Zone1 To understand what's going on in Gaza reread the Joshua book


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
You will be completely flabbergasted by similarities, both ethnically cleansing are absolutely similar.
But with a small difference
Then all peoples condemned murders now the world is silent because is afraid to be named antisemitic.
It's something wrong here ore are you fine with?

By the way:

God gave Israel to Abraham and his children ( true Jews and Arabs) not to Kazarian Ashkenazi 'Jews' who still claim to be children of Abraham.
Church going Bible reading born again Christians are True Jews now, not Kazarians who completely rejected the Commandments of God and according
to the Holy Bible became Synagogue of Satan



"In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth" ... we're all children of God ... every blessed one of us ... just that God loves the Jews the most, can't you tell? ... I guess only some parents understand why they punish their children ... other parents don't punish their children ... we should be able to tell the difference ...

It was the English who discovered we can borrow Jewish money and then just kill the Jews ... and not pay back the loans ... free money ...
"In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth" ... we're all children of God ... every blessed one of us ... just that God loves the Jews the most, can't you tell? ... I guess only some parents understand why they punish their children ... other parents don't punish their children ... we should be able to tell the difference ...
But, the Jews don't understand that they're being punished by God. They don't believe the very prophecies that make that clear. It's denial on a colossal level.
God gave Israel to Abraham and his children ( true Jews and Arabs) not to Kazarian Ashkenazi 'Jews' who still claim to be children of Abraham.
Tip top summary, OP .
I only have problems with that one word because in the original Hebrew it clearly says
God made Man in our image.
Which fits other sources which describe that the Elohim were in many different places across the planet.
One of them became the adopted Sky God for this area .
The Jews and Faux Jews were not as specially chosen as many of them imagine .
Just on a local basis, by this one being . Unfortunately but unsurprisingly not the "God" of the Universe ..

Many Jewish scholars acknowledge this but it does not yet sit happily with Normies and Sheeple .
Monotheists go brain mad at the thought !!
Because it has been deliberately hidden .
Tip top summary, OP .
I only have problems with that one word because in the original Hebrew it clearly says
God made Man in our image.
The meaning of us and our are unclear. However, God alone made man(kind) in his image and his likeness.

His: singular masculine pronoun.

This is not to say that this subject can't be explored more deeply re: "male and female created he them."
God gave Israel to Abraham and his children ( true Jews and Arabs) not to Kazarian Ashkenazi 'Jews' who still claim to be children of Abraham.
Church going Bible reading born again Christians are True Jews now, not Kazarians who completely rejected the Commandments of God and according
to the Holy Bible became Synagogue of Satan

Do you believe that all Jews are of Satan?
But, the Jews don't understand that they're being punished by God. They don't believe the very prophecies that make that clear. It's denial on a colossal level.
Christians were told that some Jews have been "hardened" from believing in Jesus until all gentiles believe.

Romans 11:25 ESV
Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers:[a] a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.
Christians were told that some Jews have been "hardened" from believing in Jesus until all gentiles believe.

Romans 11:25 ESV
Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers:[a] a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.
Gentiles here means those of the other tribes of Israel scattered abroad.
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