To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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and I really see no need to watch old black and white movies than were made before I was born.

Funny, the Bible was written before you were born,and your side (maybe not you personally) keep citing that as a guide for life.

Most of the Constitution was written before you were born, but man, you fucking cite that like it's holy fucking writ! What, want to keep crazies from getting guns? But, but, but, RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS!!!!

I have never read the bible

I am not a religious person at all

and to quote Treebeard, "I am on nobody's side because nobody is on my side"

And you now have to quote where I said the adjudicated mentally ill should be able to own firearms. And good luck with that one

IMO no one who has ever been convicted of a crime should be able to own a firearm. That said people like me who will pass every background check you can think of should be able to own whatever and as many firearms as they want.

Anyone convicted of any crime while in possession of a firearm should get a minimum mandatory 25 year sentence with no parole. Those who commit a violent crime while in possession of a firearm should get life. But you don't want to punish the actual criminals

In other words, you don't agree with the foundational principles upon which this Republic was founded. You think God don't love you so you love the concept of a God / government. You want different classes of citizens, no unalienable Rights, and the perfect Nanny State. Got it.

If you abuse the rights you have by bringing harm to others you should be punished. The best way to punish people who commit crimes and harm other is to deny them the rights and privileges of those who do not commit crimes and harm others

But I suppose you're one of those idiots who say they would let a convicted child molester babysit their kids because everyone deserves a second chance, right?

So you presuppose I'm an idiot?

Well, IF the government were doing their job, child molesters would not be allowed back onto the streets.

Since you DO have a problem with some Rights, let me assure you, this nation was built upon the premise that some Rights are unalienable... that is, above the reach of government. When people commit crimes, they are removed from society and punished along with the hope that prison reformed / rehabilitated that individual.

That's a separate issue, but we need to invest in rehabilitation and if people cannot be rehabilitated, you don't put them back into society.

Do you practice what you preach? Would you hire a convicted child molester to watch your kids? Would you want a convicted embezzler to handle your portfolio? If you would then you would want a person convicted of a violent crime with a firearm to be able to own as many firearms as he wants.

And we have no obligation to rehabilitate pieces of shit who choose to abuse their rights by victimizing others.
So you presuppose I'm an idiot?
There is no presupposing, you have shown yourself to be just that.

Well, IF the government were doing their job, child molesters would not be allowed back onto the streets.
Take away ones liberty, yet you better not touch mine. SMFH

Since you DO have a problem with some Rights, let me assure you, this nation was built upon the premise that some Rights are unalienable... that is, above the reach of government. When people commit crimes, they are removed from society and punished along with the hope that prison reformed / rehabilitated that individual.
You seem to have a problem with some rights, some people get them while others don't. Obviously unalienable doesn't mean absolute.

That's a separate issue, but we need to invest in rehabilitation and if people cannot be rehabilitated, you don't put them back into society.
Let the punishment fit the crime, once the punishment is done then they have the right to be let back into society.
Paying a person an agreed upon wage for an agreed upon job is not stealing.

No one is forcing anyone to work for them

That would be true if the alternative weren't starving.

So, let's do it this way. Everyone gets a guaranteed income, and then the One Percent can negotiate for any labor they want done beyond that.

Works for me.

Sure does, until that $5 burger you just flipped starts selling for $10-$12, then you'll be back to pissing and moaning.

This has been gone over many, many times. To get people at $15 an hour means that the average cost of a MickeyDs meal goes up, at the most, a quarter.

Only in the most simplistic and imaginary scenarios.
If burger baggers got 15 an hour then everyone who makes less than 15 an hour would also get a raise to 15 an hour.

So basically the prices for everything a fast food place needs to run from the paper bags, napkins, straws, cleaning supplies, bread, meat, pickles, onions etc will rise as all those distributors raise the pay of everyone making less than 15 an hour. On top of that the employer's share of payroll taxes will rise, their workman's comp tax will rise, their state and federal unemployment taxes will rise, their business liability insurance will rise.

You obviously don't realize that running a business involves far more than just employee salary
Paying a person an agreed upon wage for an agreed upon job is not stealing.

