To stop criminals from getting gunsBrand violent felons with anti gun tattoos so they can't buy guns

Thanks for the comments…I am looking for the down side…and ways to discuss it and get around them.
What would you do with the 20 year old girl who got involved with the wrong crowd and got caught carrying a gun or drugs. Would she be embarrassed anytime she went to the beach or swimming pool? Would she be restricted to her clothing? Would she still be required to wear this brand 25 years after she finished rehab, got a job, paid taxes and never had another run in with the law? All for the convenience and benefit of those who sell guns?

Simply carrying a gun is not a violent crime. So probably not. If she was involved in a hold up or other violence with a weapon, then sure. Right now, if you are a felon, I don't believe in most states you get all of your rights back…so a brand like that would do nothing that already being a felon doesn't already do. The key here is to keep violent felons from getting guns, and making it harder for anti gunners to push for licensing, registration and "universal" background checks.

There is this…….what if you are arrested, convicted, and sentenced, and branded….and are later proven innocent? I would say to this concern, you could get paperwork from the state or feds that showed you were cleared and are now allowed to own a gun. This would be a small population of people, and it still wouldn't effect the vast majority of law abiding citizens.
Where this goes is that we will begin making exceptions as to who gets branded. Each time that happens, the proposal becomes less meaningful. We have already moved the bar from felons to violent felons.

Actually, I always only considered violent felons…someone selling drugs who is not violent…no brand….we want violent criminals to not have guns. I would say a violent felon convicted of a knife, club or empty hand attack gets the no gun brand as well.
Well good luck. Let us know when a state legislature passes this kind of law and it doesn't get dismissed as cruel and unusual punishment by the federal courts.

I am spreading the word on this on gun sites.....and I plan on calling local politicians.....

I know, it sounds crazy...but it is an actual solution that would actually end the debate on gun shows and private sales.
Anti gunners...where are you....this idea solves all of your comments?
Yeah...if a gun seller sees a tattoo...that'll stop them:

Look, nothing will stop a criminal...but this means that "universal background checks" will not be needed...a gun show vendor will not have to wait to sell a gun till the end of the weekend, and a private seller will not have to drag the buyer to a gun store to have a background check done...they can just look at the buyers shoulder and know. It also won't cost the seller any money to do the background check.

It is a win win for anti gun extremists and for 2nd amendment supporters.
Hmmm...the anti gunners are posting all over the board, but not here........I know why...this takes away the need for registering guns, universal background checks and licensing gun owners....and that is not what they want...they want the focus on the law abiding gun owner, not the criminal, since the criminal will always get the gun.
All of you gun really don't care about criminals getting guns do really only care about the normal people who want guns...they really bug you don't they........

Not one of you all night has tried to dispute this concept....because you know it would mean no way to trip up law abiding gun owners, and the burden would be on the criminal...not the innocent gun owner...and that is not what you want at it?
Any thoughts on this idea?

good idea, but not on an extremity, forehead works for me, that way every time the felon looks in a mirror, it will remind him/her of they're dastardly deed. :up:
when violent people are let back out in neighborhoods and on the streets taxpayers end up as their servants . We pay after a violent felons release from prison because we pay for the government employees and services that are paid to keep track of them . [halfway houses , parole officers , probation officers etc] Then government makes rules that reduce the freedoms of taxpayers that pay for everything . And , I only have problems with 'Violent' felons . A 19 year old mislabeled a sex offender 'felon' because he has sex with his 17 year old girlfriend shouldn't be labeled a 'felon' or sex offender in my opinion . After that 19 year old guy pays his debt [if any] he should be free of any kind of any sanction from government imo !!
Yeah...if a gun seller sees a tattoo...that'll stop them:

Look, nothing will stop a criminal...but this means that "universal background checks" will not be needed...a gun show vendor will not have to wait to sell a gun till the end of the weekend, and a private seller will not have to drag the buyer to a gun store to have a background check done...they can just look at the buyers shoulder and know. It also won't cost the seller any money to do the background check.

It is a win win for anti gun extremists and for 2nd amendment supporters.

The right to bear arms is in the Constitution.
Nothing in the document suggests that they must be easy to get or free.
Hmmm...the anti gunners are posting all over the board, but not here........I know why...this takes away the need for registering guns, universal background checks and licensing gun owners....and that is not what they want...they want the focus on the law abiding gun owner, not the criminal, since the criminal will always get the gun.

I posted here. I didn't comment on your idiotic idea. We don't do that here.

