To the "Anti-vaxxers"

No it hasn't. The CDC has said that the number of deaths is currently 0.2% of the entire population.

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Apparently, we’re using different calculators. Dividing CDC’s data reported today, number of deaths: 612,958 divided by by total number of cases: 35,392,284 = 99.98% survival rate.
I just understood what you’re saying! So you’re telling me that CDC is reporting that 2% of our population have died from the Covid-19 virus? Current estimated US population by Worldometer is 333,103,730 people. This is a conservative estimate considering there are tens of thousands of new immigrants entering the country, at the southern border mostly. Two percent of 333,103,730 is 6,700,564 which is a far cry from CDC’s reports death count at 612,958. Not even close.
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makes perfect sciency sense. the NOVEL coronavirus targeted the oldest among us. it was like going after low hanging fruit. nice & easy for covid.

then who got vaxxed first? & the numbers started dropping as far as hospitalizations/deaths. as the different age groups started getting their shots & it was more available on a larger scale - the virus changes cause it can't find a host like it was. the largest demographic being hit the hardest are younger people & the virus is getting stronger as far as transmission.

why do you not know this? don't believe me, go to real science sites & research it yerself or stay the poorly educated fool that donny loves long time.
the NOVEL coronavirus targeted the oldest among us

sciency sense? lol

Why don't you explain that using sciency sense?
Break throughs ARE NOT rare .... that is a LIE !!!

Delta variant: 8 things you should know about this COVID-19 strain
Updated July 23, 2021​

4. Breakthrough cases for vaccinated people are rare, but do happen

When a vaccinated person tests positive for COVID-19, most either have no symptoms or have very mild symptoms, and it rarely results in hospitalization or death. Their symptoms are more like those of a common cold, such as cough, fever or headache, with the addition of significant loss of smell...

And, perhaps you can post a valid scientific source stating vaccines protect you from getting seriously ill.

... As of July 22, there were 65,000 breakthrough cases (or people who are vaccinated but got COVID-19) among the 160 million people who are fully vaccinated. That's 0.04% of vaccinated people reporting breakthrough cases. No vaccine is 100% effective. With the COVID-19 vaccines averaging about 90% efficacy, health experts expect about 10% of those vaccinated could be infected.
Delta variant: 8 things you should know | Coronavirus | UC Davis Health

you're welcome.
the NOVEL coronavirus targeted the oldest among us

sciency sense? lol

Why don't you explain that using sciency sense?


^^^ THAT ^^^

Delta variant: 8 things you should know about this COVID-19 strain​

Updated July 23, 2021​

4. Breakthrough cases for vaccinated people are rare, but do happen

When a vaccinated person tests positive for COVID-19, most either have no symptoms or have very mild symptoms, and it rarely results in hospitalization or death. Their symptoms are more like those of a common cold, such as cough, fever or headache, with the addition of significant loss of smell...

... As of July 22, there were 65,000 breakthrough cases (or people who are vaccinated but got COVID-19) among the 160 million people who are fully vaccinated. That's 0.04% of vaccinated people reporting breakthrough cases. No vaccine is 100% effective. With the COVID-19 vaccines averaging about 90% efficacy, health experts expect about 10% of those vaccinated could be infected.
Delta variant: 8 things you should know | Coronavirus | UC Davis Health

you're welcome.

Why has the CDC stopped collecting data on breakthrough Covid cases? | Yasmin Tayag

It’s difficult to answer these questions because there’s a dearth of rigorous data on breakthrough cases in the United States. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks only breakthrough cases that lead to hospitalization and death, which it does by gathering data from state health departments. Only 25 states report some data on breakthroughs, and only 15 of those states update it regularly, according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of state data.

They stopped counting on May1, why?
Why has the CDC stopped collecting data on breakthrough Covid cases? | Yasmin Tayag

It’s difficult to answer these questions because there’s a dearth of rigorous data on breakthrough cases in the United States. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks only breakthrough cases that lead to hospitalization and death, which it does by gathering data from state health departments. Only 25 states report some data on breakthroughs, and only 15 of those states update it regularly, according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of state data.

They stopped counting on May1, why?

just how far did you read yer own article?

But on 1 May, the agency changed its strategy to investigate only breakthrough cases that led to hospitalization or death. “This shift will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance,” it explained.

^^^ THAT'S WHY ^^^
I am putting this in politics instead of healthcare... because it is about the political side of all this.

