Todd Akin was forced out of the race by the WOMEN FRIENDLY GOP

I'm at work twit. And the reason I suggested we wait is because the speculation is pointless. Last night when I started this thread I thought it was official. Was I wrong? Maybe but that hardly constitutes a lie.

Unlike all you superficial trolls I'll have no problem admitting if I was duped.

Don't you have a WHO'S GOT BETTER HAIR thread to go tend to

Fuck off troll

I was disappointed, I hoped when I read the thread title that the moron Akin had actually dropped out. It would be good for the Republicans if he drops out, it will be great for the Democrats if he doesn't.
Akin just called into the Huckabee radio show and insisted he is staying in the race. It saddens me for two reasons.

Brunner was a better candidate

Now he has given the left another weapon to beat the gop over the head with.

The man is clearly not in it for the country but rather himself. And for that reason he won't receive my vote.

Suck on that Ravi you stupid superficial bitch
If you can dispute, with facts, the already established facts that Ryan and Romney and Akin have virtually identical positions on abortion -

although granted they themselves may be trying to run away from that fact for political reasons, right now -

then by all means post them.

When I read their statements, I don't add venom and liberal spin like you do, so no, they aren't remotely the same. If it would get you free government cheese, you'd think and elephant and a convertible looked the same. You're an embarrassment to Democrats just like Akin is to Republicans. And like Akin, you don't get it.
They said far more than that. Stop playing dumb.
I don't care what "they" said. Disallowing abortion to women who are raped is supporting rapists. Akins supports rapists. Ryan supports rapists. They both also apparently support child molesters because they would deny an abortion to an under-aged person who by definition cannot give consent.


I'm pro-choice as I've stated many times. That doesn't justify the idiotic notion that Republicans support rapists. Read the thread if you're still confused.
Ryan and Akins are Republicans, in case you hadn't realized.
Let's not forget that this is Tea Party Todd Akin. Let's not forget that this is exactly the kind of guy the tea party faction has been pushing for 3 years now.

btw -

In 2010 Joe Miller, Sharron Angle, Christine O'Donnell, Ken Buck, and Rand Paul all ran for the Senate as Tea Party favorites,

and, as radical no-exceptions anti-abortionists.

Four out of the five LOST.

Will Akin make it 5 out of 6?

Are you sensible conservatives, whoever and wherever you are, happy that the tea party/anti-abortion radical coalition has been systematically destroying the GOP's hopes of regaining the Senate?

Bam, now that's what I'm talking about. Negative rep, from a complete and utter pussy like you it's a badge of honor. You don't have the gonads to express yourself with words, so you lash out in the only way your dickless little manhood allows.

That Republicans are against women is tired and thin. That Republicans are OK with babies from rape and don't understand pregnancy is a demonstration of just how completely and utterly pathetic you and your money whoring cohorts are and the complete and utter greed and envy you are consumed with.

This campaign is pathetic, even for you. And you set a pretty high bar for pathetic.

But you are my bitch, I got you upset. Once again, bam!
I negged you for this post:

It had nothing to do with me.

But you're the one who looks upset, whining about neg rep. :lol:
Akin's core position is no different than Paul Ryan's,

and no different than one of Romney's many positions on the issue. Should those 'morons' get out too?

What's sad actually are not the few of you complete and utter hate filled imbeciles who are carrying this idiotic and pathetic torch, it's that the rest of the left aren't telling you to shut the fuck up and you don't speak for them.

If you can dispute, with facts, the already established facts that Ryan and Romney and Akin have virtually identical positions on abortion -

although granted they themselves may be trying to run away from that fact for political reasons, right now -

then by all means post them.
For the third time in different threads....

Romney position on Abortion


Romney previously supported a woman’s right to decide, but he is now adamantly opposed to abortions, unless it involves cases of rape, incest or if the mother’s life is in mortal danger.
Romney on Abortion

That isn't ALMOST virtual political positions to Akin. This site wasn't created yesterday, Carb.
If you can dispute, with facts, the already established facts that Ryan and Romney and Akin have virtually identical positions on abortion -

although granted they themselves may be trying to run away from that fact for political reasons, right now -

then by all means post them.

When I read their statements, I don't add venom and liberal spin like you do, so no, they aren't remotely the same. If it would get you free government cheese, you'd think and elephant and a convertible looked the same. You're an embarrassment to Democrats just like Akin is to Republicans. And like Akin, you don't get it.

The fact that you offer nothing other than insults automatically proves my point.

Bam, now that's what I'm talking about. Negative rep, from a complete and utter pussy like you it's a badge of honor. You don't have the gonads to express yourself with words, so you lash out in the only way your dickless little manhood allows.

That Republicans are against women is tired and thin. That Republicans are OK with babies from rape and don't understand pregnancy is a demonstration of just how completely and utterly pathetic you and your money whoring cohorts are and the complete and utter greed and envy you are consumed with.

This campaign is pathetic, even for you. And you set a pretty high bar for pathetic.

