Todd Akin was forced out of the race by the WOMEN FRIENDLY GOP

I heard on Fox a little bit ago that this jerk may be cracking and has a back door way out. I missed any details, however.
Aww, come on, Jake, you were the one who said Romney was the guy who was going to take the party back from the Zealots and Teabaggers. So the conversation I supposed went like this.

Magic Underwear Mitt: "We need you to drop out of the race."

AKin "No!"

MUM: "Ohhhhhh, Please, Todd".

Akin "Did I ever mention what Missourians did to your cult at Huan's Mill?"

MUM: (wets himself, goes off cowering in the corner.) "Not in the face, not in the face!"

What you think is immaterial about Romney, has been for six months or more.

That will cost my Republican Party dearly, I am afraid.

I'm still waiting for you to explain to me how Romney has taken the party back from the Tea-Tards, Jake.

Looks like they are pretty much still in charge to me.
Aww, come on, Jake, you were the one who said Romney was the guy who was going to take the party back from the Zealots and Teabaggers. So the conversation I supposed went like this.

Magic Underwear Mitt: "We need you to drop out of the race."

AKin "No!"

MUM: "Ohhhhhh, Please, Todd".

Akin "Did I ever mention what Missourians did to your cult at Huan's Mill?"

MUM: (wets himself, goes off cowering in the corner.) "Not in the face, not in the face!"

What you think is immaterial about Romney, has been for six months or more.

I'm still waiting for you to explain to me how Romney has taken the party back from the Tea-Tards, Jake.

Looks like they are pretty much still in charge to me.

You guys have no Credibility on the Subject of who is a Moderate and who is not. You Label anyone running on the GOP ticket as Extreme Right wing, not matter how Moderate their Record. McCain and Romney are Prime Examples. Both do not come from the Far right of the GOP, Both were Moderates picked to Placate those who say we can pick Right wingers, and yet you guys attack/attacked both as Right wingers.

Why would anyone listen to what you have to say?
Only wacks of the far left listen with reverence to JoeB on Romney and Republicanism.

Joe is here only for grins and chuckles.
You guys have no Credibility on the Subject of who is a Moderate and who is not. You Label anyone running on the GOP ticket as Extreme Right wing, not matter how Moderate their Record. McCain and Romney are Prime Examples. Both do not come from the Far right of the GOP, Both were Moderates picked to Placate those who say we can pick Right wingers, and yet you guys attack/attacked both as Right wingers.

Why would anyone listen to what you have to say?

I'm not sure who "you guys" are.

I think Romney has no core convitions, other than his devotion to the LDS Cult. I think if he thought he could win as a communist, he'd be spewing Das Kapital.

I voted for McCain. I like McCain. But ran a shitty campaign.
Only wacks of the far left listen with reverence to JoeB on Romney and Republicanism.

Joe is here only for grins and chuckles.

Duly noted you couldn't answer my point, guy.

Romney is completely cowering before the Teabaggers. And more importantly, no one in the party does anything because he says so. This is not leadership. You claim you were an officer, if a Sergeant told you to fuck off, and everyone saw it, you'd be done if you didn't get ahead of that shit quickly.

Akin just told Romney to Fuck off.
Yes, I have.. and frankly, your desperation is showing.

Hey, you can speculate as to why I hate Mormons again. That never gets old.
Plus it allows Ryan to try to distance himself from the same belief system.

Ryan is a practicing Catholic and I doubt he will change his belief system. Do you have a problem with all Christians, or just Catholics?

where is it written that catholics don't think that women don't get pregnant if they're "legitimately raped"?

I am not Catholic, but I am sure they didn't say anything about legitimate rape, nor did I say they did. Their opposition to abortion is part of their belief system, just as many other Christian faiths are.
22 pages about a guy being out of the race who's not.

The GOP is in full damage control mode at this point. It's sort of fun to watch them cannibalize one of their own. Here is what Akin said according to Wiki:

Well you know, people always want to try to make that as one of those things, well how do you, how do you slice this particularly tough sort of ethical question. First of all, from what I understand from doctors, that’s really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.

