To USMB- The ignore feature

What some of those perverts do has nothing to do with politics.

I'm not doubting you or disagreeing; I'm just pointing out that those violate the rules and bring about the ban hammer - so should be treated accordingly.

They can do what they like in the flaming zone.
Not totally.

Don't slip up and mention an ugly wife, even in the most jestful, facetious post.

That hits certain people square in the nuts, and when they recover, they hit the report button the second they can.

My how something's never change. LOL
I can see how having an ugly wife could be embarrassing, and a person could be sensitive about it.

I would never had made that post had I realized it would be taken seriously, it was very flippant, and I never thought it would offend any more than the more vile parts that were actually acceptable.

I could have easily left out the reference to the wife, but, my fingers were flying faster than my brain was reading what I wrote.

I had an alert from a mod and it was deleted before I even had a chance to edit it.

I freely admit I was wrong in that post.

A fellow poster suffered some horrible personal insults about his wife and family. And he took it on the chin.

Also, an intrusion into his Facebook page, one of the slimes going so far as to reproduce a picture of him on the thread.

These people (don't have a word for them) act as though they have the perfect right to intrude and abuse others.

Which is not the same as disagreement. Or ideological differences.
Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.

BUT, those also violate the forum rules and should be reported. Ignoring those who hold differing political views seems a bit counterproductive in a political forum. :dunno:

There are those who cannot stand any form of disagreement. Such people will argue with a post and they are unable to focus on a concept. Instead they attack/accuse the member and/or his source or swerve off into something totally different from the thread topic.

If you are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a concept or issue, it is so much easier to scroll over the comments of such people or put them on ignore. And that blunts the ability of such people from being able to derail a thread or prevent a discussion which I suspect is usually their intent in the first place.

Hi Foxfyre Can we have a psycho-therapy thread then?
And people can "recommend posters" there who need their thinking rewired
if they are otherwise derailing threads.

Maybe Judicial review and I can volunteer to experiment on these subjects, find out what conflicts make them tick. And untick them. If they can be rewired, maybe they can participate like normal. End of problem, or they may stop on their own.

Oh, it's that easy, huh? :lol: Maybe you should be teaching all the psychologist and psychiatrists.
Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.

BUT, those also violate the forum rules and should be reported. Ignoring those who hold differing political views seems a bit counterproductive in a political forum. :dunno:

Like you've been told, this has nothing to do with political ideology.
Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.

BUT, those also violate the forum rules and should be reported. Ignoring those who hold differing political views seems a bit counterproductive in a political forum. :dunno:

What in the hell do sexual comments and comments about a person's personal life have to do with politics? Oh . . . that's right . . . nothing.

Why do YOU care if some of us choose to put some people on ignore anyway? It's really not your business.
Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.

BUT, those also violate the forum rules and should be reported. Ignoring those who hold differing political views seems a bit counterproductive in a political forum. :dunno:

There are those who cannot stand any form of disagreement. Such people will argue with a post and they are unable to focus on a concept. Instead they attack/accuse the member and/or his source or swerve off into something totally different from the thread topic.

If you are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a concept or issue, it is so much easier to scroll over the comments of such people or put them on ignore. And that blunts the ability of such people from being able to derail a thread or prevent a discussion which I suspect is usually their intent in the first place.

Hi Foxfyre Can we have a psycho-therapy thread then?
And people can "recommend posters" there who need their thinking rewired
if they are otherwise derailing threads.

Maybe Judicial review and I can volunteer to experiment on these subjects, find out what conflicts make them tick. And untick them. If they can be rewired, maybe they can participate like normal. End of problem, or they may stop on their own.

Oh, it's that easy, huh? :lol: Maybe you should be teaching all the psychologist and psychiatrists.

Would you want to devote your time and energy to analysing low life retards, whose only function is to troll? Wondering why they "do it"?

Far easier to just click them out.

Poliical disagreements, and even quarrelling, are something else.
Would you want to devote your time and energy to analysing low life retards, whose only function is to troll? Wondering why they "do it"?

Far easier to just click them out.

Poliical disagreements, and even quarrelling, are something else.

They do it because they have never developed the ability to garner any attention for something intelligent or positive, and so resort to irritating people as the only possible way to get anybody to notice them.
Would you want to devote your time and energy to analysing low life retards, whose only function is to troll? Wondering why they "do it"?

