To Save the Schools, We Must Change the Social Contract

Those who cry about teachers should quit their jobs and go in the classroom in troubled schools and teach. Show the country how it's done. In sure the kids will just now down to them waiting to be taught. In my 5 kids 12 years of public education I can't find one shred of so called empty talking point baseless indoctrination.

Thank you!

People read of some drag queens coming into to some Berkeley CA kindergarten or some teacher in Maryland made a third grader write a report on Michelle Obama and voila...."all teachers indoctrinate".

True things:

1. The NEA IS a liberal organization, but that does not mean all of its members vote liberal

2. Some teachers DO "indoctrinate" but they are FAR from the majority, and yeah, I'm totally comfortable saying that

3. Conservatives are just as easy to manipulate through media as Leftists. And that is sad.

do you teach that dinosaurs lived millions of yrs ago???

and do you teach other aspects of evolution???
Why should teachers "tow the line"? What line needs to be towed?
The term is "toe the line". Educate yourself before criticizing others!

Speaking of a lack of education and misguided criticism.....oops!

There's this thing called 'Google". Let me make it super simple just for you.....
Copy and paste this in.....

(Any real Admiral worth his salt would know that)

Then Paste it into the Google Search bar. If you can't find it let me know and I'll try to guide you.

Thanks for playing. :113:
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My daughter is a public school teacher. I have asked her to come up with all the ways she indoctrinated her students. She will get a laugh out of it though. She does her job although many robots bastardize her because she has her Summers off, etc. She laughs the comments like that right off because those are made by people who gobble up the empty rhetoric. Sure there are bad teachers, just like every other profession. But there are many many good ones who show up and do a great job despite low thought comments made by those who should be showing the nation how to do the job. A few schools in big cities don't represent the nation as a whole.

You just said ......

The Majority of students don't represent our nation as a whole.

Really? So what nation do all those millions of students in big city public schools represent?
I would like to remind you that you came here all barrels blasting--like most conservatives on public education, you spewed your talking points, they sounded good to you, and you were done. (I say this as a conservative, btw.) NOW you want to back track and ask me about different schools in different parts of the nation.

As I have said so many times: a school in inner city is going to look different than a school in rural Nebraska, generally speaking. When anti-public school folks get on their rants they never take this into account--it's like somehow, that sweet kindergarten teacher down the pew every Sunday in Littletown, South Dakota becomes a raging Leftist lunatic on Monday morning when she invites in the drag queens. This is what makes sense in your head I guess, as you're spewing it.

Do better. Think better. Type better stuff. Make better arguments.

From the onset, I pointed out your view may be very narrow. That was one of my points.

You have all these cutesy stories....and you're good at patting yourself on the back I agre......but you're not saying anything substantial.


In your opening you mention an article which says children turn over tables because they've never been told "No".
Meaning what?
I've been in classrooms where students do worse than turn over tables not because they haven't been told no...but because they are angry or rebellious and have not been told anything. Often they do as their parents do. Black inner city kids are often different than rural white kids.
It sounds to me you are clueless as to what goes on in inner city public schools and in your quaint little world, you see things through rose colored glasses.

In addition, you posted ONE story.....from ONE person. One sail does not a clipper fly. Meaning you don't have enough to support your cause.

For you to represent that things are a certain way with your only evidence being one article is self invalidating.

Do better. Think better. Type better stuff. Make better arguments. (can you take your own advice)?

Finally....she was a KINDERGARTEN teach for Christ sake! If she couldn't handle them, what kind of "teacher" was she? God forbid she ever sat in an inner city Harlem High School.

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Still waiting to find where all this indoctrination is happening. It's like finding Sasquatch. If you want to fix a school go in and show us how those kids will just bow to you for knowledge. Well sit back and watch. Be a part of the solution.
Still waiting to find where all this indoctrination is happening. It's like finding Sasquatch. If you want to fix a school go in and show us how those kids will just bow to you for knowledge. Well sit back and watch. Be a part of the solution.

Yeah, see that's another part of the problem. Denial. You won't see what you Do NOT WANT to see.

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Those who cry about teachers should quit their jobs and go in the classroom in troubled schools and teach. Show the country how it's done. In sure the kids will just now down to them waiting to be taught. In my 5 kids 12 years of public education I can't find one shred of so called empty talking point baseless indoctrination.

Thank you!

People read of some drag queens coming into to some Berkeley CA kindergarten or some teacher in Maryland made a third grader write a report on Michelle Obama and voila...."all teachers indoctrinate".

