Today...Smashing The Lie That Nazis Were Rightwing.

Nazis were definitely socially far right wing they were Nationalist Racists, who were very pro-German, against Gays, Gypsies, Jews, Slavs, non-Whites, the Mentally ill, and the mentally retarded. they created laws against Germans mixing with non-Germans, they were against abortion for Germans, but supported abortion on enemies of the state to cull their numbers, they supported gun rights for Germans, but were against gun rights for non-Germans.
What associates that with the right here? Your beliefs are completely devoid of any context. Right wing conservatives here want smaller government, most go to church and believe abortion is wrong for birth control. Where did you get the idea NAZIs wanted their citizens armed if they weren't in the military? You're simply making shit up to fit your beliefs.

Uh, not all Right-wingers are Conservatives.

By the original definition Left wingers are for equality, while Right wingers are for hierarchy.

Therefor Nazis can't be considered Socially Left wing, but economically they can be considered Left wing.
You're full of it. We on the right don't use Marxist lexicons. The left HERE is very much big government hierarchical types. The right HERE is for smaller government and more freedoms and personal responsibility.

How is the right not for equality? We believe all men should be able to pursue their dreams with their efforts. You have a cartoonish political view of this country. The NAZI were racists and they were totalitarians that's why it makes no sense to mindless label left and right. Left and right of what?
Thanks to the NRA, and the 2nd amendment foundation.
Hardly so, the NRA wasn't around in 1787..

But they were around just after the Civil War...when democrats started their newest drive to ban guns...first for freed for everyone.
The gun control of the 20's in Germany was the work of the Weimar Republic which was not a Nazi government.
I searched you post for any examples of errors in my posts....but all you have to offer is "Is not, Issssss noootttttttt!!!!"

You must be a Liberal fearful of the cl
".... socially Right wing."

Stay with this thread and you will learn how wrong you are.

Nazis were definitely socially far right wing they were Nationalist Racists, who were very pro-German, against Gays, Gypsies, Jews, Slavs, non-Whites, the Mentally ill, and the mentally retarded. they created laws against Germans mixing with non-Germans, they were against abortion for Germans, but supported abortion on enemies of the state to cull their numbers, they supported gun rights for Germans, but were against gun rights for non-Germans.

The left wing is marx.......the democrat party is the party of racism and they are also the party of socialism....they use race to attack their enemies......

Left wing = equality.

Racism isn't Left wing.

Racism, and Socialism are actually good things.

Racism protects your people.

Socialism helps your people.

"Left wing = equality."

Not at all.


Leftism is the slaughter of millions.

Educate yourself:


Hilarious, so Left wing is being for mass murder?

The Capitalist U.S.A since WW2, has killed 20 - 30 million people... That's how many the Nazis killed.

Capitalist Britain killed 60 million or so In India alone, only by famine..... That's about 2 - 3 X more than the Nazis killed.

Hardly.....not even close....the left wing socialists murdered innocent people, outside of war casualties.....they murdered them, close to 100 million people around the world.....and the leftists did it in pursuit of socialism.....
Because the Nazis were Leftists, just like Liberals and Progressives.....their programs were Leftist programs.

Now....let's focus on the socialist programs of Adolph Hitler.

"After he was released in 1924, Hitler used the rest of the 1920’s to consolidate the Nazis and turn them into a nationwide movement. The SA (known colloquially as Brownshirts) were reorganized into an effective force of street activists, Hitler established his own national daily newspaper, the Völkischer Beobachter, and continued to build his following and spread his message of nationalism mixed with progressive social policies. The Nazi banner is a superb symbol of Hitler’s ideology – the red banner of socialism with the Aryan nationalist symbol of the swastika in the middle."
Adolf Hitler – Progressive Pioneer

12. Hitler's Socialist programs:

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.
LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

Get it, you dope?

Your entire worldview is based on lies they've taught you.

Nazis and Communists, Socialists and Fascists, Liberals and Progressives.....all six are Leftwing......

...just like you.

Nazi= American Conservative

99 out of 100 Arian Nation Memeners can't be wrong

This horde of neo-Nazis, KKK, and other extremist leaders all openly backing Trump is chilling

"Nazi= American Conservative"
That's just stupid, as I proved.

But I can help.

Conservative believe in individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government.

None of these do:
Liberalism, Fascism, Nazism, Progressivism, Socialism, or Communism.

