Today Trump insulted our soldiers says the left.Tonight the left...

>> U.S. Army veteran Richard Allen Smith felt like he was walking with a rock in his shoe all day. In the aftermath of Colin Kaepernick’s protest of the national anthem, Smith heard a lot about how he had been disrespected by what the San Francisco 49ers quarterback had done and said from a lot of folks who never served in the armed forces.

,,,, Smith said that people burning the quarterback’s jersey “with the troops and veterans being the reason seemed ridiculous.” Being used wasn’t a new feeling. Smith said politicians and corporations often use the military and its servicemen and women for promotion. That leaves some veterans, like Smith, feeling like props for people who haven’t made the sacrifice, but want to cloak themselves in their credibility. <<
He's spot-on correct. Rump, who 'respects' the military so much that he claimed bone spurs while playing squash to get out of it, then chirped about waging his "own personal Vietnam" by cruising New York sex clubs, then later disparaged both John McCain and Gold Star families, climbed on the backs of the military and the NFL to score "sumbitch" points at a political rally. And of course the Defense Department has been pimping for fake patriotism charades for years in football and other sports, until they got caught at it two years ago.

You wanna talk disrespect for the military --- there's two glaring examples.

The letter text, with dozens of signatures on it, may be read here.
Excellent post. There’s many examples how DT disrespects the military. Thanks for including some of them here.
Mr 5 deferments got out of serving because of bone spurs but it doesn’t stop him from playing golf EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND.
So you don't see how disrespecting our flag, anthem, nation disrespects the people who bled and died for it?


I'm afraid simply posting "so you don't see how...(X works)..." doesn't in any way make the point that "X works".

Let alone that you're ass-uming a "disrespect of the anthem" that no one can demonstrate the existence of. That is, if a fethsism totem was a valid value in the first place.
The military swears an oath when they enlist to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Supporting and defending the Constitution means that you support and defend all that is contained in it, such as the right to peaceful protest and the right to free speech.

Those football players are simply exercising their right to free speech and peaceful protest provided for under the Constitution.

However.................Trump telling a widow "he knew what he was signing up for" was a crass comment at best. Yes, the military understands that it's a dangerous job, but it's not something you tell a widow when you're trying to console her. He should have said something about how he will be missed, how he was an integral part of his command and how well liked he was by his squadmates.

How do you know he didn't?

I swear, if you did any more talking out of your ass, you would have to buy Chapstick by the truck load!

I guess it has passed you by that this issue is now dead.
The military swears an oath when they enlist to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Supporting and defending the Constitution means that you support and defend all that is contained in it, such as the right to peaceful protest and the right to free speech.

Those football players are simply exercising their right to free speech and peaceful protest provided for under the Constitution.

However.................Trump telling a widow "he knew what he was signing up for" was a crass comment at best. Yes, the military understands that it's a dangerous job, but it's not something you tell a widow when you're trying to console her. He should have said something about how he will be missed, how he was an integral part of his command and how well liked he was by his squadmates.
WHEN has that moron said the appropriate thing???....a nitwit of the first degree

Stop talking about ABikerSailor that way!

He may be a nitwit, but he was a PN in the Navy so it comes naturally! :D
The military swears an oath when they enlist to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Supporting and defending the Constitution means that you support and defend all that is contained in it, such as the right to peaceful protest and the right to free speech.

Those football players are simply exercising their right to free speech and peaceful protest provided for under the Constitution.

However.................Trump telling a widow "he knew what he was signing up for" was a crass comment at best. Yes, the military understands that it's a dangerous job, but it's not something you tell a widow when you're trying to console her. He should have said something about how he will be missed, how he was an integral part of his command and how well liked he was by his squadmates.
WHEN has that moron said the appropriate thing???....a nitwit of the first degree

Stop talking about ABikerSailor that way!

He may be a nitwit, but he was a PN in the Navy so it comes naturally! :D
begging your pardon admiral but I was speaking of the low life pos in our WH now Tell me you didn't like Obama Tell me you didn't like Hillary BUT tell me that you think this stinking POS in our WH now is OK with you we have to part ways
I wonder how many people offended have actually served, or have actually talked to people who are or have served.