No one is forcing anyone to work for them

That would be true if the alternative weren't starving.

So, let's do it this way. Everyone gets a guaranteed income, and then the One Percent can negotiate for any labor they want done beyond that.

Works for me.

Sure does, until that $5 burger you just flipped starts selling for $10-$12, then you'll be back to pissing and moaning.

This has been gone over many, many times. To get people at $15 an hour means that the average cost of a MickeyDs meal goes up, at the most, a quarter.

Only in the most simplistic and imaginary scenarios.
If burger baggers got 15 an hour then everyone who makes less than 15 an hour would also get a raise to 15 an hour.

So basically the prices for everything a fast food place needs to run from the paper bags, napkins, straws, cleaning supplies, bread, meat, pickles, onions etc will rise as all those distributors raise the pay of everyone making less than 15 an hour. On top of that the employer's share of payroll taxes will rise, their workman's comp tax will rise, their state and federal unemployment taxes will rise, their business liability insurance will rise.

You obviously don't realize that running a business involves far more than just employee salary
They don't have the first clue about basic economics, inflation comes to mind real quick in their scenarios.
Paying a person an agreed upon wage for an agreed upon job is not stealing.

No one is forcing anyone to work for them

That would be true if the alternative weren't starving.

So, let's do it this way. Everyone gets a guaranteed income, and then the One Percent can negotiate for any labor they want done beyond that.

Works for me.

Sure does, until that $5 burger you just flipped starts selling for $10-$12, then you'll be back to pissing and moaning.

This has been gone over many, many times. To get people at $15 an hour means that the average cost of a MickeyDs meal goes up, at the most, a quarter.

Sure, at most a quarter, if 80% of the workers become automated robots.
Paying a person an agreed upon wage for an agreed upon job is not stealing.

No one is forcing anyone to work for them

That would be true if the alternative weren't starving.

So, let's do it this way. Everyone gets a guaranteed income, and then the One Percent can negotiate for any labor they want done beyond that.

Works for me.

Sure does, until that $5 burger you just flipped starts selling for $10-$12, then you'll be back to pissing and moaning.

This has been gone over many, many times. To get people at $15 an hour means that the average cost of a MickeyDs meal goes up, at the most, a quarter.

Only in the most simplistic and imaginary scenarios.
If burger baggers got 15 an hour then everyone who makes less than 15 an hour would also get a raise to 15 an hour.

So basically the prices for everything a fast food place needs to run from the paper bags, napkins, straws, cleaning supplies, bread, meat, pickles, onions etc will rise as all those distributors raise the pay of everyone making less than 15 an hour. On top of that the employer's share of payroll taxes will rise, their workman's comp tax will rise, their state and federal unemployment taxes will rise, their business liability insurance will rise.

You obviously don't realize that running a business involves far more than just employee salary

Not to mention the folks making $20/hour would need to be raised to $30/hour, etc, etc.
Funny, the Bible was written before you were born,and your side (maybe not you personally) keep citing that as a guide for life.

Most of the Constitution was written before you were born, but man, you fucking cite that like it's holy fucking writ! What, want to keep crazies from getting guns? But, but, but, RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS!!!!

I have never read the bible

I am not a religious person at all

and to quote Treebeard, "I am on nobody's side because nobody is on my side"

And you now have to quote where I said the adjudicated mentally ill should be able to own firearms. And good luck with that one

IMO no one who has ever been convicted of a crime should be able to own a firearm. That said people like me who will pass every background check you can think of should be able to own whatever and as many firearms as they want.

Anyone convicted of any crime while in possession of a firearm should get a minimum mandatory 25 year sentence with no parole. Those who commit a violent crime while in possession of a firearm should get life. But you don't want to punish the actual criminals

In other words, you don't agree with the foundational principles upon which this Republic was founded. You think God don't love you so you love the concept of a God / government. You want different classes of citizens, no unalienable Rights, and the perfect Nanny State. Got it.