Which of those are you today?
Conservatives might as well change their name to...The American Nazi Party

It will remove all the confusion

There is no confusion.
It's eminently clear what a liar you are.
The American Nazi Party supports the conservatives. Aryan nation supports Conservatives
Conservatives are as close to Hitlers Nazi Party as you can get

The American Nazi Party also supported Occupy Wall street.

Real neo-Nazis, and other neo-Fascists are anti-Capitalist, seeing Capitalism as bringing forward freedom for Jews, and for even Goyim Capitalists to support Liberalism for profits, or personal motive.
Thanks to the NRA, and the 2nd amendment foundation.
Hardly so, the NRA wasn't around in 1787..

But they were around just after the Civil War...when democrats started their newest drive to ban guns...first for freed for everyone.
The gun control of the 20's in Germany was the work of the Weimar Republic which was not a Nazi government.
I searched you post for any examples of errors in my posts....but all you have to offer is "Is not, Issssss noootttttttt!!!!"

You must be a Liberal fearful of the cl
".... socially Right wing."

Stay with this thread and you will learn how wrong you are.

Nazis were definitely socially far right wing they were Nationalist Racists, who were very pro-German, against Gays, Gypsies, Jews, Slavs, non-Whites, the Mentally ill, and the mentally retarded. they created laws against Germans mixing with non-Germans, they were against abortion for Germans, but supported abortion on enemies of the state to cull their numbers, they supported gun rights for Germans, but were against gun rights for non-Germans.

The left wing is marx.......the democrat party is the party of racism and they are also the party of socialism....they use race to attack their enemies......

Left wing = equality.

Racism isn't Left wing.

Racism, and Socialism are actually good things.

Racism protects your people.

Socialism helps your people.

"Left wing = equality."

Not at all.


Leftism is the slaughter of millions.

Educate yourself:


Hilarious, so Left wing is being for mass murder?

The Capitalist U.S.A since WW2, has killed 20 - 30 million people... That's how many the Nazis killed.

Capitalist Britain killed 60 million or so In India alone, only by famine..... That's about 2 - 3 X more than the Nazis killed.

In this classroom, we begin by explaining terms.

a. Liberal and Progressive and Democrat are used interchangeably in general parlance...And a 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the word socialism.

Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

Liberals are admitted socialists.

b. Even Marx admitted that true communism could not come about without revolution. So the statement -- "A communist is a socialist with a gun" can be accepted as a truism.
So....Liberals, Progressives, Socialists = Communists.





Pol Pot...2,397,000



#14 Liberal Demagoguery, Hate and Violence – A Compendium

Educate yourself, you moron.
Thanks to the NRA, and the 2nd amendment foundation.
Hardly so, the NRA wasn't around in 1787..

But they were around just after the Civil War...when democrats started their newest drive to ban guns...first for freed for everyone.
The gun control of the 20's in Germany was the work of the Weimar Republic which was not a Nazi government.
I searched you post for any examples of errors in my posts....but all you have to offer is "Is not, Issssss noootttttttt!!!!"

You must be a Liberal fearful of the cl
".... socially Right wing."

Stay with this thread and you will learn how wrong you are.

Nazis were definitely socially far right wing they were Nationalist Racists, who were very pro-German, against Gays, Gypsies, Jews, Slavs, non-Whites, the Mentally ill, and the mentally retarded. they created laws against Germans mixing with non-Germans, they were against abortion for Germans, but supported abortion on enemies of the state to cull their numbers, they supported gun rights for Germans, but were against gun rights for non-Germans.

The left wing is marx.......the democrat party is the party of racism and they are also the party of socialism....they use race to attack their enemies......

Left wing = equality.

Racism isn't Left wing.

Racism, and Socialism are actually good things.

Racism protects your people.

Socialism helps your people.

"Left wing = equality."

Not at all.


Leftism is the slaughter of millions.

Educate yourself:


Hilarious, so Left wing is being for mass murder?

The Capitalist U.S.A since WW2, has killed 20 - 30 million people... That's how many the Nazis killed.

Capitalist Britain killed 60 million or so In India alone, only by famine..... That's about 2 - 3 X more than the Nazis killed.
The capitalists fight for freedom. Mao, Stalin, Hitler killed for power and control. You're a joke.
Nazis were definitely socially far right wing they were Nationalist Racists, who were very pro-German, against Gays, Gypsies, Jews, Slavs, non-Whites, the Mentally ill, and the mentally retarded. they created laws against Germans mixing with non-Germans, they were against abortion for Germans, but supported abortion on enemies of the state to cull their numbers, they supported gun rights for Germans, but were against gun rights for non-Germans.
What associates that with the right here? Your beliefs are completely devoid of any context. Right wing conservatives here want smaller government, most go to church and believe abortion is wrong for birth control. Where did you get the idea NAZIs wanted their citizens armed if they weren't in the military? You're simply making shit up to fit your beliefs.

