To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Employees should have zero loyalty Their employers know this. There is no reason to wake up to help the corporation...only to show up and do what is asked.
Getting rid of union's is a great way to put ythe squeeze on the middle class. It's effective and for some reason alot of middle class voters are frankly too dang dumb to figure it out. Even if one is a very hard worker ones employer in the end wants to take away any perk they have. Slowly but surely. Either a worker finds a way to stick it to their boss now and then or they move on the second a higher paying job is in their grasp. Employers don't want nor expect their best people to be loyal or to stay. Those days are long gone.

Just like the union days are long gone.

It took a while but people finally figured out they would rather have some job than no job at all. As unions destroyed those jobs by forcing companies out of state or out of the country, people realized they would have been better of if they had no union in the first place.

Anybody that thinks we can just bring back unions and the good ole days is mentally deranged. It's like the ice box where a delivery guy had to bring a block of ice every day or two. It's gone and never coming back.
so you pick a meme and think that's a truth?

reality: if you work 40 hours a week, you should be able to afford, food, shelter medicine and education.

Reality: if you work 40 hours a week, and can't afford food, shelter, medicine, and education (and coherent punctuation), that's on YOU, not your employer.
Actually it's on the greedy new b******* GOP and their dupes like you... Every other modern country has living wage a month paid vacation free healthcare cheap daycare pay parental leave. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
That’s why the countries have debt far too large to ever pay off,, just like us. And Europe depends on our military instead of paying for their own... the dead beats they are.
Actually their debt like ours is mainly due to having to bail out their economies when W bush and you idiots destroyed the world economy through shear corruption and greed.
That was a pocket change compared to a fucked up socialist entitlement programs that we get nothing out of.
Maybe if we had some of those socialist entitlement programs like a living wage paid parental leave free healthcare a month paid vacation daycare maybe if we had some of those socialist entitlement programs like a living wage paid front of leave free healthcare a month paid vacation daycare etcetera you would understand what your family and friends would get out of it cheap colleg. Like most Dupes you need a 2 x 4 to the forehead LOL. And it appears you don't know about the W bush Republican World depression. Unbelievable.
Reality: if you work 40 hours a week, and can't afford food, shelter, medicine, and education (and coherent punctuation), that's on YOU, not your employer.
Actually it's on the greedy new b******* GOP and their dupes like you... Every other modern country has living wage a month paid vacation free healthcare cheap daycare pay parental leave. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
That’s why the countries have debt far too large to ever pay off,, just like us. And Europe depends on our military instead of paying for their own... the dead beats they are.
Actually their debt like ours is mainly due to having to bail out their economies when W bush and you idiots destroyed the world economy through shear corruption and greed.
That was a pocket change compared to a fucked up socialist entitlement programs that we get nothing out of.
Maybe if we had some of those socialist entitlement programs like a living wage paid parental leave free healthcare a month paid vacation daycare maybe if we had some of those socialist entitlement programs like a living wage paid front of leave free healthcare a month paid vacation daycare etcetera you would understand what your family and friends would get out of it cheap colleg. Like most Dupes you need a 2 x 4 to the forehead LOL. And it appears you don't know about the W bush Republican World depression. Unbelievable.

Jesus, what is it with you illiterate leftists today? Looks like the first social program we need is free education in how to punctuate and write a coherent paragraph. Good grief.
I did see what it says. Did you?

The middle-class (for this legislation) is anywhere from just out of poverty well into six figure salaries. The upper part of this so-called middle-class will see a tax increase; about 35% of this group. The rest of us will see a tax decrease.

So if you are making 180K a year, yes, you will pay more in taxes. If you make 50K, you will get a tax break.
Only the richest get a big tax break... And there are Cuts in Aid for going to college and cuts in property tax write-offs and mortgages. It's a mess for the not rich.

Ignoring the FACT that the only people who will lose their mortgage interest deduction are those who have over a 500K mortgage in the first place?
Which isn't a lot a lot of places, and there are so many things we don't know about in this tax bill. But they all seem to be bad for regular people. GD Ohio state...

You are reading or listening to too many OPINIONS by the left-wing MSM. There are parts of the bill I'm not thrilled with either. But it's not a curse on the lower or middle-class by any stretch of the imagination. More child credits, lower taxes, many will not have to hire a tax specialist to do their taxes any longer. You won't need to be a CPA to figure out what you owe in taxes.

You gain in standard deduction but lose the personal deduction. How is that good?

I guess you are right ray. It is very easy for a company to find good workers and that is unfortunate. That ensures very low wages. Anyone who gripes how their company is struggling to find workers is a terrinle place to work. Its that simple. Todays youth will work harder longer and are more productive than at any period in our history. It's great when kind are vacant for a long time.
That would be great except most of the non-rich don't pay any income taxes. What you are suggesting is that we give tax money to those who don't pay taxes.

