To stop criminals from getting gunsBrand violent felons with anti gun tattoos so they can't buy guns

I don't want violent criminals getting guns. It just gives the anti freedom, anti gun extremists easy arguments to deny us of our 2nd Amendment rights.

the problem…how do you actually keep guns out of the hands of criminals while not affecting the law abiding.

Now anti gun extremists only care about the law abiding citizens who want guns….so they come up with dumb ideas like worthless licensing of gun owners and registering guns. Neither of which effect criminals or mass shooters, but do target law abiding citizens, the very people not abusing guns.

So what to do? I just came up with it……Brand violent felons with marks that will make it impossible for them to get guns through legal channels.

I think a large brand on the upper left arm would work. Go to a gun store, or a private sale, and they ask….show me your left arm. If they see the brand, they know they can't sell the gun. This mark is the easiest, most effective means of preventing criminals from getting guns through legal channels, and it does not affect law abiding citizens in any way.

Also…..if a felon with the brand is caught in possession of a gun at home or on their person….20 years in jail.

I am looking for intelligent discussion of this. It works, doesn't effect law abiding gun owners,and doesn't create a paper trail on law abiding gun owners.

Any thoughts on this idea?

I believe the brands could be easily done by a medical professional with local anesthetic so there would be no issue of cruel and unusual punishment.

I had thought about a tattoo, but that would not be as permanent and could be tattooed over.

An amputtee…..they could put it on the other arm or somewhere else.
FYI - It is IMPOSSIBLE to get guns off the streets, out of the hands of anyone that wants one, and especially criminals. When are you people going to wake up and smell the coffee? One more time, "IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP PEOPLE FROM GETTING THEIR HANDS ON GUNS" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guns are sold out of the trucks of cars, on the internet, on the black market, through friends, neighbors, and relatives. They're sold at flea markets, gun shows, and through gun collectors. They come across our borders, and they're stolen.

We CAN NOT stop illegal drugs, illegal immigrants, nor can we stop terrorists. So, why would anyone think that we can stop people from owning or processing guns?.............. Geez .......... wake up folks .......stop dreaming .....

Do you know why we don't have more gun deaths than we do? Two reasons. Interdiction by the authorities preventing the acquisition of firearms and that some people cannot afford guns.

You're right, you won't get 100% of guns off the street. IT won't happen.

What you can do is simply use a market solution. Price guns out of the range of people being able to buy them casually and they will stop buying them. Simply force gun sellers to have a bond on each weapon sold for XXX amount of money and when they sell the gun, they sell the bond with it. The bond--call it a "mayhem tax"--sits with that gun's serial number. So you can buy a gun for $500.00 and then have to buy the bond for $1,000.00. Meanwhile the money you put down for the bond is gaining interest in the same accounts that the States use for their pension. When you sell the gun to another person, they must pay the original value of the bond plus your price. So you sell it for $300 + $1,000.00. They take over the bond.

Eventually, the bond value tops out at XXX amount. Lets say $10,000 in 30 years. If you like, you can keep your gun. If you wish, you can sell the gun to the local constabulary and they give you whatever price they are paying for weapons (marginal at best of course) plus $11K for the bond. That is a win-win for gun owners. You can get $10,000, keep the price of the original bond and get yourself another gun with $9,000 bucks. Keep in mind that the Government may raise the price of the bond so wanting to keep your $1,000 bond may be beneficial to you. Or you may want to get the whole 11K and fund some of your kid's college plan, invest it in your retirement, start a business, etc... The pension folks get new "pensioners" to invest in their retirement system.

This is just a model...actual numbers will vary. I also think making gun owners carry a refundable insurance policy per weapon would be a good idea.

Now, if, during the lifetime of the gun, it is used during the commission of a crime, the bond value ($1,000 + any interest) goes to the victims of of the crime. The gun is confiscated. Whomever used it goes to jail for XXX number of decades (no time off, no parole). If you didn't announce your gun was stolen...uh oh; you're liable too.