Uh, not all Right-wingers are Conservatives.

By the original definition Left wingers are for equality, while Right wingers are for hierarchy.

Therefor Nazis can't be considered Socially Left wing, but economically they can be considered Left wing.
You're full of it. We on the right don't use Marxist lexicons. The left HERE is very much big government hierarchical types. The right HERE is for smaller government and more freedoms and personal responsibility.

How is the right not for equality? We believe all men should be able to pursue their dreams with their efforts. You have a cartoonish political view of this country. The NAZI were racists and they were totalitarians that's why it makes no sense to mindless label left and right. Left and right of what?

Unrestrained Capitalism would lead to a huge hierarchy of class, without Social programs, and government regulations the poor in Western society would be a lot worse off.
Nazis were definitely socially far right wing they were Nationalist Racists, who were very pro-German, against Gays, Gypsies, Jews, Slavs, non-Whites, the Mentally ill, and the mentally retarded. they created laws against Germans mixing with non-Germans, they were against abortion for Germans, but supported abortion on enemies of the state to cull their numbers, they supported gun rights for Germans, but were against gun rights for non-Germans.
What associates that with the right here? Your beliefs are completely devoid of any context. Right wing conservatives here want smaller government, most go to church and believe abortion is wrong for birth control. Where did you get the idea NAZIs wanted their citizens armed if they weren't in the military? You're simply making shit up to fit your beliefs.

Uh, not all Right-wingers are Conservatives.

By the original definition Left wingers are for equality, while Right wingers are for hierarchy.

Therefor Nazis can't be considered Socially Left wing, but economically they can be considered Left wing.
You're full of it. We on the right don't use Marxist lexicons. The left HERE is very much big government hierarchical types. The right HERE is for smaller government and more freedoms and personal responsibility.

How is the right not for equality? We believe all men should be able to pursue their dreams with their efforts. You have a cartoonish political view of this country. The NAZI were racists and they were totalitarians that's why it makes no sense to mindless label left and right. Left and right of what?

Unrestrained Capitalism would lead to a huge hierarchy of class, without Social programs, and government regulations the poor in Western society would be a lot worse off. No one ever speaks about anarchy...which is what you just posted.......the government exists to enforce the rule of law and to protect citizens from violations of the there would be no unrestrained capitalism...socialism, on the other hand, seeks to empower government...and that always leads to long that takes depends on the wealth and qualities of the people.......but get there they will as socialism always runs out of money......and then the government gains more and more power......and then the mass graves get filled
Nazis were definitely socially far right wing they were Nationalist Racists, who were very pro-German, against Gays, Gypsies, Jews, Slavs, non-Whites, the Mentally ill, and the mentally retarded. they created laws against Germans mixing with non-Germans, they were against abortion for Germans, but supported abortion on enemies of the state to cull their numbers, they supported gun rights for Germans, but were against gun rights for non-Germans.
What associates that with the right here? Your beliefs are completely devoid of any context. Right wing conservatives here want smaller government, most go to church and believe abortion is wrong for birth control. Where did you get the idea NAZIs wanted their citizens armed if they weren't in the military? You're simply making shit up to fit your beliefs.

Uh, not all Right-wingers are Conservatives.

By the original definition Left wingers are for equality, while Right wingers are for hierarchy.

Therefor Nazis can't be considered Socially Left wing, but economically they can be considered Left wing.
You're full of it. We on the right don't use Marxist lexicons. The left HERE is very much big government hierarchical types. The right HERE is for smaller government and more freedoms and personal responsibility.

How is the right not for equality? We believe all men should be able to pursue their dreams with their efforts. You have a cartoonish political view of this country. The NAZI were racists and they were totalitarians that's why it makes no sense to mindless label left and right. Left and right of what?