I am as conservative as they come. Leftism is a cancer among us in many ways.
One, however, is not the vaccine.
Get vaccinated. We need to cut this thing down before a truly bad variant comes out. Delta is not it. It is not nearly as bad as bad as the original, but it can become worse as it will, inevitably morph itself.
As i have stated here a number of times my son is a Respiratory Specialist, and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist. Both at major hospitals.
At the hospital my daughter works at, there are 44 Covid patients. 6 are in ICU. 2 are likely to die.
Wanna know the demographics?
All but two are minorities.
Only one is vaccinated.

Let that sink in. It is the same all over. Right now Covid is a sickness, primarily for the unvaccinated. Yes you can spout off some anecdotal situations that show some vaccinated people getting sick and even dying. But folks, the numbers are simply what the numbers are. And the numbers are the sick enough to be hospitalized - are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is not "giving in". It doesn't make you less conservative. It is not a "win" for the other side.
It is Goddamn common sense in order to stop a very possible bad ass variant from developing that will screw us over worse than 2020.

Variants can develop in any host if viral replication takes place. All of the current Covid-19 vaccines are non-sterilizing, infection-permissive vaccines, meaning viral replication does take place in a vaccinated person who is subsequently infected. In sum, these vaccinations do not eliminate the occurrence of variants, or the transmission of the virus to others. The purpose of these vaccines is simply to reduce the severity of the disease if infected. Hence, it should be a personal decision based on each person's health factors, comorbidities, etc. This obsession with compelling every single person to get the vaccine is utterly mind boggling.
So you don't know? You're spouting ridiculous nonsense that you can't back up with any scientific theory or numbers? Thanks lol


According to the recent CDC data, in the week ending July 24, people ages 18 to 49 are the largest demographic hospitalized for COVID-19.

This age group is currently affected far more than those ages 50–64 — and significantly more affected than the next oldest group (ages 65 and older), a trend that began in March of this year.

“A major reason for this is that vaccine uptake has been high among those over 65, and this was a group very vulnerable to severe illness,” explained Hirschwerk. “By proportion, fewer patients of more advanced age are currently being hospitalized with COVID.”

Young People Are Biggest Group of Newly Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
just how far did you read yer own article?

But on 1 May, the agency changed its strategy to investigate only breakthrough cases that led to hospitalization or death. “This shift will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance,” it explained.

^^^ THAT'S WHY ^^^

Oh, I read it.... the 'media' will have to paint the picture in a way that someone like you can defend the decision of course. Tell me how we know exactly how many breakthrough cases there are then, hence how many vaxxed people can be out spreading the virus? I thought that was an important thing to know? But by conveniently not counting the number of breakthrough cases, that number can't be used as a means to show that mandating an experimental vaccine for 'public health' is useless, and we wouldn't want to have that, would we? If hospitalizations are the most important statistic, then why is the total number of people vaccinated important, especially if we have no clue how many of those people are carriers of covid and spreading it? I've heard, ad nauseum, about how the number of vaccinated people that can spread covid is very low, if we're not counting breakthrough cases, how do we know that? The answer is we don't.
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Variants can develop in any host if viral replication takes place. All of the current Covid-19 vaccines are non-sterilizing, infection-permissive vaccines, meaning viral replication does take place in a vaccinated person who is subsequently infected. In sum, these vaccinations do not eliminate the occurrence of variants, or the transmission of the virus to others. The purpose of these vaccines is simply to reduce the severity of the disease if infected. Hence, it should be a personal decision based on each person's health factors, comorbidities, etc. This obsession with compelling every single person to get the vaccine is utterly mind boggling.

Exactly, that's all that needs to be said, period.

According to the recent CDC data, in the week ending July 24, people ages 18 to 49 are the largest demographic hospitalized for COVID-19.

This age group is currently affected far more than those ages 50–64 — and significantly more affected than the next oldest group (ages 65 and older), a trend that began in March of this year.

“A major reason for this is that vaccine uptake has been high among those over 65, and this was a group very vulnerable to severe illness,” explained Hirschwerk. “By proportion, fewer patients of more advanced age are currently being hospitalized with COVID.”

Young People Are Biggest Group of Newly Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

That doesn't explain how novel covid just skipped over one demographic for another, and now a variation of it is doing the same thing, which was your claim? No one was vaccinated for novel, so why did it skip a certain demographic as you claimed?
Oh, I read it.... the 'media' will have to paint the picture in a way that someone like you can defend the decision of course. Tell me how we know exactly how many breakthrough cases there are then, hence how many vaxxed people can be out spreading the virus? I thought that was an important thing to know? But by conveniently not counting the number of breakthrough cases, that number can't be used as a means to show that mandating an experimental vaccine for 'public health' is useless, and we wouldn't to have that would we? If hospitalizations are the most important statistic, then why is how many total people are vaccinated important, especially if we have no clue how many of those people are carriers of covid and spreading it? I've heard, ad nauseum, about how the number of vaccinated people that can spread covid is very low, if we're not counting breakthrough cases, how do we know that? The answer is we don't.

