Tolerance to Gay lifestyle

Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.
You seem to be asserting that homosexual = pedophile.

You seem to be asserting that they're not.
You are aware that the vast majority of pedophiles are, indeed, heterosexuals, right?

Bullshit. On a per capita basis, queers are 10 times more likely to be pedophiles.
Could you please prove this, or are you making this stuff up as you go along?
"Could you please prove this, or are you making this stuff up as you go along?"

You need to be from San Francisco like some of the rest of us here, gramps. Ever heard of NAMBLA? They're seven chapters in the Bay-Area alone, big chapters. Queers there also celebrate the raping of kids on public radio stations., and in gayday parades. Get a fucking clue.

"We're coming to take your children! We're coming to take your children! We're coming to take your children!"--queer marching chant, 2008 Boston "gay pride" parade
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You need to be from San Francisco like some of the rest of us here, gramps. Ever heard of NAMBLA? They're seven chapters in the Bay-Area alone, big chapters. Queers there also celebrate the raping of kids on public radio stations. Get a fucking clue.
So you ARE making this stuff up as you go along.
Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.
You seem to be asserting that homosexual = pedophile.

You seem to be asserting that they're not.
You are aware that the vast majority of pedophiles are, indeed, heterosexuals, right?

Homophobes know this- but don't care.

They only raise the issue of child sexual molestation to attack homosexuals.

Little girls molested by men?

They never care about them.
"Could you please prove this, or are you making this stuff up as you go along?"

You need to be from San Francisco like some of the rest of us here, gramps. Ever heard of NAMBLA? They're seven chapters in the Bay-Area alone, big chapters. Queers there also celebrate the raping of kids on public radio stations., and in gayday parades. Get a fucking clue.

"We're coming to take your children! We're coming to take your children! We're coming to take your children!"--queer marching chant, 2008 Boston "gay pride" parade

Like I said- homophobes just use the issue of child molestation to attack homosexuals.

Little girls raped by men- they could care less.
Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.
You seem to be asserting that homosexual = pedophile.

You seem to be asserting that they're not.
How is homosexual automatically equated with pedophiles when MOST children molested are hetero men...notably by family members and friends?

Yea, I've heard that bullshit litany a million times. So why did the Catholic Church kick out ALL the queer priests, thousands of them? Waiting breathlessly to hear your theory.

Because they didn't?
You need to be from San Francisco like some of the rest of us here, gramps. Ever heard of NAMBLA? They're seven chapters in the Bay-Area alone, big chapters. Queers there also celebrate the raping of kids on public radio stations. Get a fucking clue.
So you ARE making this stuff up as you go along.

Deny, deny, deny. It's the most hallowed tenet of the queer. And you sound like a world-class creep as well.
Really what a sick and lonely life it must be to be a rabid hateful homophobe living in San Francisco?

Confronted every day by homosexuals being completely normal, being offended by the sight of two men holding hands, having to deal with heterosexual people who don't mutter 'faggots' under their breath every time they have to drive down Market passed Castro Street.
Listen to these creeps. Hey idiots. Explain NAMBLA, or is that another figment of the homophobe boogieman? As many as 600 pedophile homocreeps were members just in the San Francisco main library chapter...and there're 7 chapters in the Bay-Area.
Listen to these creeps. Hey idiots. Explain NAMBLA, or is that another figment of the homophobe boogieman? As many as 600 pedophile homocreeps were members just in the San Francisco main library chapter...and there're 7 chapters in the Bay-Area.

Like I said- homophobes just use the issue of child molestation to attack homosexuals.

Little girls raped by men- they could care less
Listen to these creeps. Hey idiots. Explain NAMBLA, or is that another figment of the homophobe boogieman? As many as 600 pedophile homocreeps were members just in the San Francisco main library chapter...and there're 7 chapters in the Bay-Area.

You seem to have a lot of inside knowledge about NAMBLA.
Listen to these creeps. Hey idiots. Explain NAMBLA, or is that another figment of the homophobe boogieman? As many as 600 pedophile homocreeps were members just in the San Francisco main library chapter...and there're 7 chapters in the Bay-Area.

Like I said- homophobes just use the issue of child molestation to attack homosexuals.

Little girls raped by men- they could care less

Avoid the issue of NABLA, dumbass. What's the matter? Queer reality biting you in the ass? Can't handle it? Deny, deny, deny?
Those who think its their business should boycott businesses who accept or support marriage equality, right?