What it does is this. It makes guns more expensive. This has the effect of reducing the amount of guns produced. Thus the price naturally goes up. Secondly, if a criminal uses the gun, the gun is confiscated (by "use" I mean brandish during the commision of a crime, not necessarily fire it), and the crook is sent away with a brand new charge for failure to maintain financial responsibility. So the gun is off the street thus drying up supply some more. Fewer and fewer gun owners would be willing to sell their gun to lose out on the bond. So it dries up the after-market sales. Stolen guns would be reported immediately thus making police more aware of their being out there. Meanwhile, simple age of the guns and sell-backs are taking their toll on the supply out there.

Meanwhile, the 2nd amendment stays in tact. Anyone who wants a gun can buy one. They will just cost more.

It is a right, everything you just posted is unConstitutional…and stupid….we want law abiding gun owners to be able to afford and carry guns for self defense against violent criminals….I don't care if law abiding people buy, own and carry guns. I want criminals to be locked up for 20-30 years for violent gun offenses…..or any violent offense…murder gets the death penalty.
Everyone who is in jail was once a law abiding citizen dumb ass.

Wow…you are so smart asswipe.
Tattooing is not cruel. Millions of people have tats. Illegals should be tattooed across their faces. If they come back, shoot on sight.
If someone has a lifetime prohibition against buying a gun, tat them. The will still be able to steal one or buy one illegally though.
I thought of tattoos first, but you can color in tattoos or have them sort of removed…..a brand, 3" x 3" on the left shoulder, will stick out even under a tattoo….
By "left shoulder" you mean "forehead" - right?

I would have no problem with that….with a violent offender. I think the shoulder would actually get some traction though.
yeah , Violent felons , why let them out of prison to possibly reoffend . Doesn't make sense . Heck , violent felons probably can't get jobs , many live in halfway houses at taxpayer expense and are overseen at taxpayer expense by more Government employees . Why let them out of prison where they then drive more control on regular taxpayers , gun control in this case . Doesn't make any sense to me !! Yep , looks like the plan is working as it is designed to work !!
I don't know why a VIOLENT criminal ever leaves jail in a walking conditition . Seems like a murderer , rapist , child molester should never be let out of some kinda secure Total lockup for his entire life .
They get out for the same reason that some criminals never go to prison. What's makes anyone think or believe that our judicial system is a system of justice? FYI - We have a corrupt judicial system, and justice is just a nice sounding word when applied to what takes place in this country.

How many "BAD" cops are in our prisons and jails? Do they not murder, molest children, rape, steal, sell drugs, and commit acts of unjustified assault and animalistic brutality? How many D.A.s are in prison for sending innocent citizens to prison? How many politicians are in prison for selling legislation and policy on the floors of Congress? How many government contractors are in prison for fraud? How many doctors are in prison for cheating Medicare and Medicaid? We have approximately 400,000 people die in hospitals each year from infections caused by the HOSPITALS. How many hospital directors are in prison on murder charges?

There is NO JUSTICE in AMERICA, none. The judicial system is just as corrupt as our government, and everyone knows how corrupt our government is. At least, one would think that everyone knows it by now.


All bow for the drama queen.
Meaning what? ............... Who is a "drama queen"?
I don't want violent criminals getting guns. It just gives the anti freedom, anti gun extremists easy arguments to deny us of our 2nd Amendment rights.

the problem…how do you actually keep guns out of the hands of criminals while not affecting the law abiding.

Now anti gun extremists only care about the law abiding citizens who want guns….so they come up with dumb ideas like worthless licensing of gun owners and registering guns. Neither of which effect criminals or mass shooters, but do target law abiding citizens, the very people not abusing guns.

So what to do? I just came up with it……Brand violent felons with marks that will make it impossible for them to get guns through legal channels.

I think a large brand on the upper left arm would work. Go to a gun store, or a private sale, and they ask….show me your left arm. If they see the brand, they know they can't sell the gun. This mark is the easiest, most effective means of preventing criminals from getting guns through legal channels, and it does not affect law abiding citizens in any way.

Also…..if a felon with the brand is caught in possession of a gun at home or on their person….20 years in jail.

