Toddlers kill more Americans than Terrorists

why would i move...and why can you not accept this country has the worst gun stats....i am a gun owners but simply realize the possession of so many guns causes issues
the gun violence stats of this country make us look crazy to the rest of the world...

Except for every third world country out there and of course there were more people killed in just two mass shootings in Europe than we have experienced in over 20 years of mass shootings here in the US. Funny how the progressives always manage to ignore that fact.
why would i move...and why can you not accept this country has the worst gun stats....i am a gun owners but simply realize the possession of so many guns causes issues

You don't get to end civil rights for others.

Sorry that distresses you.

Bones didn't. She laments the carnage as any sane person does, but she is not an advocate for disarming anyone but the bad guys.
i am a gun again show me where i advocated taking anyones rights......i cannot help that you are paranoid and read things between the lines that are not there

Cute opinion piece with nothing whatsoever to back it up. And it is of course, completely full of poo. As are most progressive news "reports" about guns and gun control.
TRUE: More Americans Killed by Toddlers than Terrorists
This was referenced in the article.Read the story before commenting.
i am a gun again show me where i advocated taking anyones rights......i cannot help that you are paranoid and read things between the lines that are not there

This is a thread premised on a lie, with a very obvious agenda. Yes, I did lump you in with those who promote that agenda, as your post indicated that you are part of that cadre. If you are not part of the gun grabbing left, I apologize.
i am a gun again show me where i advocated taking anyones rights......i cannot help that you are paranoid and read things between the lines that are not there

This is a thread premised on a lie, with a very obvious agenda. Yes, I did lump you in with those who promote that agenda, as your post indicated that you are part of that cadre. If you are not part of the gun grabbing left, I apologize.
Its a fact not a lie.
TRUE: More Americans Killed by Toddlers than Terrorists
TRUE: More Americans Killed by Toddlers than Terrorists
This was referenced in the article.Read the story before commenting.

Comrade Pot, the attack in San Bernardino, was it terrorism?

Cutting through the bullshit on far left snopes, we find that a total of 3 people were shot and killed by toddlers. You of the left lie, incessantly. Demagoguery is your one tool and you use it in every case. It is a tragedy that children pick up guns and end up killing themselves. but it is NOT an act of killing others. Yes, I realize you demagogues think yourselves clever in your dishonest phrasing. You're not clever, just dishonest.

Such is the left.

Cute opinion piece with nothing whatsoever to back it up. And it is of course, completely full of poo. As are most progressive news "reports" about guns and gun control.
TRUE: More Americans Killed by Toddlers than Terrorists
This was referenced in the article.Read the story before commenting.

Once again, bullshit. Terrorist killings are frequently classified as workplace violence by our so called justice system in an effort to perpetuate just this sort of bullshit. Also the snopes folks don't bother to source ANY of the shooting data. Not one outside link to support their claim. They give you a figure and that's it. There are NO links to outside source material supporting the veracity of the numbers. Where I come from that means their opinion isn't worth a damned thing. You English types must have a much lower standard for what you consider to be useful information.

Try again. This is OPINION, not fact. Learn the difference.

Cute opinion piece with nothing whatsoever to back it up. And it is of course, completely full of poo. As are most progressive news "reports" about guns and gun control.
TRUE: More Americans Killed by Toddlers than Terrorists
This was referenced in the article.Read the story before commenting.

Once again, bullshit. Terrorist killings are frequently classified as workplace violence by our so called justice system in an effort to perpetuate just this sort of bullshit. Also the snopes folks don't bother to source ANY of the shooting data. Not one outside link to support their claim. They give you a figure and that's it. There are NO links to outside source material supporting the veracity of the numbers. Where I come from that means their opinion isn't worth a damned thing. You English types must have a much lower standard for what you consider to be useful information.

Try again. This is OPINION, not fact. Learn the difference.
Perhaps you could point out a few "workplace violence" killings to back up your claim.
You may not like the evidence but be honest enough to deal with it. Just one more thing.The fact that you are quibbling about the numbers kind of indicates that there is an issue here. That is an opinion.
On December 2, 2015, 14 people were killed and 22 were seriously injured in a terrorist attack at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, which consisted of a mass shooting and an attempted bombing. The perpetrators, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married couple living in the city of Redlands, targeted a San Bernardino County Department of Public Health training event and holiday party, of about 80 employees, in a rented banquet room. Farook was an American-born U.S. citizen of Pakistani descent, who worked as a health department employee. Malik was a Pakistani-born lawful permanent resident of the United States.

After the shooting, the couple fled in a rented sport utility vehicle (SUV). Four hours later, police pursued their vehicle and killed them in a shootout. On December 3, 2015, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) opened a counter-terrorism investigation. On December 6, 2015, in a prime-time address delivered from the Oval Office, President Barack Obama defined the shooting as an act of terrorism.

2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One short of 15 in a single incident.

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