To those who nominated Trump.......

Make wonder how many will deny ever voting for Trump in the Primaries when he loses to the worst democrat candidate in modern history? This shouldn't even be a close race! Hillary is hated even by those in her own party! Yet here we are with Trump losing because he is a man child who cant control himself.

And you're too stupid to be voting, more concerned about playing nice than policy. Ethics is more important to you than ideology.

You should register Democrat, we don't need you.
The reason to vote for Donald Trump is because his proposed policies are the best that any Republican candidate for President has offered the public in living memory. If that's not enough for you, if you're more concerned about superficial matters relating to posture, presentation, and personal idiosyncracies, well, you probably shouldn't be voting on anything anyhow.
Those same policies are the ones that caused the great depression.... That is not a good thing genius.

No, I'm talking his policies that will make America great again.
Which are those? The job killing tariffs? Or the lie about him deporting illegals when we all know he uses them in his resorts? Perhaps it is way of just grabbing pussy like a 4 year old child? Perhaps he will just call every one who disagrees with him a name or say their wives are ugly??? Hey there is always tactic of accusing their parents of murder or calling them pedophiles....Pleas enlighten us all of the great fucking things this fool thinks he can do to make America great???? Suck Putins dick??? What?????? The only two reasons to vote for Trump are 1. he is NOT Hillary Clinton 2 He will be easy to stop by congress when he tries to destroy the nation with his stupidity.
Any of them... You idiots nominated a man that personifies ALL the worse liberal traits. Why? Is it as simple as racism or just plain stupidity?
I didn't nominate anyone. When Rand dropped out, I didn't even vote.
Im sorry, but I just don't see how ignorance and corporatism could be any better. Its like Obama all over again. Is that what you wanted?
So you acted like a spoiled child and helped Trump get nominated... And Why? Because a candidate that shilled for McConnell was honest enough to leave early ?
Again, I didn't vote. So how did I help anyone get nominated?
Because you allowed Trump to win because you are a mindless Paulbot. I am sure you are happy with Trump though.
mindless paulbot? Lol ok. Funny you say that and he was the only conservative on that stage.
Im not. I am writing in. You are just full of fail. And stupidity.
First he not a conservative he is a loontarian. Second the futility of writing him in is nothing more then you throwing yet another tantrum because you lost. Hell I am least voting to try and stop Clinton. I lost any and ALL respect for Rand when he shilled for McConnell over a actual conservative in the senate primary. He showed he was like his father a liar.
The reason to vote for Donald Trump is because his proposed policies are the best that any Republican candidate for President has offered the public in living memory. If that's not enough for you, if you're more concerned about superficial matters relating to posture, presentation, and personal idiosyncracies, well, you probably shouldn't be voting on anything anyhow.
Those same policies are the ones that caused the great depression.... That is not a good thing genius.

No, I'm talking his policies that will make America great again.

Pfffffffffffffffft, he's got nothing but vague slogans pard.
Make wonder how many will deny ever voting for Trump in the Primaries when he loses to the worst democrat candidate in modern history? This shouldn't even be a close race! Hillary is hated even by those in her own party! Yet here we are with Trump losing because he is a man child who cant control himself.

And you're too stupid to be voting, more concerned about playing nice than policy. Ethics is more important to you than ideology.

You should register Democrat, we don't need you.
Dipshit you need everyone you can get . Your man child cant win without us... Hell it will be a miracle even with us.
The reason to vote for Donald Trump is because his proposed policies are the best that any Republican candidate for President has offered the public in living memory. If that's not enough for you, if you're more concerned about superficial matters relating to posture, presentation, and personal idiosyncracies, well, you probably shouldn't be voting on anything anyhow.
Those same policies are the ones that caused the great depression.... That is not a good thing genius.