I am looking for intelligent discussion of this. It works, doesn't effect law abiding gun owners,and doesn't create a paper trail on law abiding gun owners.

Any thoughts on this idea?

I believe the brands could be easily done by a medical professional with local anesthetic so there would be no issue of cruel and unusual punishment.

I had thought about a tattoo, but that would not be as permanent and could be tattooed over.

An amputtee…..they could put it on the other arm or somewhere else.
FYI - It is IMPOSSIBLE to get guns off the streets, out of the hands of anyone that wants one, and especially criminals. When are you people going to wake up and smell the coffee? One more time, "IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP PEOPLE FROM GETTING THEIR HANDS ON GUNS" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guns are sold out of the trucks of cars, on the internet, on the black market, through friends, neighbors, and relatives. They're sold at flea markets, gun shows, and through gun collectors. They come across our borders, and they're stolen.

We CAN NOT stop illegal drugs, illegal immigrants, nor can we stop terrorists. So, why would anyone think that we can stop people from owning or processing guns?.............. Geez .......... wake up folks .......stop dreaming .....

Do you know why we don't have more gun deaths than we do? Two reasons. Interdiction by the authorities preventing the acquisition of firearms and that some people cannot afford guns.

You're right, you won't get 100% of guns off the street. IT won't happen.

What you can do is simply use a market solution. Price guns out of the range of people being able to buy them casually and they will stop buying them. Simply force gun sellers to have a bond on each weapon sold for XXX amount of money and when they sell the gun, they sell the bond with it. The bond--call it a "mayhem tax"--sits with that gun's serial number. So you can buy a gun for $500.00 and then have to buy the bond for $1,000.00. Meanwhile the money you put down for the bond is gaining interest in the same accounts that the States use for their pension. When you sell the gun to another person, they must pay the original value of the bond plus your price. So you sell it for $300 + $1,000.00. They take over the bond.

Eventually, the bond value tops out at XXX amount. Lets say $10,000 in 30 years. If you like, you can keep your gun. If you wish, you can sell the gun to the local constabulary and they give you whatever price they are paying for weapons (marginal at best of course) plus $11K for the bond. That is a win-win for gun owners. You can get $10,000, keep the price of the original bond and get yourself another gun with $9,000 bucks. Keep in mind that the Government may raise the price of the bond so wanting to keep your $1,000 bond may be beneficial to you. Or you may want to get the whole 11K and fund some of your kid's college plan, invest it in your retirement, start a business, etc... The pension folks get new "pensioners" to invest in their retirement system.

This is just a model...actual numbers will vary. I also think making gun owners carry a refundable insurance policy per weapon would be a good idea.

Now, if, during the lifetime of the gun, it is used during the commission of a crime, the bond value ($1,000 + any interest) goes to the victims of of the crime. The gun is confiscated. Whomever used it goes to jail for XXX number of decades (no time off, no parole). If you didn't announce your gun was stolen...uh oh; you're liable too.


What it does is this. It makes guns more expensive. This has the effect of reducing the amount of guns produced. Thus the price naturally goes up. Secondly, if a criminal uses the gun, the gun is confiscated (by "use" I mean brandish during the commision of a crime, not necessarily fire it), and the crook is sent away with a brand new charge for failure to maintain financial responsibility. So the gun is off the street thus drying up supply some more. Fewer and fewer gun owners would be willing to sell their gun to lose out on the bond. So it dries up the after-market sales. Stolen guns would be reported immediately thus making police more aware of their being out there. Meanwhile, simple age of the guns and sell-backs are taking their toll on the supply out there.

Meanwhile, the 2nd amendment stays in tact. Anyone who wants a gun can buy one. They will just cost more.

It is a right, everything you just posted is unConstitutional…and stupid….we want law abiding gun owners to be able to afford and carry guns for self defense against violent criminals….I don't care if law abiding people buy, own and carry guns. I want criminals to be locked up for 20-30 years for violent gun offenses…..or any violent offense…murder gets the death penalty.

Nothing of which I posted is remotely unconstitutional.
The scarlet letter, only a centuries old idea. How original.