True things:

1. The NEA IS a liberal organization, but that does not mean all of its members vote liberal

2. Some teachers DO "indoctrinate" but they are FAR from the majority, and yeah, I'm totally comfortable saying that

3. Conservatives are just as easy to manipulate through media as Leftists. And that is sad.

do you teach that dinosaurs lived millions of yrs ago???

and do you teach other aspects of evolution???

Well I don't teach science so.....

The first two are anecdotal. I've already covered this. The Dept of Ed can be a problem but as far as I know schools are not beholden to teach this curriculum. So it might well be anecdotal too, which proves my point.

At any rate we are way off track here. The topic of this thread is NOT "teachers indoctrinate".
I would like to remind you that you came here all barrels blasting--like most conservatives on public education, you spewed your talking points, they sounded good to you, and you were done. (I say this as a conservative, btw.) NOW you want to back track and ask me about different schools in different parts of the nation.

As I have said so many times: a school in inner city is going to look different than a school in rural Nebraska, generally speaking. When anti-public school folks get on their rants they never take this into account--it's like somehow, that sweet kindergarten teacher down the pew every Sunday in Littletown, South Dakota becomes a raging Leftist lunatic on Monday morning when she invites in the drag queens. This is what makes sense in your head I guess, as you're spewing it.

Do better. Think better. Type better stuff. Make better arguments.

From the onset, I pointed out your view may be very narrow. That was one of my points.

You have all these cutesy stories....and you're good at patting yourself on the back I agre......but you're not saying anything substantial.


In your opening you mention an article which says children turn over tables because they've never been told "No".
Meaning what?
I've been in classrooms where students do worse than turn over tables not because they haven't been told no...but because they are angry or rebellious and have not been told anything. Often they do as their parents do. Black inner city kids are often different than rural white kids.
It sounds to me you are clueless as to what goes on in inner city public schools and in your quaint little world, you see things through rose colored glasses.

In addition, you posted ONE story.....from ONE person. One sail does not a clipper fly. Meaning you don't have enough to support your cause.

For you to represent that things are a certain way with your only evidence being one article is self invalidating.

Do better. Think better. Type better stuff. Make better arguments. (can you take your own advice)?

Finally....she was a KINDERGARTEN teach for Christ sake! If she couldn't handle them, what kind of "teacher" was she? God forbid she ever sat in an inner city Harlem High School.


Thank you for making my point for me.

If students in suburban schools like mine are turning over tables--you are exactly right. Where kids are in worse situations, there is even worse. Exactly.

And yet you moronically go on and on about "indoctrination". Your thinking is a hot mess.
Those who cry about teachers should quit their jobs and go in the classroom in troubled schools and teach. Show the country how it's done. In sure the kids will just now down to them waiting to be taught. In my 5 kids 12 years of public education I can't find one shred of so called empty talking point baseless indoctrination.

Thank you!

People read of some drag queens coming into to some Berkeley CA kindergarten or some teacher in Maryland made a third grader write a report on Michelle Obama and voila...."all teachers indoctrinate".

True things:

1. The NEA IS a liberal organization, but that does not mean all of its members vote liberal

2. Some teachers DO "indoctrinate" but they are FAR from the majority, and yeah, I'm totally comfortable saying that

3. Conservatives are just as easy to manipulate through media as Leftists. And that is sad.

do you teach that dinosaurs lived millions of yrs ago???

and do you teach other aspects of evolution???

Well I don't teach science so.....

thats not what I asked,,,,
Those who cry about teachers should quit their jobs and go in the classroom in troubled schools and teach. Show the country how it's done. In sure the kids will just now down to them waiting to be taught. In my 5 kids 12 years of public education I can't find one shred of so called empty talking point baseless indoctrination.

Thank you!

People read of some drag queens coming into to some Berkeley CA kindergarten or some teacher in Maryland made a third grader write a report on Michelle Obama and voila...."all teachers indoctrinate".

True things:

1. The NEA IS a liberal organization, but that does not mean all of its members vote liberal

2. Some teachers DO "indoctrinate" but they are FAR from the majority, and yeah, I'm totally comfortable saying that

3. Conservatives are just as easy to manipulate through media as Leftists. And that is sad.

do you teach that dinosaurs lived millions of yrs ago???

and do you teach other aspects of evolution???