Far easier to just click them out.

Poliical disagreements, and even quarrelling, are something else.

They do it because they have never developed the ability to garner any attention for something intelligent or positive, and so resort to irritating people as the only possible way to get anybody to notice them.

They gave their supporters too. Whole gangs of them.
Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.

BUT, those also violate the forum rules and should be reported. Ignoring those who hold differing political views seems a bit counterproductive in a political forum. :dunno:

There are those who cannot stand any form of disagreement. Such people will argue with a post and they are unable to focus on a concept. Instead they attack/accuse the member and/or his source or swerve off into something totally different from the thread topic.

If you are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a concept or issue, it is so much easier to scroll over the comments of such people or put them on ignore. And that blunts the ability of such people from being able to derail a thread or prevent a discussion which I suspect is usually their intent in the first place.

Hi Foxfyre Can we have a psycho-therapy thread then?
And people can "recommend posters" there who need their thinking rewired
if they are otherwise derailing threads.

Maybe Judicial review and I can volunteer to experiment on these subjects, find out what conflicts make them tick. And untick them. If they can be rewired, maybe they can participate like normal. End of problem, or they may stop on their own.

Oh, it's that easy, huh? :lol: Maybe you should be teaching all the psychologist and psychiatrists.

Would you want to devote your time and energy to analysing low life retards, whose only function is to troll? Wondering why they "do it"?

Far easier to just click them out.

Poliical disagreements, and even quarrelling, are something else.

Absolutely not. I don't want to spend my time in the Flame Zone with people I don't even know about whatever they decide is the "hot topic" for the day. Eff them.
I'm not doubting you or disagreeing; I'm just pointing out that those violate the rules and bring about the ban hammer - so should be treated accordingly.

They can do what they like in the flaming zone.
Not totally.

Don't slip up and mention an ugly wife, even in the most jestful, facetious post.

That hits certain people square in the nuts, and when they recover, they hit the report button the second they can.

My how something's never change. LOL
I can see how having an ugly wife could be embarrassing, and a person could be sensitive about it.

I would never had made that post had I realized it would be taken seriously, it was very flippant, and I never thought it would offend any more than the more vile parts that were actually acceptable.

I could have easily left out the reference to the wife, but, my fingers were flying faster than my brain was reading what I wrote.

I had an alert from a mod and it was deleted before I even had a chance to edit it.

I freely admit I was wrong in that post.

A fellow poster suffered some horrible personal insults about his wife and family. And he took it on the chin.

Also, an intrusion into his Facebook page, one of the slimes going so far as to reproduce a picture of him on the thread.

These people (don't have a word for them) act as though they have the perfect right to intrude and abuse others.

Which is not the same as disagreement. Or ideological differences.

Yep. 100% agree.
What in the hell do sexual comments and comments about a person's personal life have to do with politics? Oh . . . that's right . . . nothing.

Why do YOU care if some of us choose to put some people on ignore anyway? It's really not your business.

True, those comments are not germane to political debate - and they violate forum rules, so there is a better mechanism for dealing with they. If a board member is stalking you with sexual comments and you ignore them, they will simply move to another victim. If you report them, they will be banned and harass no one on the board anymore.
What in the hell do sexual comments and comments about a person's personal life have to do with politics? Oh . . . that's right . . . nothing.

Why do YOU care if some of us choose to put some people on ignore anyway? It's really not your business.

True, those comments are not germane to political debate - and they violate forum rules, so there is a better mechanism for dealing with they. If a board member is stalking you with sexual comments and you ignore them, they will simply move to another victim. If you report them, they will be banned and harass no one on the board anymore.
Totally untrue statement. They are encouraged .
Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.

BUT, those also violate the forum rules and should be reported. Ignoring those who hold differing political views seems a bit counterproductive in a political forum. :dunno:

There are those who cannot stand any form of disagreement. Such people will argue with a post and they are unable to focus on a concept. Instead they attack/accuse the member and/or his source or swerve off into something totally different from the thread topic.

If you are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a concept or issue, it is so much easier to scroll over the comments of such people or put them on ignore. And that blunts the ability of such people from being able to derail a thread or prevent a discussion which I suspect is usually their intent in the first place.

