Today's January 6th hearing shows Mike Pence to be a true national hero

Alive and well, dummass.

See the source image
Nice try. You are really stupid. What an embarrassment you are even to the Trump minions.
The Operation Chaos these lefties are pullin is too much ( Like they really like or would vote for Pence lol)
Democrats will not vote for Pence but "never Trump" Republicans and many independents will.
^^^^ I just found out that Pence has joined the democrat party as their newest undercover RINO!
People like "too freak" will be the Democrats best friend. The dumbasses who will not get real about Trump will help the Democrats.
Today's January 6th hearing shows Mike Pence to be a true national hero.
I have never been a Mike Pence fan but after watching today's hearing, he is a national hero. He upheld his Constitutional duties besides huge pressures, behind the scenes, not to.
The testimony was from Pence and Trump staff and from top conservatives lawyers. It was not testimony from Democrats.
It remains to be seen if Trump will be indicted but I can't believe that Trump lawyer, John Eastman, will not be indicted and convicted of sedition.
From the words of many top Republicans today, I have hope true conservatives will remove the cancer of Trumpism and get their soul back.


I thought Pence was a nutjob Jeebus freak who is so insecure he won't be in a room with another woman alone unless it's his wife......

Remember that attack on him?
Did you watch. If not you have no idea. Educate yourself. Those who are not willing to watch and make their own determination are truly dumbasses.

Any moron that says "educate yourself" really means "swallow my bullshit without thinking"
Oh gee no, dumbass, you should NEVER confuse me with any friend of yours.

I'm your worst nightmare.
Just like antifa hurt the left, dumbasses like you hurt the right.
You are one of those guys, no matter what you are doing, you hurt your team more than help. The ultimate dumbass.
Today's January 6th hearing shows Mike Pence to be a true national hero.
I have never been a Mike Pence fan but after watching today's hearing, he is a national hero. He upheld his Constitutional duties besides huge pressures, behind the scenes, not to.
The testimony was from Pence and Trump staff and from top conservatives lawyers. It was not testimony from Democrats.
It remains to be seen if Trump will be indicted but I can't believe that Trump lawyer, John Eastman, will not be indicted and convicted of sedition.
From the words of many top Republicans today, I have hope true conservatives will remove the cancer of Trumpism and get their soul back.
Progtards are so goddamn gullible....
People like "too freak" will be the Democrats best friend. The dumbasses who will not get real about Trump will help the Democrats.
Trump Trump Trump ... ^^^

You try telling these idiots they're being retarded assholes, and they just keep doubling down on stupid.

HEY - MORON - yeah you - you're being a retarded asshole.

(Now watch, he'll come back with something about Trump) :p
Today's January 6th hearing shows Mike Pence to be a true national hero.
I have never been a Mike Pence fan but after watching today's hearing, he is a national hero. He upheld his Constitutional duties besides huge pressures, behind the scenes, not to.
The testimony was from Pence and Trump staff and from top conservatives lawyers. It was not testimony from Democrats.
It remains to be seen if Trump will be indicted but I can't believe that Trump lawyer, John Eastman, will not be indicted and convicted of sedition.
From the words of many top Republicans today, I have hope true conservatives will remove the cancer of Trumpism and get their soul back.
So, it's good to know he's got your vote.
Probably not, but maybe. The Democrats have to do better than Biden.
As bumbling, feeble, and dementia ridden as Biden is, he represents most of the left. For the most part, no matter which Democrat had won in 2020, the results would have been the same. Their policies have gotten us to where we are today. Just as Trump's arrogance, personality, and calling people names didn't really have much to do with how the country ran, neither do Biden's faults. This may be a case of it just wasn't the right time for the left to go gung-ho with their progressive ideas. Good intentions done at the wrong time. Biden was voted by Democrats to be the nominee because he was considered to be a moderate who could work with Republicans in a bipartisan fashion. Instead, he got in bed with the progressives and his idea of "working with Republicans" was for them to like him and do things the way Biden wanted.
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As bumbling, feeble, and dementia ridden as Biden is, he represents most of the left. For the most part, no matter what lefty had won in 2020, the results would have been the same. Their policies have gotten us to where we are. Just as Trump's arrogance, personality, and calling people names didn't really have much to do with how the country ran, neither do Biden's faults. This may be a case of it just wasn't the right time for the left to go gung-ho with their progressive ideas. Good intentions done at the wrong time.
The Wall and moving the embassy to Jerusalem were perfect timing
The Wall and moving the embassy to Jerusalem were perfect timing
Not sure what you mean there. First of all, he didn't get his wall and, as a result, illegals are flooding over our border in record numbers. Second, moving the embassy to Jerusalem hasn't really had and negative effect on things in the region. It hasn't blown up in our face such as Afghanistan and Ukraine have.

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