To the "Anti-vaxxers"

We all want it to end, how do you think a 100% vaccination rate is going to end it?
I, of course, mean the end of the madness. Not Covid itself.
Thanks to the Chinese, this thing is out in the world forever. It will never go away 100%.
However, an immune population will reduce it down. Herd immunity is never 100% of the population, rather a high percentage of the population that basically removes the viruses ability to spread. So it dies out.
Look, the left has weaponized this thing. Panic porn on a daily basis. They have been on the wrong side of this whole thing virtually from day one.
But the virus and the vaccine itself is still what they are regardless of how ridiculously political both sides have made it. Herd immunity is the only thing that will make our lives somewhat normal again.
And high vaccine percentage will bring HI faster than not.
How do you explain them not getting it in the 'initial' outbreak?

the initial outbreak was covid 19. it has morphed past beta & gamma which were the UK & south africa variants ... now it's delta from india & the vaccines are still working against it, but the next one we may not have any protection at all. the virus will always look for a host without immunity.
Pleading and using reason with antivaxxers is waste of time. All they want to do is complain. Just ignore them.
you are unvaxxed. i am vaxxed.

both of us can spread it. you may not know you are infected; nor i ... but YOU have a 99% higher chance of getting really sick
( or worse ).

i will not.

if everyone was vaxxed, even if the virus lingers around - virtually no one will have major complications.

well look at concerned over me, an unvaxxed, for my health.
You don't want me to have major complications from covid...while your media encourages killing trump supporters in other ways. Oh. And that spike protein you've put in your blood stream...nah..that's not a problem.
So what?....Point is that they got infected....Your vax is snake oil, and you're too pig-headed to look at the facts and admit it.
No, dope. The point is they weren’t permanently incapacitated or killed. The vaccine is the only protection that guarantees a mild case.
Pleading and using reason with antivaxxers is waste of time. All they want to do is complain. Just ignore them.

When did the left become so interested in my health? LOLOL
No, dope. The point is they weren’t permanently incapacitated or killed. The vaccine is the only protection that guarantees a mild case.

y'all change your defense of it with the change in the hour don't you?
the initial outbreak was covid 19. it has morphed past beta & gamma which were the UK & south africa variants ... now it's delta from india & the vaccines are still working against it, but the next one we may not have any protection at all. the virus will always look for a host without immunity.
The commie virus eventually runs out of options on its spike. Delta differs from Lambda by only one amino acid. One can see the weakness of this promiscuous virus by comparing a dozen other coronaviruses.

Anti-vaxxers changing their minds should avoid the UK chimp vaccine:

Pfizer Booster
I, of course, mean the end of the madness. Not Covid itself.
Thanks to the Chinese, this thing is out in the world forever. It will never go away 100%.
However, an immune population will reduce it down. Herd immunity is never 100% of the population, rather a high percentage of the population that basically removes the viruses ability to spread. So it dies out.
Look, the left has weaponized this thing. Panic porn on a daily basis. They have been on the wrong side of this whole thing virtually from day one.
But the virus and the vaccine itself is still what they are regardless of how ridiculously political both sides have made it. Herd immunity is the only thing that will make our lives somewhat normal again.
And high vaccine percentage will bring HI faster than not.

Don't you think we're well into herd immunity numbers between the people vaxxed and the people that have already had it? If this thing was developed in a lab, how do we even know we can predict how it will act in the future? There's already so much about it that is unlike anything else we've ever seen, or we're at least being led to believe it's unlike anything we've ever seen. Most normal viruses will act as you described, and any continuing mutations will just continue to get weaker, but is this a normal virus? And if it isn't, there's not any proof that these vaccines will do anything to help. There are very good reasons to be skeptical of big pharma and big government, especially when they're both so desperate to push this on absolutely everyone, without any logical or scientific evidence that it will help. Then when you have the fascist left also backing big money, big corp, big capitalist pigs, there's something that just doesn't add up. Add to that the complete organized censorship of any disagreeing opinion, highly qualified and educated opinion, by every major 'media' outlet, and I don't blame people for being completely skeptical about this entire thing. There is no doubt that we are being manipulated and lied to on a daily basis.
No one is talking about forcing everyone to get the vaxx, We are incouraging and incentivising it. Big difference. Any long tern negative effects are ourely speculative, and quite frankly far fetched. On the other, we know with confidence that without the vaxx, there wiold be hundreds of thousands more death, and long term dibilitaing effects of Covid
I’m also concerned with the long term effects of continuing covid stress on society at large. What does this mean for all of our systems to have this level of disruption and uncertainty continue indefinitely? Some of the effects are already evident and are worrying to say the least if this continues or worsens through the winter. How many years of lost or messed up school do kids need to endure? Things like an end to eviction moritoriums, ( which I agree are not fair to landlords), may cause a homelessness crisis not seen since the GD. Our healthcare systems are being stressed to the point that staffing is becoming critical. Ending this should be everyone’s priority. The vaccine is the surest and easiest path.
the initial outbreak was covid 19. it has morphed past beta & gamma which were the UK & south africa variants ... now it's delta from india & the vaccines are still working against it, but the next one we may not have any protection at all. the virus will always look for a host without immunity.

That makes no sense.... so the initial outbreak just decided it wasn't interested in younger hosts? But the newer variants are for some reason? Why?
Pleading and using reason with antivaxxers is waste of time. All they want to do is complain. Just ignore them.
Was it included in the leftist covid playbook to call people who don't want the covid vaccine 'antivaxxers'? You do realize that most people refusing this particular vaccine are not anti vax at all? Or does that not even matter to you, the label is more important so you can target and marginalize and 'group' people you disagree with more easily?
don't forget. There is that 33.5 billion dollar profit for big pharma. A lot of that will end up in Dem and some repunk pockets.

It's always, always, always about the money. And even tho our friendly little neighborhood lefties profess to hate money and those with lots of it, they back them, defend them, and become their little unpaid puppet army every single time.
Can you quote a source that proves that "They stop you, or at least minimize you, from going to the hospital and dying."

Context is obviously not your forte' ....

You are the Fucking IDIOT with all you parroting Fake News memes and talking points.

Your single IQ input in this thread is meaningless.
Does the absence of vaxxed people in covid ICUs inform you in any way?

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