To my (neo)conservative and Republican friends...

If democrats are so outraged now, why didn't they stop it in 2009? Not much room to talk. For fucks sake, YOU get it together.

you're an idiot for assuming I am a democrat. Keep buying into the false left/right paradigm like there is any difference and keep seeing your country fall apart. The tribal "MY TEAM IS BETTER THAN YOURS!" mindset is why these corrupt douchebag politicians can take advantage of us.

When there have been multiple opportunities to stop this law, and repeal it, nobody, AND I MEAN NOBODY took the chance. I apologize for making an assumption about your political affiliation, but you did call me a "neo-conservative." I can only assume since liberals use these terms as pejoratives. I don't buy into the left right paradigm, by the way. I am a staunch Libertarian, as many people on this board already know. No team is better than the other. We all need to be ONE team, hence the term "United" in United States.

Now, it is pleasing to meet a fellow Libertarian. Let us fight this battle together, friend.

Well you can't say NOBODY.. Tho it seems that way.. Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, and the guy from Wisc know the right answer..

Which is a lesson to the partisians. Those "EXTREME" wings are right about a LOT of stuff.

Maybe there needs to be a couple more parties so that they can be heard without reprisal from the party bosses..
Well what the hell is the point? Are left wingers fine with blaming Bush for total government surveillance or are they ready to get off their fat asses and do something about it?
Why aren't you outraged now? That seems a little more pertinent.

Who are you addressing? I'm outraged.

I really don't see how anyone who voted to re-elect Bush or Obama can comment on this thread - other than to apologize.
Why aren't you outraged now? That seems a little more pertinent.

Who are you addressing? I'm outraged.

I really don't see how anyone who voted to re-elect Bush or Obama can comment on this thread - other than to apologize.
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

You said what I refrained from saying. But I'm glad you did.. I would add McCain or Romney to that list as well.

I can take crying, but WHINING drives me up the walls.
Not everyone is outraged. I've seen several conservatives who supported the PA then and support it now.

Not everyone is outraged. I'm not. I support the PA, and I support this type of data mining. I would like to know that there is reasonable oversight taking place and that they definitely need warrants to actually begin listening in to any conversations once a potential threat has been identified.

I think most everyone here is fairly intelligent, but just from following on social media, it amazes me how many people think that this is about the government listening in on every call that is made. It's kind of funny when you do the math, but a lot of people out there actually believe the government has been listening in on their calls.
republicans the country over are freaking out about their 4th amendment rights now, but when bush was doing the same thing...ya know what, forget it. 99% of voters love the status quo, yet keep bitching about it being bad. For fucks sake, get it together.

Because republicans work on good faith that the laws will be done as intended, we keep forgetting that liberals love to just use a law and make up shit as they go (living, breathing documents as they say). Our bad!
Not everyone is outraged. I've seen several conservatives who supported the PA then and support it now.

Not everyone is outraged. I'm not. I support the PA, and I support this type of data mining. I would like to know that there is reasonable oversight taking place and that they definitely need warrants to actually begin listening in to any conversations once a potential threat has been identified.

I think most everyone here is fairly intelligent, but just from following on social media, it amazes me how many people think that this is about the government listening in on every call that is made. It's kind of funny when you do the math, but a lot of people out there actually believe the government has been listening in on their calls.

You need to understand data mining and artificial intelligience a bit more before you dismiss the power of what they have developed.

No -- they are probably not storing or blanket monitoring phone call CONTENT -- but with the phone metadata they already have violated your 4th amendment rights by refining the phone METADATA.. That stuff pins your associations and locations and habits to the point where they only need to actually LISTEN to less content in the first place..

With the metadata, they know where you bank, where your family are, where you go, much about your client list, much about your donor list and the probability that you are having an affair. They can also determine probabilities of your charitable giving, your religion, your political alignment, ect.

And you THINK that's a perfectly valid legitimate tool for the Fed Govt to have in SECRET, with no meaningful public oversight?

They neeed access to ALL the data so that the system can LEARN to recognize REAL threats from innocent patterns. THUS -- it was obvious to me that they were doing this for a long time.. And -- I tried to warn people..

And THAT'S just the phone metadata tracking. Does not even discuss Prism or the data communications side of how the govt is violating the Patriot Act and abusing your Constitutional rights.

Can't understand folks like you. If a terrorist called you by mistake in the middle of the night by accident, you'd be found to have bomb-making materials at your compound and suspicious banking patterns and become a suspect. You MIGHT get free of that, but not after your phone, computer and bank accounts were removed from your possession for a very UNCOMFORTABLE period of time..

What YOU want is a benevolent dictatorship.. You can have that somewhere else please...
Blame Bush (again?). The left was outraged about leaks to the media that the Bush administration would monitor overseas calls to suspected terrorist organizations and now they are fine with the NSA monitoring everybody. The difference of course is a neo-socialist administration doing the monitoring.

Bush open the door and Obama walks right in. :eek:

, or takes out the wall

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