Today's Supreme Court ruling reinforces my view that we Republicans should not vote in the Georgia runoffs

This is just lib trolling
Are you saying elections are fair?
No, this was so FRAUDEULENT that I would not even call it an election, More accurately it would be called a selection, where the Fascist Globalist Billionaires picked Joe Biden because he is a corrupt, subservient SWAMP puppet.

How is it possible?? Well it is very easy when control the conversation.

Maxcolm X understood this and stated it succinctly:

View attachment 428054

AND right on que the IGNORANT masses supported Joe Biden.

Nope. There's simply no evidence of a 'stolen election'. Even Trump's own AG says as much:

"Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

With Trump's own cyber security experts confirming this was the most secure election in history.

"There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised."

Every count, recount, hand count, physical ballot count, or electronic tally has shown the exact same thing, a 306 elector Biden victory.
Barr set a very high bar when he said the DOJ would only act if there existed enough fraud to change the outcome of the election. That would take way too much time, energy and money to accomplish such an investigation in a short time before January 20th.

Says who?

Everything you just said was completely speculative. You have no idea about any issue you just raised. You don't know how many resources it takes, you don't know the resources they used, you don't how long it would take.

Barr does. So I'm going to with the Attorney General on the issue rather than just some guy on the internet insisting he knows more about the investigation than the AG does.

Because you don't.

In Georgia's case, votes were counted where Republican monitors were not present, so TRUMP asked Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger for a count of the envelopes with signatures on them. Raffensperger said no.
If that info was known, it could have been determined if the dems were bringing in pre-filled out ballots as the number of votes would have exceeded the number of envelopes.

Just counting the ballots was a waste of time because counting illegal ballots once again will lead to the same result.

The entire process was on video. And still is. The opening of the envelopes by poll workers, the separating of the envelopes from the ballots by poll workers, the ballots being placed in designated ballot containers by poll workers, those same designated ballot containers being opened by poll workers and counted.

All on camera. There's no broken chain of custody. Where then were these itens of thousands of imaginary 'fake' ballots put into the system? As there were monitors for EVERY step save the very last one. And video of every step including the last one.

There's absolutely nothing backing the 'fake ballot' story. Life long republican Gabriel Sterling, the Georgia Voting Implementation Manager watched the entire video (which ran for hours and hours) and found no evidence of fraud, but instead poll workers doing their job.

Yet you ignored Gabrial Sterling as completely as you did AG Barr.....and just clung to a conspiracy story. That's irrational. One, because you can't back the story up. Two, because its been actively debunked by source matter experts. You can't even ignore them on the basis of political bias, as everyone I've cited is Republican.
They may be Republicans, but they are babes in the woods when it comes to the democratic wolves.

Or.....its you who are naive and don't know what you're talking about.

Attorney General Bill Barr has *far* more knowledge about the scope and complexity of his own investigations than you do. Georgia Voting Implementation Manager Gabriel Sterling has *far* more knowledge about the proper procedures of Georgia vote counting. The CISA has *far* more knowledge than you on how secure our election was and how secure the voting machines were.

Yet you ignore them all and assume you know better. You don't. You have no basis for your assumptions of your own expertise, or a valid reason to doubt theirs. Your position is expressly irrational.

How many ballots were only marked for Biden? How many ballots were nullified by a double vote? What was the comparison between signed envelopes vs actual votes. What was the ratio of Republican vote counters to Democratic vote counters? What was the security for protecting absentee ballots waiting to be counted? Was it 24/7 in all 159 counties? Who has the access to these areas? Was there evidence of envelopes being tampered with? Do envelopes and ballots stay together so if the vote is illegal, it can be discarded? Are absentee ballots able to cured if mistakes are found? How many dead people voted? How many did not live in Georgia? Why were Republican monitors kept far away from the vote counters in certain areas? How are ballots printed? Do they have a watermark, a number OR are they so generic that thousands can be printed?

Can you demonstrate that even one of those ballots was in any way invalid? Again, we have their being opened, stored, and counted all by poll workers like any other ballots.....all on video. And there's zero indication that any of those ballots were invalid.

