Todd Akin was forced out of the race by the WOMEN FRIENDLY GOP

Meanwhile, back in reality:


You don't find it pathetic that you are pointing at a male politician as an exemplar of women's reproductive rights? Personally, I laughed out loud when I read this, and not just because a male politician was saying it. I still find it absurd that anyone can argue they have a right to an abortion. Unless you do it yourself it ain't a right.

Well, yeah, it was kind of silly to take the word of a woman who has sex for money at face value without any investigation....

But I think you guys really need to keep going with this "legitimate" rape line of reasoning.

Who, exactly, is going along with that line of reasoning?
The man made a cardinal mistake.

He spoke his ignorant mind thus embarrassed the BIG LIE that the GOP is attempting to foist off on the public.

Which big lie would that be? Would that be the lie that all women support abortion? That only men oppose it?
First they withdrew his financing and he has caved to the parties demand that he step down. Seems the gop police's themselves fairly well. So now we won't see any more GOP rape threads right?

I won't be holding my breath for honesty from most of you.
ONTD_Political - Breaking: Todd Akin Quitting Senate Race, GOP Politicos State

I haven't yet watched the news, but hope he steps DOWN and fast!!! We ( conservatives ) are calling for the action.

We conservative patriots who fear for the nation’s future are asking this recently-chosen Republican candidate who has mortally wounded his own campaign to step aside for the good of the country.

I don't like Ryan (R) either but what you gonna do :dunno:
First they withdrew his financing and he has caved to the parties demand that he step down. Seems the gop police's themselves fairly well. So now we won't see any more GOP rape threads right?

I won't be holding my breath for honesty from most of you.
ONTD_Political - Breaking: Todd Akin Quitting Senate Race, GOP Politicos State

Tell me gramps, how do Todd Akin's views differ from Paul Ryan's?

There is an old axiom: robins and bluejays don't nest together.

Two words that should never be used together in the same sentence: legitimate and rape. But that’s the way Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) chose to speak about the sensitive topic that has impacted millions of women in the United States in an interview with a local television station Sunday.

In defending his extreme anti-choice position – that a woman who is raped and becomes pregnant should not be permitted to have an abortion, Akin said, “First of all, from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy from rape] is really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

Akin, who clearly didn’t pay attention in biology class, is challenging Democratic incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill. After the negative and swift public reaction to his remarks, Akin said in a statement that he “misspoke,” but that claim doesn’t fly when you do a quick review of his legislative history, which is directly connected vice presidential pick Rep. Paul Ryan on this exact issue.

Akin and Ryan were the original co-sponsors of the controversial bill H.R. 3, “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” which initially included language which changed the definition of “rape” to “forcible rape,” until public pressure forced the bill’s supporters to remove that unacceptable and narrow definition. As I wrote previously, Paul Ryan is not just anti-choice, his anti-choice views are extreme and just plain bad for all women.

Linking Ryan to Akin and the idea that there is such a thing as “legitimate rape” based on pseudo-science and folklore is something that needs to be done before the upcoming election. While Team Romney attempted to create distance with Akin, saying that both Romney and Ryan “disagree” with his statements, there was nothing in their statement that said they condemn his remarks as hurtful to victims. There was also nothing in Team Romney’s statement that pointed out that what Akin said about pregnancies resulting from rape being rare is just flat-out wrong.

Ryan was against abortion in all cases including rape until Team Romney’s statement. Romney has said he would get rid of Planned Parenthood and has been moving further right on women’s issues since he was a pro-choice governor of Massachusetts. This could be a huge problem for the Republican ticket in November.

NY Daily News - Todd Akin, Paul Ryan and the very real war on women

How does the view of the extremists that support abortion on demand up to and including labor differ from yours?

Are all rape accusations legitimate? Is statutory rape where the boy is 17 and the girl is 18, and they both consent, legitimate rape, or is it merely a legal fiction involving arbitrary age of consent laws?

What makes a bill that prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion controversial? The Hyde amendment, which is a law that is passed every year, does exactly the same thing, and routinely gets wide bipartisan support. Is that also controversial, even though Obama has signed it more than once?

Do you do anything other than parrot stupid stories you come across?
The man made a cardinal mistake.

He spoke his ignorant mind thus embarrassed the BIG LIE that the GOP is attempting to foist off on the public.

Which big lie would that be? Would that be the lie that all women support abortion? That only men oppose it?

A majority of women support the right to choose. Even some who are against abortion personally.
Clearly not all of them.

How many people in the state of Massachusetts do you consider nutjobs that elected Ted Kennedy to the Senate 7 times, even though he was responsible for the death of his girl friend?

Let me guess. Clearly not all of them.

So he was convicted of negligent homicide, then?

Oh, wait. No, he wasn't.

