To whitewash Gaza genocide, Israel is paying influencers !!

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
A recent investigation has uncovered how the Israeli government is paying social media influencers to spread positive content about Israel and downplay the atrocities committed during the Gaza genocide. These influencers, who have a significant number of followers, are being paid large sums of money to create and share pro-Israel propaganda on various platforms.

According to the findings, these influencers are reportedly required to attend training sessions organized by the Israeli government, where they are taught how to manipulate their content to divert attention away from the grave human rights violations committed by the Israeli military. The investigation suggests that this tactic aims to create a distorted narrative that whitewashes the genocide and portrays Israel as a victim rather than the aggressor.

The paid influencers are said to be instructed to use specific hashtags and engage in discussions that align with the Israeli narrative, posing a significant challenge to the authenticity and trustworthiness of social media platforms.

The attempt is clearly to project Hamas as the villains and the child-murdering regime as heroes.

Sara Watson, a British social media influencer, took to her TikTok page to reveal that she had been approached by the Israeli regime, bribed and even coerced to retract her support for Palestine.

“That is not going to happen, you cannot buy my morals,” she said in a short video, noting that the brand she was working with informed her of their decision to not work with her anymore.

Watson was asked to pull down a post on Instagram that she had posted in solidarity with the people of Palestine and promised a hefty amount but she bluntly refused, she said in the video.

What's wrong with the Jews counteracting the anti-semitic lies being told about them in Gaza.

Libs have been saying the Jews have been decapitating babies , poisoning wells and other atrocities and it just isn't true.

I've known Jews my whole like, I am part Jew myself according to DNA tests. And I never engaged in human sacrifice
“It is always about controlling the narrative, it’s always about putting your propaganda out there, to justify the horrific things you do to people in the world, just like the United States does,” he said.




What's wrong with the Jews counteracting the anti-semitic lies being told about them in Gaza.

Libs have been saying the Jews have been decapitating babies , poisoning wells and other atrocities and it just isn't true.

I've known Jews my whole like, I am part Jew myself according to DNA tests. And I never engaged in human sacrifice
Isn't true?!!
Everything is documented.
"Headless babies" are seen live on TV..
Haartz documented the bioterrorism committed by poisoning wells.
Murdered children are more than 2300.
Explicit clear war crimes
You have to explain why Israel cut the water supplies for 2 million humans.
Then when some Palestinian children are filling water from a collective tank, the Zionist aircraft throws a missile at them from the air blowing them.
Is this even a war?
It's a massacre.
It's genocide.
Remaining a Denier when clear evidence is available to point out truth or its preponderance, is. imho , a neurological abnormality .

You see it still , with Covid being denied as a biological weapon , the vaccines not being Killer Shots , and Russia having invaded Ukraine early last year rather than Ukraine having warred with Donbass since 2014 .

Such people need tagging in some way , and treating .
We call them Trolls as though they are just simple nuisances but they are potentially very dangerous people .
A recent investigation has uncovered how the Israeli government is paying social media influencers to spread positive content about Israel and downplay the atrocities committed during the Gaza genocide. These influencers, who have a significant number of followers, are being paid large sums of money to create and share pro-Israel propaganda on various platforms.

According to the findings, these influencers are reportedly required to attend training sessions organized by the Israeli government, where they are taught how to manipulate their content to divert attention away from the grave human rights violations committed by the Israeli military. The investigation suggests that this tactic aims to create a distorted narrative that whitewashes the genocide and portrays Israel as a victim rather than the aggressor.

The paid influencers are said to be instructed to use specific hashtags and engage in discussions that align with the Israeli narrative, posing a significant challenge to the authenticity and trustworthiness of social media platforms.

It's not disinformation if it praises Israeli genocide! :)
You have to explain why Israel cut the water supplies for 2 million humans.
Then when some Palestinian children are filling water from a collective tank, the Zionist aircraft throws a missile at them from the air blowing them.
Is this even a war?
It's a massacre.
It's genocide.

Have the evil Muslims ever considered unconditional surrender and a vow to stop killing Jews?
Technically ... it was the 1972 Munich Olympic Organizers who are spreading rumors about the Palestinians ... there are those today who still believe the rhetoric ... everybody knows Jews can't wrestle ...

There's also the Jordanian Royal Family ... the ones the PLO tried to murder after they were invited in ... you do know that The West Bank is Jordanian territory ... the Palestinians there aren't being very good residents, let alone citizens there ... I kinda don't blame Egypt for not wanting Gaza back ...
A recent investigation has uncovered how the Israeli government is paying social media influencers to spread positive content about Israel and downplay the atrocities committed during the Gaza genocide. These influencers, who have a significant number of followers, are being paid large sums of money to create and share pro-Israel propaganda on various platforms.

