Todd Akin was forced out of the race by the WOMEN FRIENDLY GOP

I'm thinking if he stays in, there will be a push for one his primary opponents to go third party. Is that possible?

No indication he's out yet.
Todd Akin ignores first deadline to drop out of Missouri race. Now what?
Christian Science Monitor* - by Linda Feldmann* - 1 hour ago

Republican Party Wants Antigay Rep. Todd Akin Out of Race* - 3 hours ago
I'm thinking if he stays in, there will be a push for one his primary opponents to go third party. Is that possible?

No indication he's out yet.

That's because the polls show he'll win. Why quit when you're ahead?
I see go for it. Good on him. The GOP has been eating its own and falling on its sword for too long. A Dem would have laughed this off and gotten a pass a long time ago.
His lead has fallen 5 or 6 points in less than three days to 1 point lead.

Let's see where it is next week?

I'm thinking if he stays in, there will be a push for one his primary opponents to go third party. Is that possible?

No indication he's out yet.

That's because the polls show he'll win. Why quit when you're ahead?
I see go for it. Good on him. The GOP has been eating its own and falling on its sword for too long. A Dem would have laughed this off and gotten a pass a long time ago.
I'm thinking if he stays in, there will be a push for one his primary opponents to go third party. Is that possible?

No indication he's out yet.

That's because the polls show he'll win. Why quit when you're ahead?
I see go for it. Good on him. The GOP has been eating its own and falling on its sword for too long. A Dem would have laughed this off and gotten a pass a long time ago.
For some reason I'm thinking of Tarkin on the Death Star when you say that.

It was an incredibly stupid thing to say and the polling data hasn't caught up with it. Plus, it puts the GOP in a tight spot. They can't support him after calling for him to drop and the Romney super PAC's can't go back in without risking bringing Akin into the national spotlight.

Meanwhile Caskill gets buckets of free press and enough ammunition to bury him.

Elections are a ways out, so anything can happen, but I think come November there's a good chance we will be blaming Akin for a democrat senate
lol.. .he wasn't forced out because the right loves women. he was forced out because his position was so sick that they couldn't spin it.

maybe you should be honest about that, gramps. :)
Plus it allows Ryan to try to distance himself from the same belief system.

Ryan is a practicing Catholic and I doubt he will change his belief system. Do you have a problem with all Christians, or just Catholics?

where is it written that catholics don't think that women don't get pregnant if they're "legitimately raped"?
Meanwhile, back in reality:


Sorry barb, but people yell rape when it didnt happen too.......I know of a case, do you?

you know, if a woman lies about that she should be prosecuted and have to compensate the people she lied about.

but that isn't what we're talking about. and a moron saying women don't get pregnant if they're "legitimately" raped isn't defensible.
It's amazing how well the double standard is rigged. The media kept quiet about Bubba Clinton's serial abuse of women and allegations of rape and the party of no family values downplayed Barney Frank's apartment used as a call-boy prostitution ring but the minute a republican makes a mis-statement the tax exempt left wing watchdogs pounce. It must be easy running as a democrat.

Media "kept it quiet" eh?

Maybe that's why we knew all about Paula Jones (Who posed in Playboy), Gennifer Flowers and the New York Times ran the Clinton's detailed private testimony about his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

That's probably why, what in other countries would be considered trival and expected, it nearly brought down a popular..and highly successful President.

It's the same "media" you guys hold as "left" wing..that has accused Clinton of murder and rape.

And.."missing" opportunities to get Bin Laden.

It does all this while missing the villiainy of the Reagan administration (Supporting the contras, who raped and killed American nuns..and the treachery that was making deals with the Iranians holding American Hostages for political gain).

I bet you can't name a single affair that Gingrich had..

That woman he's married to now? Callista?

He was screwing her while his former wife was sick was cancer. And he's a standard bearer for your team.
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Sallow, 90% of Clinton's problems were of his own making.

After the Gennifer Flowers thing, he should have never put himself in a position where he found himself alone with a woman ever again.

He did the exact opposite, hitting on any tail within range.

He could have gotten out of the whole mess by just settling with Paula Jones when she initially sued. Instead, he escalated a nucience lawsuit into a constitutional crisis. And he ended up paying her three times what she originally asked for.

Final note. He was also the idiot who ressurected the Independent Counsel Statue, which had been allowed to mercifully die under Bush-41. It was always a bad law, the conduct of Lawrence Walsh (Can't get North, so let's go after Cap Weinberger for not realizing meetings notes is a "diary" because I said so.) being proof of that.

So he resurrected this monster and then complained it made his life miserable? Seriously?
Meanwhile, back in reality:

Sorry barb, but people yell rape when it didnt happen too.......I know of a case, do you?

you know, if a woman lies about that she should be prosecuted and have to compensate the people she lied about.

but that isn't what we're talking about. and a moron saying women don't get pregnant if they're "legitimately" raped isn't defensible.

Wow. A politician said something stupid. Drum him out of office.
If we did that Congress would be a ghost town.
How does the view of the extremists that support abortion on demand differ from yours?

Are all rape accusations legitimate? Is statutory rape where the boy is 17 and the girl is 18, and they both consent, legitimate rape, or is it merely a legal fiction involving arbitrary age of consent laws?

What makes a bill that prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion controversial? The Hyde amendment, which is a law that is passed every year, does exactly the same thing, and routinely gets wide bipartisan support. Is that also controversial, even though Obama has signed it more than once?

Do you do anything other than parrot stupid stories you come across?

Hey quantum airbag, I don't support 'abortion on demand up to and including labor'. I have NEVER stated that or even hinted that. I have NEVER heard any liberal call for 'abortion on demand up to and including labor'. And the fact that you used the term 'abortion on demand' proves YOU are nothing but an empty headed parrot who squawks whatever you are fed by propagandists.

I believe a woman has the INDIVIDUAL right to make the decision if she wants to continue a pregnancy. The decision is not YOURS, mine, Obama's, or any party. The law is extreme only that it is extremely FAIR. If YOU don't want to have an abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE.

Hey frgn, I didn't say you did, I asked you to articulate the difference between your views and those of someone who does. The amazing thing is you can't actually do so. I wonder what the reason for that is.

I believe a woman has a right to choose anything she wants also, up to and including murdering the idiot that got her pregnant. The difference is that I recognize the difference between making a choice and doing something. If she chooses to act on her choice to commit murder the government gets to step in and punish her actions, not her choice.

Isn't that ironic. Just as I have always said, you right wingers LOVE government when it intervenes and invades people's lives who you have contempt for...women, minorities, gays, the poor. But now, YOU want to call it murder and have the government use it's power to break the law of the land. Having an abortion is LEGAL within the time frame set down as viable, usually the first trimester.
First they withdrew his financing and he has caved to the parties demand that he step down. Seems the gop police's themselves fairly well. So now we won't see any more GOP rape threads right?

I won't be holding my breath for honesty from most of you.
ONTD_Political - Breaking: Todd Akin Quitting Senate Race, GOP Politicos State

Yeah but didn't the Dumb Fuck wait until after the dead line to get his name off the Ballot? If so now the only way to get his name off the Ballot it to have a court with 4 Democrat and 2 Republican Appointed Judges agree to have it removed.


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