To the "Anti-vaxxers"

Apparently, we’re using different calculators. Dividing CDC’s data reported today, number of deaths: 612,958 divided by by total number of cases: 35,392,284 = 99.98% survival rate.
I just understood what you’re saying! So you’re telling me that CDC is reporting that 2% of our population have died from the Covid-19 virus? Current estimated US population by Worldometer is 333,103,730 people. This is a conservative estimate considering there are tens of thousands of new immigrants entering the country, at the southern border mostly. Two percent of 333,103,730 is 6,700,564 which is a far cry from CDC’s reports death count at 612,958. Not even close.
2% of the population? No stupid.

2% of infected people
Why has the CDC stopped collecting data on breakthrough Covid cases? | Yasmin Tayag

It’s difficult to answer these questions because there’s a dearth of rigorous data on breakthrough cases in the United States. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) tracks only breakthrough cases that lead to hospitalization and death, which it does by gathering data from state health departments. Only 25 states report some data on breakthroughs, and only 15 of those states update it regularly, according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of state data.

They stopped counting on May1, why?
Umm… because they aren’t becoming significantly ill?
That doesn't explain how novel covid just skipped over one demographic for another, and now a variation of it is doing the same thing, which was your claim? No one was vaccinated for novel, so why did it skip a certain demographic as you claimed?
The explanation is simple. You don’t have the ability to understand any of this. That ability skipped over your development.:uhoh3:

Delta variant: 8 things you should know about this COVID-19 strain​

Updated July 23, 2021​

4. Breakthrough cases for vaccinated people are rare, but do happen

When a vaccinated person tests positive for COVID-19, most either have no symptoms or have very mild symptoms, and it rarely results in hospitalization or death. Their symptoms are more like those of a common cold, such as cough, fever or headache, with the addition of significant loss of smell...

... As of July 22, there were 65,000 breakthrough cases (or people who are vaccinated but got COVID-19) among the 160 million people who are fully vaccinated. That's 0.04% of vaccinated people reporting breakthrough cases. No vaccine is 100% effective. With the COVID-19 vaccines averaging about 90% efficacy, health experts expect about 10% of those vaccinated could be infected.
Delta variant: 8 things you should know | Coronavirus | UC Davis Health

you're welcome.
You are being LIED to and apparently too stupid to figure it out.
What? Dude, you made a claim and failed to back up. Give it a fuckin rest already. Goddamn.
I was helping you out by making you aware of a potential problem for you. I recently went through this with a family member who has chronic sinusitis that develops into infections elsewhere. Thankfully her doctor and I got her to agree to a treatment that greatly reduces the chance of infections and inflammation. I wasn’t arguing anything. I even encouraged to to look into it yourself. Instead you’re being a confrontational ass. Everything isn’t political or confrontational.
But they're still spreading it, which nullifies mandating the vaccine for 'public health' reasons. If we find out that 75% of vaccinated still get covid and spread it, then mandating a vaccine makes no sense does it?
It absolutely makes sense. The point of the vaccine isn’t to stop the spread. It’s to protect people from severe cases that result in death or incapacity. It doesn’t matter how much it spreads if people are no longer dying and maxing out hospitals. Right? That’s why it’s important to get vaccinated.
WTF is so hard to understand about this?
I was helping you out by making you aware of a potential problem for you. I recently went through this with a family member who has chronic sinusitis that develops into infections elsewhere. Thankfully her doctor and I got her to agree to a treatment that greatly reduces the chance of infections and inflammation. I wasn’t arguing anything. I even encouraged to to look into it yourself. Instead you’re being a confrontational ass. Everything isn’t political or confrontational.
Yep, you didnt ag it on at all :rolleyes:
I looked into it and couldnt find anything. I have told you that. Thats why I asked for a link. And never got one.
It absolutely makes sense. The point of the vaccine isn’t to stop the spread. It’s to protect people from severe cases that result in death or incapacity. It doesn’t matter how much it spreads if people are no longer dying and maxing out hospitals. Right? That’s why it’s important to get vaccinated.
WTF is so hard to understand about this?

Bingo! You must have missed your leftist class on reasons why the vaccine must be mandated to everyone. The number one reason for mandating the vaccine is to protect the 'public health', that forcing me to get a vaccine is protecting everyone else. If it's only to stop 'severe cases', then you have no say on whether someone else gets the vaccine or not, it's their medical choice to make. How the left is forcing this on everyone is based on 'public health' and you just totally speared their argument, good job!!
It absolutely makes sense. The point of the vaccine isn’t to stop the spread. It’s to protect people from severe cases that result in death or incapacity. It doesn’t matter how much it spreads if people are no longer dying and maxing out hospitals. Right? That’s why it’s important to get vaccinated.
WTF is so hard to understand about this?
Your comment makes no sense whatsoever and you have no evidence that the vaccine "protects people from severe cases that result in death or incapacity".
Bingo! You must have missed your leftist class on reasons why the vaccine must be mandated to everyone. The number one reason for mandating the vaccine is to protect the 'public health', that forcing me to get a vaccine is protecting everyone else. If it's only to stop 'severe cases', then you have no say on whether someone else gets the vaccine or not, it's their medical choice to make. How the left is forcing this on everyone is based on 'public health' and you just totally speared their argument, good job!!
You never understood any of that?
Everyone is protected if there are very few severe cases or deaths, moron. WTF?
Hutch Starskey DOESN'T matter if we are vaccinated or not--Biden is letting the INFECTED in by the HUNDREDS!!!! 650 POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!! he's a dumbass--a SUPER dumbass and so is everyone that voted for him

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