Tom Barrack, chaired Trump’s 2017 inauguration , arrested for unlawfully influencing the foreign policy of Trump's administration in favor of the UAE

Over and over again, the UAE got what they wanted because they had a highly placed source at the very top of the US government. They got what they wanted. It worked for them
Drumpf must be really unlucky. He is fucking surrounded by criminals. Whats that now like 20 people? Face it. Drumpf is a fucking crime overlord.

... used that friendship to get language inserted into the then-candidate's energy speech in 2016 about the importance of working with "our Gulf allies" at the behest of Emirati officials, the indictment said.
another criminal around Trump. he is Lebanese, so he is of Arab descent, helping the country of United Arab Emirates

If he was guilty of this then everyone should celebrate his arrest.

Now where are such arrests for the last 30 years of high ranking officials helping the CCP decimate America, her citizens and your industries?
Over and over again, the UAE got what they wanted because they had a highly placed source at the very top of the US government. They got what they wanted. It worked for them
That's funny, I can't recall a single Jew or Israeli coming under the same condemnation or, heaven help us, actually being arrested for the full blown wanton influence by an army of foreign agents for Israel that occurs every day of the week in DC, the corrupt Sewish jewer south of Maryland.
If he was guilty of this then everyone should celebrate his arrest.

Now where are such arrests for the last 30 years of high ranking officials helping the CCP decimate America, her citizens and your industries?
"e CCP decimate America, " CCP is nothing, nothing compared to Israeli corruption and Jewish treason
If he was guilty of this then everyone should celebrate his arrest.

Now where are such arrests for the last 30 years of high ranking officials helping the CCP decimate America, her citizens and your industries?
Show us the evidence and take it to court.
Show us the evidence and take it to court.

Data alone is enough of a smoking gun to ask "how did a Communist nation that is diametrically opposed to our system become so rewarded by Western riches"?

I could post the trade discrepancy increase, the manufacturing jobs shipped to the CCP along with GDP growth differences across various charts and data sources.

It wouldn't matter, you'd just pretend China that was a free and open capitalist system that just out innovated the West. No politician could have protected America from this exploit. It was "inevitable".
Data alone is enough of a smoking gun to ask "how did a Communist nation that is diametrically opposed to our system become so rewarded by Western riches"?

I could post the trade discrepancy increase, the manufacturing jobs shipped to the CCP along with GDP growth differences across various charts and data sources.

It wouldn't matter, you'd just pretend China that was a free and open capitalist system that just out innovated the West. No politician could have protected America from this exploit. It was "inevitable".
So you havent taken any evidence to court? Wake me when you do.
Illegal lobbying? Are Bidenistas going to search for technical crimes that everyone is guilty of and only prosecute republicans? The freaking country is falling apart and they are looking for year old illegal lobbying? Give me a freaking break
another criminal around Trump. he is Lebanese, so he is of Arab descent, helping the country of United Arab Emirates

How soon will this crook roll over for the prosecutors and provide evidence against the trump Nazis' wannabe führer/cult leader?

Tom Barrack "wanted to remake the Middle East to counter the influence of Iran with the covert assistance of a highly placed American politician"

that politician's Donald J Trump
another Lebanese American, a guy named George Nader, became in 2018 "the focus" of a federal investigation over "attempts by the Emiratis to buy political influence by directing money to support Trump in the 2016 campaign"

sound familiar?
as recently as 2015, Trump partnered with a billionaire from the UAE named Hussein Sajwani to build to massive Trump towers in Dubai

what goes around comes around, my friends

the Trump administration was a haven for gangsters like Tom Barrack, mobsters like Paul Manafort, and grifters like Rudy Giuliani

we can only thank God it's over

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