Today...Smashing The Lie That Nazis Were Rightwing.

Conservatives do not hate gays.....democrats/left wingers hate conservatives
democrats oppress minorities, and only use them for their votes
democrats stress fear of conservatives, to the point they stop them from giving speeches and physically beat them and assault them

Nationalism in and of itself is not a bad thing when American Conservatives support that it promotes the Constitution and it's protections from the state, and the Bill of Rights, which promotes protecting individuals from the power of the state......democrats attack being proud of the country because they want to undermine the Constitution, which impedes their ability to get power, and the Bill of Rights, which keeps them from persecuting their enemies.

Democrats use the term nationalist to make a false equivalency between the left wing socialist nationalism of the left wing socialist nazis...who believed in Government over All.....versus the nationalism of American Conservatives who believe in the Constitution, federalism, the Bill of Rights and protecting the citizen from the state.....

Democrats are vile.....
Nazis believe in white do conservatives
Nazis were white, male are conservatives

No....wrong again...

conservatives believe in the rights of the individual and that all men/women are created equal....

dempocrats think minorities are helpless....and exploit racism to gain power.

nazis were not christians....the German people were christians to a point, nazis were pagans and atheists.....

Please show us where Jesus said it was okay to commit us where Jesus said it was okay to commit mass murder....

marx...where the great teachings of socialism come from.....beleived in mass murder .....

Nazis hate Jews........Conservatives hate Muslims


nazis hate jews...

democrats hate israel...and Jews.....notice how many of the core groups of the democrat party bitch about Jews owning everything....and how they bitch about know...where lots of Jews live.....

Conservatives don't hate muslims....we understand that islamic sharia law is completely at odds with a free, American society based on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.....and that countries controlled by muslims are right now trying to develop nuclear weapons to use against our wipe them off the face of the earth...

And who gave these violent muslims 150 billion dollars to use to murder Jews...democrats.
An overwhelming majority of Jews will not vote Conservative
Reminds them of the Nazis


No...Jewish people in the U.S. are left wingers.......that is why they vote democrat, despite the fact that the democrat party hates Israel.
Nazis believe in white do conservatives
Nazis were white, male are conservatives

No....wrong again...

conservatives believe in the rights of the individual and that all men/women are created equal....

dempocrats think minorities are helpless....and exploit racism to gain power.

nazis were not christians....the German people were christians to a point, nazis were pagans and atheists.....

Please show us where Jesus said it was okay to commit us where Jesus said it was okay to commit mass murder....

marx...where the great teachings of socialism come from.....beleived in mass murder .....

Nazis hate Jews........Conservatives hate Muslims


nazis hate jews...

democrats hate israel...and Jews.....notice how many of the core groups of the democrat party bitch about Jews owning everything....and how they bitch about know...where lots of Jews live.....

Conservatives don't hate muslims....we understand that islamic sharia law is completely at odds with a free, American society based on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.....and that countries controlled by muslims are right now trying to develop nuclear weapons to use against our wipe them off the face of the earth...

And who gave these violent muslims 150 billion dollars to use to murder Jews...democrats.
An overwhelming majority of Jews will not vote Conservative
Reminds them of the Nazis


No...Jewish people in the U.S. are left wingers.......that is why they vote democrat, despite the fact that the democrat party hates Israel.
The American Jewish people know a nazi when they see them

That is why they won't vote Republican
Conservatives do not hate gays.....
Then why won't you let them marry?

democrats oppress minorities,
Republicans suppress minorities.

and only use them for their votes
And Republicans try to strip their right to vote via bullshit claims of voter fraud.

democrats stress fear of conservatives, to the point they stop them from giving speeches and physically beat them and assault them
It wasn't Democrats beating and macing the Occupy Movement. It wasn't Democrats disrupting the healthcare town halls by shouting others down.

Over 900 incidents of hate crimes were recorded since Trump became President and that wasn't Democrats.