blah blah blah - you didn't read it. i know it & you know it.

it's been determined that delta can be transmitted by vaxxed & unvaxxed people & it's been determined that nearly 100% of those that it presents a health crisis are among the unvaxxed. it pretty much matters to that group exclusively. contact tracing is how we know vaxxed people are getting it. but if it's not affecting us the same way, i'd only be interested in those it IS & how your ignorant willful stubbornness will affect me in the long run. taking the vaccine doesn't protect you from the virus it only lessens your symptoms.

this will change next week when it proves to be wrong.
That doesn't explain how novel covid just skipped over one demographic for another,

ya it sure does.

and now a variation of it is doing the same thing, which was your claim?

the variant wants to live & thrive so it's scouting out the unvaxxed.

No one was vaccinated for novel,
LOL!!!! WHAT? that IS the vaccine you dummy. for covid 19. right now the vaccine for THAT is working against the variants, including delta. the next one to come down the pike might escape our immunity. god damn are you really that ignorant?

so why did it skip a certain demographic as you claimed?

the vaxxed are protected. the unvaxxed are not. the unvaxxed are now the young & it can't get anymore simpler than that.
this will change next week when it proves to be wrong.

IF. & IF the science evolves, we'll be told.

b4 delta, masking up was gonna be a thing of the past if one is smart enough to be vaxxed. that has since changed because of delta + covidiots. next week, a new variant might emerge because of them & then, ya - things could change.
blah blah blah - you didn't read it. i know it & you know it.

it's been determined that delta can be transmitted by vaxxed & unvaxxed people & it's been determined that nearly 100% of those that it presents a health crisis are among the unvaxxed. it pretty much matters to that group exclusively. contact tracing is how we know vaxxed people are getting it. but if it's not affecting us the same way, i'd only be interested in those it IS & how your ignorant willful stubbornness will affect me in the long run.

Blah, blah, blah.... lol Yeah, I know, it's tough to respond to facts. You apparently didn't read the entire article... lol The CDC made the comment that you highlighted, what do you expect them to say when questioned about it? Why did you completely ignore the rest of my post that dealt with knowing how much the vaccine is supposedly stopping the spread of the virus, the VERY REASON you and others on the left are supporting the mandating of an experimental vaccine for everything. If it's found that Covid will spread just as easily with the vaccine, then all supposed reasons and arguments to get the vaccine for the 'public health' are null. How do we know how much it is spreading with vaccinated when we don't have the numbers????

"This is the kind of information that the public needs in order to understand the risks of daily life during the pandemic, and that scientists need to assess the shifting epidemiology of the virus. We should be able to rely on the CDC to collect and share this data. Instead, we are relying on non-profits, media outlets and patient advocacy groups to fill the gap.

The CDC used to be more thorough in its surveillance of breakthrough cases. It tracked them all between 1 January and 30 April of this year, counting 10,262 in that time frame. But on 1 May, the agency changed its strategy to investigate only breakthrough cases that led to hospitalization or death. “This shift will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance,” it explained.

There’s no question that learning about hospitalized or fatal breakthrough cases is critical. But it is just as important to know about the ones that don’t – the ones that are asymptomatic but still contagious, those that lead to mild symptoms, and, crucially, those that develop into long Covid.

The general public must have this information so they understand how and why to protect themselves, even if they are vaccinated. Vaccine-hesitant people must have it so they can see that the likelihood of breakthroughs is rare because the vaccines are such a powerful shield against new infections. And researchers must have it so that they can understand how the virus is evolving and track any emerging vaccine-resistant variants that may be driving breakthrough cases.

Vaccine-hesitant people must have it so they can see that the likelihood of breakthroughs is rare because the vaccines are such a powerful shield against new infections. --

That last statement right there is what I am talking about, why wouldn't they want to count to prove that it helps to stop the spread???? Unless they're counting was showing that it didn't??
ya it sure does.

the variant wants to live & thrive so it's scouting out the unvaxxed.

LOL!!!! WHAT? that IS the vaccine you dummy. for covid 19. right now the vaccine for THAT is working against the variants, including delta. the next one to come down the pike might escape our immunity. god damn are you really that ignorant?

the vaxxed are protected. the unvaxxed are not. the unvaxxed are now the young & it can't get anymore simpler than that.

You're clearly confused or stupid or both. How did the Novel version skip over the demographic that you claimed it did? It's really a simple quetion.

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