Ive done the latter, and plenty of them support the protests. I don't doubt that some dont of course, opinions vary as they always do.
Will be applauding those insulting our military when they take a knee in the Thursday night football game during the display of colors & national anthem.

It would appear that the vast majority of the left in this country have no moral boundaries or even a hint of their own blatant hypocrisy.

I think it's safe to say the only thing they hold dear is their own political dogma.

You never did explain how football players --- or anybody --- was "insulting our military". Or even making any reference to it at all.

In fact you ran away from that thread emptyhanded.

Aaaaaaand GO.

In other words: Pogo got the last word in when nobody was looking.

What does the poll in that thread say? How many are for the military vs the kneelers?

The thread accomplished its purpose. Pogo accomplished failure to obfuscate and spin.
It actually is a valid point. If you think kneelers disrespect our military as a position, then you have to be able to show that what they state as the purpose for kneeling is a lie. If you can't you are making assumptions that you can't back up.

They're doing it during the anthem. The End.
You are entitled to your opinion of what THEY feel when they kneel. I have the right to my opinion that you are doing exactly what you accuse left snowflakes of. Wanting protection from being offended. Trying to make the national anthem a safe space, so your sensibilities won't be attacked.
The military swears an oath when they enlist to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Supporting and defending the Constitution means that you support and defend all that is contained in it, such as the right to peaceful protest and the right to free speech.

Those football players are simply exercising their right to free speech and peaceful protest provided for under the Constitution.

However.................Trump telling a widow "he knew what he was signing up for" was a crass comment at best. Yes, the military understands that it's a dangerous job, but it's not something you tell a widow when you're trying to console her. He should have said something about how he will be missed, how he was an integral part of his command and how well liked he was by his squadmates.
WHEN has that moron said the appropriate thing???....a nitwit of the first degree

Stop talking about ABikerSailor that way!

He may be a nitwit, but he was a PN in the Navy so it comes naturally! :D
begging your pardon admiral but I was speaking of the low life pos in our WH now Tell me you didn't like Obama Tell me you didn't like Hillary BUT tell me that you think this stinking POS in our WH now is OK with you we have to part ways

Sorry! I don't answer posts from people incapable of using punctuation.
The military swears an oath when they enlist to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Supporting and defending the Constitution means that you support and defend all that is contained in it, such as the right to peaceful protest and the right to free speech.

Those football players are simply exercising their right to free speech and peaceful protest provided for under the Constitution.

However.................Trump telling a widow "he knew what he was signing up for" was a crass comment at best. Yes, the military understands that it's a dangerous job, but it's not something you tell a widow when you're trying to console her. He should have said something about how he will be missed, how he was an integral part of his command and how well liked he was by his squadmates.
WHEN has that moron said the appropriate thing???....a nitwit of the first degree

Stop talking about ABikerSailor that way!

He may be a nitwit, but he was a PN in the Navy so it comes naturally! :D
begging your pardon admiral but I was speaking of the low life pos in our WH now Tell me you didn't like Obama Tell me you didn't like Hillary BUT tell me that you think this stinking POS in our WH now is OK with you we have to part ways

Sorry! I don't answer posts from people incapable of using punctuation.
BUSH and Obama deliver MASSIVE take downs of Trump. I even used a period lol
The military swears an oath when they enlist to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Supporting and defending the Constitution means that you support and defend all that is contained in it, such as the right to peaceful protest and the right to free speech.

Those football players are simply exercising their right to free speech and peaceful protest provided for under the Constitution.

However.................Trump telling a widow "he knew what he was signing up for" was a crass comment at best. Yes, the military understands that it's a dangerous job, but it's not something you tell a widow when you're trying to console her. He should have said something about how he will be missed, how he was an integral part of his command and how well liked he was by his squadmates.
WHEN has that moron said the appropriate thing???....a nitwit of the first degree

Stop talking about ABikerSailor that way!