Guess who else wasn't convicted of anything.

Lee Harvey Oswald.

The next time someone makes a post accusing him of killing JFK are you going to pop in and point out he was never convicted?
At least Kennedy was drunk. The GOPer has no such excuse but a bred-in-the-bone stupidity.

But yeah, he will get votes. A lot of them.

the naked guy in the galilee was drunk, i bet. *shrug*

Strangely enough, he says he wasn't. Personally, I wonder why anyone is making a big deal of something that happened over a year ago, and only got leaked to score political points, but I find myself thinking a lot of cynical thoughts.
First they withdrew his financing and he has caved to the parties demand that he step down. Seems the gop police's themselves fairly well. So now we won't see any more GOP rape threads right?

I won't be holding my breath for honesty from most of you.
ONTD_Political - Breaking: Todd Akin Quitting Senate Race, GOP Politicos State

I haven't yet watched the news, but hope he steps DOWN and fast!!! We ( conservatives ) are calling for the action.

We conservative patriots who fear for the nation’s future are asking this recently-chosen Republican candidate who has mortally wounded his own campaign to step aside for the good of the country.

Just heard he has until 5pm today to step down but that he's also started running a new TV ad apologizing.
This so pisses me off. Thought this was a done deal when I went to bed last night and now we've got this chump acting like a liberal with all his double talk and refusal to recognize the fact that HE'S DONE!!!
At least Kennedy was drunk. The GOPer has no such excuse but a bred-in-the-bone stupidity.

But yeah, he will get votes. A lot of them.

I have an idea. Why don't we ban all of those that are practicing Catholics from public office? As I understand it, the Catholic Church opposes abortion and we need to make that a litmus test. Better yet, ban all candidates of any religion that don't support abortion on demand and means testing the payment for abortion by the gubmint.

Don't you atheist bastards agree?

We could elect all Muslims, since their goal is to convert all infidels or kill them.

The Catholic Church also opposes Paul Ryan's budget...

A faith-based lesson for Paul Ryan

There is something un-Christian about the Gospel According to Paul Ryan. So, at least, says Ryan’s Catholic Church.

In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody this month, Ryan, the author of the House Republican budget endorsed by Mitt Romney, said his program was crafted “using my Catholic faith” as inspiration. But the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops was not about to bless that claim.

A week after Ryan’s boast, the bishops sent letters to Congress saying that the Ryan budget, passed by the House, “fails to meet” the moral criteria of the Church, namely its view that any budget should help “the least of these” as the Christian Bible requires: the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the jobless. “A just spending bill cannot rely on disproportionate cuts in essential services to poor and vulnerable persons,” the bishops wrote.

In fact, Ryan would cut spending on the least of these by about $5 trillion over 10 years — from Medicaid, food stamps, welfare and the like — and then turn around and award some $4 trillion in tax cuts to the most of these. To their credit, Catholic leaders were not about to let Ryan claim to be serving God when in fact he was serving mammon.

“Your budget,” a group of Jesuit scholars and other Georgetown University faculty members wrote to Ryan last week, “appears to reflect the values of your favorite philosopher, Ayn Rand, rather than the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Her call to selfishness and her antagonism toward religion are antithetical to the Gospel values of compassion and love.”

Which should tell you that he puts his country above the teachings of the church. Instead, it tells you that he is a right wing nut that doesn't care about anyone.

And you call me crazy.
First they withdrew his financing and he has caved to the parties demand that he step down. Seems the gop police's themselves fairly well. So now we won't see any more GOP rape threads right?

I won't be holding my breath for honesty from most of you.
ONTD_Political - Breaking: Todd Akin Quitting Senate Race, GOP Politicos State

I haven't yet watched the news, but hope he steps DOWN and fast!!! We ( conservatives ) are calling for the action.

We conservative patriots who fear for the nation’s future are asking this recently-chosen Republican candidate who has mortally wounded his own campaign to step aside for the good of the country.

Herein lies your problem...Akin and Ryan hold the exact same views. So I expect you 'conservative patriots who fear for the nation’s future' will ask Paul Ryan to step aside.

What evidence is there that Ryan holds the exact same views as Akin? Please note, the talking points of the Obama campaign, and your delusions, are not evidence.
The man made a cardinal mistake.

He spoke his ignorant mind thus embarrassed the BIG LIE that the GOP is attempting to foist off on the public.

Which big lie would that be? Would that be the lie that all women support abortion? That only men oppose it?

A majority of women support the right to choose. Even some who are against abortion personally.

A majority of men support it also, in highly regulated circumstances, what's your point?
First they withdrew his financing and he has caved to the parties demand that he step down. Seems the gop police's themselves fairly well. So now we won't see any more GOP rape threads right?