Nationalism in and of itself is not a bad thing when American Conservatives support it...
Blind allegiance to the flag, is not patriotism.

in that it promotes the Constitution and it's protections from the state, and the Bill of Rights, which promotes protecting individuals from the power of the state......
If that was true, you wouldn't have pushed through the Patriot and Military Commissions Act's, that have rendered the Bill of Rights null and void.

democrats attack being proud of the country because they want to undermine the Constitution,
Democrats are pussies; the don't attack anything.

which impedes their ability to get power,
What impedes their ability to get power, is the fact that they don't keep their campaign promises.

and the Bill of Rights, which keeps them from persecuting their enemies.
I told you, the Bill of Rights doesn't protect you anymore, due to the right wing legislation mentioned above.

Democrats use the term nationalist to make a false equivalency between the left wing socialist nationalism of the left wing socialist nazis...
Now you're speaking jibberish.

versus the nationalism of American Conservatives who believe in the Constitution, federalism, the Bill of Rights and protecting the citizen from the state.....
Is that why you arrested a reporter the other day for "ASKING A QUESTION" to Mark Price? If you believed in the Constitution, why did you steal a Supreme Court seat? If you believed in protecting citizens from the state, why did you defend the police in Ferguson and Baltimore?

Democrats are vile.....
You're full of shit!
Nazis believe in white do conservatives
Nazis were white, male are conservatives

No....wrong again...

conservatives believe in the rights of the individual and that all men/women are created equal....

dempocrats think minorities are helpless....and exploit racism to gain power.

nazis were not christians....the German people were christians to a point, nazis were pagans and atheists.....

Please show us where Jesus said it was okay to commit us where Jesus said it was okay to commit mass murder....

marx...where the great teachings of socialism come from.....beleived in mass murder .....

Nazis hate Jews........Conservatives hate Muslims


nazis hate jews...

democrats hate israel...and Jews.....notice how many of the core groups of the democrat party bitch about Jews owning everything....and how they bitch about know...where lots of Jews live.....

Conservatives don't hate muslims....we understand that islamic sharia law is completely at odds with a free, American society based on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.....and that countries controlled by muslims are right now trying to develop nuclear weapons to use against our wipe them off the face of the earth...

And who gave these violent muslims 150 billion dollars to use to murder Jews...democrats.
An overwhelming majority of Jews will not vote Conservative
Reminds them of the Nazis


No...Jewish people in the U.S. are left wingers.......that is why they vote democrat, despite the fact that the democrat party hates Israel.
Jews are smart people. They don't buy into your far right propaganda.
Can you not be more specific, or is that beyond your intellect?
The Tea Party was created as a movement against the growth of government, especially the bail outs during the housing crisis....that was their issue.....The nationalism of Americans is not the same as the nationalism of the socialists in Germany....

American nationalism is based on the exact opposite ideals from the national socialists.....the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the belief that all men are created equal....and nationalism wasn't even a core belief of the Tea Party...which again ,was concerned with growth of government.

The Tea Party movement believed in less government...moron...not how the fuck could it be Authoritarian.......

Social Darwinism...wasn't part of anything to do with the Tea Party...again....supporting Limited Government means that the government isn't going to be playing games with people....moron.

Indoctrination....there was no core Tea was a bunch of people, loosely connected by specific ideas of limited government.......unlike the democrats, they had no central party apparatus to push any agenda........unlike the left....

Anti-Intellectualism? The left believes in man made global warming, that the sex of an individual is a choice, not biology...the Tea Party didn't deal with science wasn't part of their agenda......

Militarism......the left uses the military to fill mass graves and to attack their internal political enemies....the Tea Party had no real policy on the military other than they supported the military and those who served...and again...when you have a belief in limited government, you don't support the military being used by the government to oppress the people...which is why they would also support the Bill of Rights, the 1st Amendment and all the rest...including the 2nd Amendment.

Anti-communism......not an official policy...but only an idiot would like communists......a group of people responsible for the mass murder of close to 100 million men, women and children.....

Only left wing assholes like you walk around in Che and Mao t-shirts and think it's cool...
That was a relatively good post. No doubt the "Tea Party" (passé?) or ultra cons want small government ... until it suits them. They are selfish, in general.
Nowadays, with Trump's election & ultra-con support of him, the right-side of that graphic is more appropriate for the "Trump Party".

