Todays observation : the real enemy


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
The United States
Reading the paper today and came across a story about what business people would do to fix the economy. A small business owner was talking about regulation holding her back. Small business needs to direct their anger where it belongs...Big business.

The number one threat to small businesses are the super stores like Walmart, Target, Meijers. Our mainstreet is all but empty store fronts, but Wall Mart and Meijers parking lots are full. Ma and Pa restraunts cannot compete with large corprations who own businesses like Taco Bell, KFC, and other restraunt chains.

We can remove all the regulation we want, and we can weaken labor all we want, Let them pay no taxes at all, but they will still fail. Big business won't let them survive.

Big business does everything they can to stifle competition, and win at all costs. That is free market capitalism at it's finest. They want the whole's their nature. So when it comes to small business, the competition, Big business contributes heavily to the politician who can regulate the competition out of business. The patent laws look as if they were written by the Pharmasuetical companies. Small businesses need to face the facts, they exist as long as big business lets them.
Reading the paper today and came across a story about what business people would do to fix the economy. A small business owner was talking about regulation holding her back. Small business needs to direct their anger where it belongs...Big business.

The number one threat to small businesses are the super stores like Walmart, Target, Meijers. Our mainstreet is all but empty store fronts, but Wall Mart and Meijers parking lots are full. Ma and Pa restraunts cannot compete with large corprations who own businesses like Taco Bell, KFC, and other restraunt chains.

We can remove all the regulation we want, and we can weaken labor all we want, Let them pay no taxes at all, but they will still fail. Big business won't let them survive.

Big business does everything they can to stifle competition, and win at all costs. That is free market capitalism at it's finest. They want the whole's their nature. So when it comes to small business, the competition, Big business contributes heavily to the politician who can regulate the competition out of business. The patent laws look as if they were written by the Pharmasuetical companies. Small businesses need to face the facts, they exist as long as big business lets them.

This is absolutely true. I opened a business 2 years ago, and closed it 1 year later. One of the main contributing factors was that for my small two man operation I was required to have 2600$ a month in overhead. This is with all the state and federal requirements. To put it in perspective I could have done this in my garage and driveway.

One of my larger bills is for a 100k dollar bond. It cost me almost a thousand dollars a year, and the only purpose of it was if the state sued me, they could be paid. Yea read that agian. That law was enacted at the behest of other business in the area that were a solid step up in the power ladder offering a product that was impossable for me and people like me to aquire. Still not mentioned is my labor required to gain compliance and then to maintain it. All just to make it more difficult for competition.

Every business is like this, some more then others. Generally the more competition there is, the more it is regulated. Its called a 'barrier to entry' by economists.

It is a huge misconception in the publics eye on this subject. Most people believe regulation is a gift from our belevolent uncle sam ment to protect us from vicious businessmen who care about nothing but profits. The truth is uncle sam is not belevolent, and the regulations are not ment to help you elevate your status or gian indepence from the wage slave system. Regulation is not enacted to shakle the profit minded corporation, regulation is enacted to shackle the public and solidify profits.
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I run a masonry business, there are very few regulations I must oblidge myself to in this business, insurance is my only reg., plus the over head is low and the profit margin higher.

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