I don't want violent criminals getting guns. It just gives the anti freedom, anti gun extremists easy arguments to deny us of our 2nd Amendment rights.

the problem…how do you actually keep guns out of the hands of criminals while not affecting the law abiding.

Now anti gun extremists only care about the law abiding citizens who want guns….so they come up with dumb ideas like worthless licensing of gun owners and registering guns. Neither of which effect criminals or mass shooters, but do target law abiding citizens, the very people not abusing guns.

So what to do? I just came up with it……Brand violent felons with marks that will make it impossible for them to get guns through legal channels.

I think a large brand on the upper left arm would work. Go to a gun store, or a private sale, and they ask….show me your left arm. If they see the brand, they know they can't sell the gun. This mark is the easiest, most effective means of preventing criminals from getting guns through legal channels, and it does not affect law abiding citizens in any way.

Also…..if a felon with the brand is caught in possession of a gun at home or on their person….20 years in jail.

I am looking for intelligent discussion of this. It works, doesn't effect law abiding gun owners,and doesn't create a paper trail on law abiding gun owners.

Any thoughts on this idea?

I believe the brands could be easily done by a medical professional with local anesthetic so there would be no issue of cruel and unusual punishment.

I had thought about a tattoo, but that would not be as permanent and could be tattooed over.

An amputtee…..they could put it on the other arm or somewhere else.
Look! You can 'brand' every felon on the fucking forehead "Don't sell me a gun. I'm a convicted felon". It wouldn't make the slightest difference.
How do the subhumans get guns?
They buy them from criminals who bought them from criminals who either stole them or, in most cases, were purchased from gun smugglers from Mexico who bought them by the shipping container from manufacturers from Central Europe. The Mexican drug cartels pay for the guns with heroin etc which is shipped back to Central Europe.
If your increase the price and make the penalty stiffer for selling illegal guns, you dry up the supply.

Gee, if you dry up the supply, you raise the price even further.

Raise the price, criminals (who are usually on the bottom rung of the income ladder) can't afford guns.

Fewer guns, less shootings.

Simple equation.
I don't want violent criminals getting guns. It just gives the anti freedom, anti gun extremists easy arguments to deny us of our 2nd Amendment rights.

the problem…how do you actually keep guns out of the hands of criminals while not affecting the law abiding.

Now anti gun extremists only care about the law abiding citizens who want guns….so they come up with dumb ideas like worthless licensing of gun owners and registering guns. Neither of which effect criminals or mass shooters, but do target law abiding citizens, the very people not abusing guns.

So what to do? I just came up with it……Brand violent felons with marks that will make it impossible for them to get guns through legal channels.

I think a large brand on the upper left arm would work. Go to a gun store, or a private sale, and they ask….show me your left arm. If they see the brand, they know they can't sell the gun. This mark is the easiest, most effective means of preventing criminals from getting guns through legal channels, and it does not affect law abiding citizens in any way.

Also…..if a felon with the brand is caught in possession of a gun at home or on their person….20 years in jail.

I am looking for intelligent discussion of this. It works, doesn't effect law abiding gun owners,and doesn't create a paper trail on law abiding gun owners.

Any thoughts on this idea?

I believe the brands could be easily done by a medical professional with local anesthetic so there would be no issue of cruel and unusual punishment.

I had thought about a tattoo, but that would not be as permanent and could be tattooed over.

An amputtee…..they could put it on the other arm or somewhere else.
Can i brand the op for having an asinine idea?
Yeah...if a gun seller sees a tattoo...that'll stop them:

Look, nothing will stop a criminal...but this means that "universal background checks" will not be needed...a gun show vendor will not have to wait to sell a gun till the end of the weekend, and a private seller will not have to drag the buyer to a gun store to have a background check done...they can just look at the buyers shoulder and know. It also won't cost the seller any money to do the background check.

It is a win win for anti gun extremists and for 2nd amendment supporters.

The right to bear arms is in the Constitution.
Nothing in the document suggests that they must be easy to get or free.

Yeah, when the democrats tried to use poll taxes to deny the right to vote to blacks, that pretty much settled the idea that taxing a right out of existence was constitutional.
If your increase the price and make the penalty stiffer for selling illegal guns, you dry up the supply.

Gee, if you dry up the supply, you raise the price even further.

Raise the price, criminals (who are usually on the bottom rung of the income ladder) can't afford guns.

Fewer guns, less shootings.

Simple equation.

guns are free for the guy who stole them….

Fewer guns, less shootings.

Not true, more Americans, law abiding Americans, own guns and gun murder has gone down, not up. So you are wrong.
Hmmm...the anti gunners are posting all over the board, but not here........I know why...this takes away the need for registering guns, universal background checks and licensing gun owners....and that is not what they want...they want the focus on the law abiding gun owner, not the criminal, since the criminal will always get the gun.