If you remove the hot-button tumult of the word "rape" from the comment, it is basically just another idiotic statement from the GOP. These are the guys who take the bible literally, don't believe in global warming, don't believe in the big bang theory, and fully believe that college is something that shouldn't be a goal for their kids.

Not all but definitely many; if not most feel exactly that way. On all three counts. Akin's comments are just another rejection of scientific fact and ignorance that goes back a long way and shows no signs of stopping. There was a guy who ran for Governor of Texas one time named Clayton Williamson who said this about rape: "'If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it.''

Is anyone surprised that Akin is carrying on this fine Republican tradition?
Only wacks of the far left listen with reverence to JoeB on Romney and Republicanism.

Joe is here only for grins and chuckles.

WOW Jake, your man crush for Mitten is turning you into Frank. It really is a sad thing to witness...SUDDENLY...moderate people are now 'wacks of the far left'

The truth Jake is, whether you are willing to admit it or not, is Mitten is not running for king. And he is not going to 'change' the GOP or the true threat to this country, people like Ryan, Akin and the wingnuts you USED to chastise. Mitten is wrapping his arms around the very people you USED to criticize.

Mitten is being stampeded, and picking Paul Ryan is the canary in the mineshaft Jake.

GOP prepares tough anti-abortion platform

The Republican Party is once again set to enshrine into its official platform support for "a human life amendment" to the Constitution that would outlaw abortion without making explicit exemptions for rape or incest.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan sharply condemned Akin's remarks and pledged that under a Romney administration, abortion would be allowed in the case of rape.

An exemption for rape, though, is not included in the platform set to be adopted by the party Romney will officially lead when he accepts the Republican nomination next week.

And Ryan, his vice presidential pick, has opposed exceptions for rape and voted alongside Akin in the House, though Ryan now says he defers to Romney's position on the matter.
I'm only going to post one response on this then be done with this topic I see predictably I might add the outrage from the left both here and in the media over this moron Akin,s stupid, disgusting, and outrageous comment and the calls for the right to condemn him which most did long before the those calls started. Now let us go back two or three weeks to that stupid, disgusting, outrageous Obama superpac ad which basically blamed Mitt Romney for a woman's death the right on here and in the conservative media called for the left to condemn that ad very few that I recall on this board in the media or even the President I believe was willing to do that. There reason for not doing so was that it was a superpac we had nothing to do with it were not responsible for it while that may be true that still should not stop one from condemning it for what it was a hateful vicious lie now Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and the Republican Party had nothing to do with Akin's comments there not any more responsible for what he say's than than Obama or the Democrats were for the superpac ad if one side is going to call on the other to condemn there own and clean there house you better be willing to condemn your own and make sure your own house clean as well being unwilling to do so makes you a hypocrite of the highest order.
I'm only going to post one response on this then be done with this topic I see predictably I might add the outrage from the left both here and in the media over this moron Akin,s stupid, disgusting, and outrageous comment and the calls for the right to condemn him which most did long before the those calls started. Now let us go back two or three weeks to that stupid, disgusting, outrageous Obama superpac ad which basically blamed Mitt Romney for a woman's death the right on here and in the conservative media called for the left to condemn that ad very few that I recall on this board in the media or even the President I believe was willing to do that. There reason for not doing so was that it was a superpac we had nothing to do with it were not responsible for it while that may be true that still should not stop one from condemning it for what it was a hateful vicious lie now Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and the Republican Party had nothing to do with Akin's comments there not any more responsible for what he say's than than Obama or the Democrats were for the superpac ad if one side is going to call on the other to condemn there own and clean there house you better be willing to condemn your own and make sure your own house clean as well being unwilling to do so makes you a hypocrite of the highest order.

Great, maybe you can tell us how Paul Ryan and Todd Akin differ on their views on abortion and women's rights?

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
If I've said it a million times I've said it once, conservatives know how to take out their own trash.
Watch and learn liberals. ;)

I'm a bit late to this thread, but...



