Todays Hillary Event:Anyone Notice Hillary Sounded More Like A Robot, Monotone, No Personality?

wingers ain't gonna be satisfied until Hillary hands over her fking email server to trey gowdy. actually, that's not accurate, the sick f**kers will never be satisfied.

trey gowdy, femtoseconds afterward: gowdy also criticized Clinton’s call to release the roughly 55,000 pages of emails she has turned over to the State Department as insufficient. He called on Clinton to make the personal server where she stored her communications available to a “neutral, detached third-party arbiter.”

note to trey; oh, go f*cking neuter yourself.

Didn't she say at the conference that she only turned over HALF of the documents? Well DAMN, she sure did, you lying piece of shit!


Sort of reminds you of your experiences in Vietnam, huh Trigger.

How would a STOLEN VALOR asshole know?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ack-1:

Still waiting to hear all about your heroic exploits, you seem a little short on details. Don't be modest.

Why would I talk about it? Especially to people that mean nothing to me? But you can always check with Hossfly, a real Vietnam hero.
wingers ain't gonna be satisfied until Hillary hands over her fking email server to trey gowdy. actually, that's not accurate, the sick f**kers will never be satisfied.

trey gowdy, femtoseconds afterward: gowdy also criticized Clinton’s call to release the roughly 55,000 pages of emails she has turned over to the State Department as insufficient. He called on Clinton to make the personal server where she stored her communications available to a “neutral, detached third-party arbiter.”

note to trey; oh, go f*cking neuter yourself.

Didn't she say at the conference that she only turned over HALF of the documents? Well DAMN, she sure did, you lying piece of shit!


Sort of reminds you of your experiences in Vietnam, huh Trigger.

How would a STOLEN VALOR asshole know?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ack-1:

Still waiting to hear all about your heroic exploits, you seem a little short on details. Don't be modest.

Why would I talk about it? Especially to people that mean nothing to me? But you can always check with Hossfly, a real Vietnam hero.

I don't give a fuck about housefly or who ever, you asked me, now I'm asking you.
Didn't she say at the conference that she only turned over HALF of the documents? Well DAMN, she sure did, you lying piece of shit!


Sort of reminds you of your experiences in Vietnam, huh Trigger.

How would a STOLEN VALOR asshole know?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ack-1:

Still waiting to hear all about your heroic exploits, you seem a little short on details. Don't be modest.

Why would I talk about it? Especially to people that mean nothing to me? But you can always check with Hossfly, a real Vietnam hero.

I don't give a fuck about housefly or who ever, you asked me, now I'm asking you.

You know what a 36C20 was?
Sort of reminds you of your experiences in Vietnam, huh Trigger.

How would a STOLEN VALOR asshole know?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ack-1:

Still waiting to hear all about your heroic exploits, you seem a little short on details. Don't be modest.

Why would I talk about it? Especially to people that mean nothing to me? But you can always check with Hossfly, a real Vietnam hero.

I don't give a fuck about housefly or who ever, you asked me, now I'm asking you.

You know what a 36C20 was?
No, why don't you tell me. Something to do with communications.
How would a STOLEN VALOR asshole know?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ack-1:

Still waiting to hear all about your heroic exploits, you seem a little short on details. Don't be modest.

Why would I talk about it? Especially to people that mean nothing to me? But you can always check with Hossfly, a real Vietnam hero.

I don't give a fuck about housefly or who ever, you asked me, now I'm asking you.

You know what a 36C20 was?
No, why don't you tell me. Something to do with communications.

Look it up, like you looked up the bullshit you posted!
Politicians are a lot like poker players.
Every poker player has a "tell". The poker "tell" could be that they have a great hand, a good hand or a bluffing hand. Play with them long enough and you can learn that "tell", I know because i play poker.
I know Hillary's "tell".
I can tell when she is lying.
It's when her lips move.
In all fairness, someone should of asked Hillary if she wanted to phone a friend.
Billary is a stonewalling washed-out rag, and this is probably going to continue to haunt her.

We have only her word, that what was deleted was purely personal.

"Trust, but verify"

No verify, no trust.
My uniform sports bronze oak leaves, so you better not try to lie.

Mine now doesn't fit, but still has all green patches!
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now.

Still haven't found a 36C20?..... pretty lame!
I wasn't really looking. Did you want to tell me or is it classified information?

You gave me a number, I looked it up, and laughed at you.... now go do the same for me.... it will make you feel better!
My uniform sports bronze oak leaves, so you better not try to lie.

Mine now doesn't fit, but still has all green patches!
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now.

Still haven't found a 36C20?..... pretty lame!
I wasn't really looking. Did you want to tell me or is it classified information?

You gave me a number, I looked it up, and laughed at you.... now go do the same for me.... it will make you feel better!

Yeah but I wasn't kidding. What about you?
Mine now doesn't fit, but still has all green patches!
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now.

Still haven't found a 36C20?..... pretty lame!
I wasn't really looking. Did you want to tell me or is it classified information?

You gave me a number, I looked it up, and laughed at you.... now go do the same for me.... it will make you feel better!

Yeah but I wasn't kidding. What about you?

Which one was you again?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now.

Still haven't found a 36C20?..... pretty lame!
I wasn't really looking. Did you want to tell me or is it classified information?

You gave me a number, I looked it up, and laughed at you.... now go do the same for me.... it will make you feel better!

Yeah but I wasn't kidding. What about you?

Which one was you again?


Who are those guys? They sort of remind me of some people I knew in MAC 24.
Still haven't found a 36C20?..... pretty lame!
I wasn't really looking. Did you want to tell me or is it classified information?

You gave me a number, I looked it up, and laughed at you.... now go do the same for me.... it will make you feel better!

Yeah but I wasn't kidding. What about you?

Which one was you again?


Who are those guys? They sort of remind me of some people I knew in MAC 24.

Perhaps they were!
I have some experience with conducting interrogations in the field. I'm pretty sure you'd crack in about two minutes.

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