Wealth redistribution is not part of tax reform. Wealth redistribution is Socialism. If you believe in Socialism, then you better find another country to live in. We don't want it here.
It's not that hard... You cut payroll taxes or some other federal tax or give more to states so they can cut their taxes which have been going up for 35 years and kill the non-rich one of the most important or help with college costs or training cost- things that would help Non rich. For a God damn change. How about good infrastructure and jobs?

For your information, payroll taxes have nothing to do with income tax. The money you are deducted from your paycheck all comes back to you if you live the average lifespan in this country. Your SS comes back to you, your FICA comes back to you since it's just an acronym for SS, your Medicare comes back to you. The only thing you don't get back are local taxes.

So you can't cut anything from payroll taxes because those programs are already going broke.
Irrelevant the point is giving perks to the rich even now is just ridiculous. The rich are incredibly bloated after 30 years of Pander to the rich reaganism and the middle class is overtime taxed and now almost ruined percentage-wise gets worse and worse and worse and the GOP keeps cutting taxes on them. Ad gives them God knows how many perks tax cutting on private school tuitions etcetera. The bought off lying GOP is a disgrace.

Exactly. What kind of idiot allows people to keep more of the money THEY made?

"What is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
When basically all new wealth stays with the very richest and the middle class in the country are going to hell for 30 years slowly, it's time to help the non Rich for a change. And tax the rich like every other country in the world including the United States before Reagan. Thanks new BS GOP and silly dupes.

You are talking like an idiot; like wealth "stays' somewhere.

Well guess what? I bought a nice television set with my own money, and that television set stays with me. I have nice hedges in my yard because I bought them, and they stay with me. My car that I paid off stays with me because my money paid for it.

Why should wealth not stay with the people that created it in the first place? Where should it go?
We have a paper mill in town. Starting pay is 22 bucks per hour. They have been unable to fill those jobs. That is a great thing because that's a low wage. So people don't apply. Win win.
Reality: if you work 40 hours a week, and can't afford food, shelter, medicine, and education (and coherent punctuation), that's on YOU, not your employer.
Actually it's on the greedy new b******* GOP and their dupes like you... Every other modern country has living wage a month paid vacation free healthcare cheap daycare pay parental leave. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
That’s why the countries have debt far too large to ever pay off,, just like us. And Europe depends on our military instead of paying for their own... the dead beats they are.
Actually their debt like ours is mainly due to having to bail out their economies when W bush and you idiots destroyed the world economy through shear corruption and greed.
That was a pocket change compared to a fucked up socialist entitlement programs that we get nothing out of.
Maybe if we had some of those socialist entitlement programs like a living wage paid parental leave free healthcare a month paid vacation daycare maybe if we had some of those socialist entitlement programs like a living wage paid front of leave free healthcare a month paid vacation daycare etcetera you would understand what your family and friends would get out of it cheap colleg. Like most Dupes you need a 2 x 4 to the forehead LOL. And it appears you don't know about the W bush Republican World depression. Unbelievable.
Socialist entitlement programs are a fraud
“Prosperity Through Lower Wages!”

No, prosperity through trying harder, working more hours, investing your money instead of buying the newest I-phone and video game system, learning a skill that pays much more than minimum wage.

Investing? You mean the 2 Trillion dollar loss in retirement accounts due to BushCo?

You mean Amazon that pays $15.75/hr to managers and requires a Bachelor's degree which costs $50k?

My retirement account did just fine during the recession; in fact better. The company that manages my account quit buying shares when the market started to tank, but my employer kept sending them contributions. When the market showed some signs of growth, the investment company put all that money into the market. It was like buying three shares for the price of one.

I invested in real estate. It took 10% down to buy a rental home. As time went on, so did rent increases, and now I collect five times what I pay in mortgage.

If you don't want to work at Amazon, then don't. Become a truck driver instead. You'll make a hell of a lot more than fifteen bucks an hour. You can see the country for free, and always have a career in dire need. In fact, we are short over 30,000 drivers right now industry can't find.

The company that manages your account quit buying shares when the market started to tank. That means you lost 80% of what you've already made, AND didn't gain for two years between the market crash and recovery which was brought to you by the guy that you voted in office. Good job!

Ever hear of the phrase buy low and sell high?

You don't lose anything when you gain it all back. What kind of new math are you using? The market was never consistent and never will be. It goes up and it goes down. It all depends what you yield after a period of time that counts.
I guess you are right ray. It is very easy for a company to find good workers and that is unfortunate. That ensures very low wages. Anyone who gripes how their company is struggling to find workers is a terrinle place to work. Its that simple. Todays youth will work harder longer and are more productive than at any period in our history. It's great when kind are vacant for a long time.