While many Republicans may not have used Akin's blunt wording, his sentiments are not unusual in the GOP. Just two days after he made his remarks, the party voted to incorporate strict anti-abortion language into its platform, with no exception for pregnancies that result from rape or incest.

Additionally, there are more than 40 House and Senate candidates besides Akin -- including Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the man who has been tapped as Mitt Romney's vice presidential running mate -- who want to ban abortion access even for women who have been victims of rape or incest.

Todd Akin's Party: More Than 40 Republican Candidates Oppose Abortion In Cases Of Rape, Incest


I'm only going to post one response on this then be done with this topic I see predictably I might add the outrage from the left both here and in the media over this moron Akin,s stupid, disgusting, and outrageous comment and the calls for the right to condemn him which most did long before the those calls started. Now let us go back two or three weeks to that stupid, disgusting, outrageous Obama superpac ad which basically blamed Mitt Romney for a woman's death the right on here and in the conservative media called for the left to condemn that ad very few that I recall on this board in the media or even the President I believe was willing to do that. There reason for not doing so was that it was a superpac we had nothing to do with it were not responsible for it while that may be true that still should not stop one from condemning it for what it was a hateful vicious lie now Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and the Republican Party had nothing to do with Akin's comments there not any more responsible for what he say's than than Obama or the Democrats were for the superpac ad if one side is going to call on the other to condemn there own and clean there house you better be willing to condemn your own and make sure your own house clean as well being unwilling to do so makes you a hypocrite of the highest order.

Great, maybe you can tell us how Paul Ryan and Todd Akin differ on their views on abortion and women's rights?

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
I guess I will break my rule and respond though it's a waste of time. Now can you tell me how Paul Ryan's views on abortion have anything to do with Akin's comments? Did Ryan come out and say he supported Akin or his comments? Did he tell Akin to make those comments? Has Paul Ryan ever made comments like those? Ryan's views on abortion are not the issue the issue is trying to hold other's responsible for either the words or actions of another it doesn't matter if it's the left trying to hold Ryan somehow responsible for Akin's comment or the right trying to hold Obama responsible for the Romney killed my wife superpac ad. A person is only responsible for their words and actions not the words or actions of another Ryan may have similar views with Akin on abortion but that does not make Ryan responsible in any way shape or form for Akin's comments. I hope that cleared it up for you.
Hey quantum airbag, I don't support 'abortion on demand up to and including labor'. I have NEVER stated that or even hinted that. I have NEVER heard any liberal call for 'abortion on demand up to and including labor'. And the fact that you used the term 'abortion on demand' proves YOU are nothing but an empty headed parrot who squawks whatever you are fed by propagandists.

I believe a woman has the INDIVIDUAL right to make the decision if she wants to continue a pregnancy. The decision is not YOURS, mine, Obama's, or any party. The law is extreme only that it is extremely FAIR. If YOU don't want to have an abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE.

Hey frgn, I didn't say you did, I asked you to articulate the difference between your views and those of someone who does. The amazing thing is you can't actually do so. I wonder what the reason for that is.

I believe a woman has a right to choose anything she wants also, up to and including murdering the idiot that got her pregnant. The difference is that I recognize the difference between making a choice and doing something. If she chooses to act on her choice to commit murder the government gets to step in and punish her actions, not her choice.

Isn't that ironic. Just as I have always said, you right wingers LOVE government when it intervenes and invades people's lives who you have contempt for...women, minorities, gays, the poor. But now, YOU want to call it murder and have the government use it's power to break the law of the land. Having an abortion is LEGAL within the time frame set down as viable, usually the first trimester.

Still can't tell me the difference, I thought it was a simple question.
Hey frgn, I didn't say you did, I asked you to articulate the difference between your views and those of someone who does. The amazing thing is you can't actually do so. I wonder what the reason for that is.

I believe a woman has a right to choose anything she wants also, up to and including murdering the idiot that got her pregnant. The difference is that I recognize the difference between making a choice and doing something. If she chooses to act on her choice to commit murder the government gets to step in and punish her actions, not her choice.

