Todd Dumping Sarah (aka Mama Grizzly) for incompatibility of temperament.

His sarcasm is inadvertently accurate. And this is another lame lefty attempt at wagging the dog. Lefties using anecdotes to justify their own lack of self discipline and standards.
Broken families are policy for democrats.

LOL, How can it be you need a policy party-line/label to be a good family?

Hey DOPer, are you telling me Sarah is a closet Democrat?

I would tell Sarah Skank to offer a Japanese Tea Ceremony to fix this issue.
But Sarah is a whitey only racist, so that's out.

Try responding to my post.

His sarcasm is inadvertently accurate. And this is another lame lefty attempt at wagging the dog. Lefties using anecdotes to justify their own lack of self discipline and standards.
Broken families are policy for democrats.

LOL, How can it be you need a policy party-line/label to be a good family?

Hey DOPer, are you telling me Sarah is a closet Democrat?

I would tell Sarah Skank to offer a Japanese Tea Ceremony to fix this issue.
But Sarah is a whitey only racist, so that's out.

Broken families are policy for democrats. Single mom by choice and legal homo marriage. Both circumstances promoted by dems and both result in kids missing a parent.
You think the Palin situation is enough to represent every structured family.

Single moms by choice? So any single mom is not a good parent or mom.
Or a good family. What does Homo have to do with any thang?

Just give the taxpayer his money. These things would exist anyway. But you promote it. Give us our money and you pay for it. This game is dangerous because more and more people will not get off their azzes and the taxes will rise to numbers that cause major disruptions in a nation's well being. We all make excuses. You got one for everyone for everything you helped to increase.

His sarcasm is inadvertently accurate. And this is another lame lefty attempt at wagging the dog. Lefties using anecdotes to justify their own lack of self discipline and standards.
Broken families are policy for democrats.

LOL, How can it be you need a policy party-line/label to be a good family?

Hey DOPer, are you telling me Sarah is a closet Democrat?

I would tell Sarah Skank to offer a Japanese Tea Ceremony to fix this issue.
But Sarah is a whitey only racist, so that's out.

Try responding to my post.

I did.

And FYI. Did you forget her Emails as a 1/2 term Gov. of AK failure DOPer Proud Leader?

They have Lawyers. WHEE!
LOL! "Sarah is clearly ready for battle in the divorce brought by Todd Palin. The two did recently agree to keep the proceedings sealed from the public."
Sarah Palin Hires Big Shot Alaska Lawyer to Fight Todd in Divorce Battle

Sarah got
Sarah Palin Hires Big Shot Alaska Lawyer to Fight Todd in Divorce Battle

Todd got.

Kimberlee Colbo to represent him in the case. The lawyer is the same who repped Dakota Meyer in his divorce from Bristol Palin.

WHEE! Let the Exposures fly!

FYI: Alaska Survey Research, Palin was viewed negatively by just over half of voters (51 percent) while a far lower amount (31 percent) said they had a favorable view of the ex-governor.

This will not stay private.
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Always good to see the hypocritical left-wing going full retard on a forum. "Don't judge me!" and then they stand around judging non-stop.

No, they won't. Why would they? That makes no sense.

The whole point of Christianity, is that we have all fallen, and need help and repentance.
The fake lord is doing her real good.

What, in that story, is caused by the Lord?

People make bad choices. Maybe you didn't read your Bible, but that's throughout the whole book, from Genesis, to Revelations, it is all about people making mistakes, repenting, and moving forward.

In fact, that's one of the reasons I accepted that the Bible is real, compared to the other belief systems, including Atheism.

Atheists, can't even follow their own rules, like tolerating others, and they are least tolerant people.

All of those other belief systems, including Atheism, make claims about how man isn't flawed... and then prove by every possible measure they are entirely flawed. Don't judge people.... and then you have a thread about Sarah Palin, and judges her non-stop.

The Bible is the one religious text that is thousands of years old, the accurately describes human beings, as they really are.

I would cite this thread itself, as proof of the accuracy of the Bible.

Gods do not exist, never have. The Bible, well 16 plus revision of, were written by Flim Flam Artist to get you to pay their way. Which makes you devotees look
foolish in public as a devotee of a scam cult. The True Evildoers, the lords Mormons.
To enslave the weak minds. The cowards of this world who can't deal with the reality of life. Who needs a fake made-up magic man
to justify their failures in life.

You are not exactly convincing me that your world view is better. :)
Living, in Reality, is always good. I don't give fake things my time. After identifing they are fake/made-up things.

While you imagine Trump is going to prison and Mueller was going to save you.

Sure honey. Sure thing
Hey OP, this really isn't any of your business, and it's certainly not something to laugh and celebrate about. But then again, you have an extensive history of being an asshole, so no surprise.
One. It's a Public Story, Published in the News.
Two. Mama Smelly Skank is a Public Stinky fish market when she slithers past.
Three. The Stupid Skank earned these remarks, as to the remarks it spews in public.

btw: Bring on the Public divorce stories of how fake she is. I feel Todd will expose the brain dead kid is not birthed by Mama Skank.