I am not left-wing. doofus. I am a libertarian, with egalitarian ethics.
Funny how the tea party originals were so dumb they didn't realize the original term was for a homosexual sex act.
Tells you a bit about their education

Did you know that the Nazis, just like the Bolsheviks, were Leftwing?

Just like Liberals and Progressives.

True story.
False. Nazis are far right authoritarian. Everyone knows this and agrees...........except neo nazi shills like PropagandaChic


Yet another 'Is not, issssss noootttttttttt!!!!" post from a brain-dead drone!

Imagine how much more interesting these posts would be if they could actually think.
Thanks to the NRA, and the 2nd amendment foundation.
Hardly so, the NRA wasn't around in 1787..

But they were around just after the Civil War...when democrats started their newest drive to ban guns...first for freed for everyone.
The gun control of the 20's in Germany was the work of the Weimar Republic which was not a Nazi government.
I searched you post for any examples of errors in my posts....but all you have to offer is "Is not, Issssss noootttttttt!!!!"

You must be a Liberal fearful of the cl
".... socially Right wing."

Stay with this thread and you will learn how wrong you are.

Nazis were definitely socially far right wing they were Nationalist Racists, who were very pro-German, against Gays, Gypsies, Jews, Slavs, non-Whites, the Mentally ill, and the mentally retarded. they created laws against Germans mixing with non-Germans, they were against abortion for Germans, but supported abortion on enemies of the state to cull their numbers, they supported gun rights for Germans, but were against gun rights for non-Germans.

The left wing is marx.......the democrat party is the party of racism and they are also the party of socialism....they use race to attack their enemies......

So all those people in New Orleans objecting to the removal of the confederate memorials are democrats ?


Like this guy?

  1. Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: 1979-1992 Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

    (a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

    (b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

    (c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

    Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
    Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy


How's that, you dunce?
Who cares? I'm a drug company corporate filthy rich liberal who has been sucking off the high school rubes all my career. Voted for Don, my fellow con.. The hoot is the rubes still don't get it.

"Who cares?"

You do.

Otherwise you wouldn't be posting in this thread.

In your face, you dope.
The Tea Party was created as a movement against the growth of government, especially the bail outs during the housing crisis....that was their issue.....The nationalism of Americans is not the same as the nationalism of the socialists in Germany....

American nationalism is based on the exact opposite ideals from the national socialists.....the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the belief that all men are created equal....and nationalism wasn't even a core belief of the Tea Party...which again ,was concerned with growth of government.

The Tea Party movement believed in less government...moron...not how the fuck could it be Authoritarian.......

Social Darwinism...wasn't part of anything to do with the Tea Party...again....supporting Limited Government means that the government isn't going to be playing games with people....moron.

Indoctrination....there was no core Tea was a bunch of people, loosely connected by specific ideas of limited government.......unlike the democrats, they had no central party apparatus to push any agenda........unlike the left....

Anti-Intellectualism? The left believes in man made global warming, that the sex of an individual is a choice, not biology...the Tea Party didn't deal with science wasn't part of their agenda......

Militarism......the left uses the military to fill mass graves and to attack their internal political enemies....the Tea Party had no real policy on the military other than they supported the military and those who served...and again...when you have a belief in limited government, you don't support the military being used by the government to oppress the people...which is why they would also support the Bill of Rights, the 1st Amendment and all the rest...including the 2nd Amendment.

Anti-communism......not an official policy...but only an idiot would like communists......a group of people responsible for the mass murder of close to 100 million men, women and children.....

Only left wing assholes like you walk around in Che and Mao t-shirts and think it's cool...
That was a relatively good post. No doubt the "Tea Party" (passé?) or ultra cons want small government ... until it suits them. They are selfish, in general.
Nowadays, with Trump's election & ultra-con support of him, the right-side of that graphic is more appropriate for the "Trump Party".

I am not left-wing. doofus. I am a libertarian, with egalitarian ethics.
Funny how the tea party originals were so dumb they didn't realize the original term was for a homosexual sex act.
Tells you a bit about their education

Did you know that the Nazis, just like the Bolsheviks, were Leftwing?