No, I'm talking his policies that will make America great again.
Which are those? The job killing tariffs? Or the lie about him deporting illegals when we all know he uses them in his resorts? Perhaps it is way of just grabbing pussy like a 4 year old child? Perhaps he will just call every one who disagrees with him a name or say their wives are ugly??? Hey there is always tactic of accusing their parents of murder or calling them pedophiles....Pleas enlighten us all of the great fucking things this fool thinks he can do to make America great???? Suck Putins dick??? What?????? The only two reasons to vote for Trump are 1. he is NOT Hillary Clinton 2 He will be easy to stop by congress when he tries to destroy the nation with his stupidity.

So you cited one policy you disagree with and the rest was playing etiquette police.

This is why moderates like you are completely useless in any movement. You are more concerned about shooting your own side in the back than shooting at the enemy.


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The reason to vote for Donald Trump is because his proposed policies are the best that any Republican candidate for President has offered the public in living memory. If that's not enough for you, if you're more concerned about superficial matters relating to posture, presentation, and personal idiosyncracies, well, you probably shouldn't be voting on anything anyhow.
Those same policies are the ones that caused the great depression.... That is not a good thing genius.

No, I'm talking his policies that will make America great again.
Which are those? The job killing tariffs? Or the lie about him deporting illegals when we all know he uses them in his resorts? Perhaps it is way of just grabbing pussy like a 4 year old child? Perhaps he will just call every one who disagrees with him a name or say their wives are ugly??? Hey there is always tactic of accusing their parents of murder or calling them pedophiles....Pleas enlighten us all of the great fucking things this fool thinks he can do to make America great???? Suck Putins dick??? What?????? The only two reasons to vote for Trump are 1. he is NOT Hillary Clinton 2 He will be easy to stop by congress when he tries to destroy the nation with his stupidity.

So you cited one policy you disagree with and the rest was playing etiquette police.

This is why moderates like you are completely useless in any movement. You are more concerned about shooting your own side in the back than shooting at the enemy.
He has no policies! He has speeches that will amount to nothing.
To those who nominated Donald Trump as the Republican Nominee. I do so hope you are happy because your choice will barring a YUGE miracle result in Hillary Clinton the most corrupt politician in modern history as being President.

Type, Respondents Clinton Trump Margin
Rasmussen New 10/17 - 10/19
40 43 Trump +3
IBD/TIPP New 10/14 - 10/19
Live Phone779
40 41 Trump +1
Quinnipiac University New 10/17 - 10/18
Live Phone1,007
47 40 Clinton +7
YouGov/Economist New 10/15 - 10/18
42 38 Clinton +4
Fox News New 10/15 - 10/17
Live Phone912
45 39 Clinton +6
Bloomberg/Selzer New 10/14 - 10/17
Live Phone1,006
50 41 Clinton +9
Ipsos/Reuters New 10/13 - 10/17
43 39 Clinton +4
Public Religion Research Institute/The Atlantic New 10/12 - 10/17
Live Phone692
51 36 Clinton +15
UPI/CVoter New 10/11 - 10/17
51 46 Clinton +5

That is the polls... I know some wont accept these polls because they are not as of today... And yes some of them look good for Trump but that's only if you believe spamming electronic polls as valid.

No I am not a Democrat OR a liberal which is why I never voted for Donald Trump. I also am not so ignorant like some to have actually believed the HE was the anti-establishment candidate.

I have made up my mind and decided to pinch my nose and throw away my vote and vote for Trump. I say throw it away because he isn't going to win. He was never going to win. Winning was never his intention. How do I know you ask???? Because he is already Blaming others for a loss that hasn't happened yet.

Just remember this most of you angry little people. Your disgust for the actions of the corrupt Republican establishment clouded your judgment so much you nominated a bonafide New York liberal who was Always part of the Establishment. It just happened to be mostly the Democrat establishment.

