Tolerance: a rant

Don't want to bake the cake because the customer is gay? Don't like being discriminated against because of your sexual preferences? Don't like it when someone has an opinion you don't like? Get over it. America would be far less divided if we learned to tolerate each other's views and choices. If you don't get your cake, go find someone else to make one for you. But if you're the baker, think long and hard before saying no.
It really is amazing to see how narcissistic and intolerant this country has become, no one willing to give an inch, no one willing to just turn the other cheek now and then.

Not entirely sure how we got here, but it's ugly.
Republicans, and conservatives have been "turning the other cheek" for 8 years. The left is just beside itself that turnabout has taken place.
Don't want to bake the cake because the customer is gay? Don't like being discriminated against because of your sexual preferences? Don't like it when someone has an opinion you don't like? Get over it. America would be far less divided if we learned to tolerate each other's views and choices. If you don't get your cake, go find someone else to make one for you. But if you're the baker, think long and hard before saying no.
It really is amazing to see how narcissistic and intolerant this country has become, no one willing to give an inch, no one willing to just turn the other cheek now and then.

Not entirely sure how we got here, but it's ugly.
Republicans, and conservatives have been "turning the other cheek" for 8 years. The left is just beside itself that turnabout has taken place.
But that's the way it goes: Back and forth, back and forth, all or nothing.

At some point someone has to break the cycle.

Reminds me of the Middle East.
Don't want to bake the cake because the customer is gay? Don't like being discriminated against because of your sexual preferences? Don't like it when someone has an opinion you don't like? Get over it. America would be far less divided if we learned to tolerate each other's views and choices. If you don't get your cake, go find someone else to make one for you. But if you're the baker, think long and hard before saying no.
It really is amazing to see how narcissistic and intolerant this country has become, no one willing to give an inch, no one willing to just turn the other cheek now and then.

Not entirely sure how we got here, but it's ugly.
Republicans, and conservatives have been "turning the other cheek" for 8 years. The left is just beside itself that turnabout has taken place.
But that's the way it goes: Back and forth, back and forth, all or nothing.

At some point someone has to break the cycle.

Reminds me of the Middle East.
Nah. That would lead to stagnation. Stagnation is what has lead to the situation you see in the middle East. While the pendulum endlessly swings from left to right, and back again; our culture seems to move up a rung with each shift, finding its natural center, while moving up.
It really is amazing to see how narcissistic and intolerant this country has become, no one willing to give an inch, no one willing to just turn the other cheek now and then.

Not entirely sure how we got here, but it's ugly.
I can tell you how we got here. It's called fascism. With each passing year the left embraces it more and more.
Look at all of that "tolerance" for "diversity". Seriously...what kind of miserable dirtbag attacks the daughter and grandchildren of a candidate?!? And what has Ivanka ever done except conduct herself with the highest class and dignity. She is not Donald. Progressives are so repugnant.

JetBlue kicks passenger off flight for yelling at Ivanka Trump and her family

What kind of miserable dirtbag attacks President Obama's daughters, implying they are sluts? Or calling Michelle a gorilla in heels?

Maybe it's not just progressives who are so repugnant.
The citizens are going about it all wrong. Let the laws be gay friendly. Then attack the Gays themselves. A man goes into the women's room means he doesn't walk out. Bake the cake and publish the address.

Direct offense isn't going to get it.
It's time to start pulling the antitrust exemptions form these sports organizations that want to start meddling in politics. How's that for tolerance?
Look at all of that "tolerance" for "diversity". Seriously...what kind of miserable dirtbag attacks the daughter and grandchildren of a candidate?!? And what has Ivanka ever done except conduct herself with the highest class and dignity. She is not Donald. Progressives are so repugnant.

JetBlue kicks passenger off flight for yelling at Ivanka Trump and her family

What kind of miserable dirtbag attacks President Obama's daughters, implying they are sluts? Or calling Michelle a gorilla in heels?

Maybe it's not just progressives who are so repugnant.
Calling an adult a "gorilla in heels" on the internet is a far cry from verbally assualting children and grandchildren in person. I'm sure Michelle had no idea that someone was calling her something on the internet.
The citizens are going about it all wrong. Let the laws be gay friendly. Then attack the Gays themselves. A man goes into the women's room means he doesn't walk out. Bake the cake and publish the address.

Direct offense isn't going to get it.
You do realize that progressives will simply create laws making it illegal to post the address of homosexuals, don't you?

By the way - if you post the address of a homosexual and someone does something to them, you will be held criminally liable as the laws stand right now.

Furthermore, I don't think "attacking" anyone is appropriate. I have no desire to "attack" homosexuals. I just don't want be forced into the homosexuality community. They should be able to be gay, I should be able to not take part of their homosexuality.
What kind of miserable dirtbag attacks President Obama's daughters, implying they are sluts? Or calling Michelle a gorilla in heels?
What kind of an asshole would go so far as to make insinuations that Trump has incestuous desires towards his daughter?

The whole idea here is that family should be off limits from scrutiny, no matter how undesirable Trump or Obama may be.
Masters have no tolerance of their slaves. The left seeks to enslave the people to the government. The fruits of our labor confiscated and doled out as the elite left ruling class sees fit. Our wealth capped our freedoms restricted, our obedience enforced. It pisses the left off to no end that we refuse to obey them.
What kind of miserable dirtbag attacks President Obama's daughters, implying they are sluts? Or calling Michelle a gorilla in heels?
What kind of an asshole would go so far as to make insinuations that Trump has incestuous desires towards his daughter?

The whole idea here is that family should be off limits from scrutiny, no matter how undesirable Trump or Obama may be.

Exactly. That is what I have been consistently saying. Leave family members out of it. Michelle as thus far been the recipient of the most gross and vile references I've ever seen to date. And, given Melania's background - I expect the left will match that vileness. They've already started.
Look at all of this "tolerance" by this repulsive progressive. There are so many things wrong here on so many levels:
  • She proudly proclaims herself a "slut" and supports that position with positive points about being a "slut". This is a pig teaching young, impressionable minds. Her words tell young men not to value women, but to see them as nothing but sexual objects for their own pleasure (which explains all of the Democrat male politicians) and it tells young women that they are not worthy of being anything but a sexual object to men.
  • Like all progressive fascists, this repulsive pig cannot accept that someone else has a different opinion, a right to voice that different opinion, and a right to vote however they want.
  • She engages in severe cyber bullying of her once former friend simply because her friend did not vote for who this repulsive progressive pig wanted her to vote for.
As appalling as this story is - there could be a silver lining. This might show a one time Dumbocrat supporter just how ugly and evil that side of the aisle is and turn her into a conservative.

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Conservatives must stop being so passive. It's time to get aggressive and - if necessary - physical with these oppressive fascist progressives. No excuse for these intolerant, cyber-bullying, cowards. If someone does this to you on a college campus, find 'em, break their jaw, and all of this fascist shit will end real quick. Plus, you don't have to listen to people whose jaws have been wired shut. An extra bonus.

College girl who asked for a ride to Trump rally harassed out of school

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