Todd Akin was forced out of the race by the WOMEN FRIENDLY GOP will..

Paul Ryan doesn't feel much different then Akin about the issue.

And Romney isn't far behind.

Showing once again you're an asshole who just gags on Obama's pecker. Yeah, you'd swallow that...

Seriously, this just shows what a complete and utter dick you are.

Rape is a serous thing, but to you it's just another chance to grab someone else's wallet. Ass.

The ones you hurt are the legit rape victims. Like everything and everyone else, victimizing women and rape are just liberal talking points to you.

1st paragraph tells SO much about you. None of it nice.

2nd paragraph is a stupid as the first, WTF does a wallet have to do with rape?

So listen up, ass wipe:

NO means NO

They forced him out because he and Ryan were buddies on the anti-abortion bill. To have him remain, the subject would be brought up daily and attach even more to Ryan. They are hypocrites to force him out and to cheer Ryan. It had absolutely 0 to do with the GOP being friendly to women! That's a joke!:badgrin::eusa_shifty:




The thing about this is that it wasn't a sound clip taken out of context; he looked right in to the camera and said what he said. He obviously believes it. Grumps is just trying to spin it to the positive.

WOMEN--Don't you worry about that 8.3% stated unemployment rate with real unemployment at 11%--or those 46 milliion Americans on food stamps--or 1 in 5 families living beneath the poverty level, or that 16 trillion in red ink with the CBO telling us that your kids and grandkids will be paying $234,000 just on the interest on this debt that will put them in the poor house----or that gas prices are up, food prices are up and consumer confidence is in the tank.

National debt: Washington's $5 trillion interest bill - Mar. 5, 2012
SNAP/Food Stamp Participation « Food Research & Action Center


"When you don't have a record to run on, you need to paint your opponent as someone people should run from"--Barack Obama
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Don't you all think we should wait and see if the site I quoted in the op was correct?

I don't get all the responses. Lets be pragmatic and wait to see what happens.
What? Are you really suggesting that we wait for the facts to be known BEFORE we spout off with some silly lamenes?

I suppose you are also going to advise us to refrain from starting a thread on the topic!
Showing once again you're an asshole who just gags on Obama's pecker. Yeah, you'd swallow that...

1st paragraph tells SO much about you. None of it nice.

2nd paragraph is a stupid as the first, WTF does a wallet have to do with rape?

So listen up, ass wipe:

NO means NO


Seriously, some liberals on this site are actually arguing that Republicans support rapists. And you ... are ... enabling that. That says far, far more about you then my cussing someone out for doing that says about me.

You are enabling rapists because you're allowing Democrats to victimize them again for cheap political points. Stuff that up your ...

The GOP doesn't give a rats ass about women.

Thread title should read "Todd Akin forced out of race by the 'SCARED THIS GUY IS GOING TO BLOW OUR CHANCES TO WIN THE SENATE' GOP"

Half of them ARE women.

Can we have someone try to say something more stupid ?
Showing once again you're an asshole who just gags on Obama's pecker. Yeah, you'd swallow that...

1st paragraph tells SO much about you. None of it nice.

2nd paragraph is a stupid as the first, WTF does a wallet have to do with rape?

So listen up, ass wipe:

NO means NO


Seriously, some liberals on this site are actually arguing that Republicans support rapists. And you ... are ... enabling that. That says far, far more about you then my cussing someone out for doing that says about me.

You are enabling rapists because you're allowing Democrats to victimize them again for cheap political points. Stuff that up your ...
Disallowing abortion to women who are raped is supporting rapists.
1st paragraph tells SO much about you. None of it nice.

2nd paragraph is a stupid as the first, WTF does a wallet have to do with rape?

So listen up, ass wipe:

NO means NO


Kaching! Just got your present, the negative rep. Thank you. Allowing lily white liberal men to victimize rape victims for cheap political points. How sad you are. You can read about rape victims in the paper now and see the little dollar signs that you are so greedy that you'd not only allow but help a political party victimize them yet again gets you. And you call the Republicans the "party of hate." Laughing my ass off. Sleep well. You are a user.
What? Are you really suggesting that we wait for the facts to be known BEFORE we spout off with some silly lamenes?

