Todd Akin was forced out of the race by the WOMEN FRIENDLY GOP

If you can dispute, with facts, the already established facts that Ryan and Romney and Akin have virtually identical positions on abortion -

although granted they themselves may be trying to run away from that fact for political reasons, right now -

then by all means post them.

And you can back up your obvious BS with quotes..

No you cant, lying is what the low life do........

Ryan's co-sponsorship of a personhood amendment and Romney's support for the human life amendment have already established the facts.

So no quotes......Just support for a principle, with you deciding the details?
kaz is screwy if he thinks the government somehow makes women more subject the victim hood of rape.

That is one of the stupidest things Kaz has written in some time.

I never said anything regarding government victimizing rape victims. I said the liberals doing this are victimizing rape victims by using them as political fodder. Every time someone uses a legitimate victim for an illegitimate point, it desensitizes people to the issue. There are real victims of racism, by screaming racism all all over the place, liberals are harming actual victims of racism because everyone starts to think it might just be political or a ploy to sue. Ditto women. Here, they are doing it to rape.

Even though most liberals are not actually doing that, it's only the lunatic fringe, the rest of them are being silent. That's a clear harm of collectivism. But none of that has anything to do with what you said I said, which I didn't.
Let's get down to basics here.

1. What Akin said was just plain dopey.
2. What he said is not even remotely akin to any alleged war against women.
3. There is no such thing as a GOP war on women.
4. Akin is not going to quit the race today.
5. He may not quit the race at all.
6. I hope he wins.
7. I also hope he stops saying such dopey things (see number 1, above).
how did a thread about a disgusting statement by a GOP candidate turn into a screed about something that happened 43 years ago?

One is about a candidate being drummed out of his party after a rather dumb remark. The other is about a candidate that was responsible for the death of his girl friend while drunk and was not only elected 7 times, he is still referred to as an icon by his party.

And, the GOP is blamed for the dumb remark made by one of its elected members.

Which party would you want to be a member of?

You mean having a passenger die in a car that you crashed should disqualify you from seeking office?

That what your saying?

Only if they left them there to drown after the crash.
The man made a cardinal mistake.

He spoke his ignorant mind thus embarrassed the BIG LIE that the GOP is attempting to foist off on the public.

Which big lie would that be? Would that be the lie that all women support abortion? That only men oppose it?

The inferred big lie that if a rape victim becomes pregnant, she must have wanted it. It all comes down to that.

Maddow: Rep. Akin’s ‘fake science’ is ‘the new Republican normal’ | The Raw Story

Other prominent Republicans who have campaigned against abortions rights for rape and incest survivors have included Sharron Angle, who ran for U.S. Senate in Nevada, Christine O’Donnell from Delaware, who, like Angle, ran and lost, Rand Paul from Kentucky, who ran and won election to the Senate, and a host of others, all Republicans.

This is not an outlier opinion, she argued, but is actually “the new Republican normal.” The so-called “fetal personhood” laws, which outlaw all abortion and ultimately some forms of birth control, are an extension of this philosophy.
You mean having a passenger die in a car that you crashed should disqualify you from seeking office?

That what your saying?
Yes, and the fact he ran scared to his lawyer instead of calling for help like a NORMAL person would. Teddy was a pos.

The shocking pictures that show how Mitt Romney almost died as a young Mormon missionary | Mail Online

Romney was involved in a car crash in France, killing his passenger while "normal" men in this country were fighting in Vietnam.

Did he lie to get out of the draft like the 'normal' Bill Clinton, of did he have a legitimate deferment like Joe Biden?
Parties don't have the power to "force" someone off the ballot.

They can withdraw his funding, but he's still going to be on the ballot under the "Republican" column, and if he wins, the GOP will change their tune quickly enough, and he'll be their best friend again.
The man made a cardinal mistake.

He spoke his ignorant mind thus embarrassed the BIG LIE that the GOP is attempting to foist off on the public.

Which big lie would that be? Would that be the lie that all women support abortion? That only men oppose it?

The inferred big lie that if a rape victim becomes pregnant, she must have wanted it. It all comes down to that.

Maddow: Rep. Akin’s ‘fake science’ is ‘the new Republican normal’ | The Raw Story

Other prominent Republicans who have campaigned against abortions rights for rape and incest survivors have included Sharron Angle, who ran for U.S. Senate in Nevada, Christine O’Donnell from Delaware, who, like Angle, ran and lost, Rand Paul from Kentucky, who ran and won election to the Senate, and a host of others, all Republicans.

This is not an outlier opinion, she argued, but is actually “the new Republican normal.” The so-called “fetal personhood” laws, which outlaw all abortion and ultimately some forms of birth control, are an extension of this philosophy.

Isn't Maddow the one that strings random facts together to reach unrelated conclusions?