This is the rub. You're imagining that the ballots are fraudulent, based on nothing. Then insisting that unless your imagination is expressly disproven, that your conspiracy is valid.

That's not how reality works. You can't factually establish your own conspiracy. Making it irrational.
This is a real shame

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was invited to appear before the Georgia State Legislators and talk about election procedures. This would have been a golden opportunity for him to respond to the concerns of the
Georgia people about honest elections.

"The Speaker's press briefing has begun, and in his remarks David Ralston was critical over correspondence from the Secretary of State's Office in which the office reportedly declined participating in a hearing by members of the General Assembly last week on the election."

"Ralston said he was "shocked" and "disappointed" that the office did not participate."
Yes, I am disappointed that BRAD didn't appear as one would think that is part of his job.

Is it though?

You've already ignored both AG Barr and Voting Implementation Manager Gabriel Sterling, both confirming no evidence of fraud. You ignored the CISA confirming there was no evidence of any vote changes, and that this was the most secure election in history. The hand recount of the physical ballots actively disprove the 'voting flipping' conspiracy. But you ignored that too.

When you've ignored so much evidence and so much testimony, claims that more of the same would matter is disingenuous.
If you read the Consent Decree that the Sec of State entered into with the Democratic Party, you would know he is not capable of dealing with these wolves.

As for the vote flipping point you make, I will agree that the TRUMP team has not made the case for vote switching yet. And that is the ONLY way the election can turn in TRUMP's favor,

I find it very interesting how all the Dems and leftest were scared of Russia and that wasn't even true yet they have no fear of one of the biggest super powers China who Biden is actually in bed with.

You seem a little confused. It wasn't the 'dems' that determined that Russia was the attacks on the US. That assessment was made by our own intellgence services.

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts."

Joint Statement from the Department Of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Election Security

Now your turn. Show us those same intelligence agencies concluding that Biden is 'in bed with China'.
This is a real shame

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was invited to appear before the Georgia State Legislators and talk about election procedures. This would have been a golden opportunity for him to respond to the concerns of the
Georgia people about honest elections.

"The Speaker's press briefing has begun, and in his remarks David Ralston was critical over correspondence from the Secretary of State's Office in which the office reportedly declined participating in a hearing by members of the General Assembly last week on the election."

"Ralston said he was "shocked" and "disappointed" that the office did not participate."
Yes, I am disappointed that BRAD didn't appear as one would think that is part of his job.

Is it though?

You've already ignored both AG Barr and Voting Implementation Manager Gabriel Sterling, both confirming no evidence of fraud. You ignored the CISA confirming there was no evidence of any vote changes, and that this was the most secure election in history. The hand recount of the physical ballots actively disprove the 'voting flipping' conspiracy. But you ignored that too.

When you've ignored so much evidence and so much testimony, claims that more of the same would matter is disingenuous.
If you read the Consent Decree that the Sec of State entered into with the Democratic Party, you would know he is not capable of dealing with these wolves.

Or the Secretary of State of Georgia is yet another source matter expert with vastly more knowledge than you that you ignore and presume you know better.

As you did when you ignored Attorney General William Barr and assumed you knew more about how his investigations were conducted than he did.

Just as you ignored Georgia Implmentation Manager Gabriel Sterling, and assumed you knew more about Georgia ballot counting than he did.

Just you ignored the CISA, and assumed that you knew more about how secure our election and voting machines than they did.

But you don't know any of what you claim to. You have no specific knowledge of anything you're discussing. While each of the people or organizations you're ignoring are the among the world's leading experts on thier respective topics.

Why would I or any rational person ignore them and instead believe you? Especially when you can't factually establish your conspiracy, a conspiracy that is wildly complicated and ridiculously implausible?

As for the vote flipping point you make, I will agree that the TRUMP team has not made the case for vote switching yet. And that is the ONLY way the election can turn in TRUMP's favor,

Its been actively disproven. The hand recounts of the physical ballots matched the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy.