But you are my bitch, I got you upset. Once again, bam!
I negged you for this post:

It had nothing to do with me.

But you're the one who looks upset, whining about neg rep. :lol:

It's okay, I pos repped him when I saw you negged him. it's all good, Synth. :D
Saying that Republicans support racists by denying abortions is COMPLETELY WRONG.

As a left-leaning centrist who is also pro-life, I'm really pretty dead-center neutral on this.

Denying abortions doesn't help racists commit their sexual acts. Denying abortions doesn't help rapists evade conviction. If they did, you might have an argument. But they don' you don't.

You can't just say that denying abortion supports rapists without proving it. Give facts. Apply those facts to your hypothesis. THEN come to a conclusion. You don't start with the conclusion.

That being said....

I actually agree that abortion in the cases of rape and incest is wrong. Why? Because the child did nothing wrong. The baby inside whatever level of development is HUMAN and GROWING. Unless it's the world's first microscopic murderer, there's no justification for ending its life. will..

Paul Ryan doesn't feel much different then Akin about the issue.

And Romney isn't far behind.

Showing once again you're an asshole who just gags on Obama's pecker. Yeah, you'd swallow that...

Seriously, this just shows what a complete and utter dick you are.

Rape is a serous thing, but to you it's just another chance to grab someone else's wallet. Ass.

The ones you hurt are the legit rape victims. Like everything and everyone else, victimizing women and rape are just liberal talking points to you.

1st paragraph tells SO much about you. None of it nice.

2nd paragraph is a stupid as the first, WTF does a wallet have to do with rape?

So listen up, ass wipe:

NO means NO

That's the post I negged him for, that he's now whining about.
Akin's core position is no different than Paul Ryan's,

and no different than one of Romney's many positions on the issue. Should those 'morons' get out too?

What's sad actually are not the few of you complete and utter hate filled imbeciles who are carrying this idiotic and pathetic torch, it's that the rest of the left aren't telling you to shut the fuck up and you don't speak for them.

If you can dispute, with facts, the already established facts that Ryan and Romney and Akin have virtually identical positions on abortion -

although granted they themselves may be trying to run away from that fact for political reasons, right now -

then by all means post them.

And you can back up your obvious BS with quotes..

No you cant, lying is what the low life do........
What's sad actually are not the few of you complete and utter hate filled imbeciles who are carrying this idiotic and pathetic torch, it's that the rest of the left aren't telling you to shut the fuck up and you don't speak for them.

If you can dispute, with facts, the already established facts that Ryan and Romney and Akin have virtually identical positions on abortion -

although granted they themselves may be trying to run away from that fact for political reasons, right now -

then by all means post them.

And you can back up your obvious BS with quotes..

No you cant, lying is what the low life do........
I already shot down Carb's yarn about them being identical. I don't expect him to respond to my post. :D
Don't you all think we should wait and see if the site I quoted in the op was correct?

I don't get all the responses. Lets be pragmatic and wait to see what happens.

Well the left already put out the ROMNEY KILLED MY WIFE ADD--:eusa_boohoo:

The NEXT AD will be ROMNEY RAPED MY WIFE she got pregnant and they refused her an abortion.--:badgrin::badgrin:

[ame=]CNN Sets The Record Straight On The Despicable New Ad From President Obama's Super PAC - YouTube[/ame]

"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as somebody people need to run from"--Barack Obama
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Don't you all think we should wait and see if the site I quoted in the op was correct?

I don't get all the responses. Lets be pragmatic and wait to see what happens.
It's not correct. Akin was just on Huckabee's radio show saying he's not quitting.

It doesn't matter if he quits or not--Akin doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting a single vote out of anyone.
Bam, now that's what I'm talking about. Negative rep, from a complete and utter pussy like you it's a badge of honor. You don't have the gonads to express yourself with words, so you lash out in the only way your dickless little manhood allows.

That Republicans are against women is tired and thin. That Republicans are OK with babies from rape and don't understand pregnancy is a demonstration of just how completely and utterly pathetic you and your money whoring cohorts are and the complete and utter greed and envy you are consumed with.

This campaign is pathetic, even for you. And you set a pretty high bar for pathetic.

But you are my bitch, I got you upset. Once again, bam!
I negged you for this post:

It had nothing to do with me.

But you're the one who looks upset, whining about neg rep. :lol:

It's okay, I pos repped him when I saw you negged him. it's all good, Synth. :D
Hopefully that will stop his crying.

Don't forget to burp him and change his diaper.
Don't you all think we should wait and see if the site I quoted in the op was correct?

I don't get all the responses. Lets be pragmatic and wait to see what happens.
It's not correct. Akin was just on Huckabee's radio show saying he's not quitting.

It doesn't matter if he quits or not--Akin doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting a single vote out of anyone.
Actually, I think he's still in the lead.
According to Major Garrett, whom I despise, Akin is basically saying a big FUCK YOU to the GOP establishment, who didn't support him in the MO primary. He's going to continue with money from evangelical wingnuts.

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