To USMB- The ignore feature

and you just got to accept it that there are some major psycho nutcases in the world out there who it makes them feel better talking to themselves quoting you talking directly to you as if they actually think you are reading their lunatic ramblings.I got a few that do that with me myself as well.It is indeed creepy though that they talk to themselves when you have made it clear to them you have them on ignore.
Yeah, the psychology of this place can be pretty interesting. Surely there is a reason why someone would keep posting to someone who has them on ignore.

Oh well, life's a mystery.


Good question. But I've given up wondering. One of the exiles deludes himself that he not really on ignore. As if anyone would want to read his crap.

Who's Wobbly?
Some people NEED to be put on ignore, or they don't leave you alone.

Sexual harassment, misogyny and gang banging gets a bit tedious after a while.

Yes, so don't practice these things, or anything that invites it, and you're okay.

Practice what things?

Whatever ends up attracting "sexual harassment, misogyny and gang banging."
Since I don't invite those things, and I'm on the same board as anyone else,
then I must be doing something different. I can only tell you what I'm doing that doesn't attract such responses that I'd have to put anyone on ignore.
It's up to others to figure out what practices work or don't work to attract certain responses.

Are you suggesting that people change themselves so that others don't bully them? Good Lord. No Emily, I'm going to be myself. If someone doesn't like me because of that, then I don't care. If they are going to be abusive because of that, then they are going to be ignored.

It's like the old "I raped her because she asked for it". "She doesn't really mean no" syndrome.

Blame the victim. She made me do it.
Some people NEED to be put on ignore, or they don't leave you alone.

Sexual harassment, misogyny and gang banging gets a bit tedious after a while.

Yes, so don't practice these things, or anything that invites it, and you're okay.

Practice what things?

Whatever ends up attracting "sexual harassment, misogyny and gang banging."
Since I don't invite those things, and I'm on the same board as anyone else,
then I must be doing something different. I can only tell you what I'm doing that doesn't attract such responses that I'd have to put anyone on ignore.
It's up to others to figure out what practices work or don't work to attract certain responses.

And what, pray tell, do you think others might do to "attract" others to be nasty?

Well, la-tee-da and good for you.

Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.
I only put people on ignore when they do stalking things like sending me unwanted PM's or otherwise dont' contribute to a conversation.

I currently only have one person on ignore, and it's mostly because he just reposts the same thing in every thread to the point even other people who agree with him ignore him.

Yes, there are some here who sure do seem to enjoy stalking. :cuckoo: I've been using the ignore feature for people who are stalkers and/or abusive. You know, the ones that follow you from thread to thread, making nasty comments, or the ones you cannot have a discussion with because all they can do is toss about insults? Really, I believe internet forums are rife with very miserable and unstable people . . . obviously. Lol.

Oh, and also the ones who never have a point to make. They just post stupid comments to every single thread . . . that's annoying too.
Or a single smiley. Like... What's the point?

Oh come on. I use the single smiley at times just to affirm that I enjoyed somebody's joke or clever comment or something. It saves a lot of typing.
I wish there was a "That was funny" option.
Sexual harassment, misogyny and gang banging gets a bit tedious after a while.

Yes, so don't practice these things, or anything that invites it, and you're okay.

Practice what things?

Whatever ends up attracting "sexual harassment, misogyny and gang banging."
Since I don't invite those things, and I'm on the same board as anyone else,
then I must be doing something different. I can only tell you what I'm doing that doesn't attract such responses that I'd have to put anyone on ignore.
It's up to others to figure out what practices work or don't work to attract certain responses.

Are you suggesting that people change themselves so that others don't bully them? Good Lord. No Emily, I'm going to be myself. If someone doesn't like me because of that, then I don't care. If they are going to be abusive because of that, then they are going to be ignored.

It's like the old "I raped her because she asked for it". "She doesn't really mean no" syndrome.

Blame the victim. She made me do it.
Channeling for Bill Clinton???
Sexual harassment, misogyny and gang banging gets a bit tedious after a while.

Yes, so don't practice these things, or anything that invites it, and you're okay.

Practice what things?

Whatever ends up attracting "sexual harassment, misogyny and gang banging."
Since I don't invite those things, and I'm on the same board as anyone else,
then I must be doing something different. I can only tell you what I'm doing that doesn't attract such responses that I'd have to put anyone on ignore.
It's up to others to figure out what practices work or don't work to attract certain responses.

And what, pray tell, do you think others might do to "attract" others to be nasty?

Well, la-tee-da and good for you.

Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.
I don't see why some of these ladies don't track down some of these posters and denut them.
Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.

BUT, those also violate the forum rules and should be reported. Ignoring those who hold differing political views seems a bit counterproductive in a political forum. :dunno:
Yes, so don't practice these things, or anything that invites it, and you're okay.

Practice what things?

Whatever ends up attracting "sexual harassment, misogyny and gang banging."
Since I don't invite those things, and I'm on the same board as anyone else,
then I must be doing something different. I can only tell you what I'm doing that doesn't attract such responses that I'd have to put anyone on ignore.
It's up to others to figure out what practices work or don't work to attract certain responses.