I won't be holding my breath for honesty from most of you.
ONTD_Political - Breaking: Todd Akin Quitting Senate Race, GOP Politicos State

lol.. .he wasn't forced out because the right loves women. he was forced out because his position was so sick that they couldn't spin it.

maybe you should be honest about that, gramps. :)

A little slow here? Akin is still in. And, get this, he is still polling ahead of McCaskill.
Maybe now we're getting "gotcha" politics and sound bite moments behind us to focus on the big picture.
When that happens the Dems are sunk. Actually they're sunk anyway.

But at least Akin didnt do something monumentally immoral and gross like send pics of his junk....

i'm not slow. i responded to gramps before i read the news. no biggie. but if it makes you feel better.

and if pot shots at anthony weiner... whose photos were sent consentually, btw... make your day, have at it. anything to avoid talking about the scum that is your candidate. talk about 43 year old cases; talk about something that really wasn't any of your business in the first place; whatever.

as for your judgment as to who is sunk ... well, at this point, it's about wishful thinking on your part.

btw... you do understand that warped views about women and rape are what is immoral. sending someone pics of oneself consentually is pretty much their business....

it's not like he had pics taken of himself in a diaper with hookers. right?

speaking of which, how is david vitter doing?
lol.. .he wasn't forced out because the right loves women. he was forced out because his position was so sick that they couldn't spin it.

maybe you should be honest about that, gramps. :)

A little slow here? Akin is still in. And, get this, he is still polling ahead of McCaskill.
Maybe now we're getting "gotcha" politics and sound bite moments behind us to focus on the big picture.
When that happens the Dems are sunk. Actually they're sunk anyway.

But at least Akin didnt do something monumentally immoral and gross like send pics of his junk....

i'm not slow. i responded to gramps before i read the news. no biggie. but if it makes you feel better.

and if pot shots at anthony weiner... whose photos were sent consentually, btw... but if it makes your day, have at it.

as for your judgment as to who is sunk ... well, at this point, it's about wishful thinking on your part. but whatever.

i remember rabbi sporting a rick perry avatar. hahahahaha
Akin is acting like what he is: a far right extremist douche bag, pretending his wacky beliefs are mainstream. This guy can cost the GOP a chance for control of the Senate.

First they withdrew his financing and he has caved to the parties demand that he step down. Seems the gop police's themselves fairly well. So now we won't see any more GOP rape threads right?

I won't be holding my breath for honesty from most of you.
ONTD_Political - Breaking: Todd Akin Quitting Senate Race, GOP Politicos State

I haven't yet watched the news, but hope he steps DOWN and fast!!! We ( conservatives ) are calling for the action.

We conservative patriots who fear for the nation’s future are asking this recently-chosen Republican candidate who has mortally wounded his own campaign to step aside for the good of the country.

Just heard he has until 5pm today to step down but that he's also started running a new TV ad apologizing.
This so pisses me off. Thought this was a done deal when I went to bed last night and now we've got this chump acting like a liberal with all his double talk and refusal to recognize the fact that HE'S DONE!!!
lol.. .he wasn't forced out because the right loves women. he was forced out because his position was so sick that they couldn't spin it.

maybe you should be honest about that, gramps. :)

A little slow here? Akin is still in. And, get this, he is still polling ahead of McCaskill.
Maybe now we're getting "gotcha" politics and sound bite moments behind us to focus on the big picture.
When that happens the Dems are sunk. Actually they're sunk anyway.

But at least Akin didnt do something monumentally immoral and gross like send pics of his junk....

i'm not slow. i responded to gramps before i read the news. no biggie. but if it makes you feel better.

and if pot shots at anthony weiner... whose photos were sent consentually, btw... make your day, have at it. anything to avoid talking about the scum that is your candidate. talk about 43 year old cases; talk about something that really wasn't any of your business in the first place; whatever.

as for your judgment as to who is sunk ... well, at this point, it's about wishful thinking on your part.

btw... you do understand that warped views about women and rape are what is immoral. sending someone pics of oneself consentually is pretty much their business....

it's not like he had pics taken of himself in a diaper with hookers. right?

speaking of which, how is david vitter doing?

Look who's deflecting now.
You understand that publicizing something makes it not his business anymore, right?
I dont think Akin has warped views about women and rape. I think he screwed up and said stupid stuff. You screw up and say stupid stuff on this forum every single day.
I want him to stay in :) He is a mirror-image of Ryan w/ whom he co-sponsored the "personhood bill" which basically outlaws abortions. Shows how out of touch they are w/ many voting women

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I want him to stay in :) He is a mirror-image of Ryan w/ whom he co-sponsored the "personhood bill" which basically outlaws abortions. Shows how out of touch they are w/ many voting women

Except for those women who think killing babies is morally wrong.
I want him to stay in because he's going to beat the pants off Claire McCaskill.

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