The Republican normal does not reject science in the real world, it just does it in random delusional minds of idiots.
Let's get down to basics here.

1. What Akin said was just plain dopey.
2. What he said is not even remotely akin to any alleged war against women.
3. There is no such thing as a GOP war on women.
4. Akin is not going to quit the race today.
5. He may not quit the race at all.
6. I hope he wins.
7. I also hope he stops saying such dopey things (see number 1, above).

He believes that stuff just as his co-sponsor of the "Personhood bill" - Ryan (R) does :clap2: What makes you think he doesn't believe it?

The GOP doesn't give a rats ass about women.

Thread title should read "Todd Akin forced out of race by the 'SCARED THIS GUY IS GOING TO BLOW OUR CHANCES TO WIN THE SENATE' GOP"

Half of them ARE women.

Can we have someone try to say something more stupid ?

I suggest you look at the data, ass monkey. You're claim is a lie. Women lean much more toward Democrats, while middle aged white males lean Republican.
Don't you all think we should wait and see if the site I quoted in the op was correct?

I don't get all the responses. Lets be pragmatic and wait to see what happens.
Negged for being a transparent idiot and liar.

You negged me for what exactly? I'm curious about what transparency you seem to see.

If I were into the stupidity of repping, I'd have negged you for being a complete idiot, believing your bullshit source, and then trying to argue that it shows that Republicans have integrity.

As it stands, you're a lying shit stain.
What? Are you really suggesting that we wait for the facts to be known BEFORE we spout off with some silly lamenes?

I suppose you are also going to advise us to refrain from starting a thread on the topic!

I guess he's been drinking heavily. He doesn't even see the irony in his own post.

I'm at work twit. And the reason I suggested we wait is because the speculation is pointless. Last night when I started this thread I thought it was official. Was I wrong? Maybe but that hardly constitutes a lie.

Unlike all you superficial trolls I'll have no problem admitting if I was duped.

Don't you have a WHO'S GOT BETTER HAIR thread to go tend to

Fuck off troll

You started an argument, based on a rumor, which turned out to be false, that this showed the GOP self-policed and did the right thing. That's a lie, and you're an idiot.

Here's someone who does:

So he was convicted of negligent homicide, then?

Oh, wait. No, he wasn't.

Hey you drooling fuckwit bitch: if you drive drunk and cause the death of a woman, but then run away, in the time before you surrender your worthless ass for "prosecution" you will not be convicted of anything. Is it your "belief" that one is not guilty UNTIL they are convicted?

You asshole.

Folks often gets arrested precisely because they ARE guilty.

They may have (and they maybe are even entitled to) the legal presumption of innocence, but that is NOT the same thing as BEING innocent, you fucking asshole.

That's like saying that just because OJ got acquitted he didn't slaughter two human beings.

Oh, and before I forget it should not go unmentioned that you suck cocks for a living, you are a bitch and that you are a flaming asshole.

You flaming asshole bitch cocksucking whore.

Clues that Liability doesn't have a rational argument to make. :)

And, just to add my two cents: there is a growing belief that O.J.'s son committed the murders.

I heard that it was Kennedys butler that was driving the car and Teddy took the hit for him.
Jumping ship: The party platforms no one stands on anymore - Yahoo! News
In the furor over Todd Akin’s inventive understanding of biology, we should not lose sight of another matter. His position on abortion--that the victim of rape should be compelled to bear her rapist’s child--has been the official position of the Republican Party for more than thirty years.

The official platform of the Republican Party is that women don't get pregnant when they are raped?
You mean having a passenger die in a car that you crashed should disqualify you from seeking office?

That what your saying?
Yes, and the fact he ran scared to his lawyer instead of calling for help like a NORMAL person would. Teddy was a pos.

The shocking pictures that show how Mitt Romney almost died as a young Mormon missionary | Mail Online

Romney was involved in a car crash in France, killing his passenger while "normal" men in this country were fighting in Vietnam.

That was phrased quite poorly. To CORRECT it, the sentence SHOULD read as follows:

"Romney was involved in a car crash in France, in which his passenger was killed * * * *" It should read that way for a reason. And that is: to say it your way seems to assign blame to Romney FOR the accident. But that's a claim you cannot support.

‘Literally as we were having that conversation, boom, we were hit. It happened so quickly (that) there was no braking and no honking.’

Mr Romney, who has always insisted he was not at fault, was seriously injured and even feared dead for a moment after the crash.

Witnesses did claim Catholic priest Albert Marie, 46, of Sireuil, France, was drunk when the crash happened but this was never verified.

Local police don’t have any records of the accident because their documents are destroyed after ten years, reported the Boston Globe

So, what's the basis for even suggesting or implying that Romney killed anybody?

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