. Intent only comes into play when there is some ambiguity in the text of the law. There is no ambiguity in Trump's EO.

What he says when he issues it has no legal weight. It's like when a parent spanks a child saying "this hurts me more than it hurts you"

As I said, classic conservative principle is to interpret the law according to the authors "original intent".
Gorsuch had 99% of his decisions upheld, so your whine is pointless.
sounds to me like you are simply changing the subject...the only Judge of Seven who wanted the Truck driver dead was Gorsuch...
Gorsuch did not want the truck driver dead, you unctuous lying reptile. You may not like the law, but Gorsuch ruled based on what the law said, not what some Dim Senators think the law should say.

To be honest, I don't agree with Gorsuch's ruling. No company should be able to order you to place your life in danger. But that's only one ruling out of thousands.
Trump was mistaken about Obama needing approval

As you were mistaken about Trump promising to repeal gun-free zones.

"I will get rid of gun-free zones in schools and you have to, and on military bases. My first day it gets signed. My first day it gets signed. My first day. Thereā€™s no more gun-free zones. Think of it." [Burlington, VT, 1/7/16]

Yep, he did say that, I was unaware, he also backed off that pledge

There is still this outstanding issue.

Why do you feel compelled to lie?
Well, promising to restrict travel from terror prone zones does not constitute a Muslim ban

Do you really not understand this or are you lying?

Seriously, honestly asking....

Well we can only Thank God that Democrats didn't line up 240 grieving mothers on their platform when 240 U.S. Marines were killed in that embassy in Lebanon and call Ronald Reagan a murderer.

And we know that G.W. Bush had a few Benghazi's of his own.

....why are some of you upset?

Did you really think that YOU would get everything you wanted and nothing you didn't want?

Do you really think that the POTUS can just do whatever he wants to?

Do you understand that negotiations ALWAYS have to be made?

I am a Trump supporter, just to clarify.

I'm happy with President Trump and my decision to vote for him so far. I think he's done a great considering he's dealing with a bunch of idiots on both sides of the aisle in DC. Democrats are a waste of space and some Republicans are no better either.

Agreed. Even despite that opposition, he's done more good for the country than any other POTUS since Reagan.
It's not a law. It's an EO. The intent is whatever Trump says his intent is when he issued it, not what he said about something that didn't exist when he was on the campaign trail. Intent only comes into play when there is some ambiguity in the text of the law. There is no ambiguity in Trump's EO.

What he says when he issues it has no legal weight. It's like when a parent spanks a child saying "this hurts me more than it hurts you"

As I said, classic conservative principle is to interpret the law according to the authors "original intent".
If that has no legal import, then how can anything he said during the campaign have any legal import?

You're stepping all over your own dick.
As you were mistaken about Trump promising to repeal gun-free zones.

"I will get rid of gun-free zones in schools and you have to, and on military bases. My first day it gets signed. My first day it gets signed. My first day. Thereā€™s no more gun-free zones. Think of it." [Burlington, VT, 1/7/16]

Yep, he did say that, I was unaware, he also backed off that pledge

There is still this outstanding issue.

Why do you feel compelled to lie?
Well, promising to restrict travel from terror prone zones does not constitute a Muslim ban

Do you really not understand this or are you lying?

Seriously, honestly asking....

Well we can only Thank God that Democrats didn't line up 240 grieving mothers on their platform when 240 U.S. Marines were killed in that embassy in Lebanon and call Ronald Reagan a murderer.

And we know that G.W. Bush had a few Benghazi's of his own.


How many American servicemen died while Obama was on the throne, you slithering moron?
You left wing nutters will get no response from me in this thread. Because you assholes are mostly illiterate, let me explain that my thread title and OP make it quite clear I'm not addressing the left.

Go fuck yourselves with a cactus.
Gorsuch had 99% of his decisions upheld, so your whine is pointless.
sounds to me like you are simply changing the subject...the only Judge of Seven who wanted the Truck driver dead was Gorsuch...
Gorsuch did not want the truck driver dead, you unctuous lying reptile. You may not like the law, but Gorsuch ruled based on what the law said, not what some Dim Senators think the law should say.

To be honest, I don't agree with Gorsuch's ruling. No company should be able to order you to place your life in danger. But that's only one ruling out of thousands.

Then you'll be happy to see all the Democrats that voted for Gorsuch in 2006 under G.W. Bush. This is a time when Democrats owned the Senate and could have easily rejected Gorsuch as a Federal District court Judge.


Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006
Donald Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order: Court

Court: Trumpā€™s ā€˜Muslim banā€™ promise is ā€˜evidenceā€™ against executive order

Judge Richard R. Clifton wasnā€™t satisfied with that dodge, saying that if Mr. Trump and his advisers did in fact say they were trying to impose a Muslim ban,

ā€œI understand the argument they shouldnā€™t be given much weight, but when you say we shouldnā€™t be looking at newspaper articles ā€” weā€™re all on the fast track here,ā€ Judge Clifton said. ā€œEither those kinds of statements were made, or theyā€™re not. Now if they were made not to be a serious policy principle, I can understand that. But if they were made, it is potential evidence, it is the basis for an argument.ā€

Mr. Trump spent months during the campaign parsing what, exactly, he meant when he announced in December 2015 that he wanted ā€œa total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United Statesā€ until the government could get a handle on things.
Again, you continue to lie

He did not promise to ban Moooslums

Read the judges order. It was based on Trump promising a muslim ban. If Trump never promised a muslim ban, there would have been no orders blocking his executive orders.

So we are back to you being a liar

Congrats I guess

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