To the "Anti-vaxxers"

that's call being humane & having empathy.

try it sometime.

If you're at greater risk or you think you may be...then take necessary precautions.

It is not up to the rest of us to put our lives in jeopardy to make you feel better. Indeed you WOULD feel better if the rest of us put that poison in our bodies. Why is that?
I know, I was just speaking in general man. You know how people are with this shit.
Perhaps so. But I dont have cancer. I dont have anything(besides sinuses :rolleyes: ). I am healthy and young. I weighed the consequences and went with no injection.
Covid is a respiratory virus. Your sinuses is where it thrives. Whether you know it or not, you are at greater risk.
Vaxxed people can spread it as well.

You have no point

yep - vaxxed or not can transmit. that is NOT the point.

lol ... howeverrrrrrrr when yer vaccinated, you are protected from getting seriously ill, if at all . breakthrus are rare & mild at worst & the virus stops in yer nose & doesn't invade yer lungs & other organs.

being unvaxxed, you can get really sick & the overwhelming hospitalizations & intubations are 'young & healthy ' people - that's now the targeted host for delta.
It is not up to the rest of us to put our lives in jeopardy to make you feel better. Indeed you WOULD feel better if the rest of us put that poison in our bodies. Why is that?

much as you hate the idea - there's is a SOCIAL factor in this. you live & accept having to live in society - & with that comes some responsibility on everyones' part. oh well... the tide is turning & if y'all wanna live in society & not be a part of it, you're gonna find more & more isolation from it.
I think your thread title got things off on the wrong foot. Many people not wanting the COVID vaccine are not real anti-vaxxers, they just don't think the risk of THIS vaccine outweighs their risks via actual COVID.

I got the vaccine in March, for me and for my elderly relatives so I could dispense with the faux isolation bullshit without pissing off my more risk adverse other relatives.

I understand some people's confusion over the whole mRNA thing, but it's actually a way to make vaccinations SAFER because you dispense with the live/dead virus/bacteria you are immunizing against and just add the antigens/receptors that the immune system responds to to create immunity, or at least resistance.
they just don't think the risk of THIS vaccine outweighs their risks via actual COVID.
But isn’t this a ridiculous view? Show me one ICU in the world that is filled with people dying of the vaccine. Over 4 billion doses of Pfizer alone have been administered worldwide. There is just no evidence to warrant such an opinion of the vaccine.
Are you thinking of asthma?
No. I’m thinking of the respiratory tract where they actually look for the virus when testing.
Even though we are political opposites, I must agree everyone should get vaccinated. Even stupid Republicans who go around believing lies and conspiracies rather than looking and living in the light of the truth. Not much grows in darkness, very little good thrives on it.
We were told poverty would be ended when the War on Poverty started in the 1960's. We were told that equality hiring would end all issues when it was pushed starting the early 1970's. We were told that hunger would be eliminated completely from the 1960's War on Poverty. Checks and Benefits galore today. Schools providing free Breakfast and Lunch and pushing for Dinners now also for the children. We have institutionalized poverty. Darkness has a dusk look provided by massive government payments. And when the payments are ever reduced as they will be by things unforeseen, it will be the darkest in our history before we see the light at the end of the tunnel. Tens of millions of jobs not productive as factory jobs with massive benefits and pensions created to promote tens of millions of people and tens of millions more into permanent poverty was legalized. This is what we have now. Republicans did not do this. They just slowed down your agendas in which you have near total control. The shit that falls from your agendas is what the argument is. And when anyone brings up that shit, they are demeaned, slandered and destroyed if need be for the almighty Progressive Socialist secular godless religion. Endless ghettos while spending tens of trillions of dollars to eliminate them.

Young People Make Up Biggest Group of Newly Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

  • More and more young people are being hospitalized for COVID-19 as the Delta variant surges through the U.S.
  • Experts say that initially a person’s age and underlying conditions were the biggest factors for if a person would need to be hospitalized, but now it’s vaccine status.
  • Currently, people ages 18 to 49 make up the largest demographic of hospitalized people due to COVID-19, according to the CDC.
COVID-19 variants are now surging across the United States — especially the highly transmissible Delta variant, which accounts for the vast majority of cases.
Vaccinations for COVID-19 have also decreased with an average of around 750,000 vaccinations daily this week compared to over 3.9 million at the peak of vaccination. About 69 percent of U.S. adults currently have at least one vaccine dose. Demographically, people over age 65 have a much higher vaccination rate, with over 89 percent having at least one dose.
During the start of the pandemic, before there was a vaccine, those most likely to be hospitalized for COVID-19 were older adults.
Now that the Delta variant is spreading widely in the United States, physicians are seeing a worrying trend of younger people ending up in the ICU.

Younger people most affected​

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data, recent weeks have shown an increase in COVID-19-related hospitalizations for all age groups, with hospitalized adults ages 18–49 accounting for the largest increase.
Young People Are Biggest Group of Newly Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
much as you hate the idea - there's is a SOCIAL factor in this. you live & accept having to live in society - & with that comes some responsibility on everyones' part. oh well... the tide is turning & if y'all wanna live in society & not be a part of it, you're gonna find more & more isolation from it.

If this is such an issue why did your president throw open the southern border.

Young People Make Up Biggest Group of Newly Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

  • More and more young people are being hospitalized for COVID-19 as the Delta variant surges through the U.S.
  • Experts say that initially a person’s age and underlying conditions were the biggest factors for if a person would need to be hospitalized, but now it’s vaccine status.
  • Currently, people ages 18 to 49 make up the largest demographic of hospitalized people due to COVID-19, according to the CDC.
COVID-19 variants are now surging across the United States — especially the highly transmissible Delta variant, which accounts for the vast majority of cases.
Vaccinations for COVID-19 have also decreased with an average of around 750,000 vaccinations daily this week compared to over 3.9 million at the peak of vaccination. About 69 percent of U.S. adults currently have at least one vaccine dose. Demographically, people over age 65 have a much higher vaccination rate, with over 89 percent having at least one dose.
During the start of the pandemic, before there was a vaccine, those most likely to be hospitalized for COVID-19 were older adults.
Now that the Delta variant is spreading widely in the United States, physicians are seeing a worrying trend of younger people ending up in the ICU.

Younger people most affected​

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data, recent weeks have shown an increase in COVID-19-related hospitalizations for all age groups, with hospitalized adults ages 18–49 accounting for the largest increase.
Young People Are Biggest Group of Newly Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

How do you explain them not getting it in the 'initial' outbreak?
No it isnt. You spoke of spreading it to others. Not me having complications.

okey dokey - let me clarify.

you are unvaxxed. i am vaxxed.

both of us can spread it. you may not know you are infected; nor i ... but YOU have a 99% higher chance of getting really sick
( or worse ).

i will not.

if everyone was vaxxed, even if the virus lingers around - virtually no one will have major complications.

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