Today a record number of people died of Coronavirus in Wisconsin

The virus that Trump downplayed and continues to downplay is wreaking havoc in the Badger State. Let's pray that this nightmare ends soon:
The state Department of Health Services reported 3,279 new cases and 34 deaths due to the coronavirus — both measures the highest of the pandemic.

The state crossed the grim threshold of 1,500 total deaths and reported its highest-ever average of new cases — 2,727 a day over the last seven days.
As long as they were 666 Globalists and DemNazis, I am cool with that.
Sure wish that were the case,I see another brainwashed sheep falling for the lies of the corporate controlled media again hook,line,and sinker. :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301: Better go tell Biden sense he was at a party recently with over a 100 people attending there with No MASKS indoors no less. It’s okay for HIM to break the rules of the government but not us,can’t have that,can’t have rebels not obeying the police state,uh uh.
The virus that Trump downplayed and continues to downplay is wreaking havoc in the Badger State. Let's pray that this nightmare ends soon:
The state Department of Health Services reported 3,279 new cases and 34 deaths due to the coronavirus — both measures the highest of the pandemic.

The state crossed the grim threshold of 1,500 total deaths and reported its highest-ever average of new cases — 2,727 a day over the last seven days.
It’s morons like you, who buy the lies and parrot the propaganda, who are the reason this country is a hair away from being overrun by communism.
The virus that Trump downplayed and continues to downplay is wreaking havoc in the Badger State. Let's pray that this nightmare ends soon:
The state Department of Health Services reported 3,279 new cases and 34 deaths due to the coronavirus — both measures the highest of the pandemic.

The state crossed the grim threshold of 1,500 total deaths and reported its highest-ever average of new cases — 2,727 a day over the last seven days.
You are scared of a 1% chance of death? Don't drive, don't walk down the street, don't fly, stay in your basement and make a bubble-wrap cocoon for yourself.

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