Todd Akin was forced out of the race by the WOMEN FRIENDLY GOP

So he was convicted of negligent homicide, then?

Oh, wait. No, he wasn't.

Hey you drooling fuckwit bitch: if you drive drunk and cause the death of a woman, but then run away, in the time before you surrender your worthless ass for "prosecution" you will not be convicted of anything. Is it your "belief" that one is not guilty UNTIL they are convicted?

You asshole.

Folks often gets arrested precisely because they ARE guilty.

They may have (and they maybe are even entitled to) the legal presumption of innocence, but that is NOT the same thing as BEING innocent, you fucking asshole.

That's like saying that just because OJ got acquitted he didn't slaughter two human beings.

Oh, and before I forget it should not go unmentioned that you suck cocks for a living, you are a bitch and that you are a flaming asshole.

You flaming asshole bitch cocksucking whore.

Clues that Liability doesn't have a rational argument to make. :)

And, just to add my two cents: there is a growing belief that O.J.'s son committed the murders.

Another in a long litany of reasons why nobody would ever confuse Synth with a detective -- or even for an intelligent member of the USMB posting community!

And there is no RATIONAL belief (growing or otherwise) that anybody but OJ did the crimes that night.
I'm listening to Hannity's radio show, he has Akin on and looks like the fool is not going to step down despite Hannity trying to guilt him into doing so.
I already shot down Carb's yarn about them being identical. I don't expect him to respond to my post. :D

You posted only one of Romney's several positions on abortion. Post them all, and you'll find that his support of a personhood amendment makes his position the same as Akins.

Rape, incest, health issues of the the crux of this, which is entirely different than Akin's. You can't spin those facts, or dodge it without responding to them, Carb. :eusa_whistle:

Ryan's bill, which he cosponsored with Akin, dumbs down rape, by ignoring statutory rape and incest.
Disallowing abortion to women who are raped is supporting rapists.

They said far more than that. Stop playing dumb.
I don't care what "they" said. Disallowing abortion to women who are raped is supporting rapists. Akins supports rapists. Ryan supports rapists. They both also apparently support child molesters because they would deny an abortion to an under-aged person who by definition cannot give consent.


I consider his remark dumb, but perhaps you should read the rest of it before you stick your foot any further down your throat. Akin apparently believes that life begins at conception and so do a lot of other people. I don't, but that is only my opinion.

“It seems to me, from what I understand from doctors, that’s really rare,” Mr. Akin said of pregnancies from rape. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something: I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child.”
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They said far more than that. Stop playing dumb.
I don't care what "they" said. Disallowing abortion to women who are raped is supporting rapists. Akins supports rapists. Ryan supports rapists. They both also apparently support child molesters because they would deny an abortion to an under-aged person who by definition cannot give consent.


I consider his remark dumb, but perhaps you should read the rest of it.

“It seems to me, from what I understand from doctors, that’s really rare,” Mr. Akin said of pregnancies from rape. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something: I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist, and not attacking the child.”

death penalty for rape-dad, maybe?

and then ostracize the single mom.
My apologies since your explanation basically follows my own.

When the lunatic fringes (lefty all abortions are OK) and (righty no abortions at all) ae ignored by the more moderate wings, then stupid things get done to people.

kaz is screwy if he thinks the government somehow makes women more subject the victim hood of rape.

That is one of the stupidest things Kaz has written in some time.

I never said anything regarding government victimizing rape victims. I said the liberals doing this are victimizing rape victims by using them as political fodder. Every time someone uses a legitimate victim for an illegitimate point, it desensitizes people to the issue. There are real victims of racism, by screaming racism all all over the place, liberals are harming actual victims of racism because everyone starts to think it might just be political or a ploy to sue. Ditto women. Here, they are doing it to rape.

Even though most liberals are not actually doing that, it's only the lunatic fringe, the rest of them are being silent. That's a clear harm of collectivism. But none of that has anything to do with what you said I said, which I didn't.
Yes, and the fact he ran scared to his lawyer instead of calling for help like a NORMAL person would. Teddy was a pos.

The shocking pictures that show how Mitt Romney almost died as a young Mormon missionary | Mail Online

Romney was involved in a car crash in France, killing his passenger while "normal" men in this country were fighting in Vietnam.

That was phrased quite poorly. To CORRECT it, the sentence SHOULD read as follows:

"Romney was involved in a car crash in France, in which his passenger was killed * * * *" It should read that way for a reason. And that is: to say it your way seems to assign blame to Romney FOR the accident. But that's a claim you cannot support.