Just like Liberals and Progressives.

True story.
False. Nazis are far right authoritarian. Everyone knows this and agrees...........except neo nazi shills like PropagandaChic


Yet another 'Is not, issssss noootttttttttt!!!!" post from a brain-dead drone!

Imagine how much more interesting these posts would be if they could actually think.
Nazis are right wing. Fact.
Conservatives do not hate gays.....
Then why won't you let them marry?

democrats oppress minorities,
Republicans suppress minorities.

and only use them for their votes
And Republicans try to strip their right to vote via bullshit claims of voter fraud.

democrats stress fear of conservatives, to the point they stop them from giving speeches and physically beat them and assault them
It wasn't Democrats beating and macing the Occupy Movement. It wasn't Democrats disrupting the healthcare town halls by shouting others down.

Over 900 incidents of hate crimes were recorded since Trump became President and that wasn't Democrats.

Nationalism in and of itself is not a bad thing when American Conservatives support it...
Blind allegiance to the flag, is not patriotism.

in that it promotes the Constitution and it's protections from the state, and the Bill of Rights, which promotes protecting individuals from the power of the state......
If that was true, you wouldn't have pushed through the Patriot and Military Commissions Act's, that have rendered the Bill of Rights null and void.

democrats attack being proud of the country because they want to undermine the Constitution,
Democrats are pussies; the don't attack anything.

which impedes their ability to get power,
What impedes their ability to get power, is the fact that they don't keep their campaign promises.

and the Bill of Rights, which keeps them from persecuting their enemies.
I told you, the Bill of Rights doesn't protect you anymore, due to the right wing legislation mentioned above.

Democrats use the term nationalist to make a false equivalency between the left wing socialist nationalism of the left wing socialist nazis...
Now you're speaking jibberish.

versus the nationalism of American Conservatives who believe in the Constitution, federalism, the Bill of Rights and protecting the citizen from the state.....
Is that why you arrested a reporter the other day for "ASKING A QUESTION" to Mark Price? If you believed in the Constitution, why did you steal a Supreme Court seat? If you believed in protecting citizens from the state, why did you defend the police in Ferguson and Baltimore?

Democrats are vile.....
You're full of shit!

Boy...nothing you posted is even remotely true....

Chagingin the meaning of marriage, which was
No....wrong again...

conservatives believe in the rights of the individual and that all men/women are created equal....

dempocrats think minorities are helpless....and exploit racism to gain power.

nazis were not christians....the German people were christians to a point, nazis were pagans and atheists.....

Please show us where Jesus said it was okay to commit us where Jesus said it was okay to commit mass murder....

marx...where the great teachings of socialism come from.....beleived in mass murder .....

Nazis hate Jews........Conservatives hate Muslims


nazis hate jews...

democrats hate israel...and Jews.....notice how many of the core groups of the democrat party bitch about Jews owning everything....and how they bitch about know...where lots of Jews live.....

Conservatives don't hate muslims....we understand that islamic sharia law is completely at odds with a free, American society based on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.....and that countries controlled by muslims are right now trying to develop nuclear weapons to use against our wipe them off the face of the earth...

And who gave these violent muslims 150 billion dollars to use to murder Jews...democrats.
An overwhelming majority of Jews will not vote Conservative
Reminds them of the Nazis


No...Jewish people in the U.S. are left wingers.......that is why they vote democrat, despite the fact that the democrat party hates Israel.
Jews are smart people. They don't buy into your far right propaganda.

That is why they voted for obama...a man who gave Iran 150 billion dollars and a free path to a nuclear weapon....Iran, who is using that 150 billion dollars to murder people in Israel, and Iran, a country that stated that the minute they have an actual nuclear weapon, they are going to use it to kill every Jew in Israel....that is how smart left wing Jewish people are....
It's worth posting again. The liberal playbook was written over 50 years ago. Tell me I'm wrong:

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
Some fucked up conspiracy blog, nice source.

