Todays Hillary Event:Anyone Notice Hillary Sounded More Like A Robot, Monotone, No Personality?

would of been real funny if a reporter asked "Hillary, would you consider yourself a male, female, other, or a rat?".
Applause is hardly warranted here, it's not as though I had to exert any actual effort.
Hillary was in your face contemptuous. She was very pointed about reading her prepared answers. That's so you know that the questions were prepared as were the answers.

Why didn't someone ask her who Eric Hoteham was?
and she was getting paid 250K just to speak before she went into her rabbit hole? who in any state of mind would go to watch her perform? well, maybe those in a coma and crickets.
Those who asked the questions were hand picked in advance. They were given the question to ask my Hillary's handlers.
She spent a lot of time reading from prepared notes.
It was 'Hillaryous' (I just made that up!) to watch her move to the next written response seconds before the lackies in the press asked the question. At one point she lost her way in her prepared response and she had a little 'moment' where she frantically shuffled her notes around. Luckily she found the correct response a second before the question was asked.
And this old 'horse-thief' phony hag is all the LIBs could come up with? Dear God please help!

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