Quite a few assertions in there that are not nearly as self-evident as you seem to think they are.

First, why is it unfortunate? People are making voluntary transactions to get what both sides want, and minimum wage jobs are functioning as they should: as entryways and stepping stones to bigger and better things. Despite the spin the left likes to put on it, the vast majority of people in minimum wage jobs are NOT sad sack adults, plodding their way along through their entire lives. Most of them are young people, gaining some work experience before moving on to a better position. Again, at the point where people no longer consider those jobs worth doing at those wages, the employers will offer more money. This only stops working as it should when the market becomes flooded with people illegals, who drive wages down. Need I remind you who thinks it's a grand idea to stuff our country full of such people?

I frankly see no indication that today's young people are especially hard-working and productive at all, let alone more so than previous generations. Perhaps you could substantiate that?
We have a paper mill in town. Starting pay is 22 bucks per hour. They have been unable to fill those jobs. That is a great thing because that's a low wage. So people don't apply. Win win.

You actually live in a town where no one will take a mostly unskilled job because $22 an hour is too low? It's a wonder you have any employers at all.
The elite shouldn't be getting 1,000 times as much as the workers and herding it.

We need strong unions to organize the worker in order to grow our middle class.
1000 times as much? Where did you get that? A franchisee only makes around $100-150 grand a year, dear. And God forbid if they had to close for a month for whatever reason, had a major piece of equipment go out, etc, they might not make it.
Actually it's on the greedy new b******* GOP and their dupes like you... Every other modern country has living wage a month paid vacation free healthcare cheap daycare pay parental leave. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
That’s why the countries have debt far too large to ever pay off,, just like us. And Europe depends on our military instead of paying for their own... the dead beats they are.
Actually their debt like ours is mainly due to having to bail out their economies when W bush and you idiots destroyed the world economy through shear corruption and greed.
That was a pocket change compared to a fucked up socialist entitlement programs that we get nothing out of.
Maybe if we had some of those socialist entitlement programs like a living wage paid parental leave free healthcare a month paid vacation daycare maybe if we had some of those socialist entitlement programs like a living wage paid front of leave free healthcare a month paid vacation daycare etcetera you would understand what your family and friends would get out of it cheap colleg. Like most Dupes you need a 2 x 4 to the forehead LOL. And it appears you don't know about the W bush Republican World depression. Unbelievable.
Socialist entitlement programs are a fraud

Lousy implementation.
Employers aren't loyal to their employees. 22 dollars per hour is low. Although they do get time and a half for overtime. There are 10 positions open...some have been open for months.
Employers aren't loyal to their employees. 22 dollars per hour is low. Although they do get time and a half for overtime. There are 10 positions open...some have been open for months.

No, $22 an hour is not low, unless you have an utterly insane inflation rate and cost of living. I can tell you that where I live, in Phoenix, $22 an hour is around the starting rate for a certified medical coder, for example - the field I am currently training in - and one can live extremely comfortably on that.

But you go right on congratulating yourself and your neighbors on whatever moral victory you think you're winning, while your local economy goes down the toilet and you end up with no employers at all.
My opinion is that we should have a bottom that is a minimum start pay for skills and/or for unskilled labor. This way a company will know that it can't make millions upon millions without paying at the least by ones skill set (a minimum wage) for that skilled labor, and/or a (flat minimum wage) for unskilled labor. This is reasoned out because of companies attempting to work skilled or unskilled labor below a wage that is neither moral and/or ethical. Example : A burger flipper should not be forced to work below a wage level that is deemed immoral and unethical against what should be an American standard set by each state that is then set for the unskilled as a start wage in the state.

Skilled labor should be set by the skill in which varies across the board. Example : A company working a truck driver should not be found attempting to pay the skilled driver less than say $18.00 dollars an hour minimum considering the requirements (government regulations) it takes to become a truck driver today. A welder the same or a skilled trained beginner utility lineman the same or a skilled plumber the same, a mechanic the same etc.. All areas where people have got to be trained prior to stepping on the employers job site should have a minimum standard wage set by either the federal government or a states set minimum standard for skilled labor in which respects the employees efforts to be trained and certified before being hired. We should have a standard in which protects the unskilled laborer from being exploited. The idea that a company can play games with people's pay in ways that add to a companies bottom line based on GREED, instead of allowing profit sharing and minimum standards to apply should be unexceptable to anyone in this country.
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Employers aren't loyal to their employees. 22 dollars per hour is low. Although they do get time and a half for overtime. There are 10 positions open...some have been open for months.
Yeah, you probably make more off all the welfare benefits you get sitting on your duff, rather than contributing to society. A real mans man.

Perhaps if those jobs paid more they would be filled...22 bucks per hour doesn't provide a great living.
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