He may be a nitwit, but he was a PN in the Navy so it comes naturally! :D
begging your pardon admiral but I was speaking of the low life pos in our WH now Tell me you didn't like Obama Tell me you didn't like Hillary BUT tell me that you think this stinking POS in our WH now is OK with you we have to part ways
I'm sure that just breaks his poor little heart!

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Will be applauding those insulting our military when they take a knee in the Thursday night football game during the display of colors & national anthem.

It would appear that the vast majority of the left in this country have no moral boundaries or even a hint of their own blatant hypocrisy.

I think it's safe to say the only thing they hold dear is their own political dogma.

You never did explain how football players --- or anybody --- was "insulting our military". Or even making any reference to it at all.

In fact you ran away from that thread emptyhanded.

Aaaaaaand GO.

It's obvious to anyone with half a brain that these spoiled brats are spitting on the military with what they're doing.

As retired Marine with more than 20 years of service, I do not feel spit on or disrespected in the least. They are using a right that we fought to give them, how can that be an insult?

Exactly Gator. As a retired Navy man with over 20 years of service, I'm not insulted by their taking a knee during the anthem either. I swore to uphold and defend the Constitution in my oath of enlistment, not the flag or the anthem.

If a person supports the Constitution (the founding document of our country), then they also have to support the things in it like peaceful protest and the right to free speech.

I'm with you. I'm not angry or upset at the players. I'm upset at all the other yahoos who are bitching about the players exercising their Constitutional rights. Why shouldn't they? Its part of why I served.

If you REALLY want to thank a veteran, then show them that you appreciate their service by voting and actually understanding what they fought for.
I wonder how many people offended have actually served, or have actually talked to people who are or have served.

Ive done the latter, and plenty of them support the protests. I don't doubt that some dont of course, opinions vary as they always do.

Chances are that most of the people who are offended never served. If they had actually served, then they would know that the oath of enlistment is to the Constitution, not the flag nor the anthem.

By the way...................Trump and Pence BOTH swore something similar in their oath of swearing in to office. They are also supposed to support and defend the Constitution. But, sadly, it appears that they aren't because they are attacking the rights guaranteed in it for the right to peaceful protest and the right to free speech.
Will be applauding those insulting our military when they take a knee in the Thursday night football game during the display of colors & national anthem.

It would appear that the vast majority of the left in this country have no moral boundaries or even a hint of their own blatant hypocrisy.

I think it's safe to say the only thing they hold dear is their own political dogma.

You never did explain how football players --- or anybody --- was "insulting our military". Or even making any reference to it at all.

In fact you ran away from that thread emptyhanded.

Aaaaaaand GO.

In other words: Pogo got the last word in when nobody was looking.

What does the poll in that thread say? How many are for the military vs the kneelers?

The thread accomplished its purpose. Pogo accomplished failure to obfuscate and spin.
It actually is a valid point. If you think kneelers disrespect our military as a position, then you have to be able to show that what they state as the purpose for kneeling is a lie. If you can't you are making assumptions that you can't back up.

They're doing it during the anthem. The End.
You are entitled to your opinion of what THEY feel when they kneel. I have the right to my opinion that you are doing exactly what you accuse left snowflakes of. Wanting protection from being offended. Trying to make the national anthem a safe space, so your sensibilities won't be attacked.

Excellent comparison.

What I keep marveling at is the number of wags willing to go on the internet and declare what's in other people's heads, on their behalf. As if those third parties are somehow incapable of speaking for themselves.
Or if they did, would say the "wrong" thing.

That's how authoritarianism rolls --- dick-tate what other people can think.
if only the citizens of this country would get this worked up over the REAL problems this country is facing.....
You never did explain how football players --- or anybody --- was "insulting our military". Or even making any reference to it at all.

In fact you ran away from that thread emptyhanded.

Aaaaaaand GO.

In other words: Pogo got the last word in when nobody was looking.

What does the poll in that thread say? How many are for the military vs the kneelers?