So when our country goes through 4 more years of horrible governance and more and more of our liberties are stripped from us just remember those of you driving the Trump Train. YOU gave us President Hillary Clinton.
This morning an ABC tracking poll has Trump now behind by 12 points. Clinton is now at the 50% figure, a point that all political analyst consider a very comfortable lead going into the election. Clinton has started campaigning for Senate and House seats up for grabs. The blame for the Trump nomination lies squarely on the shoulders of the RNC. They have been courting these people for 20 years knowing quite well that they could not even come close to delivering what these people wanted. A revolt was inevitable.
The reason to vote for Donald Trump is because his proposed policies are the best that any Republican candidate for President has offered the public in living memory. If that's not enough for you, if you're more concerned about superficial matters relating to posture, presentation, and personal idiosyncracies, well, you probably shouldn't be voting on anything anyhow.
Those same policies are the ones that caused the great depression.... That is not a good thing genius.

No, I'm talking his policies that will make America great again.
Which are those? The job killing tariffs? Or the lie about him deporting illegals when we all know he uses them in his resorts? Perhaps it is way of just grabbing pussy like a 4 year old child? Perhaps he will just call every one who disagrees with him a name or say their wives are ugly??? Hey there is always tactic of accusing their parents of murder or calling them pedophiles....Pleas enlighten us all of the great fucking things this fool thinks he can do to make America great???? Suck Putins dick??? What?????? The only two reasons to vote for Trump are 1. he is NOT Hillary Clinton 2 He will be easy to stop by congress when he tries to destroy the nation with his stupidity.

So you cited one policy you disagree with and the rest was playing etiquette police.

This is why moderates like you are completely useless in any movement. You are more concerned about shooting your own side in the back than shooting at the enemy.
He has no policies! He has speeches that will amount to nothing.

You're a liar, you can easily go to his website and view his policies.
Primary Results and Open Primaries show that the Democrats helped the Republicans nominate Trump.

God forbid you educate yourself, people may start to take you seriously.


I'm just kidding, there's no helping you at this point.

That proves absolutely nothing. He got pretty much the same percentage in several closed primary states as he did in open primary states. Also, open primaries mean that independents and other third party registered voters can vote too, not just Democrats.
This morning an ABC tracking poll has Trump now behind by 12 points. Clinton is now at the 50% figure, a point that all political analyst consider a very comfortable lead going into the election.

I don't buy that poll at all. It's a big outlier compared to all the others, but I do agree she is going to win. It won't be by 12 points, though.
Primary Results and Open Primaries show that the Democrats helped the Republicans nominate Trump.

God forbid you educate yourself, people may start to take you seriously.


I'm just kidding, there's no helping you at this point.

That proves absolutely nothing. He got pretty much the same percentage in several closed primary states as he did in open primary states. Also, open primaries mean that independents and other third party registered voters can vote too, not just Democrats.
He only got similar results in SOME closed primary states, he was most successful in Open Primary states. He had more consistently higher results in Open Primaries. Democrats were voting for their own candidate, and then voting for Trump because he was the furthest left candidate on the Republican side, and they figured he had no chance against Hillary. Everyone has been able to figure this out, except you.
This morning an ABC tracking poll has Trump now behind by 12 points. Clinton is now at the 50% figure, a point that all political analyst consider a very comfortable lead going into the election.

I don't buy that poll at all. It's a big outlier compared to all the others, but I do agree she is going to win. It won't be by 12 points, though.
Well, that's the latest and the biggest Clinton lead in major polls. Monmouth has Clinton by 12 and Bloomberg by 9. All these polls have a 3% margin of error. The fact that Clinton is scheduling events to campaign for Senate and House candidates indicates that she is comfortable at this point with her lead. It would be interesting to see some of the campaign's polling.
Democrats were voting for their own candidate, and then voting for Trump because he was the furthest left candidate on the Republican side, and they figured he had no chance against Hillary.

And how did they manage to do that, exactly? Do you know how an open primary works?

Everyone has been able to figure this out, except you.