I suppose you are also going to advise us to refrain from starting a thread on the topic!

I guess he's been drinking heavily. He doesn't even see the irony in his own post.
Not all republicans are clueless about rape and women but too many are. This one issue (women's rights/abortion/contraception) which became obvious about 6-8 months ago with all the negative republican comments and laws passed in 20 states restricting abortion, etc. is what turned me towards Obama. I was actually defending Romney and supporting him during the primaries against the other candidates. Now I realize the error of my ways!
1st paragraph tells SO much about you. None of it nice.

2nd paragraph is a stupid as the first, WTF does a wallet have to do with rape?

So listen up, ass wipe:

NO means NO


Seriously, some liberals on this site are actually arguing that Republicans support rapists. And you ... are ... enabling that. That says far, far more about you then my cussing someone out for doing that says about me.

You are enabling rapists because you're allowing Democrats to victimize them again for cheap political points. Stuff that up your ...
Disallowing abortion to women who are raped is supporting rapists.

They said far more than that. Stop playing dumb.
It was really a problem of Republcan damage control spin units

The guy's an out of touch moron and no one has any interest in seeing him in office. It has nothing to do with "damage control." It has to with getting an ignorant ass out of the race. You have more in common with him then the rest of Republicans...

Akin's core position is no different than Paul Ryan's,

and no different than one of Romney's many positions on the issue. Should those 'morons' get out too?
What? Are you really suggesting that we wait for the facts to be known BEFORE we spout off with some silly lamenes?

I suppose you are also going to advise us to refrain from starting a thread on the topic!

I guess he's been drinking heavily. He doesn't even see the irony in his own post.

I'm at work twit. And the reason I suggested we wait is because the speculation is pointless. Last night when I started this thread I thought it was official. Was I wrong? Maybe but that hardly constitutes a lie.

Unlike all you superficial trolls I'll have no problem admitting if I was duped.

Don't you have a WHO'S GOT BETTER HAIR thread to go tend to

Fuck off troll
Seriously, some liberals on this site are actually arguing that Republicans support rapists. And you ... are ... enabling that. That says far, far more about you then my cussing someone out for doing that says about me.

You are enabling rapists because you're allowing Democrats to victimize them again for cheap political points. Stuff that up your ...
Disallowing abortion to women who are raped is supporting rapists.

They said far more than that. Stop playing dumb.
I don't care what "they" said. Disallowing abortion to women who are raped is supporting rapists. Akins supports rapists. Ryan supports rapists. They both also apparently support child molesters because they would deny an abortion to an under-aged person who by definition cannot give consent.

Akin's core position is no different than Paul Ryan's,

and no different than one of Romney's many positions on the issue. Should those 'morons' get out too?

What's sad actually are not the few of you complete and utter hate filled imbeciles who are carrying this idiotic and pathetic torch, it's that the rest of the left aren't telling you to shut the fuck up and you don't speak for them.
Disallowing abortion to women who are raped is supporting rapists.

They said far more than that. Stop playing dumb.
I don't care what "they" said. Disallowing abortion to women who are raped is supporting rapists. Akins supports rapists. Ryan supports rapists. They both also apparently support child molesters because they would deny an abortion to an under-aged person who by definition cannot give consent.


I'm pro-choice as I've stated many times. That doesn't justify the idiotic notion that Republicans support rapists. Read the thread if you're still confused.
Akin's core position is no different than Paul Ryan's,

and no different than one of Romney's many positions on the issue. Should those 'morons' get out too?

What's sad actually are not the few of you complete and utter hate filled imbeciles who are carrying this idiotic and pathetic torch, it's that the rest of the left aren't telling you to shut the fuck up and you don't speak for them.

If you can dispute, with facts, the already established facts that Ryan and Romney and Akin have virtually identical positions on abortion -

although granted they themselves may be trying to run away from that fact for political reasons, right now -

then by all means post them.

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