To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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I, never mind I will not go there. Lol
No, it doesn’t. Any wage is negotiable if you put in the time and effort, with good work ethic. If you feel they don’t, you move on.
Employers aren't loyal to their employees. 22 dollars per hour is low. Although they do get time and a half for overtime. There are 10 positions open...some have been open for months.
Yeah, you probably make more off all the welfare benefits you get sitting on your duff, rather than contributing to society. A real mans man.

Depends on the job.
There is no unemployment Only underpayment under truer forms of Capitalism.
Obviously 22 dollars isn't too much or they wouldn't offer it. The workers have zero blame for anything. They show up and work.
Obviously 22 dollars isn't too much or they wouldn't offer it. The workers have zero blame for anything. They show up and work.

I never said $22 is too much. I presume the company put some research and thought into the wages before they set them. And how are they now showing up and working? I thought you said you were pleased as punch because no one wanted the jobs. NOW you're saying people actually consider that an acceptable wage and have taken the positions. Make up your damned mind.
The fact that some of you are upset about 22 bucks per hour is comical. How can that he such a bad thing?
46 grand isn't even middle class anymore. Again the company offers that pay. Why are you harsh toward the workers?

If non-skilled labor is not accepting a 22 dollar an hour job, WTF are they doing instead? That's the question.

Yeah, I gotta wonder about that myself. How in the hell is there ANYONE employing in that area if $22 isn't good enough?
Maybe if we had some of those socialist entitlement programs like a living wage paid parental leave free healthcare a month paid vacation daycare maybe if we had some of those socialist entitlement programs like a living wage paid front of leave free healthcare a month paid vacation daycare etcetera you would understand what your family and friends would get out of it cheap colleg. Like most Dupes you need a 2 x 4 to the forehead LOL. And it appears you don't know about the W bush Republican World depression. Unbelievable.
Socialist entitlement programs are a fraud

Lousy implementation.
They should be limited use, no one should depend on them for anything
Why? Is there a time limit on Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.
People need to take care of their own shit, and not depend on taking from other people
OK, anyone who times out in Right to Work States, has a right to work.
The fact that some of you are upset about 22 bucks per hour is comical. How can that he such a bad thing?

No one's upset about the money, you retard. It's neither a bad nor a good thing in itself, assuming that the company considers that a reasonable wage inside their budget structure. The part that people find offensive is your idea that $22 is a paltry sum for the work mentioned.
The mill has been doing fine the last ten years. I speak of those already working there but some openings have been there for months. Slot of people don't like that type of work and I don't blame them.
22dollars per hour is ok if one stays single and doesn't but a house or good vehicle.
The mill has been doing fine the last ten years. I speak of those already working there but some openings have been there for months. Slot of people don't like that type of work and I don't blame them.

I wouldn't do that type of work either, but it wouldn't be because I thought the wages were too low.
22dollars per hour is ok if one stays single and doesn't but a house or good vehicle.

And now you're back in Delusional Land. My husband and I together make slightly more than that, and support our family of four in a good home situated in a middle-class neighborhood, with a very nice car, and a comfortable lifestyle.
The fact that some of you are upset about 22 bucks per hour is comical. How can that he such a bad thing?

Why would we be upset? There is nothing for us to get upset about. But the way you talk about wages and work, you must live in a pretty inflated area, because over here, $22.00 an hour is not too bad of money at all, especially when you state they are working 10 hours overtime to boot.

You either live in Hawaii, California, or one of the NE states, because where I live, that's more than an acceptable wage, especially for non-skilled labor.
A person should work a job that want to do. And the very second a better one is there out the door right now.
A person should work a job that want to do. And the very second a better one is there out the door right now.

I'm afraid I'm limited on how much I agree with this. On the one hand, doing a job that you dread going to every morning is not good. On the other hand, I don't look to my work for happiness and fulfillment. I look to it for money, in order to fund the things that DO provide happiness and fulfillment. And I have a pretty good idea how job-hopping looks to prospective employers.
Socialist entitlement programs are a fraud

Lousy implementation.
They should be limited use, no one should depend on them for anything
Why? Is there a time limit on Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.
People need to take care of their own shit, and not depend on taking from other people
OK, anyone who times out in Right to Work States, has a right to work.
It’s a privilege to work not a right
Actually it's on the greedy new b******* GOP and their dupes like you... Every other modern country has living wage a month paid vacation free healthcare cheap daycare pay parental leave. You are a brainwashed functional moron.
That’s why the countries have debt far too large to ever pay off,, just like us. And Europe depends on our military instead of paying for their own... the dead beats they are.
Actually their debt like ours is mainly due to having to bail out their economies when W bush and you idiots destroyed the world economy through shear corruption and greed.
That was a pocket change compared to a fucked up socialist entitlement programs that we get nothing out of.
Maybe if we had some of those socialist entitlement programs like a living wage paid parental leave free healthcare a month paid vacation daycare maybe if we had some of those socialist entitlement programs like a living wage paid front of leave free healthcare a month paid vacation daycare etcetera you would understand what your family and friends would get out of it cheap colleg. Like most Dupes you need a 2 x 4 to the forehead LOL. And it appears you don't know about the W bush Republican World depression. Unbelievable.

Jesus, what is it with you illiterate leftists today? Looks like the first social program we need is free education in how to punctuate and write a coherent paragraph. Good grief.
It's a smartphone dingbat... Try and focus on the fact that you are totally f***** and brainwashed thanks to the greedy idiot Mega Rich GOP.
That’s why the countries have debt far too large to ever pay off,, just like us. And Europe depends on our military instead of paying for their own... the dead beats they are.
Actually their debt like ours is mainly due to having to bail out their economies when W bush and you idiots destroyed the world economy through shear corruption and greed.
That was a pocket change compared to a fucked up socialist entitlement programs that we get nothing out of.
Maybe if we had some of those socialist entitlement programs like a living wage paid parental leave free healthcare a month paid vacation daycare maybe if we had some of those socialist entitlement programs like a living wage paid front of leave free healthcare a month paid vacation daycare etcetera you would understand what your family and friends would get out of it cheap colleg. Like most Dupes you need a 2 x 4 to the forehead LOL. And it appears you don't know about the W bush Republican World depression. Unbelievable.

Jesus, what is it with you illiterate leftists today? Looks like the first social program we need is free education in how to punctuate and write a coherent paragraph. Good grief.
It's a smartphone dingbat... Try and focus on the fact that you are totally f***** and brainwashed thanks to the greedy idiot Mega Rich GOP.

Excuses, excuses, always excuses with you people. I have a smartphone, and have no difficulty being coherent and understandable. Try and focus on the fact that you're an illiterate goober.
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