To the "Anti-vaxxers"

What I find humorous in all of this, placing the dangerous nature of it aside, is that with all of the blind regurgitation of pharases [sic] like 'follow the science' we've seen no actual scientific record from any of these pharmaceutical companies. Or from government for that matter.

Of course, that's coming from the same side that thinks that “science” asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Of course you're never going to see any genuine science from that side.
I’ve been perfectly clear on this. Democrats weren’t resistant against getting a vaccine. They just needed the medical community to sign off on it first.

I don’t see anything unreasonable about that position.

Bull shit, you said the moronic leftist bull shit there would be a vaccine that is endorsed by Trump and ... not ... the medical community. That is brainwashed Democrat, it's completely moronic
Bull shit, you said the moronic leftist bull shit there would be a vaccine that is endorsed by Trump and ... not ... the medical community. That is brainwashed Democrat, it's completely moronic

You done throwing your little hissy fit?

Democrats needed the medical community to approve of the vaccine before taking it.

There’s nothing unreasonable about that. It’s not my fault you can’t grasp something so simple.
Why are these awful parents forcing these children to be stuck in a hospital with only a minor flu?
You done throwing your little hissy fit?

Democrats needed the medical community to approve of the vaccine before taking it.

There’s nothing unreasonable about that. It’s not my fault you can’t grasp something so simple.

Democrats are the weirdest people. Letting other people make their own choices and not worrying about it is to you getting all upset. Very emotional, aren't you?

Seriously, just get the vaccine yourself and when it comes to sticking your nose in other people's business, fuck off. It's not your business.

Here's a simple rule to follow. Your body, your business. Not your body, not your business.

This is all in your control. Get the vaccine you stupid wuss, then you don't need to worry about everyone else
Democrats are the weirdest people. Letting other people make their own choices and not worrying about it is to you getting all upset. Very emotional, aren't you?

Seriously, just get the vaccine yourself and when it comes to sticking your nose in other people's business, fuck off. It's not your business.

Here's a simple rule to follow. Your body, your business. Not your body, not your business.

This is all in your control. Get the vaccine you stupid wuss, then you don't need to worry about everyone else

Yea, we’re soooo weird for listening to medical experts lol.

I believe in your right to make stupid decisions and I am free to comment on them. Not my problem that you’re sensitive about it.
Yea, we’re soooo weird for listening to medical experts lol.

I believe in your right to make stupid decisions and I am free to comment on them. Not my problem that you’re sensitive about it.

Democrats are science deniers. You're cultists so you don't realize it. But there is nothing the Democrats are doing that is supported by science.

Get the vaccine, it works. Then you can stay out of everyone's business and let them worry about themselves
Yea, we’re soooo weird for listening to medical experts lol.

I believe in your right to make stupid decisions and I am free to comment on them. Not my problem that you’re sensitive about it.

You're stupid as shit. I have always advocated the vaccine. I just oppose government mandates. How is that too complicated even for a stupid schmuck like you to grasp? I have to be all for vaxxing and mandates or the polar opposite against vaxxing and mandates. Stupid, it's how you roll.

Get the shot, you're covered. And you can stop worrying about what other people do and you can stay out of their business
Democrats are science deniers. You're cultists so you don't realize it. But there is nothing the Democrats are doing that is supported by science.

Get the vaccine, it works. Then you can stay out of everyone's business and let them worry about themselves

The vaccine is supported by the medical community and Democrats are more likely to get it than Republicans.

You’re just ranting because you’re upset.
You're stupid as shit. I have always advocated the vaccine. I just oppose government mandates. How is that too complicated even for a stupid schmuck like you to grasp?

I agree with vaccinations and I got mine. I also agree that the government shouldn’t mandate it.

Maybe if you weren’t so emotional, you would understand that I never said anything counter to this.
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Vaccination numbers are increasing nicely. The effects of the Delta variant are waking normal people up.

Who knows how many of these Trumpsters actually are vaxxed, and are just pretending they're on talk radio.

You never know. But if folks want to sacrifice themselves for their misguided ideology, there's only so much that can be done.
99.8. its experimental bud. Are you gonna take chemo in case you get cancer? ill let my immune system do its job more effectively then any jab, btw Over 95% of all covid deaths are old age home seniors with preexisting conditions. Most are overweight.
Why are these awful parents forcing these children to be stuck in a hospital with only a minor flu?

RSV. They are labeling it as Covid, when the PCR says Covid with RSV, to increase the panic, of course.

Public health never used to be so politicized :(

Public health has failed completely and abysmally. In every way that you can conceive. And richly deserves the complete lack of trust the nation is giving them now.

I don't know how long we can hope to continue as a nation when so many of us so little trust any of our institutions. You name any of them, from the media to the FBI to public health to the schools. Any of them.

Not long. I can tell you that.

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