The conspiracy is both fact free...and disproven by overwhelming evidence.
Think about it. Now it's not just the Democrats committing fraud and all the dead people voting and the RINO governor.
IT IS ALSO THE SUPREME COURT against democracy and fair elections.
Let us boycott the rigged system by not voting in the Georgia runoffs. Our vote will not count anyway.
I am a Trump supporter in Georgia and I have been telling my friends in Georgia not to vote so we can teach the deep state a lesson.
If you don't vote you would be handing the Senate, and the country, over to the criminal / radical leftists without a fight. That's just dumb.
Think about it. Now it's not just the Democrats committing fraud and all the dead people voting and the RINO governor.
IT IS ALSO THE SUPREME COURT against democracy and fair elections.
Let us boycott the rigged system by not voting in the Georgia runoffs. Our vote will not count anyway.
I am a Trump supporter in Georgia and I have been telling my friends in Georgia not to vote so we can teach the deep state a lesson.
If you don't vote you would be handing the Senate, and the country, over to the criminal / radical leftists without a fight. That's just dumb.

But if the georgia vote is as corrupt as you imagine, what possible point would be served by conservatives voting?

Wouldn't the same dominion machines that 'flipped' the votes to Biden 'flip' the votes to the democratic senate candidates?

Either your 'election fraud conspiracy' is meaningless horseshit, and conservatives should get out and vote, or its real, and there would be no point if they did.

Pick one.
This is a real shame

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was invited to appear before the Georgia State Legislators and talk about election procedures. This would have been a golden opportunity for him to respond to the concerns of the
Georgia people about honest elections.

"The Speaker's press briefing has begun, and in his remarks David Ralston was critical over correspondence from the Secretary of State's Office in which the office reportedly declined participating in a hearing by members of the General Assembly last week on the election."

"Ralston said he was "shocked" and "disappointed" that the office did not participate."
Yes, I am disappointed that BRAD didn't appear as one would think that is part of his job.

Is it though?

You've already ignored both AG Barr and Voting Implementation Manager Gabriel Sterling, both confirming no evidence of fraud. You ignored the CISA confirming there was no evidence of any vote changes, and that this was the most secure election in history. The hand recount of the physical ballots actively disprove the 'voting flipping' conspiracy. But you ignored that too.

When you've ignored so much evidence and so much testimony, claims that more of the same would matter is disingenuous.
If you read the Consent Decree that the Sec of State entered into with the Democratic Party, you would know he is not capable of dealing with these wolves.

Or the Secretary of State of Georgia is yet another source matter expert with vastly more knowledge than you that you ignore and presume you know better.

As you did when you ignored Attorney General William Barr and assumed you knew more about how his investigations were conducted than he did.

Just as you ignored Georgia Implmentation Manager Gabriel Sterling, and assumed you knew more about Georgia ballot counting than he did.

Just you ignored the CISA, and assumed that you knew more about how secure our election and voting machines than they did.

But you don't know any of what you claim to. You have no specific knowledge of anything you're discussing. While each of the people or organizations you're ignoring are the among the world's leading experts on thier respective topics.

Why would I or any rational person ignore them and instead believe you? Especially when you can't factually establish your conspiracy, a conspiracy that is wildly complicated and ridiculously implausible?

As for the vote flipping point you make, I will agree that the TRUMP team has not made the case for vote switching yet. And that is the ONLY way the election can turn in TRUMP's favor,

Its been actively disproven. The hand recounts of the physical ballots matched the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy.

The conspiracy is both fact free...and disproven by overwhelming evidence.
In a court of law, a witness can be cross-examined to determine the veracity of their testimony.

Secretary of State Raffensperger owes it to the Georgia voters to answer questions on some of his assertions and you should understand that. His is afraid to be cross-examined by Georgia legislators!!

The sad part is that progress could be made in making elections more honest, if he worked with elected officials.
This is a real shame

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was invited to appear before the Georgia State Legislators and talk about election procedures. This would have been a golden opportunity for him to respond to the concerns of the
Georgia people about honest elections.

"The Speaker's press briefing has begun, and in his remarks David Ralston was critical over correspondence from the Secretary of State's Office in which the office reportedly declined participating in a hearing by members of the General Assembly last week on the election."