According to the findings, these influencers are reportedly required to attend training sessions organized by the Israeli government, where they are taught how to manipulate their content to divert attention away from the grave human rights violations committed by the Israeli military. The investigation suggests that this tactic aims to create a distorted narrative that whitewashes the genocide and portrays Israel as a victim rather than the aggressor.

The paid influencers are said to be instructed to use specific hashtags and engage in discussions that align with the Israeli narrative, posing a significant challenge to the authenticity and trustworthiness of social media platforms.

Since Israel is in fact the victim here, what exactly should they have done in response to the reprehensible actions of Hamas?

Face it, Israel is the ONLY nation on the planet that is expected, even demanded, to do nothing in the face of aggression from her neighbors.
Have the evil Muslims ever considered unconditional surrender and a vow to stop killing Jews?

The evil Muslims will never surrender ... just like evil Catholics hole up in the Vatican City ... we want rank-and-file Muslims to stop killing each other first, then we can expand that to the Jews ...

Hamas needs to surrender unconditionally ... but everyone else can get by with just the vow to stop killing ... the United States charged the Imperial Japanese senior leadership with causing harm to the Japanese people, so we need to charge Hamas with harming innocent Palestinian people ... I hate malingers too but Hamas should never have blown up their own damn hospital ... but what do you expect from terrorists who send infants into battle ...
The evil Muslims will never surrender ... just like evil Catholics hole up in the Vatican City ... we want rank-and-file Muslims to stop killing each other first, then we can expand that to the Jews ...

Hamas needs to surrender unconditionally ... but everyone else can get by with just the vow to stop killing ... the United States charged the Imperial Japanese senior leadership with causing harm to the Japanese people, so we need to charge Hamas with harming innocent Palestinian people ... I hate malingers too but Hamas should never have blown up their own damn hospital ... but what do you expect from terrorists who send infants into battle ...
There are no innocent Palestinian people. They are all Mujahideen for Allah.

Look at the protests around the world in support of killing Jews. They are all bound by Mohammed to jihad. In every country.
There are no innocent Palestinian people. They are all Mujahideen for Allah.

Look at the protests around the world in support of killing Jews. They are all bound by Mohammed to jihad. In every country.

This is what Hamas is saying ... I disagree, new born infants bear no responsibility individually for killing Jews ... I'm an American and that whole individualization of crime is paramount in any just system ... there is no "guilt by association" ... and that includes "guilt by ethnicity" ...

First thing we do to a Palestinian when they come to the United States is we hand them a gun ... so we know them to be peaceful enough when treated justly ... Muslims and Jews don't fight here ... even fully armed with semi-automatic murderous NATO round near-combat ready BUSHMASTERS ...

Twenty-something Jewish girls all agree ... make Arab mothers pack a hand gun on her hip, and teach them to aim for the balls ...
A recent investigation has uncovered how the Israeli government is paying social media influencers to spread positive content about Israel and downplay the atrocities committed during the Gaza genocide.
Please explain what you mean by "the Gaza genocide."
The troll OP is not just an anti Zionist (which is a political position to a large extent, so that’s his business) but also a clear anti Semite.

He has earned the Phantom Zone. 👍
A recent investigation has uncovered how the Israeli government is paying social media influencers to spread positive content about Israel and downplay the atrocities committed during the Gaza genocide. These influencers, who have a significant number of followers, are being paid large sums of money to create and share pro-Israel propaganda on various platforms.

According to the findings, these influencers are reportedly required to attend training sessions organized by the Israeli government, where they are taught how to manipulate their content to divert attention away from the grave human rights violations committed by the Israeli military. The investigation suggests that this tactic aims to create a distorted narrative that whitewashes the genocide and portrays Israel as a victim rather than the aggressor.

The paid influencers are said to be instructed to use specific hashtags and engage in discussions that align with the Israeli narrative, posing a significant challenge to the authenticity and trustworthiness of social media platforms.

Are you not getting paid for posting terrorist propaganda like you did yesterday? If not, inquire about that. You already have experience :thup:
A recent investigation has uncovered how the Israeli government is paying social media influencers to spread positive content about Israel and downplay the atrocities committed during the Gaza genocide. These influencers, who have a significant number of followers, are being paid large sums of money to create and share pro-Israel propaganda on various platforms.

According to the findings, these influencers are reportedly required to attend training sessions organized by the Israeli government, where they are taught how to manipulate their content to divert attention away from the grave human rights violations committed by the Israeli military. The investigation suggests that this tactic aims to create a distorted narrative that whitewashes the genocide and portrays Israel as a victim rather than the aggressor.

The paid influencers are said to be instructed to use specific hashtags and engage in discussions that align with the Israeli narrative, posing a significant challenge to the authenticity and trustworthiness of social media platforms.

Very interesting lion-----you mentioned specific hashtags identifying the people hired
to post propaganda-----can you post those specific hashtags?

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