Hi Foxfyre Can we have a psycho-therapy thread then?
And people can "recommend posters" there who need their thinking rewired
if they are otherwise derailing threads.

Maybe Judicial review and I can volunteer to experiment on these subjects, find out what conflicts make them tick. And untick them. If they can be rewired, maybe they can participate like normal. End of problem, or they may stop on their own.

Oh, it's that easy, huh? :lol: Maybe you should be teaching all the psychologist and psychiatrists.

ChrisL actually I think Judicial review was indirectly insinuating all that.
People have to figure it out for themselves.

A lot of people are using the internet and online forums for group therapy, and
discovering this whole process of either mutual projection or mutual change.
People are learning to be careful what they say, or someone else just might hold them to their words.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, so people learn what works by trial and error.
Totally untrue statement. They are encouraged .

I admit that I stay out of the FlameZone. I'm here to discuss politics and current events, not to squabble with Jr. High cliques. So there may be a lot going on that I am unaware (and simply don't care) of. Still, a member sexually harassing another member is a direct violation of the TOS. If a moderator encourages this, they should be reported to CK.
Totally untrue statement. They are encouraged .

I admit that I stay out of the FlameZone. I'm here to discuss politics and current events, not to squabble with Jr. High cliques. So there may be a lot going on that I am unaware (and simply don't care) of. Still, a member sexually harassing another member is a direct violation of the TOS. If a moderator encourages this, they should be reported to CK.
You think posters haven't in the past?
Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.

BUT, those also violate the forum rules and should be reported. Ignoring those who hold differing political views seems a bit counterproductive in a political forum. :dunno:

There are those who cannot stand any form of disagreement. Such people will argue with a post and they are unable to focus on a concept. Instead they attack/accuse the member and/or his source or swerve off into something totally different from the thread topic.

If you are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a concept or issue, it is so much easier to scroll over the comments of such people or put them on ignore. And that blunts the ability of such people from being able to derail a thread or prevent a discussion which I suspect is usually their intent in the first place.

Hi Foxfyre Can we have a psycho-therapy thread then?
And people can "recommend posters" there who need their thinking rewired
if they are otherwise derailing threads.

Maybe Judicial review and I can volunteer to experiment on these subjects, find out what conflicts make them tick. And untick them. If they can be rewired, maybe they can participate like normal. End of problem, or they may stop on their own.

Bottom line for me is that I do my damndest to take a live and let live approach to other people whenever they are willing to do the same. I don't require anybody to love me, like me, or agree with me, but I do insist that I have as much right as anybody else to exist and think and believe and express my opinion.

There are members on USMB that I can pretty much count on being hateful, snarky, critical, accusatory, and personally insulting no matter what I post or how innocuous it is. They don't like me and they don't like my point of view. And that too is their right.

I have never treated any of them badly or been intentionally dishonest with anybody. Those people have every right to exist but I don't need people like that in my life. And I simply deal with them by choosing not to engage them here at USMB. I don't initiate discussion of them with others. I don't go out of my way to avoid them but neither do I seek them out. If they choose to accept me with all my shortcomings and flaws and be friends, they are welcome. And if they chose not to be, that is their right. But just staying out of their way or putting them on ignore is sometimes the best course of action.

I rather think most people should tend to their own rewiring and it isn't my responsibility to 'fix them'. :)

(I do agree with uncensored that those who are violating the rules and intentionally hurting people should be reported.)
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Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.

BUT, those also violate the forum rules and should be reported. Ignoring those who hold differing political views seems a bit counterproductive in a political forum. :dunno:

There are those who cannot stand any form of disagreement. Such people will argue with a post and they are unable to focus on a concept. Instead they attack/accuse the member and/or his source or swerve off into something totally different from the thread topic.

If you are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a concept or issue, it is so much easier to scroll over the comments of such people or put them on ignore. And that blunts the ability of such people from being able to derail a thread or prevent a discussion which I suspect is usually their intent in the first place.

Hi Foxfyre Can we have a psycho-therapy thread then?
And people can "recommend posters" there who need their thinking rewired
if they are otherwise derailing threads.

Maybe Judicial review and I can volunteer to experiment on these subjects, find out what conflicts make them tick. And untick them. If they can be rewired, maybe they can participate like normal. End of problem, or they may stop on their own.