"Ralston said he was "shocked" and "disappointed" that the office did not participate."
Yes, I am disappointed that BRAD didn't appear as one would think that is part of his job.

Is it though?

You've already ignored both AG Barr and Voting Implementation Manager Gabriel Sterling, both confirming no evidence of fraud. You ignored the CISA confirming there was no evidence of any vote changes, and that this was the most secure election in history. The hand recount of the physical ballots actively disprove the 'voting flipping' conspiracy. But you ignored that too.

When you've ignored so much evidence and so much testimony, claims that more of the same would matter is disingenuous.
If you read the Consent Decree that the Sec of State entered into with the Democratic Party, you would know he is not capable of dealing with these wolves.

Or the Secretary of State of Georgia is yet another source matter expert with vastly more knowledge than you that you ignore and presume you know better.

As you did when you ignored Attorney General William Barr and assumed you knew more about how his investigations were conducted than he did.

Just as you ignored Georgia Implmentation Manager Gabriel Sterling, and assumed you knew more about Georgia ballot counting than he did.

Just you ignored the CISA, and assumed that you knew more about how secure our election and voting machines than they did.

But you don't know any of what you claim to. You have no specific knowledge of anything you're discussing. While each of the people or organizations you're ignoring are the among the world's leading experts on thier respective topics.

Why would I or any rational person ignore them and instead believe you? Especially when you can't factually establish your conspiracy, a conspiracy that is wildly complicated and ridiculously implausible?

As for the vote flipping point you make, I will agree that the TRUMP team has not made the case for vote switching yet. And that is the ONLY way the election can turn in TRUMP's favor,

Its been actively disproven. The hand recounts of the physical ballots matched the electronic tallies with more than 99% accuracy.

The conspiracy is both fact free...and disproven by overwhelming evidence.
In a court of law, a witness can be cross-examined to determine the veracity of their testimony.

Secretary of State Raffensperger owes it to the Georgia voters to answer questions on some of his assertions and you should understand that. His is afraid to be cross-examined by Georgia legislators!!

The sad part is that progress could be made in making elections more honest, if he worked with elected officials.

What court of law is Raffensperger subject to for doing his job?

Is he charged with anything? You know he's not going to be arrested for imaginary crimes, right?
I've always been a liberal, but just for a change, I recently moved to Atlanta and registered just in time to vote in the runoff elections. If I don't like it here after a few weeks, I'll probably move back to Texas.
I've always been a liberal, but just for a change, I recently moved to Atlanta and registered just in time to vote in the runoff elections. If I don't like it here after a few weeks, I'll probably move back to Texas.

Or as liberals have been doing, you will probably vote in both states. Don't worry because they will let you.
I've always been a liberal, but just for a change, I recently moved to Atlanta and registered just in time to vote in the runoff elections. If I don't like it here after a few weeks, I'll probably move back to Texas.

Or as liberals have been doing, you will probably vote in both states. Don't worry because they will let you.

There isn't a runoff election in Texas, dumb ass.
Why would a patriotic American person want to participate in a rigged election? Stay home and fly the Stars and Stripes.
I totally agree

These 2 Senate seats were part of the steal and the Dems are taking the Senate

I want Trump to concede and all lawsuits stopped

I'd rather sit back and deal with consequences I don't deserve
then fight back and allow you and your ilk to escape the consequences you do deserve

I will find joy in your misery and be at peace, knowing you are not

A flower quickly fading
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Here today and gone tomorrow

The difference between you and I...
I live to see another day
You are 1 day closer to death

I can't articulate just how abhorrent I find you nor the contempt I harbor for you and your kind


I've always been a liberal, but just for a change, I recently moved to Atlanta and registered just in time to vote in the runoff elections. If I don't like it here after a few weeks, I'll probably move back to Texas.

Or as liberals have been doing, you will probably vote in both states. Don't worry because they will let you.
How can he do the double dip when there is only one special election and it is in Georgia
This is just lib trolling
Are you saying elections are fair?
No, this was so FRAUDEULENT that I would not even call it an election, More accurately it would be called a selection, where the Fascist Globalist Billionaires picked Joe Biden because he is a corrupt, subservient SWAMP puppet.