Unrestrained Capitalism would lead to a huge hierarchy of class, without Social programs, and government regulations the poor in Western society would be a lot worse off.
You keep revealing your ignorance. There's no such thing as "unrestrained capitalism". Free market capitalism has to have a stable system with checks and balances
so we're on an even playing field and know what a dollar is. You're thinking of anarchy. Fact is the rich have gotten richer under crony capitalism. More government = more corruption.
Nazis were definitely socially far right wing they were Nationalist Racists, who were very pro-German, against Gays, Gypsies, Jews, Slavs, non-Whites, the Mentally ill, and the mentally retarded. they created laws against Germans mixing with non-Germans, they were against abortion for Germans, but supported abortion on enemies of the state to cull their numbers, they supported gun rights for Germans, but were against gun rights for non-Germans.
What associates that with the right here? Your beliefs are completely devoid of any context. Right wing conservatives here want smaller government, most go to church and believe abortion is wrong for birth control. Where did you get the idea NAZIs wanted their citizens armed if they weren't in the military? You're simply making shit up to fit your beliefs.

Uh, not all Right-wingers are Conservatives.

By the original definition Left wingers are for equality, while Right wingers are for hierarchy.

Therefor Nazis can't be considered Socially Left wing, but economically they can be considered Left wing.
You're full of it. We on the right don't use Marxist lexicons. The left HERE is very much big government hierarchical types. The right HERE is for smaller government and more freedoms and personal responsibility.

How is the right not for equality? We believe all men should be able to pursue their dreams with their efforts. You have a cartoonish political view of this country. The NAZI were racists and they were totalitarians that's why it makes no sense to mindless label left and right. Left and right of what?

Unrestrained Capitalism would lead to a huge hierarchy of class, without Social programs, and government regulations the poor in Western society would be a lot worse off.

No it wouldn't.
Monarchy is as far right as you can get

So . . . . rightwinger, are you saying you are all for a monarchy? A king? You think being hard right is all about total government control? Dude, I think you are corn-fused. Have you never heard that conservatives are for small government, limited government?

Here, you might want to watch this closely. Be sure that it starts at the very beginning:

Monarchy is small government
As small as you can get

Just do what the King says. A government for the King, not the people
Liberals founded this country on the rights of the common man. Conservatives supported the king

"Liberals founded this country..."

Not your sort of liberal.....classical liberals, known today as conservatives.

Modern 'liberals' are actually the Socialist Party renamed.

We the People.....was a founding principle of liberalism
Still is

Classical liberals, the Founders, conservatives.

Not collectivists like you who oppose free speech and the US Constitution.

You're simply a low-life liar.


Liberals founded this country

Liberals gave us:
An end to slavery
Women's vote
Worker protections
Civil Rights
Ended the Vietnam War
Women's rights
Environmental Protections
Gay Rights

Nazi Conservatives fought the whole way
Hardly so, the NRA wasn't around in 1787..

But they were around just after the Civil War...when democrats started their newest drive to ban guns...first for freed for everyone.
Nazis were definitely socially far right wing they were Nationalist Racists, who were very pro-German, against Gays, Gypsies, Jews, Slavs, non-Whites, the Mentally ill, and the mentally retarded. they created laws against Germans mixing with non-Germans, they were against abortion for Germans, but supported abortion on enemies of the state to cull their numbers, they supported gun rights for Germans, but were against gun rights for non-Germans.

The left wing is marx.......the democrat party is the party of racism and they are also the party of socialism....they use race to attack their enemies......

Left wing = equality.

Racism isn't Left wing.

Racism, and Socialism are actually good things.

Racism protects your people.

Socialism helps your people.

"Left wing = equality."

Not at all.


Leftism is the slaughter of millions.

Educate yourself:


Hilarious, so Left wing is being for mass murder?

The Capitalist U.S.A since WW2, has killed 20 - 30 million people... That's how many the Nazis killed.

Capitalist Britain killed 60 million or so In India alone, only by famine..... That's about 2 - 3 X more than the Nazis killed.

So....Liberals, Progressives, Socialists = Communists.





Pol Pot...2,397,000



#14 Liberal Demagoguery, Hate and Violence – A Compendium

Educate yourself, you moron.

The book the Late Victorian Holocausts is particularly damning to Capitalism..... Rather than several Communist caused famines.... Capitalism caused numerous famines.
Nazis were definitely socially far right wing they were Nationalist Racists, who were very pro-German, against Gays, Gypsies, Jews, Slavs, non-Whites, the Mentally ill, and the mentally retarded. they created laws against Germans mixing with non-Germans, they were against abortion for Germans, but supported abortion on enemies of the state to cull their numbers, they supported gun rights for Germans, but were against gun rights for non-Germans.
What associates that with the right here? Your beliefs are completely devoid of any context. Right wing conservatives here want smaller government, most go to church and believe abortion is wrong for birth control. Where did you get the idea NAZIs wanted their citizens armed if they weren't in the military? You're simply making shit up to fit your beliefs.