Never said it was original….just effective, mainly at silencing the gun grabbers.
There is no evidence it would be effective. Some may have that opinion, but there is no empirical evidence that it would do anything other than create new problems.
The scarlet letter, only a centuries old idea. How original.

Never said it was original….just effective, mainly at silencing the gun grabbers.
There is no evidence it would be effective. Some may have that opinion, but there is no empirical evidence that it would do anything other than create new problems.

It hasn't been tried. It has a lot of advantages, mainly….it takes away the arguments for targeting law abiding citizens with licensing, registration and background checks…..

The anti gunners…will not like the idea because they want to license, register and harass the law abiding, and they aren't concerned that none of those actually stops criminals from getting guns.

Now don't get me wrong….criminals and mass shooters are still going to get guns….just like they do with all the other gun laws……the main thing about this….it keeps law abiding citizens from being targeted by gun laws, and puts that back on the criminals.
I don't want violent criminals getting guns. It just gives the anti freedom, anti gun extremists easy arguments to deny us of our 2nd Amendment rights.

the problem…how do you actually keep guns out of the hands of criminals while not affecting the law abiding.

Now anti gun extremists only care about the law abiding citizens who want guns….so they come up with dumb ideas like worthless licensing of gun owners and registering guns. Neither of which effect criminals or mass shooters, but do target law abiding citizens, the very people not abusing guns.

So what to do? I just came up with it……Brand violent felons with marks that will make it impossible for them to get guns through legal channels.

I think a large brand on the upper left arm would work. Go to a gun store, or a private sale, and they ask….show me your left arm. If they see the brand, they know they can't sell the gun. This mark is the easiest, most effective means of preventing criminals from getting guns through legal channels, and it does not affect law abiding citizens in any way.

Also…..if a felon with the brand is caught in possession of a gun at home or on their person….20 years in jail.

I am looking for intelligent discussion of this. It works, doesn't effect law abiding gun owners,and doesn't create a paper trail on law abiding gun owners.

Any thoughts on this idea?

I believe the brands could be easily done by a medical professional with local anesthetic so there would be no issue of cruel and unusual punishment.

I had thought about a tattoo, but that would not be as permanent and could be tattooed over.

An amputtee…..they could put it on the other arm or somewhere else.
FYI - It is IMPOSSIBLE to get guns off the streets, out of the hands of anyone that wants one, and especially criminals. When are you people going to wake up and smell the coffee? One more time, "IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP PEOPLE FROM GETTING THEIR HANDS ON GUNS" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guns are sold out of the trucks of cars, on the internet, on the black market, through friends, neighbors, and relatives. They're sold at flea markets, gun shows, and through gun collectors. They come across our borders, and they're stolen.

We CAN NOT stop illegal drugs, illegal immigrants, nor can we stop terrorists. So, why would anyone think that we can stop people from owning or processing guns?.............. Geez .......... wake up folks .......stop dreaming .....

Do you know why we don't have more gun deaths than we do? Two reasons. Interdiction by the authorities preventing the acquisition of firearms and that some people cannot afford guns.

You're right, you won't get 100% of guns off the street. IT won't happen.

What you can do is simply use a market solution. Price guns out of the range of people being able to buy them casually and they will stop buying them. Simply force gun sellers to have a bond on each weapon sold for XXX amount of money and when they sell the gun, they sell the bond with it. The bond--call it a "mayhem tax"--sits with that gun's serial number. So you can buy a gun for $500.00 and then have to buy the bond for $1,000.00. Meanwhile the money you put down for the bond is gaining interest in the same accounts that the States use for their pension. When you sell the gun to another person, they must pay the original value of the bond plus your price. So you sell it for $300 + $1,000.00. They take over the bond.

Eventually, the bond value tops out at XXX amount. Lets say $10,000 in 30 years. If you like, you can keep your gun. If you wish, you can sell the gun to the local constabulary and they give you whatever price they are paying for weapons (marginal at best of course) plus $11K for the bond. That is a win-win for gun owners. You can get $10,000, keep the price of the original bond and get yourself another gun with $9,000 bucks. Keep in mind that the Government may raise the price of the bond so wanting to keep your $1,000 bond may be beneficial to you. Or you may want to get the whole 11K and fund some of your kid's college plan, invest it in your retirement, start a business, etc... The pension folks get new "pensioners" to invest in their retirement system.

