"tolerance' 'diversity'

Sacrificing Military Women on the Altar of ‘Diversity’

September 6, 2013 By Arnold Ahlert


On June 5, 2013, the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) approved legislation to address sexual harassment in the military. Yet what HASC failed to address is the far more important and potentially devastating issue of the Obama administration’s determination to put women in direct ground combat. When the Center for Military Readiness (CMR) asked senior Republican staffers why the organization’s analysis, “Sound Policy for Women in Military,” was ignored, the center was told leaders feared being labeled “anti-woman.” In short, little political will exists to oppose Obama’s new policies, which will endanger women and military integrity — all for the sake of “diversity.”

Last January, outgoing Secretary of State Leon Panetta lifted the 1994 Combat Exclusion Rule that had prohibited women from serving in frontline combat units. This paved the way for women to join elite units such as the Army Rangers and Navy SEALs. It also does not merely lift restrictions on women’s integration in direct ground combat, but allows women to be assigned — or forced — into such situations. A compliance deadline was set for June 2016.


With regard to women in combat, it is an agenda destined to exact a price far greater than the nearly 150 military women who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan during the course of those wars. Yet for the Obama administration, higher numbers of dead and wounded women is a reasonable tradeoff. With all due respect to Gen. Dempsey, perhaps a conversation about that reality is far more important.

How Cowards Are Pushing Women into Combat

September 10, 2013 By Andrew Harrod


The January 24, 2013, Obama Administration decision to open ground combat units to women “is contradicted by science, all empirical data, the experience of other nations, and common sense,” Maginnis writes. While there is “no question” that “American women have served the nation honorably,” Obama’s policy “is immoral and un-American.” “Radical feminism…at war with human nature itself,” not combat efficiency, is the reason for Obama’s policy.

Along with a “bankrupt political class,” America’s “senior generals are showing moral cowardice” by not speaking out against this dangerous agenda. Maginnis criticizes that these senior officers, who, surveys indicate, stay in the military after the best officers have left, are “agreeable bobblehead dolls” as shown by the American military’s about-face on homosexuality. Additionally, none of the current Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) accepting female fighting is a ground combat veteran.


How Cowards Are Pushing Women into Combat | FrontPage Magazine
May 23, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Why did the Manchester Arena bombing by Muslim second-generation refugee terrorist Salman Abedi.happen? Please allow Greater Manchester Chief Constable Ian Hopkins to demonstrate.

"Can I start by once again passing on our heartfelt sympathies to all the innocent people caught up in last night's despicable act"

Despicable act. Not terrorism.

"We understand that feelings are very raw right now and people are bound to be looking for answers. However, now, more than ever, it is vital that our diverse communities in Greater Manchester stand together and do not tolerate hate."

Feelings do get raw when Britons must pull Muslims nails out of the bodies of their children.

One hopes that none of those dying in the latest Muslim terror attack experienced any feelings of Islamophobia in the process.


Manchester Top Cop Emphasizes "Diversity", Warns Against "Hate"

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