To the "Anti-vaxxers"

Just stop. You NEVER post links to back up your bullshit because THEY are lies and YOU are a Russian troll who wants to see Americans dead

That is just a lie.
I post more links than anyone.
The reality is we could have ended this last March with fewer than 60k deaths.
The CDC is political and not medical.
They are the ones who goofed up everything.
They went with the silly strategy of "flattening the curve", which everyone knows makes any epidemic worse, not better.
I am putting this in politics instead of healthcare... because it is about the political side of all this.

I am as conservative as they come. Leftism is a cancer among us in many ways.
One, however, is not the vaccine.
Get vaccinated. We need to cut this thing down before a truly bad variant comes out. Delta is not it. It is not nearly as bad as bad as the original, but it can become worse as it will, inevitably morph itself.
As i have stated here a number of times my son is a Respiratory Specialist, and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist. Both at major hospitals.
At the hospital my daughter works at, there are 44 Covid patients. 6 are in ICU. 2 are likely to die.
Wanna know the demographics?
All but two are minorities.
Only one is vaccinated.

Let that sink in. It is the same all over. Right now Covid is a sickness, primarily for the unvaccinated. Yes you can spout off some anecdotal situations that show some vaccinated people getting sick and even dying. But folks, the numbers are simply what the numbers are. And the numbers are the sick enough to be hospitalized - are overwhelmingly unvaccinated.

Getting vaccinated is not "giving in". It doesn't make you less conservative. It is not a "win" for the other side.
It is Goddamn common sense in order to stop a very possible bad ass variant from developing that will screw us over worse than 2020.
The variants are coming from long term Covid suffers who are immuno compromised.....
The people who took the vaccine and died, why? Did they have anything in common? What the communists are saying is that they know the vaccine is not 100% safe so roll the dice and hope for the best. The chances are you will be just fine. You just can't take it to the bank.
Ask them.

The medical community still recommends it and you're still an idiot.
Obama had his massive Progressive Socialist get together with no masks. Considering they are part of the Architects of Fear we know the reality of this now. There is also an alleged photo of Obama and Fauci at the Wuhan Lab in 2015.
The vast majority of the medical community recommends the vaccine.
You're an idiot.
Vaccination numbers are increasing nicely. The effects of the Delta variant are waking normal people up.

Who knows how many of these Trumpsters actually are vaxxed, and are just pretending they're on talk radio.

You never know. But if folks want to sacrifice themselves for their misguided ideology, there's only so much that can be done.
Nothing has changed except that more and more people are being killed by the vaccines.
The FDA still refuses to approve them.
So are you claiming they are lying, bought off, or what?

pfizer is within a couple weeks of full approval. what will yer excuse be then?
Raw data?

How are you qualified to review that?

Are you an expert?

I can read AND do math ... what other qualifications are required to review statistical analysis?

Why would you settle for anything less than full disclosure?
Show me the raw data.

What I find humorous in all of this, placing the dangerous nature of it aside, is that with all of the blind regurgitation of pharases like 'follow the science' we've seen no actual scientific record from any of these pharmaceutical companies. Or from government for that matter.

Though we've certainly been inundated with a tremendous, steaming pile of political science. Seemingly, the only expertise required to support that is an abundance of willingness to regurgitate it.

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