No, I think it's just your little secret.
This morning an ABC tracking poll has Trump now behind by 12 points. Clinton is now at the 50% figure, a point that all political analyst consider a very comfortable lead going into the election.

I don't buy that poll at all. It's a big outlier compared to all the others, but I do agree she is going to win. It won't be by 12 points, though.
Well, that's the latest and the biggest Clinton lead in major polls. Monmouth has Clinton by 12 and Bloomberg by 9. All these polls have a 3% margin of error. The fact that Clinton is scheduling events to campaign for Senate and House candidates indicates that she is comfortable at this point with her lead. It would be interesting to see some of the campaign's polling.

LA Times daily tracking has Clinton up 1. Rasmussen has Trump up 2. IBD shows a tie. This has been a fairly consistent result for the past week.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest Polls
Democrats were voting for their own candidate, and then voting for Trump because he was the furthest left candidate on the Republican side, and they figured he had no chance against Hillary.

And how did they manage to do that, exactly? Do you know how an open primary works?

Everyone has been able to figure this out, except you.

No, I think it's just your little secret.

For starters, it wasn't 'independents'.
12 Million Democrats voted in the Republican Primaries | RedState
They were Democrats. They just vote in the Republican primary because they knew Bernie had no chance. Besides that, I'm fairly certain there are some states where you can completely legally vote in one primary, then the other.

No, it's no secret, you just pay very little attention.
Democrats were voting for their own candidate, and then voting for Trump because he was the furthest left candidate on the Republican side, and they figured he had no chance against Hillary.

And how did they manage to do that, exactly? Do you know how an open primary works?

Everyone has been able to figure this out, except you.

No, I think it's just your little secret.
During the primary, Trump was a curiosity. During the general election he became an embarrassment.
Democrats were voting for their own candidate, and then voting for Trump because he was the furthest left candidate on the Republican side, and they figured he had no chance against Hillary.

And how did they manage to do that, exactly? Do you know how an open primary works?

Everyone has been able to figure this out, except you.

No, I think it's just your little secret.

For starters, it wasn't 'independents'.
12 Million Democrats voted in the Republican Primaries | RedState
They were Democrats. They just vote in the Republican primary because they knew Bernie had no chance.

Your source is one man's speculation. It's not evidence.

Besides that, I'm fairly certain there are some states where you can completely legally vote in one primary, then the other.

No, you vote in either one or the other. You don't get to do both, so there were not Democrats who voted in their own primary and then voted for Trump on the GOP side as well as you earlier claimed.
Democrats were voting for their own candidate, and then voting for Trump because he was the furthest left candidate on the Republican side, and they figured he had no chance against Hillary.

And how did they manage to do that, exactly? Do you know how an open primary works?

Everyone has been able to figure this out, except you.

No, I think it's just your little secret.

For starters, it wasn't 'independents'.
12 Million Democrats voted in the Republican Primaries | RedState
They were Democrats. They just vote in the Republican primary because they knew Bernie had no chance.

Your source is one man's speculation. It's not evidence.

Besides that, I'm fairly certain there are some states where you can completely legally vote in one primary, then the other.

No, you vote in either one or the other. You don't get to do both, so there were not Democrats who voted in their own primary and then voted for Trump on the GOP side as well as you earlier claimed.
I already provided evidence, which you ignored because it didn't fit the false narrative that you gobble up.

That's not what flacaltenn said.
I got to vote in TWO primaries. Totally legally. I walked in on primary day and decided to monkey wrench the GOP by choosing ONE candidate, but voting for 13 electors splitting my choices between my "1st choice" and my "2nd choice". I'll enjoy any chaos that creates at the convention.. Could have chosen to be a Dem for the day and done voted for Bernie -- just because I could..

Then --- I attended the Libertarian State convention and voted in my party's REAL primary. And made my choice known to the LP leadership. The LATTER is a REAL party primary..

(and it didn't cost the public a dime)

He said it best, really.

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