How is it possible?? Well it is very easy when control the conversation.

Maxcolm X understood this and stated it succinctly:

View attachment 428054

AND right on que the IGNORANT masses supported Joe Biden.
ah. so sad. if only there was a remedy, like a legal system where you can provide evidence supporting your fantasy. someone should try that.
As far as voting in the Georgia election, I would say absolutely DO VOTE!

Let us remember that Republicans did very well in the November elections and have gained seats in the House of Representative.

Yes the dems will cheat again as it would be foolish to think that they won't.

As politically naive as Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is, at least this time he did not send out ballot applications by the thousands to questionable legal voters. and he has complained about Fulton County reporting the vote count late, and he is aware of the dems sending out ballots to other states and stating that people who are planning to move to Georgia to vote in January are breaking the law.

The best way to catch the leftist fucktards cheating to make it so they have to cheat again.

i thought you already caught them cheating... :D

this is definetely getting better each day...

Simpletons are so easily amused.

Have you really never heard of a crime being repeated?
Why would a patriotic American person want to participate in a rigged election? Stay home and fly the Stars and Stripes.
I totally agree

These 2 Senate seats were part of the steal and the Dems are taking the Senate

I want Trump to concede and all lawsuits stopped

I'd rather sit back and deal with consequences I don't deserve
then fight back and allow you and your ilk to escape the consequences you do deserve

I will find joy in your misery and be at peace, knowing you are not

A flower quickly fading
A wave tossed in the ocean
A vapor in the wind
Here today and gone tomorrow

The difference between you and I...
I live to see another day
You are 1 day closer to death

I can't articulate just how abhorrent I find you nor the contempt I harbor for you and your kind

View attachment 428076

View attachment 428077

The most likely consequences if conservatives took your approach....would be Democratic control of the Senate.
As far as voting in the Georgia election, I would say absolutely DO VOTE!

Let us remember that Republicans did very well in the November elections and have gained seats in the House of Representative.

Yes the dems will cheat again as it would be foolish to think that they won't.

As politically naive as Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is, at least this time he did not send out ballot applications by the thousands to questionable legal voters. and he has complained about Fulton County reporting the vote count late, and he is aware of the dems sending out ballots to other states and stating that people who are planning to move to Georgia to vote in January are breaking the law.

The best way to catch the leftist fucktards cheating to make it so they have to cheat again.

i thought you already caught them cheating... :D

this is definetely getting better each day...

Simpletons are so easily amused.

Have you really never heard of a crime being repeated?
the crime being trump or Republicans losing? yeah that crime is being repeated almost daily since november.
Think about it. Now it's not just the Democrats committing fraud and all the dead people voting and the RINO governor.
IT IS ALSO THE SUPREME COURT against democracy and fair elections.
Let us boycott the rigged system by not voting in the Georgia runoffs. Our vote will not count anyway.
I am a Trump supporter in Georgia and I have been telling my friends in Georgia not to vote so we can teach the deep state a lesson.
No boycott is going to happen. What Lin Wood said, didnt help for sure.
This is one election I dont believe there will be much, if any fraud.
The stakes are too high for this runoff, and after what just took place in the presidential, all eyes and ears will be on this one.
As far as voting in the Georgia election, I would say absolutely DO VOTE!

Let us remember that Republicans did very well in the November elections and have gained seats in the House of Representative.

Yes the dems will cheat again as it would be foolish to think that they won't.

As politically naive as Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is, at least this time he did not send out ballot applications by the thousands to questionable legal voters. and he has complained about Fulton County reporting the vote count late, and he is aware of the dems sending out ballots to other states and stating that people who are planning to move to Georgia to vote in January are breaking the law.

The best way to catch the leftist fucktards cheating to make it so they have to cheat again.

i thought you already caught them cheating... :D

this is definetely getting better each day...

Simpletons are so easily amused.

Have you really never heard of a crime being repeated?

if you couldnt catch em moving tens of millions of votes around, how you gonna catch em moving some thousands...

dont underestimate yourself... you are amusing and entertaining at the same time...

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