Witnesses did claim Catholic priest Albert Marie, 46, of Sireuil, France, was drunk when the crash happened but this was never verified.
Local police don’t have any records of the accident because their documents are destroyed after ten years, reported the Boston Globe
So, what's the basis for even suggesting or implying that Romney killed anybody?

strict liability?
The shocking pictures that show how Mitt Romney almost died as a young Mormon missionary | Mail Online

Romney was involved in a car crash in France, killing his passenger while "normal" men in this country were fighting in Vietnam.

That was phrased quite poorly. To CORRECT it, the sentence SHOULD read as follows:

"Romney was involved in a car crash in France, in which his passenger was killed * * * *" It should read that way for a reason. And that is: to say it your way seems to assign blame to Romney FOR the accident. But that's a claim you cannot support.

Local police don’t have any records of the accident because their documents are destroyed after ten years, reported the Boston Globe
So, what's the basis for even suggesting or implying that Romney killed anybody?

strict liability?
I do tend to be strict with my kids.

Oh wait.

I see.

My mistake.
Let's get down to basics here.

1. What Akin said was just plain dopey.
2. What he said is not even remotely akin to any alleged war against women.
3. There is no such thing as a GOP war on women.
4. Akin is not going to quit the race today.
5. He may not quit the race at all.
6. I hope he wins.
7. I also hope he stops saying such dopey things (see number 1, above).

He believes that stuff just as his co-sponsor of the "Personhood bill" - Ryan (R) does :clap2: What makes you think he doesn't believe it?

What "stuff" do you have in mind? What is the meaning of "it" in that second quoted sentence?

I am pretty confident that he believes what he says, except to the extent that he came (quickly) to recognize that what he said about rape and pregnancy was misguided, stupid, erroneous and stupid. Not to mention stupid.

And stupid, too.

And, also, stupid.

But that being said, he'd still be a much better Senator than the moron currently infesting that Seat in the Senate.
Well, it's now past 5:00 pm - and Akin hasn't dropped out.

he will be retroactively forced out effective date: yesterday in november.
Let's get down to basics here.

1. What Akin said was just plain dopey.
2. What he said is not even remotely akin to any alleged war against women.
3. There is no such thing as a GOP war on women.
4. Akin is not going to quit the race today.
5. He may not quit the race at all.
6. I hope he wins.
7. I also hope he stops saying such dopey things (see number 1, above).

He believes that stuff just as his co-sponsor of the "Personhood bill" - Ryan (R) does :clap2: What makes you think he doesn't believe it?

What "stuff" do you have in mind? What is the meaning of "it" in that second quoted sentence?

I am pretty confident that he believes what he says, except to the extent that he came (quickly) to recognize that what he said about rape and pregnancy was misguided, stupid, erroneous and stupid. Not to mention stupid.

And stupid, too.

And, also, stupid.

But that being said, he'd still be a much better Senator than the moron currently infesting that Seat in the Senate.

His words are those of a social conservative evangelical just like Ryan. He was being honest about his & Ryan's beliefs (they both co-sponsored the "Personhood" bill ;) )
Well the Hannity interview just finished up. Hannity threw everything he had trying to get the guy to step aside, but as of now he's not going to do it.

What an idiot. Now this story will stay on the news cycle for who knows how long, and not only will we probably lose the Missouri seat, but this could end up around the neck of Romney.
Well the Hannity interview just finished up. Hannity threw everything he had trying to get the guy to step aside, but as of now he's not going to do it.

What an idiot. Now this story will stay on the news cycle for who knows how long, and not only will we probably lose the Missouri seat, but this could end up around the neck of Romney.

on the bright side, you cannot lose what you did not have in the first place.
the guy aint stupid but he's having the effect on the race of an Angle(R), O'Donnell(R), or a Buck(R) ;)

Thanks Repubs :thumbs up:
Well the Hannity interview just finished up. Hannity threw everything he had trying to get the guy to step aside, but as of now he's not going to do it.

What an idiot. Now this story will stay on the news cycle for who knows how long, and not only will we probably lose the Missouri seat, but this could end up around the neck of Romney.

on the bright side, you cannot lose what you did not have in the first place.

What I should have said and meant, was that it was a seat we would have likely picked up, and now it's likely doomed.
Well the Hannity interview just finished up. Hannity threw everything he had trying to get the guy to step aside, but as of now he's not going to do it.

What an idiot. Now this story will stay on the news cycle for who knows how long, and not only will we probably lose the Missouri seat, but this could end up around the neck of Romney.

on the bright side, you cannot lose what you did not have in the first place.

What I should have said and meant, was that it was a seat we would have likely picked up, and now it's likely doomed.

it is okay. i could not resist that cheap shot.

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