Look at what emerges from the black hearts of these people. Own this, Leftists. I have know it for a long, long time.

"Brain dead kid". He's speaking of the child with Down Syndrome, of course.

The very heart of Leftism. Godless, anti-human. Own it.
These clowns' 15 minutes were up a long time ago. They have managed to make a mockery of the nation, the republican party, and the Christian faith. Let them just fade away.
These clowns' 15 minutes were up a long time ago. They have managed to make a mockery of the nation, the republican party, and the Christian faith. Let them just fade away.

When can we hear from jbander on this as well? Soon I hope
These clowns' 15 minutes were up a long time ago. They have managed to make a mockery of the nation, the republican party, and the Christian faith. Let them just fade away.

When can we hear from jbander on this as well? Soon I hope
You like the cheap ones. I don't. How's frankie?

I feel bad for you Lysistrata. So many things you believe in your head are just not so, and you're too old to change your mind.
These clowns' 15 minutes were up a long time ago. They have managed to make a mockery of the nation, the republican party, and the Christian faith. Let them just fade away.

When can we hear from jbander on this as well? Soon I hope
You like the cheap ones. I don't. How's frankie?

I feel bad for you Lysistrata. So many things you believe in your head are just not so, and you're too old to change your mind.

Go back to bed. Your master might need servicing. You seem so afraid that I see you for what you are and what your kind are trying to do to our nation, stupid cult jerk.
These clowns' 15 minutes were up a long time ago. They have managed to make a mockery of the nation, the republican party, and the Christian faith. Let them just fade away.

When can we hear from jbander on this as well? Soon I hope
You like the cheap ones. I don't. How's frankie?

I feel bad for you Lysistrata. So many things you believe in your head are just not so, and you're too old to change your mind.

Go back to bed. Your master might need servicing. You seem so afraid that I see you for what you are and what your kind are trying to do to our nation, stupid cult jerk.

Here's the thing honey. I fully understand you. You so completely do not understand me, my life, or how I think. This is clear to everyone.
These clowns' 15 minutes were up a long time ago. They have managed to make a mockery of the nation, the republican party, and the Christian faith. Let them just fade away.

When can we hear from jbander on this as well? Soon I hope
You like the cheap ones. I don't. How's frankie?

I feel bad for you Lysistrata. So many things you believe in your head are just not so, and you're too old to change your mind.

Yup, too late for his epiphany and your wisdom has a friend..... :wink_2:

ABikerSailor said:
But, apparently their marriage was strong enough to endure the problems.
Hill Clinging Desperately To The Coat-Tails Of A Man
To Drag Her To The Top Halls Of Power

Then She Falls "SPLAT" On Her Face...TWICE !!

Do They Even Live At The Same Place, At The Same Time ??
Andylusion said:
You are not exactly convincing me that your world view is better.
Not Convincing Me His Life Is Any Better
They All Sound Dismal, Miserable, Mockers

Critical Theory/Thinking I Believe They Call It
These clowns' 15 minutes were up a long time ago. They have managed to make a mockery of the nation, the republican party, and the Christian faith. Let them just fade away.

When can we hear from jbander on this as well? Soon I hope
You like the cheap ones. I don't. How's frankie?

I feel bad for you Lysistrata. So many things you believe in your head are just not so, and you're too old to change your mind.

Go back to bed. Your master might need servicing. You seem so afraid that I see you for what you are and what your kind are trying to do to our nation, stupid cult jerk.

Here's the thing honey. I fully understand you. You so completely do not understand me, my life, or how I think. This is clear to everyone.

I fully understand you and your choice of lifestyle. You don't understand me, my life, or how I think. Just do not attempt to recruit kids into your lifestyle. I think that you are an active recruiter. Leave the kids alone.
When can we hear from jbander on this as well? Soon I hope
You like the cheap ones. I don't. How's frankie?

I feel bad for you Lysistrata. So many things you believe in your head are just not so, and you're too old to change your mind.

Go back to bed. Your master might need servicing. You seem so afraid that I see you for what you are and what your kind are trying to do to our nation, stupid cult jerk.

Here's the thing honey. I fully understand you. You so completely do not understand me, my life, or how I think. This is clear to everyone.

I fully understand you and your choice of lifestyle. You don't understand me, my life, or how I think. Just do not attempt to recruit kids into your lifestyle. I think that you are an active recruiter. Leave the kids alone.

You really don't. You think I admire Franklin Graham. You think my husband is my master. You rather creepily pontificate on my sex life (what is up with that, really?).

Meanwhile, I do understand Leftist feminist women, honey, I really do. Why do you need to pontificate and obsess about my life so much, even down to my sex life? I know why, sweetie. And it's for no good reasons.

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