If you abuse the rights you have by bringing harm to others you should be punished. The best way to punish people who commit crimes and harm other is to deny them the rights and privileges of those who do not commit crimes and harm others

But I suppose you're one of those idiots who say they would let a convicted child molester babysit their kids because everyone deserves a second chance, right?

So you presuppose I'm an idiot?

Well, IF the government were doing their job, child molesters would not be allowed back onto the streets.

Since you DO have a problem with some Rights, let me assure you, this nation was built upon the premise that some Rights are unalienable... that is, above the reach of government. When people commit crimes, they are removed from society and punished along with the hope that prison reformed / rehabilitated that individual.

That's a separate issue, but we need to invest in rehabilitation and if people cannot be rehabilitated, you don't put them back into society.

Do you practice what you preach? Would you hire a convicted child molester to watch your kids? Would you want a convicted embezzler to handle your portfolio? If you would then you would want a person convicted of a violent crime with a firearm to be able to own as many firearms as he wants.

And we have no obligation to rehabilitate pieces of shit who choose to abuse their rights by victimizing others.

In all honesty, I hire people based upon recent performance. IF someone is a child molester, they are supposed to be put to death.

IF a convicted embezzler were to be rehabilitated, then yes I would give them a job. The problem we have is that we do not rehabilitate people who are incarcerated. And YES, it is our job to do so. You don't send dangerous people back into society and expect that they will just start being normal. That's the most irresponsible attitude one can imagine when you ignore that reality.
Paying a person an agreed upon wage for an agreed upon job is not stealing.

No one is forcing anyone to work for them

That would be true if the alternative weren't starving.

So, let's do it this way. Everyone gets a guaranteed income, and then the One Percent can negotiate for any labor they want done beyond that.

Works for me.

Sure does, until that $5 burger you just flipped starts selling for $10-$12, then you'll be back to pissing and moaning.

This has been gone over many, many times. To get people at $15 an hour means that the average cost of a MickeyDs meal goes up, at the most, a quarter.

Sure, at most a quarter, if 80% of the workers become automated robots.

No, if they simply raised the price of the average meal, it could result in much higher wages.
Paying a person an agreed upon wage for an agreed upon job is not stealing.

No one is forcing anyone to work for them

That would be true if the alternative weren't starving.

So, let's do it this way. Everyone gets a guaranteed income, and then the One Percent can negotiate for any labor they want done beyond that.

Works for me.

Sure does, until that $5 burger you just flipped starts selling for $10-$12, then you'll be back to pissing and moaning.

This has been gone over many, many times. To get people at $15 an hour means that the average cost of a MickeyDs meal goes up, at the most, a quarter.

Only in the most simplistic and imaginary scenarios.
If burger baggers got 15 an hour then everyone who makes less than 15 an hour would also get a raise to 15 an hour.

So basically the prices for everything a fast food place needs to run from the paper bags, napkins, straws, cleaning supplies, bread, meat, pickles, onions etc will rise as all those distributors raise the pay of everyone making less than 15 an hour. On top of that the employer's share of payroll taxes will rise, their workman's comp tax will rise, their state and federal unemployment taxes will rise, their business liability insurance will rise.

You obviously don't realize that running a business involves far more than just employee salary

Not to mention the folks making $20/hour would need to be raised to $30/hour, etc, etc.

This has been gone over many, many times. To get people at $15 an hour means that the average cost of a MickeyDs meal goes up, at the most, a quarter.

That's because McDonald's sells over 1,000 hamburgers a day, 800 fries, 1,200 soft drinks and so on. You can divide that loss without anybody really noticing.

However Butch's Hardware store does not sell 1,000 hammers a day. Fred's care wash does not wash 1,500 cars a day. Bob's lawnmower shop does not repair or sell 1,000 lawnmowers a day.
Paying a person an agreed upon wage for an agreed upon job is not stealing.

No one is forcing anyone to work for them

That would be true if the alternative weren't starving.

So, let's do it this way. Everyone gets a guaranteed income, and then the One Percent can negotiate for any labor they want done beyond that.

Works for me.