Get government and religion out of our private lives.

Then stop DEMANDING that government be involved you lying hypocrite.
Listen to these creeps. Hey idiots. Explain NAMBLA, or is that another figment of the homophobe boogieman? As many as 600 pedophile homocreeps were members just in the San Francisco main library chapter...and there're 7 chapters in the Bay-Area.

You seem to have a lot of inside knowledge about NAMBLA.

So ahhh...queers. How did that "L" get into NAMBLA? Why do queers consider it an act of "love" to rape defenseless children? Explain that one for me, while you're off on your "homophobe" rants.
Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.
You seem to be asserting that homosexual = pedophile.

You seem to be asserting that they're not.
How is homosexual automatically equated with pedophiles when MOST children molested are hetero men...notably by family members and friends?
Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.
You seem to be asserting that homosexual = pedophile.

You seem to be asserting that they're not.
You are aware that the vast majority of pedophiles are, indeed, heterosexuals, right?

Bullshit. On a per capita basis, queers are 10 times more likely to be pedophiles.
Is that why Salt Lake City is the gayest city in the USA?
Listen to these creeps. Hey idiots. Explain NAMBLA, or is that another figment of the homophobe boogieman? As many as 600 pedophile homocreeps were members just in the San Francisco main library chapter...and there're 7 chapters in the Bay-Area.

Like I said- homophobes just use the issue of child molestation to attack homosexuals.

Little girls raped by men- they could care less

Avoid the issue of NABLA, dumbass. What's the matter? Queer reality biting you in the ass? Can't handle it? Deny, deny, deny?

Like I said- homophobes just use the issue of child molestation to attack homosexuals.

Little girls raped by men- they could care less
Listen to these creeps. Hey idiots. Explain NAMBLA, or is that another figment of the homophobe boogieman? As many as 600 pedophile homocreeps were members just in the San Francisco main library chapter...and there're 7 chapters in the Bay-Area.

You seem to have a lot of inside knowledge about NAMBLA.

So ahhh...queers. How did that "L" get into NAMBLA? Why do queers consider it an act of "love" to rape defenseless children? Explain that one for me, while you're off on your "homophobe" rants.

You are the one claims the inside knowledge of NAMBLA- tell us?
Listen to these creeps. Hey idiots. Explain NAMBLA, or is that another figment of the homophobe boogieman? As many as 600 pedophile homocreeps were members just in the San Francisco main library chapter...and there're 7 chapters in the Bay-Area.

You seem to have a lot of inside knowledge about NAMBLA.

So ahhh...queers. How did that "L" get into NAMBLA? Why do queers consider it an act of "love" to rape defenseless children? Explain that one for me, while you're off on your "homophobe" rants.

You are the one claims the inside knowledge of NAMBLA- tell us?

Yea, deflect, deny, avoid. You think I just started exposing queer creeps, yesterday? ANSWER THE QUESTION!

How did that "L" get into NAMBLA? Why do queers consider it an act of "love" to rape defenseless children? Explain that one for me, while you're off on your "homophobe" rants.

Gosh, the silence around here seems to have grown deafening.
Queer "marriage equality" = deep mental illness = Karl Jung's societal "sick contract" = "I'll get my degenerate, STD infected hands on little kids legally, just you wait and see."

Queer academia, the American Psychological Association, and all the other sick fucks propagating this criminal charade, this mental illness, have now declared homosexual pedophilia "a lifestyle". They've written "studies" to prove it. Studies. So there you have it. Case closed. They've got studies. It's OK to terrorize and molest children put in your trust. I mean Harvey Milk did it and he's got a movie and a stamp. Thousands of Catholic priests did it, so it must be OK with God.

Fuck you. I know what your agenda is all about. And I'll fight to protect your potential child victims till the day I drop.
You seem to be asserting that homosexual = pedophile.

You seem to be asserting that they're not.
How is homosexual automatically equated with pedophiles when MOST children molested are hetero men...notably by family members and friends?

Yea, I've heard that bullshit litany a million times. So why did the Catholic Church kick out ALL the queer priests, thousands of them? Waiting breathlessly to hear your theory.
What makes you only focus on the priests who molested boys.....many molested girls AND both.
Is that why Salt Lake City is the gayest city in the USA?

You mean Portland, Oregon, don't you? All fables. San Francisco is at least 35% queer. I'll bet it still holds the distinction as queerest city in America, if not the world.

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