And what, pray tell, do you think others might do to "attract" others to be nasty?

Well, la-tee-da and good for you.

Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.
I don't see why some of these ladies don't track down some of these posters and denut them.

Then that would give them some credence. Like they were important.
I don't understand why it is so hard for some posters to just scroll past what they don't want to read.

If I don't want to communicate with someone, it would be nice to be able to end it completely. Having someone continue to post directly to you even though they know you have them on ignore is a little creepy.


Just ignore it.

there are a lot of pshco nutcases

Two suggestions: Can this site be revised a little so that...

(1) if you have someone on ignore you don't see their posts when you're quoting someone else? I could have sworn it was like that here for a while when the format changed a while back.

And/or (2) you can make it so that someone you have on ignore can't see your posts either?

If I don't want to communicate with someone, it would be nice to be able to end it completely. Having someone continue to post directly to you even though they know you have them on ignore is a little creepy.



Hey be grateful they upgraded it to where it is NOW where when they quote you and post after you,you don't see their user name displayed.most sites you have to look at their user name when you have them on ignore so be thankful they did that much.

and you just got to accept it that there are some major psycho nutcases in the world out there who it makes them feel better talking to themselves quoting you talking directly to you as if they actually think you are reading their lunatic ramblings.I got a few that do that with me myself as well.It is indeed creepy though that they talk to themselves when you have made it clear to them you have them on ignore.

Hi 9/11 inside job
Given other people I've interacted with who were openly posting threats and scams on another site I was on discussing sociopaths and society, the people here are able to present directly or project indirectly what they believe or mean or have issues with. If people have no purpose or reason for being here, they will not last but will go elsewhere.

unfortunately many of them here have the purpose of trolling,making up outright lies when they are cornered and cant refute facts.those are the trolls that I have on ignore.for instance there is this one lunatic poster that worships Reagan calling him the best president ever.He has got to be a distant cousin of his or something because he goes into meltdown mode if you give ANY criticisem of him whatsoever and expose the myths of him.

there are a few other trolls here like him that ignore the facts of his corruption as well but they don't go into total meltdown mode like he does,not to his extremes anyways when he is exposed in the history section.
Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.

BUT, those also violate the forum rules and should be reported. Ignoring those who hold differing political views seems a bit counterproductive in a political forum. :dunno:

What some of those perverts do has nothing to do with politics.
and you just got to accept it that there are some major psycho nutcases in the world out there who it makes them feel better talking to themselves quoting you talking directly to you as if they actually think you are reading their lunatic ramblings.I got a few that do that with me myself as well.It is indeed creepy though that they talk to themselves when you have made it clear to them you have them on ignore.
Yeah, the psychology of this place can be pretty interesting. Surely there is a reason why someone would keep posting to someone who has them on ignore.

Oh well, life's a mystery.

I am not sure this site notifies a poster that another poster has them on ignore.
Practice what things?

Whatever ends up attracting "sexual harassment, misogyny and gang banging."
Since I don't invite those things, and I'm on the same board as anyone else,
then I must be doing something different. I can only tell you what I'm doing that doesn't attract such responses that I'd have to put anyone on ignore.
It's up to others to figure out what practices work or don't work to attract certain responses.

And what, pray tell, do you think others might do to "attract" others to be nasty?

Well, la-tee-da and good for you.

Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.
I don't see why some of these ladies don't track down some of these posters and denut them.

Then that would give them some credence. Like they were important.
They would not feel to credible with no nuts.

Look, like everyone else, I have been rude to some of the ladies here, two in particular.

We could argue until blue in the face over who threw the first insult.

I don't use the ignore, just skip those people usually.

Would I accept a mutual exchange of apologies and a truce; of course.

But, it doesn't affect my life.

Blizzard and monsoon affect my life.
Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.

BUT, those also violate the forum rules and should be reported. Ignoring those who hold differing political views seems a bit counterproductive in a political forum. :dunno:

There are those who cannot stand any form of disagreement. Such people will argue with a post and they are unable to focus on a concept. Instead they attack/accuse the member and/or his source or swerve off into something totally different from the thread topic.

If you are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a concept or issue, it is so much easier to scroll over the comments of such people or put them on ignore. And that blunts the ability of such people from being able to derail a thread or prevent a discussion which I suspect is usually their intent in the first place.
What some of those perverts do has nothing to do with politics.

I'm not doubting you or disagreeing; I'm just pointing out that those violate the rules and bring about the ban hammer - so should be treated accordingly.

They can do what they like in the flaming zone.
Not totally.

Don't slip up and mention an ugly wife, even in the most jestful, facetious post.

That hits certain people square in the nuts, and when they recover, they hit the report button the second they can.
What some of those perverts do has nothing to do with politics.

I'm not doubting you or disagreeing; I'm just pointing out that those violate the rules and bring about the ban hammer - so should be treated accordingly.

They can do what they like in the flaming zone.
Not totally.

Don't slip up and mention an ugly wife, even in the most jestful, facetious post.

