To the Native Americans


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
This is my message to the Native Americans... and mostly NOT the native Americans, but white fuckin' libtards that would be better off killing themselves, since they hate America.

1. You lived as a wild tribe, not as citizens of any kind of recognized country by any old world power.
Your rights to exist as a nation don't exist.
Your only nation, is the USA that Europeans made.

Before then, You are Animals, equal to the bears, the birds and the wolves, the deer that dot the natural landscape.
Not to western civilization.

2. Europeans have been in the Americas since at the very least... 1492, and more than likely way before.

If you don't like it, fuck you !

And we're not leaving.
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Native American history don't exist in the Western world...
Because they're Animals that spoke tribal languages and wrote none.

so good bye... fuck off. adios.
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my only nation......seems you have more issues than native americans...what is the beef here
Here's the deal Red boy...

The USA isn't going to stop evolving for YOU, or for your sake.
We Europeans are going nowhere.

If you want us out, makes us get out.
Defeat the United States... because that's what you're going to have to do.

I also will not stop being a patriot to the country that my European people made here, and I will not stop doing my part culturally, verbally, and in action.. to help evolve the USA's culture into the future.

So if you don't like it tough shit.

That is all.
is there a movement asking europeans to leave.....

or did some young lady turn you down at the casino last night....or did you just lose your ass....but that would be hard to do..seeing you are all ass
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is there a movement asking europeans to leave.....

or did some young lady turn you down at the casino last night....or did you just lose your ass....but that would be hard to do..seeing you are all ass

Apparently we can't do a damn thing for the Advancement of the United States without your ugly red faggot head getting in the way, so I'm telling you whats up.
I'm telling you to go fuck yourself.

Because we don't give a fuck about you.
some examples of this please....getting in the way of your progress.....i wished i could go fuck myself.....i would make a fortune in porn then...with that ability
some examples of this please....getting in the way of your progress.....i wished i could go fuck myself.....i would make a fortune in porn then...with that ability

Immigration - Your fucking ugly head pops up by left wing extremists.
Jobs - Your fucking ugly head pops up by left wing extremists.
Infrastructure - Your fucking ugly head pops up by left wing extremists.
Defense and Security - Your fucking head pops up by left wing extremists.

The list goes on.
what is your major mal function

If as you stated before that people matter more if they are civilized.

Then we see you your ape like behaviour.

You are joke, a caricature of a previous era.

It was true what said before, all GOP are not racists but racists do find a home in the GOP party.

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