Meanwhile back in reality Trump and the republican party can't stop felating their authoritarian KGB hero Putin.

I gave honesty and you return with a lie & BS narrative.
I'm giving you truth:
Thanks to the NRA, and the 2nd amendment foundation.
Hardly so, the NRA wasn't around in 1787..

But they were around just after the Civil War...when democrats started their newest drive to ban guns...first for freed for everyone.
The gun control of the 20's in Germany was the work of the Weimar Republic which was not a Nazi government.
I searched you post for any examples of errors in my posts....but all you have to offer is "Is not, Issssss noootttttttt!!!!"

You must be a Liberal fearful of the cl
".... socially Right wing."

Stay with this thread and you will learn how wrong you are.

Nazis were definitely socially far right wing they were Nationalist Racists, who were very pro-German, against Gays, Gypsies, Jews, Slavs, non-Whites, the Mentally ill, and the mentally retarded. they created laws against Germans mixing with non-Germans, they were against abortion for Germans, but supported abortion on enemies of the state to cull their numbers, they supported gun rights for Germans, but were against gun rights for non-Germans.

The left wing is marx.......the democrat party is the party of racism and they are also the party of socialism....they use race to attack their enemies......

So all those people in New Orleans objecting to the removal of the confederate memorials are democrats ?


Like this guy?

  1. Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: 1979-1992 Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

    (a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

    (b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

    (c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

    Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
    Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy


How's that, you dunce?

Yeah that was 90'?? Times change . And that's not an official Clinton gore pin. Anyone with a pin machine can make what they want .

You didn't answer my question . It's it democrats look to perserve the confederate monuments?

"Yeah that was 90'?? Times change."

I should pay you to're such an imbecile.

Here's the very same racist Democrat Bill Clinton suggesting that Obama should be his slave:

"Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'"
Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

That was 2008, you moron.
That was a relatively good post. No doubt the "Tea Party" (passé?) or ultra cons want small government ... until it suits them. They are selfish, in general.
Nowadays, with Trump's election & ultra-con support of him, the right-side of that graphic is more appropriate for the "Trump Party".

I am not left-wing. doofus. I am a libertarian, with egalitarian ethics.
Funny how the tea party originals were so dumb they didn't realize the original term was for a homosexual sex act.
Tells you a bit about their education

Did you know that the Nazis, just like the Bolsheviks, were Leftwing?

Just like Liberals and Progressives.

True story.
False. Nazis are far right authoritarian. Everyone knows this and agrees...........except neo nazi shills like PropagandaChic


Yet another 'Is not, issssss noootttttttttt!!!!" post from a brain-dead drone!

Imagine how much more interesting these posts would be if they could actually think.
Nazis are right wing. Fact.

They are left wing Politicalchic has shown over and over with her links and can't deny it anymore....we have the internet now and we can actually show you how wrong you are...
It's worth posting again. The liberal playbook was written over 50 years ago. Tell me I'm wrong:

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
Some fucked up conspiracy blog, nice source.

Meanwhile back in reality Trump and the republican party can't stop felating their authoritarian KGB hero Putin.

I gave honesty and you return with a lie & BS narrative.
I'm giving you truth:

No you're not. You live and breathe lies.

Because the Nazis were Leftists, just like Liberals and Progressives.....their programs were Leftist programs.

Now....let's focus on the socialist programs of Adolph Hitler.

"After he was released in 1924, Hitler used the rest of the 1920’s to consolidate the Nazis and turn them into a nationwide movement. The SA (known colloquially as Brownshirts) were reorganized into an effective force of street activists, Hitler established his own national daily newspaper, the Völkischer Beobachter, and continued to build his following and spread his message of nationalism mixed with progressive social policies. The Nazi banner is a superb symbol of Hitler’s ideology – the red banner of socialism with the Aryan nationalist symbol of the swastika in the middle."
Adolf Hitler – Progressive Pioneer

12. Hitler's Socialist programs:

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.
LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

Get it, you dope?

Your entire worldview is based on lies they've taught you.

Nazis and Communists, Socialists and Fascists, Liberals and Progressives.....all six are Leftwing......

...just like you.

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