Bottom line for me is that I do my damndest to take a live and let live approach to other people whenever they are willing to do the same. I don't require anybody to love me, like me, or agree with me, but I do insist that I have as much right as anybody else to exist and think and believe and express my opinion.

There are members on USMB that I can pretty much count on being hateful, snarky, critical, accusatory, and personally insulting no matter what I post or how innocuous it is. They don't like me and they don't like my point of view.

I have never treated any of them badly or been intentionally dishonest with anybody. Those people have every right to exist but I don't need people like that in my life. And I simply deal with them by choosing not to engage them here at USMB. I don't discuss them with others. I don't go out of my way to avoid them but neither do I seek them out. If they choose to accept me with all my shortcomings and flaws and be friends, they are welcome. And if they chose not to be, that is their right.

I rather think most people should tend to their own rewiring and it isn't my responsibility to 'fix them'. :)

(I do agree with uncensored that those who are violating the rules and intentionally hurting people, they should be reported.)

Maybe not for you to fix them.
My point is why not let Judicial review and me take a crack at that?
Don't you think that form of "therapy" might serve as deterrence?
(But keep this in a separate section, maybe we can use the rubber room for that.
but I was thinking of a psycho-tropics zone. Try to fix those people over there....)
Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.

BUT, those also violate the forum rules and should be reported. Ignoring those who hold differing political views seems a bit counterproductive in a political forum. :dunno:

There are those who cannot stand any form of disagreement. Such people will argue with a post and they are unable to focus on a concept. Instead they attack/accuse the member and/or his source or swerve off into something totally different from the thread topic.

If you are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a concept or issue, it is so much easier to scroll over the comments of such people or put them on ignore. And that blunts the ability of such people from being able to derail a thread or prevent a discussion which I suspect is usually their intent in the first place.

Hi Foxfyre Can we have a psycho-therapy thread then?
And people can "recommend posters" there who need their thinking rewired
if they are otherwise derailing threads.

Maybe Judicial review and I can volunteer to experiment on these subjects, find out what conflicts make them tick. And untick them. If they can be rewired, maybe they can participate like normal. End of problem, or they may stop on their own.

Bottom line for me is that I do my damndest to take a live and let live approach to other people whenever they are willing to do the same. I don't require anybody to love me, like me, or agree with me, but I do insist that I have as much right as anybody else to exist and think and believe and express my opinion.

There are members on USMB that I can pretty much count on being hateful, snarky, critical, accusatory, and personally insulting no matter what I post or how innocuous it is. They don't like me and they don't like my point of view.

I have never treated any of them badly or been intentionally dishonest with anybody. Those people have every right to exist but I don't need people like that in my life. And I simply deal with them by choosing not to engage them here at USMB. I don't discuss them with others. I don't go out of my way to avoid them but neither do I seek them out. If they choose to accept me with all my shortcomings and flaws and be friends, they are welcome. And if they chose not to be, that is their right.

I rather think most people should tend to their own rewiring and it isn't my responsibility to 'fix them'. :)

(I do agree with uncensored that those who are violating the rules and intentionally hurting people, they should be reported.)

Maybe not for you to fix them.
My point is why not let Judicial review and me take a crack at that?
Don't you think that form of "therapy" might serve as deterrence?
(But keep this in a separate section, maybe we can use the rubber room for that.
but I was thinking of a psycho-tropics zone. Try to fix those people over there....)
Psycho zone sounds about right . But I doubt they can be fixed. Give it a shot though. Couldn't hurt. :)
Nastiness is one thing. Overt and gratuitous sexual comments and bullying are another. Best thing is to click them out.
Doesn't deter them, but by that stage, who cares. You can't see them anymore.

BUT, those also violate the forum rules and should be reported. Ignoring those who hold differing political views seems a bit counterproductive in a political forum. :dunno:

There are those who cannot stand any form of disagreement. Such people will argue with a post and they are unable to focus on a concept. Instead they attack/accuse the member and/or his source or swerve off into something totally different from the thread topic.

If you are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a concept or issue, it is so much easier to scroll over the comments of such people or put them on ignore. And that blunts the ability of such people from being able to derail a thread or prevent a discussion which I suspect is usually their intent in the first place.