There are alternatives to starving. Getting a better paying job is one of them. In order to do that you need to learn how to do work that you can take with you to any job in that field.
Hiring people who can perform a job with the skill needed for the lowest cost the market allows is not cheating.

If they do all the work and you get all the profits, I can't imagine a better definition of cheating.

When the poor steal, it's called Crime.
When the rich steal, it's called Profits.

When the poor steal, they are taking property from a rightful owner of that property. The rich don't do that.
In all honesty, I hire people based upon recent performance. IF someone is a child molester, they are supposed to be put to death.
Where in our laws does it state that? Granted child molesters are scum, but I haven't found anywhere in our laws that says they are suppose to be put to death. SMFH

IF a convicted embezzler were to be rehabilitated, then yes I would give them a job. The problem we have is that we do not rehabilitate people who are incarcerated. And YES, it is our job to do so. You don't send dangerous people back into society and expect that they will just start being normal. That's the most irresponsible attitude one can imagine when you ignore that reality.
How would you know the convicted embezzler was rehabilitated? It is not our job to rehabilitate people, they can be offered the chance, but it is ultimately their choice. Then make the punishment fit the crime.
Until the rich run out of money

like I said you suck at math

We're not burning the money, are we/

So let's look at that. We take the money from the rich and give it to working people. They are going to buy practical stuff. Stuff other people will get jobs to make or sell. You know, thousands of meals instead of one single dancing horsie.

In fact, our Food Stamp Program exists SOLELY to create agricultural jobs by keeping demand for food products up. that' why it exists.

Correct, because if there were no food stamps, people would just quit eating.
Businesses should be financially responsible for their employees families.

Businesses don't open up to provide for families, businesses open up to produce products or services for a profit. That's it. Nobody opens up a business as a social obligation. If I decide to open up my own lawn care business, I do so because I no longer want to work for somebody else. I took my hard earned money so I can advance myself in life like everybody should. I'm taking a huge gamble that one day I might make enough to live well and possibly grow my lawn care business. I didn't open up my business to provide for others. I have work that needs to be done, and this is what I'm willing to pay to get that work done.

I agree with what you're saying here; however, the people on the right will still reject their own beliefs given the right set of circumstances. For example:

Given what you said, an employer ought to be able to hire undocumented foreigners. They should also be able to hire an all white workforce, an all black one, or one that does not accept gays. It's like you said, it's their business. Why do they owe anyone in the private sector a job? If the employer should be able to decide how much to pay, why not allow the employer to decide who they will and will not offer the job to?

Because we have laws against discrimination. And companies do hire all black workers. In fact a few of our customers replaced all their white workers with blacks because blacks will work for less money. They don't discriminate against whites, it's just that white workers will not accept their low pay offers.
Works for you because you want to get paid for not working. You are more than happy to have money taken from others and given to you

I for one would rather pick up dog shit for a penny a pile than go on the dole.

sure you would.

But I bet you'll demand your Social Security when you retire.. and your medicare.
Only in the most simplistic and imaginary scenarios.
If burger baggers got 15 an hour then everyone who makes less than 15 an hour would also get a raise to 15 an hour.

So basically the prices for everything a fast food place needs to run from the paper bags, napkins, straws, cleaning supplies, bread, meat, pickles, onions etc will rise as all those distributors raise the pay of everyone making less than 15 an hour. On top of that the employer's share of payroll taxes will rise, their workman's comp tax will rise, their state and federal unemployment taxes will rise, their business liability insurance will rise.

You obviously don't realize that running a business involves far more than just employee salary

again, you talk like these are bad things...
There are alternatives to starving. Getting a better paying job is one of them. In order to do that you need to learn how to do work that you can take with you to any job in that field.

We have Adjunct Professors on Food stamps, buddy, in the last recession. The idea you are going to "learn" your way to a better job is just fucking silly.

How many freshly minted Bachelor Degrees are working at Starbucks for tips?
When the poor steal, they are taking property from a rightful owner of that property. The rich don't do that.

No, they are stealing their creativity, labor, time and soul...

That's kind of worse, since those things can't be replaced. Property can.
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