Isn't that ironic. Just as I have always said, you right wingers LOVE government when it intervenes and invades people's lives who you have contempt for...women, minorities, gays, the poor. But now, YOU want to call it murder and have the government use it's power to break the law of the land. Having an abortion is LEGAL within the time frame set down as viable, usually the first trimester.

Still can't tell me the difference, I thought it was a simple question.

I did tell you the difference. Maybe you have too simple of a mind to comprehend it?
I'm only going to post one response on this then be done with this topic I see predictably I might add the outrage from the left both here and in the media over this moron Akin,s stupid, disgusting, and outrageous comment and the calls for the right to condemn him which most did long before the those calls started. Now let us go back two or three weeks to that stupid, disgusting, outrageous Obama superpac ad which basically blamed Mitt Romney for a woman's death the right on here and in the conservative media called for the left to condemn that ad very few that I recall on this board in the media or even the President I believe was willing to do that. There reason for not doing so was that it was a superpac we had nothing to do with it were not responsible for it while that may be true that still should not stop one from condemning it for what it was a hateful vicious lie now Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and the Republican Party had nothing to do with Akin's comments there not any more responsible for what he say's than than Obama or the Democrats were for the superpac ad if one side is going to call on the other to condemn there own and clean there house you better be willing to condemn your own and make sure your own house clean as well being unwilling to do so makes you a hypocrite of the highest order.

Great, maybe you can tell us how Paul Ryan and Todd Akin differ on their views on abortion and women's rights?

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
I guess I will break my rule and respond though it's a waste of time. Now can you tell me how Paul Ryan's views on abortion have anything to do with Akin's comments? Did Ryan come out and say he supported Akin or his comments? Did he tell Akin to make those comments? Has Paul Ryan ever made comments like those? Ryan's views on abortion are not the issue the issue is trying to hold other's responsible for either the words or actions of another it doesn't matter if it's the left trying to hold Ryan somehow responsible for Akin's comment or the right trying to hold Obama responsible for the Romney killed my wife superpac ad. A person is only responsible for their words and actions not the words or actions of another Ryan may have similar views with Akin on abortion but that does not make Ryan responsible in any way shape or form for Akin's comments. I hope that cleared it up for you.

YES, he has. In word and deed.

What Romney Wants You to Forget

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan were among the first Republicans to condemn Todd Akin, the GOP Senate candidate in Missouri who over the weekend suggested women’s bodies naturally thwart pregnancy in cases of “legitimate rape.” Maybe Romney and Ryan were anticipating the political backlash and maybe they were genuinely appalled at what Akin said. I really don’t know. I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt—and to give them credit for reacting so quickly.

But the official campaign statement included a telling postscript: “a Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape.” The clarification was necessary because Ryan has opposed such exceptions in the past. As Newsweek’s Michelle Goldberg and Salon’s Alex Seitz-Wald have pointed out, Ryan's record on abortion is extremely conservative, even by Republican standards. He has a perfect 100 rating from the National Right to Life Committee. And he’s lived up to that rating by, among other things, co-sponsoring a bill that declared “personhood” begins at fertilization—a legal standard that, if ever applied, could outlaw not just abortion but also in vitro fertilization, intrauterine devices, and some oral contraceptives. Akin was one of the other co-sponsors.

Ryan also co-sponsored (with Akin, again) a bill that would have modified the existing ban on federal funding of abortion. Presently, the law allows federal funds to support abortions in case of rape and incest. The bill would have narrowed the exceptions to cases of “forcible rape” and, for incest, cases involving minors. The legal implications of the proposed standard were unclear. But, as Nick Baumann of Mother Jones explained at the time, abortion rights advocates feared (reasonably) that victims raped while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, victims with diminished mental capacity, and victims of date rape might not be eligible if the new definition ever took effect. (For more background, see Ian Millhiser of ThinkProgress.) The bill was so controversial that House Republicans withdrew that language.