I posted here. I didn't comment on your idiotic idea. We don't do that here.


You are a lefty so you have no moral compass…..the socialists in Germany tattooed innocent men, women and children with no recourse to the law……..and then the socialists murdered them.

This process would entail someone breaking the law, by being a violent criminal, hurting innocent men, women or children. They would be arrested by lawful police officers, presented with charges, represented by an attorney, appointed by the court if they couldn't afford one, given a trial with a jury of their peers, and then if they are found guilty of committing a violent felony, where they hurt or tried to hurt innocent men, women and children, and then convicted and made into felons who can no longer own guns….then they would get the brand on the shoulder.

Big difference…..when you grow a moral compass you will understand the difference.
I don't want violent criminals getting guns. It just gives the anti freedom, anti gun extremists easy arguments to deny us of our 2nd Amendment rights.

the problem…how do you actually keep guns out of the hands of criminals while not affecting the law abiding.

Now anti gun extremists only care about the law abiding citizens who want guns….so they come up with dumb ideas like worthless licensing of gun owners and registering guns. Neither of which effect criminals or mass shooters, but do target law abiding citizens, the very people not abusing guns.

So what to do? I just came up with it……Brand violent felons with marks that will make it impossible for them to get guns through legal channels.

I think a large brand on the upper left arm would work. Go to a gun store, or a private sale, and they ask….show me your left arm. If they see the brand, they know they can't sell the gun. This mark is the easiest, most effective means of preventing criminals from getting guns through legal channels, and it does not affect law abiding citizens in any way.

Also…..if a felon with the brand is caught in possession of a gun at home or on their person….20 years in jail.

I am looking for intelligent discussion of this. It works, doesn't effect law abiding gun owners,and doesn't create a paper trail on law abiding gun owners.

Any thoughts on this idea?

I believe the brands could be easily done by a medical professional with local anesthetic so there would be no issue of cruel and unusual punishment.

I had thought about a tattoo, but that would not be as permanent and could be tattooed over.

An amputtee…..they could put it on the other arm or somewhere else.

gun control is not about criminal control

the branded could simply buy them on the black market

or trade them in their next dope deal
I don't want violent criminals getting guns. It just gives the anti freedom, anti gun extremists easy arguments to deny us of our 2nd Amendment rights.

the problem…how do you actually keep guns out of the hands of criminals while not affecting the law abiding.

Now anti gun extremists only care about the law abiding citizens who want guns….so they come up with dumb ideas like worthless licensing of gun owners and registering guns. Neither of which effect criminals or mass shooters, but do target law abiding citizens, the very people not abusing guns.

So what to do? I just came up with it……Brand violent felons with marks that will make it impossible for them to get guns through legal channels.

I think a large brand on the upper left arm would work. Go to a gun store, or a private sale, and they ask….show me your left arm. If they see the brand, they know they can't sell the gun. This mark is the easiest, most effective means of preventing criminals from getting guns through legal channels, and it does not affect law abiding citizens in any way.

Also…..if a felon with the brand is caught in possession of a gun at home or on their person….20 years in jail.

I am looking for intelligent discussion of this. It works, doesn't effect law abiding gun owners,and doesn't create a paper trail on law abiding gun owners.

Any thoughts on this idea?

I believe the brands could be easily done by a medical professional with local anesthetic so there would be no issue of cruel and unusual punishment.

I had thought about a tattoo, but that would not be as permanent and could be tattooed over.

An amputtee…..they could put it on the other arm or somewhere else.
Look! You can 'brand' every felon on the fucking forehead "Don't sell me a gun. I'm a convicted felon". It wouldn't make the slightest difference.
How do the subhumans get guns?
They buy them from criminals who bought them from criminals who either stole them or, in most cases, were purchased from gun smugglers from Mexico who bought them by the shipping container from manufacturers from Central Europe. The Mexican drug cartels pay for the guns with heroin etc which is shipped back to Central Europe.

I know it won't stop criminals from getting guns, I am not a gun grabber after all, and I understand truth and reality. What this specifically does is end the discussion of "universal background checks" and puts the focus on the criminal, not the law abiding citizen. There would never be a need to license owners, register guns or force law abiding gun owners to undergo background checks ever again….their un branded shoulder would allow them to go into a gun store pay for a gun and simply walk out…without a background check, and no permanent record of their owning a gun.
more silliness . Good morning and another day of trying to spread disinformation ehh Candy ??

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