Uh, not all Right-wingers are Conservatives.

By the original definition Left wingers are for equality, while Right wingers are for hierarchy.

Therefor Nazis can't be considered Socially Left wing, but economically they can be considered Left wing.
You're full of it. We on the right don't use Marxist lexicons. The left HERE is very much big government hierarchical types. The right HERE is for smaller government and more freedoms and personal responsibility.

How is the right not for equality? We believe all men should be able to pursue their dreams with their efforts. You have a cartoonish political view of this country. The NAZI were racists and they were totalitarians that's why it makes no sense to mindless label left and right. Left and right of what?

Unrestrained Capitalism would lead to a huge hierarchy of class, without Social programs, and government regulations the poor in Western society would be a lot worse off.

No it wouldn't.

Of course it would.... How many people would be homeless without government programs?.... How many people would die of no healthcare without social programs? .... How many people would die from lack of food?

Of course, the correct answer is millions.
So . . . . rightwinger, are you saying you are all for a monarchy? A king? You think being hard right is all about total government control? Dude, I think you are corn-fused. Have you never heard that conservatives are for small government, limited government?

Here, you might want to watch this closely. Be sure that it starts at the very beginning:

Monarchy is small government
As small as you can get

Just do what the King says. A government for the King, not the people
Liberals founded this country on the rights of the common man. Conservatives supported the king

"Liberals founded this country..."

Not your sort of liberal.....classical liberals, known today as conservatives.

Modern 'liberals' are actually the Socialist Party renamed.

We the People.....was a founding principle of liberalism
Still is

Classical liberals, the Founders, conservatives.

Not collectivists like you who oppose free speech and the US Constitution.

You're simply a low-life liar.


Liberals founded this country

Liberals gave us:
An end to slavery
Women's vote
Worker protections
Civil Rights
Ended the Vietnam War
Women's rights
Environmental Protections
Gay Rights

Nazi Conservatives fought the whole way

Revealing you as a low-life liar is my pleasure

The 'Greatest Lie" is the one that the modern Liberals tell. They claim that those called Liberals today are the liberals who founded this great nation.
Nothing could be further from the truth.

The Founders were 'classical liberals,' whose vision included . individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government. That's why they wrote out a detailed Constitution.

a. Communist John Dewey, the one who corrupted education in this country, convinced the Socialist Party to change its name to 'Liberal.' And it's values and doctrines formed those called Liberals today.

The benefit to them, of course, is that the uninformed attribute the greatness of the Founders, of America, to them.

Now....which 'Liberals' today espouse individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Certainly not the socialists/communists known as the Democrat Party
Of course it would.... How many people would be homeless without government programs?.... How many people would die of no healthcare without social programs? .... How many people would die from lack of food?
How few would need it if it wasn't for government? The bigger government gets the more people need it.
Of course it would.... How many people would be homeless without government programs?.... How many people would die of no healthcare without social programs? .... How many people would die from lack of food?

Of course, the correct answer is millions.
You've GOT to be kidding! You really don't understand Freedom, and you've forgotten about the Church -- or maybe you don't know what it WAS like in America before Americans began turning over their freedom to Godvernment.
So . . . . rightwinger, are you saying you are all for a monarchy? A king? You think being hard right is all about total government control? Dude, I think you are corn-fused. Have you never heard that conservatives are for small government, limited government?

Here, you might want to watch this closely. Be sure that it starts at the very beginning:

Monarchy is small government
As small as you can get

Just do what the King says. A government for the King, not the people
Liberals founded this country on the rights of the common man. Conservatives supported the king

"Liberals founded this country..."

Not your sort of liberal.....classical liberals, known today as conservatives.

Modern 'liberals' are actually the Socialist Party renamed.

We the People.....was a founding principle of liberalism
Still is

Classical liberals, the Founders, conservatives.

Not collectivists like you who oppose free speech and the US Constitution.

You're simply a low-life liar.


Liberals founded this country

Liberals gave us:
An end to slavery
Women's vote
Worker protections
Civil Rights
Ended the Vietnam War
Women's rights
Environmental Protections
Gay Rights

Nazi Conservatives fought the whole way

An end to slavery...the Republican Party....fought tooth and nail by the Democrats

Women's vote...the Republican Party...Democrats filibustered against same.
1. It was a Republican who introduced what became the 19th Amendment, women’s suffrage. On May 21, 1919, U.S. Representative James R. Mann (1856-1922), a Republican from Illinois and chairman of the Suffrage Committee, proposed the House resolution to approve the Susan Anthony Amendment granting women the right to vote. The measure passed the House 304-89—a full 42 votes above the required two-thirds majority. 19th Amendment - Women’s History -

2. The 1919 vote in the House of Representatives was possible because Republicans had retaken control of the House. Attempts to get it passed through Democrat-controlled Congresses had failed.

