Toddlers kill more Americans than Terrorists

Cute opinion piece with nothing whatsoever to back it up. And it is of course, completely full of poo. As are most progressive news "reports" about guns and gun control.
TRUE: More Americans Killed by Toddlers than Terrorists
This was referenced in the article.Read the story before commenting.

Once again, bullshit. Terrorist killings are frequently classified as workplace violence by our so called justice system in an effort to perpetuate just this sort of bullshit. Also the snopes folks don't bother to source ANY of the shooting data. Not one outside link to support their claim. They give you a figure and that's it. There are NO links to outside source material supporting the veracity of the numbers. Where I come from that means their opinion isn't worth a damned thing. You English types must have a much lower standard for what you consider to be useful information.

Try again. This is OPINION, not fact. Learn the difference.
Perhaps you could point out a few "workplace violence" killings to back up your claim.
You may not like the evidence but be honest enough to deal with it. Just one more thing.The fact that you are quibbling about the numbers kind of indicates that there is an issue here. That is an opinion.

Ft. Hood TX is STILL classified as workplace violence silly boy. Try and keep up.
So, is your position that toddlers are slightly less dangerous than terrorists ?

Such poor debate skills. You stated toddlers killed more US citizens than terrorists in 2015. I disproved your OP. You are more than welcome to start another thread on your "new" theory. This one failed. :(
So, is your position that toddlers are slightly less dangerous than terrorists ?

Such poor debate skills. You stated toddlers killed more US citizens than terrorists in 2015. I disproved your OP. You are more than welcome to start another thread on your "new" theory. This one failed. :(

Tommy, like most progs, can't debate. It takes intellect to debate. They merely parrot that which their masters tell them too. They truly are incapable of thinking for themselves.
Tommy, like most progs, can't debate. It takes intellect to debate. They merely parrot that which their masters tell them too. They truly are incapable of thinking for themselves.

Yeah, we are freaking public service announcements.
So, is your position that toddlers are slightly less dangerous than terrorists ?

Such poor debate skills. You stated toddlers killed more US citizens than terrorists in 2015. I disproved your OP. You are more than welcome to start another thread on your "new" theory. This one failed. :(

Absolutely not. You havent proved anything. San Bernadino is still to be decided on by the FBI.

In fact if you read this article it suggests that the toddlers would have no trouble whatsoever in beating those nasty jihadis over a 10 year period.

But putting that to one side..............................can you not see the ridiculousness of your argument ? You are firstly, denying the evidence and then, when spanked on that, you are trying to split hairs on whether TODDLERS are a bigger threat than TERRORISTS.

I have sent this link to friends so that they can laugh at the utter insanity of gun nuts.
So, is your position that toddlers are slightly less dangerous than terrorists ?

Such poor debate skills. You stated toddlers killed more US citizens than terrorists in 2015. I disproved your OP. You are more than welcome to start another thread on your "new" theory. This one failed. :(

Tommy, like most progs, can't debate. It takes intellect to debate. They merely parrot that which their masters tell them too. They truly are incapable of thinking for themselves.
You are just embarrassed because I showed you up earlier. Everybody saw it kid. Just take it on the chin and learn from it.
So, is your position that toddlers are slightly less dangerous than terrorists ?

Such poor debate skills. You stated toddlers killed more US citizens than terrorists in 2015. I disproved your OP. You are more than welcome to start another thread on your "new" theory. This one failed. :(

Absolutely not. You havent proved anything. San Bernadino is still to be decided on by the FBI.

In fact if you read this article it suggests that the toddlers would have no trouble whatsoever in beating those nasty jihadis over a 10 year period.

But putting that to one side..............................can you not see the ridiculousness of your argument ? You are firstly, denying the evidence and then, when spanked on that, you are trying to split hairs on whether TODDLERS are a bigger threat than TERRORISTS.

I have sent this link to friends so that they can laugh at the utter insanity of gun nuts.

What evidence? An opinion piece by a notoriously anti gun publication? Give me a break dude. It's you who have presented no facts.
You are just embarrassed because I showed you up earlier. Everybody saw it kid. Just take it on the chin and learn from it.

It's horrible that there are parents so irresponsible that they fail to secure dangerous items in the home.

430 children under age 6 died last year from poison.

Poison Statistics National Data 2014

But just like your false stat on guns, these were ACCIDENTAL deaths, no one was "killed" as you dishonestly and maliciously claimed.

Guns, knives, toxic cleaning supplies, plastic bags, etc. must all be secured when there are young children.

Should we outlaw bleach? No, only a complete moron would advocate such idiocy. Should we outlaw gun? Again, only a complete moron would advocate such idiocy.
So, is your position that toddlers are slightly less dangerous than terrorists ?

Such poor debate skills. You stated toddlers killed more US citizens than terrorists in 2015. I disproved your OP. You are more than welcome to start another thread on your "new" theory. This one failed. :(

Tommy, like most progs, can't debate. It takes intellect to debate. They merely parrot that which their masters tell them too. They truly are incapable of thinking for themselves.
You are just embarrassed because I showed you up earlier. Everybody saw it kid. Just take it on the chin and learn from it.

Sure thing junior. You couldn't show up a tadpole much less me.
Your dishonesty when presented with facts and having lost a debate is a repeated failure on your part Tommy. You really should stick to the protection of the CDZ where your betters can run interference with deleting posts and placing posters on discouraged poster status.
320 MILLION citizens and 20 million illegals and you are worried because there were 33 shootings by toddlers? I assume you are JUST terrified to go to a hospital since 120 thousand people die there a year due to accident and malpractice? Or you must be petrified of driving since over 30000 die a year in car accidents and tens of thousands more are injured.

You don't like the 2nd amendment? Get a new amendment made and passed getting rid of it. Until you do I and every other American have a CONSTITUTIONAL protected right to own carry and possess firearms.
320 MILLION citizens and 20 million illegals and you are worried because there were 33 shootings by toddlers? I assume you are JUST terrified to go to a hospital since 120 thousand people die there a year due to accident and malpractice? Or you must be petrified of driving since over 30000 die a year in car accidents and tens of thousands more are injured.

You don't like the 2nd amendment? Get a new amendment made and passed getting rid of it. Until you do I and every other American have a CONSTITUTIONAL protected right to own carry and possess firearms.
Don't bother.. he is not American. He is in Wales or somewhere over there in GB. He just trolls on USMB for some reason. If you just scroll by his troll threads they die a natural death quickly.
They don't really keep stats on how many kids are saved by a gun defending kids do they?

Nor do they keep stats on the number of Muslims who defend people either, do they?

Nor do they keep stats on the number of gun defenses that would be unnecessary if guns weren't in society either, do they?
They don't really keep stats on how many kids are saved by a gun defending kids do they?

Nor do they keep stats on the number of Muslims who defend people either, do they?

Nor do they keep stats on the number of gun defenses that would be unnecessary if guns weren't in society either, do they?
They also dont keep stats on the number of near misses. Where toddlers get hold of a gun but nobody gets hurt.The gun nuts would probably guesstimate that at about 1.5m times a year.

There is an inherent dishonesty at play here. The gun lobby is obviously in the bunker and terrified that someone may take their toys away. I understand that.
The mature response would be to admit that there is a problem with the way that guns are held in domestic homes and look for solutions to the problem.
But that isnt going to happen with people who are absolutely desperate to prove that toddlers have killed less Americans than ISIS.
Your nuttiness is a source of humour to those of us with a taste for the bizarre.

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