Paul Ryan’s Surprising Positions on Women’s Health and Reproductive Rights

  • Sponsored “Personhood” Bills to Outlaw ALL Abortions, Ban Common Forms of Contraception, and Prohibit In-Vitro Fertilization. Congressman Ryan co-sponsored several “personhood” bills that would give legal rights to a fetus starting at conception. The latest Ryan “personhood” bill, which Ryan and its other co-sponsors (all Republicans in the House of Representatives) called the “Sanctity of Human Life Act,” like his previous measures, declared that a fertilized egg “shall have all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood.” This would outlaw all abortion, some forms of contraception (including IUD’s and the pill), and in-vitro fertilization. This bill was introduced in the 2009-2010 Congress, failed to pass, and Congressman Ryan re-introduced the bill as late as January, 2011.

Such “Personhood bills” have been considered so radical that when placed on the ballot for a referendum vote of citizens, have failed to pass across the country — in states including Nevada, Oklahoma, Virginia, Florida, Colorado and even in ultra-Conservative Mississippi.

  • Expresses Consistent Opposition to ALL Abortions — Even in Cases of Rape or Incest or Where the Mother’s Life is at Risk. Congressman Ryan has said repeatedly that he is against ALL abortions, even in cases of rape and incest, or where the Mother’s life is at risk. In July, 2010, he told the Weekly Standard, a Conservative publication, “I’m as pro-life as a person gets. You’re not going to have a truce. Judges are going to come up. Issues come up, they’re unavoidable, and I’m never going to not vote pro-life.”

  • Cast 59 Votes Against Women’s Choice in Congress. Congressman Ryan has consistently sponsored legislation and has voted to ban all abortions. According to NARAL, “During his time in the House, Rep. Ryan has cast 59 votes on abortion and other reproductive rights issues. All of these votes were anti-choice.

  • Supported Allowing Emergency Rooms to Deny Emergency Abortion Where the Woman is Likely to Die Without It. Congressman Ryan supported a highly controversial bill that many women called the “Let Women Die Act,” which would have allowed hospitals to refuse to provide emergency abortion care to a woman, even if her life is at severe risk.

  • Wants to Overturn Roe v. Wade. Congressman Ryan strongly favors overturning Roe v. Wade. In his own words, he has compared the decision (which guaranteed a woman’s right to choose and have control over her own reproductive health) to the Dred Scott Decision (the 1857 Supreme Court decision that allowed slavery to continue at that time).

  • Sponsored Legislation For Forced Ultrasounds. Congressman Ryan co-sponsored the so-called “Ultrasound Informed Consent Act” (H.R.3805, 112th Cong. § 2 – in 2012) requiring a woman to undergo a forced ultrasound even if not medically necessary before receiving abortion services, and even if against the woman’s will.

  • Voted Repeatedly to Deny Military Women Access to Abortion, Even if They Pay for It Themselves. Congressman Ryan repeatedly voted to deny women in the military – who defend our freedom overseas – the right to use their own, private funds for abortion care at military hospitals. (See e.g. the many amendments to ban availability of abortions to military women that Congressman Ryan voted for from 1999 through 2007, as listed in Note 9 to NARAL’s Report.)
  • Sponsored Legislation and Voted to Defund Planned Parenthood. Congressman Ryan sponsored legislation and voted consistently to defund Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood is a nonprofit organization that provides low-cost preventive health care to millions of American women — and is the only health care provider that many women can afford or access.Representative Ryan and other Republicans have consistently misrepresented what percentage of the care provided by Planned Parenthood includes abortions. They have falsely claimed that over 90% of the care provided by Planned Parenthood consists of abortions — an assertion called blatantly FALSE by PolitiFact. In fact, only 3% of the health care services provided by Planned Parenthood involve abortions, and over 97% of services include preventive health care for women — including such services as breast cancer screenings, procedures to prevent cervical cancer, ovarian cancer treatment, Pap Smears and HPV Tests, pelvic exams, female infertility treatment, and treatments for infections.

These are just a few of Congressman Ryan’s consistent positions against women’s health and reproductive choice. For a more detailed list, see NARAL’s report on Congressman Paul Ryan.

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