The thread accomplished its purpose. Pogo accomplished failure to obfuscate and spin.
It actually is a valid point. If you think kneelers disrespect our military as a position, then you have to be able to show that what they state as the purpose for kneeling is a lie. If you can't you are making assumptions that you can't back up.

They're doing it during the anthem. The End.
You are entitled to your opinion of what THEY feel when they kneel. I have the right to my opinion that you are doing exactly what you accuse left snowflakes of. Wanting protection from being offended. Trying to make the national anthem a safe space, so your sensibilities won't be attacked.

Excellent comparison.

What I keep marveling at is the number of wags willing to go on the internet and declare what's in other people's heads, on their behalf. As if those third parties are somehow incapable of speaking for themselves.
Or if they did, would say the "wrong" thing.

That's how authoritarianism rolls --- dick-tate what other people can think.
It's just one of those things that gets everybody screaming at each other. In the end almost nobody really is objectively affected by them kneeling or not. But subjectively both left and right have a reason to hate each other more. The right claims it's a respect for our military issue, the left claims it's a police brutality issue and in the meantime Trump gets himself talked about by his base as the great protector. both sides, including me don't get me wrong are like hamsters in a wheel, not realizing that were just running in a circle so we don't notice our food has been eaten.
Will be applauding those insulting our military when they take a knee in the Thursday night football game during the display of colors & national anthem.

It would appear that the vast majority of the left in this country have no moral boundaries or even a hint of their own blatant hypocrisy.

I think it's safe to say the only thing they hold dear is their own political dogma.

You never did explain how football players --- or anybody --- was "insulting our military". Or even making any reference to it at all.

In fact you ran away from that thread emptyhanded.

Aaaaaaand GO.
Geez I thought one of the mantras of the liberal left was that feelings matter. Seems feelings only matter when a baker won't decorate a cake for a gay couple. My feelings are hurt by rich millionaires protest the flag because of something Trump said. After all that is really what they are doing.
Will be applauding those insulting our military when they take a knee in the Thursday night football game during the display of colors & national anthem.

It would appear that the vast majority of the left in this country have no moral boundaries or even a hint of their own blatant hypocrisy.

I think it's safe to say the only thing they hold dear is their own political dogma.

You never did explain how football players --- or anybody --- was "insulting our military". Or even making any reference to it at all.

In fact you ran away from that thread emptyhanded.

Aaaaaaand GO.

I'm a veteran, I'm not insulted by the players' protest.
Will be applauding those insulting our military when they take a knee in the Thursday night football game during the display of colors & national anthem.

It would appear that the vast majority of the left in this country have no moral boundaries or even a hint of their own blatant hypocrisy.

I think it's safe to say the only thing they hold dear is their own political dogma.

You never did explain how football players --- or anybody --- was "insulting our military". Or even making any reference to it at all.

In fact you ran away from that thread emptyhanded.

Aaaaaaand GO.

I'm a veteran, I'm not insulted by the players' protest.
Me too And those insulted are those who find no fault in shooting blacks in the back
The military swears an oath when they enlist to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Supporting and defending the Constitution means that you support and defend all that is contained in it, such as the right to peaceful protest and the right to free speech.

Those football players are simply exercising their right to free speech and peaceful protest provided for under the Constitution.

However.................Trump telling a widow "he knew what he was signing up for" was a crass comment at best. Yes, the military understands that it's a dangerous job, but it's not something you tell a widow when you're trying to console her. He should have said something about how he will be missed, how he was an integral part of his command and how well liked he was by his squadmates.
WHEN has that moron said the appropriate thing???....a nitwit of the first degree

Stop talking about ABikerSailor that way!

He may be a nitwit, but he was a PN in the Navy so it comes naturally! :D
begging your pardon admiral but I was speaking of the low life pos in our WH now Tell me you didn't like Obama Tell me you didn't like Hillary BUT tell me that you think this stinking POS in our WH now is OK with you we have to part ways

Sorry! I don't answer posts from people incapable of using punctuation.
BUSH and Obama deliver MASSIVE take downs of Trump. I even used a period lol

That only happens once a month I have heard.

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