This is just a model...actual numbers will vary. I also think making gun owners carry a refundable insurance policy per weapon would be a good idea.

Now, if, during the lifetime of the gun, it is used during the commission of a crime, the bond value ($1,000 + any interest) goes to the victims of of the crime. The gun is confiscated. Whomever used it goes to jail for XXX number of decades (no time off, no parole). If you didn't announce your gun was stolen...uh oh; you're liable too.


What it does is this. It makes guns more expensive. This has the effect of reducing the amount of guns produced. Thus the price naturally goes up. Secondly, if a criminal uses the gun, the gun is confiscated (by "use" I mean brandish during the commision of a crime, not necessarily fire it), and the crook is sent away with a brand new charge for failure to maintain financial responsibility. So the gun is off the street thus drying up supply some more. Fewer and fewer gun owners would be willing to sell their gun to lose out on the bond. So it dries up the after-market sales. Stolen guns would be reported immediately thus making police more aware of their being out there. Meanwhile, simple age of the guns and sell-backs are taking their toll on the supply out there.

Meanwhile, the 2nd amendment stays in tact. Anyone who wants a gun can buy one. They will just cost more.

It is a right, everything you just posted is unConstitutional…and stupid….we want law abiding gun owners to be able to afford and carry guns for self defense against violent criminals….I don't care if law abiding people buy, own and carry guns. I want criminals to be locked up for 20-30 years for violent gun offenses…..or any violent offense…murder gets the death penalty.

Nothing of which I posted is remotely unconstitutional.

Yes…taxing a right to make it go away was tried by the democrats during the Jim Crow era….they put a poll tax on voting to keep blacks from voting…any new fees, taxes, or fines on guns or ammo become poll taxes and therefore are illegal and unconstitutional…...
I don't want violent criminals getting guns. It just gives the anti freedom, anti gun extremists easy arguments to deny us of our 2nd Amendment rights.

the problem…how do you actually keep guns out of the hands of criminals while not affecting the law abiding.

Now anti gun extremists only care about the law abiding citizens who want guns….so they come up with dumb ideas like worthless licensing of gun owners and registering guns. Neither of which effect criminals or mass shooters, but do target law abiding citizens, the very people not abusing guns.

So what to do? I just came up with it……Brand violent felons with marks that will make it impossible for them to get guns through legal channels.

I think a large brand on the upper left arm would work. Go to a gun store, or a private sale, and they ask….show me your left arm. If they see the brand, they know they can't sell the gun. This mark is the easiest, most effective means of preventing criminals from getting guns through legal channels, and it does not affect law abiding citizens in any way.

Also…..if a felon with the brand is caught in possession of a gun at home or on their person….20 years in jail.

I am looking for intelligent discussion of this. It works, doesn't effect law abiding gun owners,and doesn't create a paper trail on law abiding gun owners.

Any thoughts on this idea?

I believe the brands could be easily done by a medical professional with local anesthetic so there would be no issue of cruel and unusual punishment.

I had thought about a tattoo, but that would not be as permanent and could be tattooed over.