Hi Foxfyre Can we have a psycho-therapy thread then?
And people can "recommend posters" there who need their thinking rewired
if they are otherwise derailing threads.

Maybe Judicial review and I can volunteer to experiment on these subjects, find out what conflicts make them tick. And untick them. If they can be rewired, maybe they can participate like normal. End of problem, or they may stop on their own.

Bottom line for me is that I do my damndest to take a live and let live approach to other people whenever they are willing to do the same. I don't require anybody to love me, like me, or agree with me, but I do insist that I have as much right as anybody else to exist and think and believe and express my opinion.

There are members on USMB that I can pretty much count on being hateful, snarky, critical, accusatory, and personally insulting no matter what I post or how innocuous it is. They don't like me and they don't like my point of view.

I have never treated any of them badly or been intentionally dishonest with anybody. Those people have every right to exist but I don't need people like that in my life. And I simply deal with them by choosing not to engage them here at USMB. I don't discuss them with others. I don't go out of my way to avoid them but neither do I seek them out. If they choose to accept me with all my shortcomings and flaws and be friends, they are welcome. And if they chose not to be, that is their right.

I rather think most people should tend to their own rewiring and it isn't my responsibility to 'fix them'. :)

(I do agree with uncensored that those who are violating the rules and intentionally hurting people, they should be reported.)

Maybe not for you to fix them.
My point is why not let Judicial review and me take a crack at that?
Don't you think that form of "therapy" might serve as deterrence?
(But keep this in a separate section, maybe we can use the rubber room for that.
but I was thinking of a psycho-tropics zone. Try to fix those people over there....)

If that's what you want to do, go ahead. But you'll never get the upper hand. They are relentless, like locusts. Only two options,ignore or ban, in the latter case particularly when snooping on personal information, and posting it on open forums. That I do object to,
BUT, those also violate the forum rules and should be reported. Ignoring those who hold differing political views seems a bit counterproductive in a political forum. :dunno:

There are those who cannot stand any form of disagreement. Such people will argue with a post and they are unable to focus on a concept. Instead they attack/accuse the member and/or his source or swerve off into something totally different from the thread topic.

If you are trying to have an intelligent discussion about a concept or issue, it is so much easier to scroll over the comments of such people or put them on ignore. And that blunts the ability of such people from being able to derail a thread or prevent a discussion which I suspect is usually their intent in the first place.

Hi Foxfyre Can we have a psycho-therapy thread then?
And people can "recommend posters" there who need their thinking rewired
if they are otherwise derailing threads.

Maybe Judicial review and I can volunteer to experiment on these subjects, find out what conflicts make them tick. And untick them. If they can be rewired, maybe they can participate like normal. End of problem, or they may stop on their own.

Bottom line for me is that I do my damndest to take a live and let live approach to other people whenever they are willing to do the same. I don't require anybody to love me, like me, or agree with me, but I do insist that I have as much right as anybody else to exist and think and believe and express my opinion.

There are members on USMB that I can pretty much count on being hateful, snarky, critical, accusatory, and personally insulting no matter what I post or how innocuous it is. They don't like me and they don't like my point of view.

I have never treated any of them badly or been intentionally dishonest with anybody. Those people have every right to exist but I don't need people like that in my life. And I simply deal with them by choosing not to engage them here at USMB. I don't discuss them with others. I don't go out of my way to avoid them but neither do I seek them out. If they choose to accept me with all my shortcomings and flaws and be friends, they are welcome. And if they chose not to be, that is their right.

I rather think most people should tend to their own rewiring and it isn't my responsibility to 'fix them'. :)

(I do agree with uncensored that those who are violating the rules and intentionally hurting people, they should be reported.)

Maybe not for you to fix them.
My point is why not let Judicial review and me take a crack at that?
Don't you think that form of "therapy" might serve as deterrence?
(But keep this in a separate section, maybe we can use the rubber room for that.
but I was thinking of a psycho-tropics zone. Try to fix those people over there....)
Psycho zone sounds about right . But I doubt they can be fixed. Give it a shot though. Couldn't hurt. :)

Well while I can appreciate why some would like to try that, I think it would almost certainly encourage the trolls and mean spirited and hyper critical and drama queens to be even more contentious than they already are. Remember, if such a zone was used to 'fix' them, it is a near certainty they would also use that zone.

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