Well I don't teach science so.....

thats not what I asked,,,,

I'm REALLY starting to see why the posters who are anti-public education are so anti here. I mean look. Here is a poster who's nailing me on teaching evolution. I just told him I DO NOT TEACH SCIENCE and he's telling me "that's not what I asked". NO, I do not teach evolution. Or creation. OR ANY SCIENCE

He also routinely uses commas for ellipses. Look up ellipses if you don't know what they are.
I've already covered this. The Dept of Ed can be a problem

And your ONE article proves what exactly?

That's been covered too ;)

If you're truly a Conservative as you claim......
Explain in YOUR own words what "Changing the Social Contract" means.
I highly doubt you'll answer this in any meaningful way because it could be too revealing.
I'm REALLY starting to see why the posters who are anti-public education are so anti here. I mean look. Here is a poster who's nailing me on teaching evolution. I just told him I DO NOT TEACH SCIENCE and he's telling me "that's not what I asked". NO, I do not teach evolution. Or creation. OR ANY SCIENCE

He also routinely uses commas for ellipses. Look up ellipses if you don't know what they are.

No need to start nit picking people. That's not necessary.

So, you cannot tolerate people who question you or who have opposing points of view?
You getting angry?

Lots of ALL CAPS popping up in your posts Herr Fraulein

Conservatives are tolerant. Now there's room for doubt.
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I've already covered this. The Dept of Ed can be a problem

And your ONE article proves what exactly?

That's been covered too ;)

If you're truly a Conservative as you claim......
Explain in YOUR own words what "Changing the Social Contract" means.
I highly doubt you'll answer this in any meaningful way because it could be too revealing.

Social Contract--Rights and Responsibilities is another way to put it. We are all about Rights these days but light on Responsibilities.

That's all I'm going to give you; you don't deserve any more of my time
So evolution is out? What should be taught instead?
Dinosaurs didn't live millions of years ago? Please tell us when they did live?

Still trying to find all that indoctrination in our little rural high school here but dog gone it it's just not showing up. Lmao
Those who cry about teachers should quit their jobs and go in the classroom in troubled schools and teach. Show the country how it's done. In sure the kids will just now down to them waiting to be taught. In my 5 kids 12 years of public education I can't find one shred of so called empty talking point baseless indoctrination.

Thank you!

People read of some drag queens coming into to some Berkeley CA kindergarten or some teacher in Maryland made a third grader write a report on Michelle Obama and voila...."all teachers indoctrinate".

True things:

1. The NEA IS a liberal organization, but that does not mean all of its members vote liberal

2. Some teachers DO "indoctrinate" but they are FAR from the majority, and yeah, I'm totally comfortable saying that

3. Conservatives are just as easy to manipulate through media as Leftists. And that is sad.

do you teach that dinosaurs lived millions of yrs ago???

and do you teach other aspects of evolution???

Well I don't teach science so.....

thats not what I asked,,,,

I'm REALLY starting to see why the posters who are anti-public education are so anti here. I mean look. Here is a poster who's nailing me on teaching evolution. I just told him I DO NOT TEACH SCIENCE and he's telling me "that's not what I asked". NO, I do not teach evolution. Or creation. OR ANY SCIENCE

He also routinely uses commas for ellipses. Look up ellipses if you don't know what they are.

just goes to show ,,,if all else fails attack the messenger,,,

sorry honey I am a product of public education,,,,

and back on topic, what do you mean by a change in the social contract???

we had one and it got changed when the feds took over the education system which resulted in a down turn of education in this country,,

the old one was about education and the new one is about indoctrination,,,

whats yours gonna be???
So evolution is out? What should be taught instead?
Dinosaurs didn't live millions of years ago? Please tell us when they did live?

Still trying to find all that indoctrination in our little rural high school here but dog gone it it's just not showing up. Lmao
how about provable facts...
Thank you!

People read of some drag queens coming into to some Berkeley CA kindergarten or some teacher in Maryland made a third grader write a report on Michelle Obama and voila...."all teachers indoctrinate".

True things:

1. The NEA IS a liberal organization, but that does not mean all of its members vote liberal

2. Some teachers DO "indoctrinate" but they are FAR from the majority, and yeah, I'm totally comfortable saying that

3. Conservatives are just as easy to manipulate through media as Leftists. And that is sad.

do you teach that dinosaurs lived millions of yrs ago???

and do you teach other aspects of evolution???

