To the "Anti-vaxxers"

Way to go in spreading misinformation...

Misinformation is one killer in a pandemic but let that stop you....
What misinformation fool? Everything I posted is dead on. Try researching before you post if you don't know basics.

The long term covid sufferers/the immunocompromised provide the perfect ingredients for virus's to mutate which is the documented case over and over and over again with COVID.

Democrats are the weirdest people. Letting other people make their own choices and not worrying about it is to you getting all upset. Very emotional, aren't you?

Seriously, just get the vaccine yourself and when it comes to sticking your nose in other people's business, fuck off. It's not your business.

Here's a simple rule to follow. Your body, your business. Not your body, not your business.

This is all in your control. Get the vaccine you stupid wuss, then you don't need to worry about everyone else
kaz is pro lockdown... He wants it continue, maybe he has shares in Amazon...

Not taking the vaccine is to be pro lockdown. The science is simple (but might go over kaz's head)...

So kaz you keep going and support the continuation of the lockdowns...

Now he is going to come out and say no... The government don't have to mandate it... But as we see in some states already, numbers go up ICU beds fill and eventually something has to give...

Governors will see the writing on the wall..

We listen to scientists because they give us the best chance at being right...

So kaz why do you support lockdowns... Don't say you don't, cause your actions say you are?
What misinformation fool? Everything I posted is dead on. Try researching before you post if you don't know basics.

The long term covid sufferers/the immunocompromised provide the perfect ingredients for virus's to mutate which is the documented case over and over and over again with COVID.

That article is last December and was speculative... It is scientists thinking out loud...

Delta came from an area which had a very low infection rate before and was unlikely to be in the human body for a long period...

From your article by the way
And all countries should do what they can to minimize transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the months ahead, Van Kerkhove says. “The more of this virus circulates, the more opportunity it will have to change,” she says. “We’re playing a very dangerous game here.”

Vaccine does help at this...
That article is last December and was speculative... It is scientists thinking out loud...

Delta came from an area which had a very low infection rate before and was unlikely to be in the human body for a long period...

From your article by the way
And all countries should do what they can to minimize transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the months ahead, Van Kerkhove says. “The more of this virus circulates, the more opportunity it will have to change,” she says. “We’re playing a very dangerous game here.”

Vaccine does help at this...

The vaccines do not prevent transmission

Per the CDC director, August 5th
Public health has failed completely and abysmally. In every way that you can conceive. And richly deserves the complete lack of trust the nation is giving them now.

I don't know how long we can hope to continue as a nation when so many of us so little trust any of our institutions. You name any of them, from the media to the FBI to public health to the schools. Any of them.

Not long. I can tell you that.
Public Health has done a incredible job considering the lack of investment compared to the rest of the world...

Look at Canada, higher vaccine rate and lower deaths... Canada has lifted restrictions and have shown through a extensive public health policy that pro vaccine is pro business... Business outside US are very pro vaccine..

This is why....

Canada has the highest vaccine rate in the world... 68% of its 12 and older are fully vaccinated... They are aiming for this number to be 90%+ as a minimum... And it shows why...

kaz is pro lockdown... He wants it continue, maybe he has shares in Amazon...

Not taking the vaccine is to be pro lockdown. The science is simple (but might go over kaz's head)...

So kaz you keep going and support the continuation of the lockdowns...

Now he is going to come out and say no... The government don't have to mandate it... But as we see in some states already, numbers go up ICU beds fill and eventually something has to give...

Governors will see the writing on the wall..

We listen to scientists because they give us the best chance at being right...

So kaz why do you support lockdowns... Don't say you don't, cause your actions say you are?
Ya always listen to the experts they tell you to listen to

When is the left right about anything?
Not exactly a stellar record on anything FROM CLIMATE change starting ww3 for killing a "poet" to Russia collusion inflation isn't real ! Pfffft lol

Experts indeed

Get your boosters
For $cience !
99.8. its experimental bud. Are you gonna take chemo in case you get cancer? ill let my immune system do its job more effectively then any jab, btw Over 95% of all covid deaths are old age home seniors with preexisting conditions. Most are overweight.
Don't get vaccinated. I don't care. I hope you don't kill anyone, especially kids under 12, but there's nothing I can do about that.
Don't get vaccinated. I don't care. I hope you don't kill anyone, especially kids under 12, but there's nothing I can do about that.

Maybe you'll kill someone Mac. Vaccines do not prevent transmission

Cry harder
That article is last December and was speculative... It is scientists thinking out loud...

Delta came from an area which had a very low infection rate before and was unlikely to be in the human body for a long period...

From your article by the way
And all countries should do what they can to minimize transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the months ahead, Van Kerkhove says. “The more of this virus circulates, the more opportunity it will have to change,” she says. “We’re playing a very dangerous game here.”

Vaccine does help at this...
Lord have mercy, if you don't think my article is up to date enough, you would think that you would get a hint a google a more recent article especially after I POINTED OUT THAT the CASES were DOCUMENTED Over and over and over again. But you don't want to hear the facts, you are simply blowing smoke.

Again the Immocompromised and the long term covid sufferers are where the variants that aren't being invented by Fauci and Chinese are popping up from.
& those that are hesitant can find correct truthful info on a variety of websites. most that are only 'hesitant' need to seek out Q&As...

facts are kryptonite to those that are poorly educated dupes & CONspiratorial nutters.

speaking of which ... are YOU vaxxed?
They can't find 'correct truthful' data on how many people that were vaxxed still got covid because the CDC QUIT COUNTING! Inconvenient truth isn't it?? lol
never mind, i see you aren't vaxxed. make no mistake, i don't care about *you* specifically - whether you get it & get really sick or kick off because of your stupidity. i care for society as a whole... which unfortunately includes trump humping deplorables. maybe this is natures' way of culling the herd mentality.

Truly, you only 'care about' your political ideology and agenda, and 'being right', so much so that when FACTS are shoved in front of you, you still ignore them and blindly continue on with your pre-programmed play book. And you'll continue to do this even if it's found that the vax is harmful down the road, you'll deflect, defend, and rationalize because you 'only wanted to save lives'. That single minded blindness and intent to force everyone else to conform to your 'views', even when presented with evidence to refute them, is evil, pure and simple.
ummm no. the longer a huge amt of people go unvaxxed - the odds become greater that a variant will emerge that the current vaccines won't work.

MRNA research has been in development for years.

for natural herd immunity to really take hold, at least 2,000,000 americans will hafta die.

If MRNA has been in development 'for years', then why weren't the vaccines fully approved from day 1? Why are the drug companies protected against law suits?

Where do you get your 2,000,000 number, out of your ass?? Or the 'media', which is pretty much the same thing? lol

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