Told ya! Only a matter of time. Gop goes after gays - AGAIN!



Boehner hires lawyer to oppose gay rights – wants to bill DOJ

House Republicans have hired a prominent conservative attorney to defend the federal Defense of Marriage Act in a pending lawsuit, legal sources say, and will make an effort to divert money from the Justice Department to fund its high-profile fight.

“Not only are House Republican leaders defending the indefensible, they’ve brought in a high-priced attorney to deny federal recognition to loving, married couples,” said Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign. “Speaker Boehner appears ready to go to great lengths, and the great expense of a high-power law firm, to try to score some cheap political points on the backs of same-sex couples…”

Boehner hires lawyer to oppose gay rights – wants to bill DOJ « Eideard

Boehner seeks to divert funds for gay marriage fight

Boehner said he has directed the House's counsel and the House Administration Committee to ensure that there are "sufficient resources" and expertise to defend the law. Paul Clement, a former solicitor general for President George W. Bush, has been retained by Boehner and the Republicans to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, according to news reports.


Told ya.

Muslims, Hispanics, gays, nurses, teachers, women's rights.

Wanna bet it's because the "War on the Elderly" isn't going well?
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I gotta admit, this is pretty stupid move by Boehner. Not that I don't agree with the political idea behind it. It's just that we have FAR greater things to worry about.

If our country goes bankrupt, the fags won't have the $$ to buy a marriage license anyway.
I gotta admit, this is pretty stupid move by Boehner. Not that I don't agree with the political idea behind it. It's just that we have FAR greater things to worry about.

If our country goes bankrupt, the fags won't have the $$ to buy a marriage license anyway.

I gotta admit, this is pretty stupid move by Boehner. Not that I don't agree with the political idea behind it. It's just that we have FAR greater things to worry about.

If our country goes bankrupt, the fags won't have the $$ to buy a marriage license anyway.


A Fag was commonly referred in the 16th and 17th century as a bundle of sticks. Later, in the 1960's, a fag was a term used for a single cigarette.....
A Fag was used as the term for a servant/slave in the Victorian era onwards in private and public school boarding establishments in England. The elder upper class students would have a younger child fag for them. .......i thought you were educated?.....
Told ya! Only a matter of time. Gop goes after gays

You can take the boy out of the airport restroom stall, but you can't take the airport restroom stall out of the boy.
Democrats are perverts

   [v. per-vurt; n. pur-vert] Show IPA

–verb (used with object)
to affect with perversion.

to lead astray morally.

to turn away from the right course.

to lead into mental error or false judgment.

to turn to an improper use; misapply.

to misconstrue or misinterpret, especially deliberately; distort: to pervert someone's statement.

to bring to a less excellent state; vitiate; debase.

Pathology . to change to what is unnatural or abnormal.

Democrats, progressives, liberals, or leftists?

Of course, they could just be insane.
Told ya! Only a matter of time. Gop goes after gays - AGAIN!


Usually when the thread title is a blatant lie as to what the article is really about I stop reading.

If you have to deceive people with a false thread title you've already lost.

I always liked the rule we had on another forum I used to moderate at that stated the thread title had to match the article title. We had to implement it when people like the OP abused it and just made up titles to fit their political agenda.
I gotta admit, this is pretty stupid move by Boehner. Not that I don't agree with the political idea behind it. It's just that we have FAR greater things to worry about.

If our country goes bankrupt, the fags won't have the $$ to buy a marriage license anyway.


I think he means we already talked about this, and everyone decided you are an idiot.
Told ya! Only a matter of time. Gop goes after gays

You can take the boy out of the airport restroom stall, but you can't take the airport restroom stall out of the boy.

Why you bring Larry Craig (R) into this? :lol:
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I am troubled by this, simply because it causes us to lose focus on the things that do matter. Things like our sluggish economy, three wars, and health care. Even though it would seem that the economy is slowly improving, we need to focus on issues that will destroy our nation. Not on keeping homosexuals from getting married.
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I gotta admit, this is pretty stupid move by Boehner. Not that I don't agree with the political idea behind it. It's just that we have FAR greater things to worry about.

If our country goes bankrupt, the fags won't have the $$ to buy a marriage license anyway.


I think he means we already talked about this, and everyone decided you are an idiot.

and yet, he's not wrong about this. the "fiscally responsible" rightwingnuts are paying $500 an hour to defend the unconstitutional defense of marriage act.

gee... there's priorities for ya.

but feel free to cut WIC.

I think he means we already talked about this, and everyone decided you are an idiot.

and yet, he's not wrong about this. the "fiscally responsible" rightwingnuts are paying $500 an hour to defend the unconstitutional defense of marriage act.

gee... there's priorities for ya.

but feel free to cut WIC.

As I pointed out in the other thread about this, and rdean actually posted, the plan is to take the $500,000 from DOJ funds.

Since you are suddenly so fiscally conservative though, I am sure you support defunding NPR, the NEA, and all the other groups, left wing and right wing, that should survive on their own.
I think he means we already talked about this, and everyone decided you are an idiot.

and yet, he's not wrong about this. the "fiscally responsible" rightwingnuts are paying $500 an hour to defend the unconstitutional defense of marriage act.

gee... there's priorities for ya.

but feel free to cut WIC.

As I pointed out in the other thread about this, and rdean actually posted, the plan is to take the $500,000 from DOJ funds.

Since you are suddenly so fiscally conservative though, I am sure you support defunding NPR, the NEA, and all the other groups, left wing and right wing, that should survive on their own.

why would i support money being sucked out of DOJ for an unconstitutional purpose?
(and yes, this really IS unconstitutional, unlike the rest of what you CLAIM is unconstitutional).

and why would i support your right wing social agenda?
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