An amputtee…..they could put it on the other arm or somewhere else.
i spent 5 and 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia, and you could leave your car unlocked, front door to your house open, and only thing you worried about, was having your bible absconded bringing it into the country. So lets see how this would go over.
1. if you are caught stealing , your right ear is notched, showing everyone that you are a thief.
2. if you are caught stealing again, then you would lose your right hand, for that is the hand that you wipe your ass with, and you don't get welfare.
3. if you are caught again stealing, then you lose the other hand, have to fend for yourself, and there is still no welfare.
4. if you are caught killing someone, then you are given 1 trial, 1 appeal, and if found guilty, you are executed by beheading in front of a crowd.
5. if you are caught doing drugs, the paid slaves are executed by beheading, but if you are of the civilized cultures, you spend 5 years in jail, and the only thing provided is running water, from 1 side of the cell, to the other, food and anything else is brought to you by family or friends, but not by the government. If you convert to Islam, you get better treatment(not beaten daily) and maybe get a cigarette or 2 a day.
Crime in Saudi Arabia is very low.
Branding is just hot iron Tattoo's and would soon be a new rave. Start giving post birth removal of body parts(like Planned Parenthood does to unborn babies) and soon crime would be non existent. But also, you have to get rid of liberalism and welfare.
The scarlet letter, only a centuries old idea. How original.
Do you have a sound argument against its efficacy?
Criminals learn how to get around laws. In addition it would be judged as cruel and unusual punishment. It suggest a lifetime sentence of public humiliation.
How do you get around having a brand put on your forehead before you leave prison?
Shouldn't a rapist or murderer be sentenced to a lifetime of public humiliation?
The scarlet letter, only a centuries old idea. How original.
Do you have a sound argument against its efficacy?
Criminals learn how to get around laws. In addition it would be judged as cruel and unusual punishment. It suggest a lifetime sentence of public humiliation.

It would be done by medical professionals with pain relief. And a violent felon is already tagged for life, and the brand could be concealed on a daily basis under a t-shirt. This would make on the spot checking for the ability to buy a gun possible with no record keeping.
The scarlet letter, only a centuries old idea. How original.
Do you have a sound argument against its efficacy?
Criminals learn how to get around laws. In addition it would be judged as cruel and unusual punishment. It suggest a lifetime sentence of public humiliation.

Thanks for the comments…I am looking for the down side…and ways to discuss it and get around them.
The scarlet letter, only a centuries old idea. How original.
Do you have a sound argument against its efficacy?
Criminals learn how to get around laws. In addition it would be judged as cruel and unusual punishment. It suggest a lifetime sentence of public humiliation.
How do you get around having a brand put on your forehead before you leave prison?
Shouldn't a rapist or murderer be sentenced to a lifetime of public humiliation?
What about people who have a history of mental illness. Do you propose we brand them also? Who will decide what crimes and illnesses qualify for branding?
The scarlet letter, only a centuries old idea. How original.
Do you have a sound argument against its efficacy?
Criminals learn how to get around laws. In addition it would be judged as cruel and unusual punishment. It suggest a lifetime sentence of public humiliation.
How do you get around having a brand put on your forehead before you leave prison?
Shouldn't a rapist or murderer be sentenced to a lifetime of public humiliation?
What about people who have a history of mental illness. Do you propose we brand them also? Who will decide what crimes and illnesses qualify for branding?

They go through the court system and when they are convicted and sentenced, they would get branded. The mentally ill, no. I wouldn't necessarily support that since that can be cured or dealt with, with medication. Violent crimes of rape, robbery with a gun, murder…though on murder I believe in the death penalty.
The scarlet letter, only a centuries old idea. How original.
Do you have a sound argument against its efficacy?
Criminals learn how to get around laws. In addition it would be judged as cruel and unusual punishment. It suggest a lifetime sentence of public humiliation.
How do you get around having a brand put on your forehead before you leave prison?
Shouldn't a rapist or murderer be sentenced to a lifetime of public humiliation?
What about people who have a history of mental illness. Do you propose we brand them also? Who will decide what crimes and illnesses qualify for branding?

There are still a few more things I want to discuss……I want to see if anyone thinks of them.
The scarlet letter, only a centuries old idea. How original.
Do you have a sound argument against its efficacy?
Criminals learn how to get around laws. In addition it would be judged as cruel and unusual punishment. It suggest a lifetime sentence of public humiliation.

Thanks for the comments…I am looking for the down side…and ways to discuss it and get around them.
What would you do with the 20 year old girl who got involved with the wrong crowd and got caught carrying a gun or drugs. Would she be embarrassed anytime she went to the beach or swimming pool? Would she be restricted to her clothing? Would she still be required to wear this brand 25 years after she finished rehab, got a job, paid taxes and never had another run in with the law? All for the convenience and benefit of those who sell guns?

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