That hits certain people square in the nuts, and when they recover, they hit the report button the second they can.

My how something's never change. LOL
What some of those perverts do has nothing to do with politics.

I'm not doubting you or disagreeing; I'm just pointing out that those violate the rules and bring about the ban hammer - so should be treated accordingly.

They can do what they like in the flaming zone.
Not totally.

Don't slip up and mention an ugly wife, even in the most jestful, facetious post.

That hits certain people square in the nuts, and when they recover, they hit the report button the second they can.

My how something's never change. LOL
I can see how having an ugly wife could be embarrassing, and a person could be sensitive about it.

I would never had made that post had I realized it would be taken seriously, it was very flippant, and I never thought it would offend any more than the more vile parts that were actually acceptable.

I could have easily left out the reference to the wife, but, my fingers were flying faster than my brain was reading what I wrote.

I had an alert from a mod and it was deleted before I even had a chance to edit it.

I freely admit I was wrong in that post.
I don't understand why it is so hard for some posters to just scroll past what they don't want to read.

If I don't want to communicate with someone, it would be nice to be able to end it completely. Having someone continue to post directly to you even though they know you have them on ignore is a little creepy.


Just ignore it.

there are a lot of pshco nutcases

Two suggestions: Can this site be revised a little so that...

(1) if you have someone on ignore you don't see their posts when you're quoting someone else? I could have sworn it was like that here for a while when the format changed a while back.

And/or (2) you can make it so that someone you have on ignore can't see your posts either?

If I don't want to communicate with someone, it would be nice to be able to end it completely. Having someone continue to post directly to you even though they know you have them on ignore is a little creepy.



Hey be grateful they upgraded it to where it is NOW where when they quote you and post after you,you don't see their user name displayed.most sites you have to look at their user name when you have them on ignore so be thankful they did that much.

and you just got to accept it that there are some major psycho nutcases in the world out there who it makes them feel better talking to themselves quoting you talking directly to you as if they actually think you are reading their lunatic ramblings.I got a few that do that with me myself as well.It is indeed creepy though that they talk to themselves when you have made it clear to them you have them on ignore.

Hi 9/11 inside job
Given other people I've interacted with who were openly posting threats and scams on another site I was on discussing sociopaths and society, the people here are able to present directly or project indirectly what they believe or mean or have issues with. If people have no purpose or reason for being here, they will not last but will go elsewhere.

unfortunately many of them here have the purpose of trolling,making up outright lies when they are cornered and cant refute facts.those are the trolls that I have on ignore.for instance there is this one lunatic poster that worships Reagan calling him the best president ever.He has got to be a distant cousin of his or something because he goes into meltdown mode if you give ANY criticisem of him whatsoever and expose the myths of him.

there are a few other trolls here like him that ignore the facts of his corruption as well but they don't go into total meltdown mode like he does,not to his extremes anyways when he is exposed in the history section.

Hi 9/11 inside job
I find that when confronted with a transparent approach, the person either meets that equally, or will refrain and run off if they aren't about transparency.

People may find rejection exclusion and ignore works better,
but I find that including people and working with them either addresses the problem or sends them packing and running.

I agree with Uncensored2008 that on a political forum, isn't it more the goal to address and invite different viewpoints.
I see it as a challenge how to talk to different people, and understand them. We certainly need that in America. We need to learn to manage diversity and communicate no matter how foreign our views are to each other, and way of expressing them.

This isn't for everyone, but I think it is a good skill to develop.

What I would advise, is that if you can resolve your own conflicts with people without dividing and rejecting,
then you don't depend on an "outside third party" (whether lawyer, govt, judge, or media) to "step in for you"
and settle it their way. The risk is that we become beholden to some third party, such as political parties or govt.

So if you want to be fully empowered, either resolve conflicts yourself, directly between you,
or organize a network of people you trust, where you can delegate some conflicts to them, and not rely on some
random party or govt that can be changed or manipulated by politics or other interests to go against what you believe in.

Either resolve issues directly or have friends or trusted sources you can revert to that represent you in such conflicts.

Otherwise, I find the media, the legal profession, the political and corporate powers, "take advantage"
of the fears and conflicts between people and groups, and exploit that for their own interests at our expense.
No thanks.
Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.

BUT, those also violate the forum rules and should be reported. Ignoring those who hold differing political views seems a bit counterproductive in a political forum. :dunno:

There are those who cannot stand any form of disagreement. Such people will argue with a post and they are unable to focus on a concept. Instead they attack/accuse the member and/or his source or swerve off into something totally different from the thread topic.

If you are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a concept or issue, it is so much easier to scroll over the comments of such people or put them on ignore. And that blunts the ability of such people from being able to derail a thread or prevent a discussion which I suspect is usually their intent in the first place.

Hi Foxfyre Can we have a psycho-therapy thread then?
And people can "recommend posters" there who need their thinking rewired
if they are otherwise derailing threads.

Maybe Judicial review and I can volunteer to experiment on these subjects, find out what conflicts make them tick. And untick them. If they can be rewired, maybe they can participate like normal. End of problem, or they may stop on their own.

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