3. The Senate vote was approved only after a Democrat filibuster; and 82% of the Republican Senators voted for it….and 54% of the Democrats.

4. 26 of the 36 states that ratified the 19th Amendment had Republican legislatures.

5. Two weeks later, on June 4, 1919, the Senate passed the 19th Amendment by two votes over its two-thirds required majority, 56-25. The amendment was then sent to the states for ratification. Within six days of the ratification cycle, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin each ratified the amendment. Kansas, New York and Ohio followed on June 16, 1919. By March of the following year, a total of 35 states had approved the amendment, one state shy of the two-thirds required for ratification. Southern states were adamantly opposed to the amendment, however, and seven of them—Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, South Carolina and Virginia—had already rejected it before Tennessee's vote on August 18, 1920. It was up to Tennessee to tip the scale for woman suffrage. Op. Cit.

6. The outlook appeared bleak, given the outcomes in other Southern states and given the position of Tennessee's state legislators in their 48-48 tie. The state's decision came down to 23-year-old Representative Harry T. Burn (1895-1977), a Republican from McMinn County, to cast the deciding vote. Although Burn opposed the amendment, his mother convinced him to approve it. (Mrs. Burn reportedly wrote to her son: "Don't forget to be a good boy and help Mrs. Catt put the 'rat' in ratification.") With Burn's vote, the 19th Amendment was ratified. Certification by U.S. Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby (1869-1950) followed on August 26, 1920. Op. Cit.

7. The National Women's Party led by Alice Paul became the first "cause" to picket outside the White House. Paul and Lucy Burns led a series of protests against the Wilson Administration in Washington. Wilson ignored the protests for six months, but on June 20, 1917, as a Russian delegation drove up to the White House, suffragettes unfurled a banner which stated; "We women of America tell you that America is not a democracy. Twenty million women are denied the right to vote. President Wilson is the chief opponent of their national enfranchisement".[24] Another banner on August 14, 1917, referred to "Kaiser Wilson" and compared the plight of the German people with that of American women. With this manner of protest, the women were subject to arrests and many were jailed.[25] On October 17, Alice Paul was sentenced to seven months and on October 30 began a hunger strike, but after a few days prison authorities began to force feed her.[24] After years of opposition, Wilson changed his position in 1918 to advocate women's suffrage as a war measure.[26] Women's suffrage in the United States - Wikipedia 24. ^ a b James Ciment, Thaddeus Russell (2007). "The home front encyclopedia: United States, Britain, and Canada in World Wars I and II, Volume 1". p.163. ABC-CLIO, 2007

25. ^ Stevens et al., Jailed for Freedom: American Women Win the Vote, NewSage Press (March 21, 1995).

26. ^ Lemons, J. Stanley (1973). "The woman citizen: social feminism in the 1920s" p.13. University of Virginia Press, 1973

Did you know that the Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill the Republicans wrote?
So . . . . rightwinger, are you saying you are all for a monarchy? A king? You think being hard right is all about total government control? Dude, I think you are corn-fused. Have you never heard that conservatives are for small government, limited government?

Here, you might want to watch this closely. Be sure that it starts at the very beginning:

Monarchy is small government
As small as you can get

Just do what the King says. A government for the King, not the people
Liberals founded this country on the rights of the common man. Conservatives supported the king

"Liberals founded this country..."

Not your sort of liberal.....classical liberals, known today as conservatives.

Modern 'liberals' are actually the Socialist Party renamed.

We the People.....was a founding principle of liberalism
Still is

Classical liberals, the Founders, conservatives.

Not collectivists like you who oppose free speech and the US Constitution.

You're simply a low-life liar.


Liberals founded this country

Liberals gave us:
An end to slavery
Women's vote
Worker protections
Civil Rights
Ended the Vietnam War
Women's rights
Environmental Protections
Gay Rights

Nazi Conservatives fought the whole way

White supremacists founded this country.... The Founding Fathers immigration act... The Naturalization Act of 1790 said only Whites of good character are to become U.S citizens... How Liberal.

Abraham Lincoln said he'd deport every Negro to save the Union... How Liberal.

Actually the Vietnam War started mostly with Johnson, and ended with Gerald Ford.

Are you an idiot?

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