Well I don't teach science so.....

thats not what I asked,,,,

I'm REALLY starting to see why the posters who are anti-public education are so anti here. I mean look. Here is a poster who's nailing me on teaching evolution. I just told him I DO NOT TEACH SCIENCE and he's telling me "that's not what I asked". NO, I do not teach evolution. Or creation. OR ANY SCIENCE

He also routinely uses commas for ellipses. Look up ellipses if you don't know what they are.

just goes to show ,,,if all else fails attack the messenger,,,

sorry honey I am a product of public education,,,,

and back on topic, what do you mean by a change in the social contract???

we had one and it got changed when the feds took over the education system which resulted in a down turn of education in this country,,

the old one was about education and the new one is about indoctrination,,,

whats yours gonna be???

Let's do a test and see how well you learn. If you were taught and refuse to learn that's not on your teachers, pal. That's on you.

These are ellipses


Three periods in a row. TECHNICALLY you are supposed to type them like this . . . with spaces in between, but only book publishers do this. So, three dots, no spaces is accepted. Like this ...

It means a pause, the thought is continuing, or I'm left hanging.

You use COMMAS for ellipses, and I have seen you do this before. It's very peculiar. Like this.

"about indoctrination,,,"

So rather than talk about science, let's talk about your punctuation. Since we're so far afield anyway.
Teachers have tried desperately to adapt to the changing needs of our students--and we're failing...and leaving the profession.

To save the schools, we have to revisit, and perhaps even change, the social contract. Specifically, we need to be clear about individual rights and collective rights.

The Kindergarten teacher in the article below, who left her job, mentions the kids who turn over tables because they've never been told "no". The day this happens and your child is injured, YOU must take action. Go to the teacher, then principal, superintendent and school board--and take other parents with you. That way, you apply pressure on the slacker parents and school personnel to do their job or get out of the way, because the most fundamental principle of the collective has been breached: students must be safe in school.

We can take our schools back. We can decide certain behaviors can be understood, but not tolerated.

(If you do not want to click and read her entire article, which I recommend, read her first and fourth reason for leaving, which I have copied below.)

1. The old excuse "the kids have changed". No. No friggin way. Kids are kids. PARENTING has changed. SOCIETY has changed. The kids are just the innocent victims of that. Parents are working crazy hours, consumed by their devices, leaving kids in unstable parenting/coparenting situations, terrible media influences... and we are going to give the excuse that the KIDS have changed? What did we expect them to do? Kids behave in undesirable ways in the environment they feel safest. They test the water in the environment that they know their mistakes and behaviors will be treated with kindness and compassion. For those "well behaved" kids--they're throwing normal kid tantrums at home because it's safe. The kids flipping tables at school? They don't have a safe place at home. Our classrooms are the first place they've ever heard 'no', been given boundaries, shown love through respect. Cue "the kids have changed" .
4. Instead of holding parents accountable... and making them true partners, we've adopted a customer service mindset. I've seen the Facebook rants about attendance and getting "the letter". Well, here's the thing... I can't teach your child if he's not in school ‍♀️. I was cussed out by parents who wanted to attend field trips but missed the THREE notes that went home--and when they did attend a trip, sat on their phone the entire time. I've had parents stand me up multiple times on Conference Days then call to tattle on me when I refused to offer an after school option. I've had parents tell me that I'm not allowed to tell their child 'no'...

Ex-Kindergarten teacher’s post about why she quit teaching goes viral for how real it is.
One possible avenue of exploration is a means by which undisciplined or troubled children are evaluated and weeded out from entering the main k - 12 system.

In many communities, we have head start programs, along with other programs that ostentatiously exist to help the children get a leg up on learning.

In each of these kinds of programs, the behavior of the child should be observed and evaluated and a determination made on allowing the child to enter the k - 12 system.

Clearly, in many cases (I don't know how many and the opinion I have is based on anecdotal evidence, but I'm sure we all have stories) we see children who are running wild over their parents or the parents simply don't care. Some of that is due to PC, I"m sure. The whole notion that corporal punishment is forbidden because it is somehow wrong. Punishment often is a 'good talking too', or perhaps a timeout in the corner that is supposed to last for 20 minutes, but in reality, lasts 3 because the parent can't be bothered to listen to the crying or is too engrossed in their phone conversations.

We see them acting up in stores, parking lots, and in later years, running in gangs or vandalizing other people's property.

All because they were never taught any respect or self-control

When a child is acting up in school, I place the blame on that fully on the parent. When the child graduates high school unable to read and do rudimentary mathematics, or cannot even understand the basic structure of our society and our government, I blame that on teachers.

So, we need a way to sort the wheat from the chaff so that the wheat can become viable members of society.

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