Tolerance: a rant

Opinions about the company aside, I like Google's slogan; be different together.

I'm comfortable with the 50 states being more of a patchwork of quilt squares than a homogenous monochrome.
Disney and Marvel are threatening to take their productions out of Georgia, and the NFL is threatening to remove Atlanta from consideration as a future Super Bowl venue if Governor Deal signs the newly passed Religious Freedom bill, because it allows "discriminatory practices." Perhaps they figure that other people can gain rights while also discriminating (oooh big surprise) against people of faith for not upholding values they see as sinful. Discriminating to stop discrimination as it were.


We all demand it, but we never give it. It would be nice if we lived in a country that allowed controversial viewpoints to receive just as much attention as politically correct ones. It would be great to live in a country which allowed an individual to uphold his or her values in both commerce and in everyday life.

Don't want to bake the cake because the customer is gay? Don't like being discriminated against because of your sexual preferences? Don't like it when someone has an opinion you don't like? Get over it. America would be far less divided if we learned to tolerate each other's views and choices. If you don't get your cake, go find someone else to make one for you. But if you're the baker, think long and hard before saying no.

If someone has an opinion you don't like, accept that reality and move on. Nobody has to be just like you. If someone has their faith to uphold, accept that reality and move on. You don't get to force your values on others. The tolerance road runs both ways. I was in church earlier, and we were discussing on different ways to turn the other cheek. Too many willing to deal the backhand and not many willing to take it. Tolerance isn't unique to one person or another, it's capable of being exercised by everyone. However, if you have no tolerance of someone's beliefs or choices to the point where you are driven to use our legal system to purge them from our society, you in turn deserve no tolerance.

Tolerance of bad behaviour allies you with the bad behaviour.
How ironic I come across this comment when we saw for the majority of last week angry liberals rioting and crying on the streets. I haven't seen you condemn it, therefore I must assume you tolerate it.

See where this slippery slope is going?
I have a game I play with my lefty buddies called unsolicited wisdom. Here ya go:

It is unintelligent to throw away a dictionary because you don't like the definition given to one word within.
Look at all of that progressive "diversity" (it's pretty bad when even liberal institutions are mocking modern-day liberalism!)

The entire thing is bullshit. Won't let men use women's bathroom? Shucks, we'll starve you economically. This BS is EXACTLY why Republicans control shit now.

I told people gay marriage was harmful, but WTF do I know? It wasn't even a legitimate "cause". People just gone bored, really dumb and really corrupt.
Disney and Marvel are threatening to take their productions out of Georgia, and the NFL is threatening to remove Atlanta from consideration as a future Super Bowl venue if Governor Deal signs the newly passed Religious Freedom bill, because it allows "discriminatory practices." Perhaps they figure that other people can gain rights while also discriminating (oooh big surprise) against people of faith for not upholding values they see as sinful. Discriminating to stop discrimination as it were.


We all demand it, but we never give it. It would be nice if we lived in a country that allowed controversial viewpoints to receive just as much attention as politically correct ones. It would be great to live in a country which allowed an individual to uphold his or her values in both commerce and in everyday life.

Don't want to bake the cake because the customer is gay? Don't like being discriminated against because of your sexual preferences? Don't like it when someone has an opinion you don't like? Get over it. America would be far less divided if we learned to tolerate each other's views and choices. If you don't get your cake, go find someone else to make one for you. But if you're the baker, think long and hard before saying no.

If someone has an opinion you don't like, accept that reality and move on. Nobody has to be just like you. If someone has their faith to uphold, accept that reality and move on. You don't get to force your values on others. The tolerance road runs both ways. I was in church earlier, and we were discussing on different ways to turn the other cheek. Too many willing to deal the backhand and not many willing to take it. Tolerance isn't unique to one person or another, it's capable of being exercised by everyone. However, if you have no tolerance of someone's beliefs or choices to the point where you are driven to use our legal system to purge them from our society, you in turn deserve no tolerance.

Same old same old with left wingers, look and act different, but think alike.

Both left and right took umbrage, with Michael Cantrell saying on the conservative Alan West site: “One of the best parts of Donald Trump’s election victory is watching all the nutty left-wing liberals absolutely lose their minds over their huge and historic loss, as it finally dawns on them Americans reject both big government and the criminal cronyism represented by Hillary Clinton”.

Rachel Maddow 'meltdown' fuels mockery from all sides
Don't want to bake the cake because the customer is gay? Don't like being discriminated against because of your sexual preferences? Don't like it when someone has an opinion you don't like? Get over it. America would be far less divided if we learned to tolerate each other's views and choices. If you don't get your cake, go find someone else to make one for you. But if you're the baker, think long and hard before saying no.
It really is amazing to see how narcissistic and intolerant this country has become, no one willing to give an inch, no one willing to just turn the other cheek now and then.

Not entirely sure how we got here, but it's ugly.
Disney and Marvel are threatening to take their productions out of Georgia, and the NFL is threatening to remove Atlanta from consideration as a future Super Bowl venue if Governor Deal signs the newly passed Religious Freedom bill, because it allows "discriminatory practices." Perhaps they figure that other people can gain rights while also discriminating (oooh big surprise) against people of faith for not upholding values they see as sinful. Discriminating to stop discrimination as it were.


We all demand it, but we never give it. It would be nice if we lived in a country that allowed controversial viewpoints to receive just as much attention as politically correct ones. It would be great to live in a country which allowed an individual to uphold his or her values in both commerce and in everyday life.

Don't want to bake the cake because the customer is gay? Don't like being discriminated against because of your sexual preferences? Don't like it when someone has an opinion you don't like? Get over it. America would be far less divided if we learned to tolerate each other's views and choices. If you don't get your cake, go find someone else to make one for you. But if you're the baker, think long and hard before saying no.

If someone has an opinion you don't like, accept that reality and move on. Nobody has to be just like you. If someone has their faith to uphold, accept that reality and move on. You don't get to force your values on others. The tolerance road runs both ways. I was in church earlier, and we were discussing on different ways to turn the other cheek. Too many willing to deal the backhand and not many willing to take it. Tolerance isn't unique to one person or another, it's capable of being exercised by everyone. However, if you have no tolerance of someone's beliefs or choices to the point where you are driven to use our legal system to purge them from our society, you in turn deserve no tolerance.
Democrat tolerance....


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